package com.fasterxml.aalto.util;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;

import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedArrayDecoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedXMLStreamException;

import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.CharArrayBase64Decoder;


Class conceptually similar to StringBuilder, but that allows for bit more efficient building, using segmented internal buffers, and direct access to these buffers.
/** * Class conceptually similar to {@link java.lang.StringBuilder}, but * that allows for bit more efficient building, using segmented internal * buffers, and direct access to these buffers. */
public final class TextBuilder { final static char[] sNoChars = new char[0];
Size of the first text segment buffer to allocate. Need not contain the biggest segment, since new ones will get allocated as needed. However, it's sensible to use something that often is big enough to contain typical segments.
/** * Size of the first text segment buffer to allocate. Need not contain * the biggest segment, since new ones will get allocated as needed. * However, it's sensible to use something that often is big enough * to contain typical segments. */
final static int DEF_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE = 500; // 1k final static int MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH = 256 * 1024; final static int INT_SPACE = 0x0020; // // // Configuration: private final ReaderConfig _config; // // // Internal non-shared collector buffers:
List of segments prior to currently active segment.
/** * List of segments prior to currently active segment. */
private ArrayList<char[]> _segments; // // // Currently used segment; not (yet) contained in _segments
Amount of characters in segments in _segments
/** * Amount of characters in segments in {@link _segments} */
private int _segmentSize; private char[] _currentSegment;
Number of characters in currently active (last) segment
/** * Number of characters in currently active (last) segment */
private int _currentSize; // // // Temporary caching for Objects to return
String that will be constructed when the whole contents are needed; will be temporarily stored in case asked for again.
/** * String that will be constructed when the whole contents are * needed; will be temporarily stored in case asked for again. */
private String _resultString; private char[] _resultArray;
Indicator for length of data with _resultArray, iff the primary indicator (_currentSize) is invalid (-1).
/** * Indicator for length of data with <code>_resultArray</code>, iff * the primary indicator (_currentSize) is invalid (-1). */
private int _resultLen; /* /********************************************************************** /* Support for decoding, for Typed Access API /********************************************************************** */ private char[] _decodeBuffer; private int _decodePtr; private int _decodeEnd; /* /********************************************************************** /* Support for optimizating indentation segments: /********************************************************************** */
Marker to know if the contents currently stored were created using "indentation detection". If so, it's known to be all white space
/** * Marker to know if the contents currently stored were created * using "indentation detection". If so, it's known to be all * white space */
private boolean _isIndentation = false; // // // Canonical indentation objects (up to 32 spaces, 8 tabs) public final static int MAX_INDENT_SPACES = 32; public final static int MAX_INDENT_TABS = 8; // Let's add one more space at the end, for safety... private final static String sIndSpaces = // 123456789012345678901234567890123 "\n "; private final static char[] sIndSpacesArray = sIndSpaces.toCharArray(); private final static String[] sIndSpacesStrings = new String[sIndSpacesArray.length]; private final static String sIndTabs = // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; private final static char[] sIndTabsArray = sIndTabs.toCharArray(); private final static String[] sIndTabsStrings = new String[sIndTabsArray.length]; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ private TextBuilder(ReaderConfig cfg) { _config = cfg; } public static TextBuilder createRecyclableBuffer(ReaderConfig cfg) { return new TextBuilder(cfg); }
Method called to indicate that the underlying buffers should now be recycled if they haven't yet been recycled. Although caller can still use this text buffer, it is not advisable to call this method if that is likely, since next time a buffer is needed, buffers need to reallocated. Note: calling this method automatically also clears contents of the buffer.
/** * Method called to indicate that the underlying buffers should now * be recycled if they haven't yet been recycled. Although caller * can still use this text buffer, it is not advisable to call this * method if that is likely, since next time a buffer is needed, * buffers need to reallocated. * Note: calling this method automatically also clears contents * of the buffer. */
public void recycle(boolean force) { if (_config != null && _currentSegment != null) { if (force) { /* shouldn't call resetWithEmpty, as that would allocate * initial buffer; but need to inline */ _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; } else { /* But if there's non-shared data (ie. buffer is still * in use), can't return it yet: */ if ((_segmentSize + _currentSize) > 0) { return; } } // If no data (or only shared data), can continue if (_segments != null && _segments.size() > 0) { // No need to use anything from list, curr segment not null _segments.clear(); _segmentSize = 0; } char[] buf = _currentSegment; _currentSegment = null; _config.freeMediumCBuffer(buf); } }
Method called to clear out any content text buffer may have, and initializes and returns the first segment to add characters to.
/** * Method called to clear out any content text buffer may have, and * initializes and returns the first segment to add characters to. */
public char[] resetWithEmpty() { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; _isIndentation = false; // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary: if (_segments != null && _segments.size() > 0) { /* Since the current segment should be the biggest one * (as we allocate 50% bigger each time), let's retain it, * and clear others */ _segments.clear(); _segmentSize = 0; } _currentSize = 0; if (_currentSegment == null) { _currentSegment = allocBuffer(0); } return _currentSegment; } public void resetWithIndentation(int indCharCount, char indChar) { // First reset internal input buffers, if necessary: if (_segments != null && _segments.size() > 0) { _segments.clear(); _segmentSize = 0; } _currentSize = -1; _isIndentation = true; String text; int strlen = indCharCount+1; _resultLen = strlen; if (indChar == '\t') { // tabs? _resultArray = sIndTabsArray; text = sIndTabsStrings[indCharCount]; if (text == null) { sIndTabsStrings[indCharCount] = text = sIndTabs.substring(0, strlen); } } else { // nope, spaces (should assert indChar?) _resultArray = sIndSpacesArray; text = sIndSpacesStrings[indCharCount]; if (text == null) { sIndSpacesStrings[indCharCount] = text = sIndSpaces.substring(0, strlen); } } _resultString = text; }
Method called to initialize the buffer with just a single char
/** * Method called to initialize the buffer with just a single char */
public void resetWithChar(char c) { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; _isIndentation = false; // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary: if (_segments != null && _segments.size() > 0) { _segments.clear(); _segmentSize = 0; } _currentSize = 1; if (_currentSegment == null) { _currentSegment = allocBuffer(1); } _currentSegment[0] = c; } public void resetWithSurrogate(int c) { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; _isIndentation = false; // And then reset internal input buffers, if necessary: if (_segments != null && _segments.size() > 0) { _segments.clear(); _segmentSize = 0; } _currentSize = 2; if (_currentSegment == null) { _currentSegment = allocBuffer(2); } _currentSegment[0] = (char) (0xD800 | (c >> 10)); _currentSegment[1] = (char) (0xDC00 | (c & 0x3FF)); } public char[] getBufferWithoutReset() { return _currentSegment; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Accessors for implementing StAX interface: /********************************************************************** */
Returns:Number of characters currently stored by this collector
/** * @return Number of characters currently stored by this collector */
public int size() { int size = _currentSize; // Will be -1 only if we have shared white space if (size < 0) { return _resultLen; } return size + _segmentSize; } public char[] getTextBuffer() { // Does it fit in just one segment? if (_segments == null || _segments.size() == 0) { // But is it whitespace, actually? if (_resultArray != null) { return _resultArray; } return _currentSegment; } // Nope, need to have/create a non-segmented array and return it return contentsAsArray(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Accessors for text contained /********************************************************************** */ public String contentsAsString() { if (_resultString == null) { // Has array been requested? Can make a shortcut, if so: if (_resultArray != null) { _resultString = new String(_resultArray); } else { // Let's optimize common case: nothing in extra segments: int segLen = _segmentSize; int currLen = _currentSize; if (segLen == 0) { _resultString = (currLen == 0) ? "" : new String(_currentSegment, 0, currLen); return _resultString; } // Nope, need to combine: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(segLen + currLen); // First stored segments if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) { char[] curr = (char[]) _segments.get(i); sb.append(curr, 0, curr.length); } } // And finally, current segment: sb.append(_currentSegment, 0, currLen); _resultString = sb.toString(); } } return _resultString; } public char[] contentsAsArray() { char[] result = _resultArray; if (result == null) { _resultArray = result = buildResultArray(); } return result; } public int contentsToArray(int srcStart, char[] dst, int dstStart, int len) { /* Could also check if we have array, but that'd only help with * brain dead clients that get full array first, then segments... * which hopefully aren't that common */ // Copying from segmented array is bit more involved: int totalAmount = 0; if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, segc = _segments.size(); i < segc; ++i) { char[] segment = (char[]) _segments.get(i); int segLen = segment.length; int amount = segLen - srcStart; if (amount < 1) { // nothing from this segment? srcStart -= segLen; continue; } if (amount >= len) { // can get rest from this segment? System.arraycopy(segment, srcStart, dst, dstStart, len); return (totalAmount + len); } // Can get some from this segment, offset becomes zero: System.arraycopy(segment, srcStart, dst, dstStart, amount); totalAmount += amount; dstStart += amount; len -= amount; srcStart = 0; } } // Need to copy anything from last segment? if (len > 0) { int maxAmount = _currentSize - srcStart; if (len > maxAmount) { len = maxAmount; } if (len > 0) { // should always be true System.arraycopy(_currentSegment, srcStart, dst, dstStart, len); totalAmount += len; } } return totalAmount; }
Method that will stream contents of this buffer into specified Writer.
/** * Method that will stream contents of this buffer into specified * Writer. */
public int rawContentsTo(Writer w) throws IOException { // Let's first see if we have created helper objects: if (_resultArray != null) { w.write(_resultArray); return _resultArray.length; } if (_resultString != null) { w.write(_resultString); return _resultString.length(); } // Nope, need to do full segmented output int rlen = 0; if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) { char[] ch = (char[]) _segments.get(i); w.write(ch); rlen += ch.length; } } if (_currentSize > 0) { w.write(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize); rlen += _currentSize; } return rlen; } public boolean isAllWhitespace() { if (_isIndentation) { return true; } // Need to do full segmented output, otherwise if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) { char[] buf = (char[]) _segments.get(i); for (int j = 0, len2 = buf.length; j < len2; ++j) { if (buf[j] > 0x0020) { return false; } } } } char[] buf = _currentSegment; for (int i = 0, len = _currentSize; i < len; ++i) { if (buf[i] > 0x0020) { return false; } } return true; }
Method that can be used to check if the contents of the buffer end in specified String.
Returns:True if the textual content buffer contains ends with the specified String; false otherwise
/** * Method that can be used to check if the contents of the buffer end * in specified String. * * @return True if the textual content buffer contains ends with the * specified String; false otherwise */
public boolean endsWith(String str) { int segIndex = (_segments == null) ? 0 : _segments.size(); int inIndex = str.length() - 1; char[] buf = _currentSegment; int bufIndex = _currentSize-1; while (inIndex >= 0) { if (str.charAt(inIndex) != buf[bufIndex]) { return false; } if (--inIndex == 0) { break; } if (--bufIndex < 0) { if (--segIndex < 0) { // no more data? return false; } buf = (char[]) _segments.get(segIndex); bufIndex = buf.length-1; } } return true; }
Note: it is assumed that this method is not used often enough to be a bottleneck, or for long segments. Based on this, it is optimized for common simple cases where there is only one single character segment to use; fallback for other cases is to create such segment.
/** * Note: it is assumed that this method is not used often enough to * be a bottleneck, or for long segments. Based on this, it is optimized * for common simple cases where there is only one single character * segment to use; fallback for other cases is to create such segment. */
public boolean equalsString(String str) { int expLen = str.length(); // Otherwise, segments: if (expLen != size()) { return false; } char[] seg; if (_segments == null || _segments.size() == 0) { // just one segment, still easy seg = _currentSegment; } else { /* Ok; this is the sub-optimal case. Could obviously juggle through * segments, but probably not worth the hassle, we seldom if ever * get here... */ seg = contentsAsArray(); } for (int i = 0; i < expLen; ++i) { if (seg[i] != str.charAt(i)) { return false; } } return true; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for generating SAX events /********************************************************************** */
This is a specialized "accessor" method, which is basically to fire SAX characters() events in an optimal way, based on which internal buffers are being used
/** * This is a specialized "accessor" method, which is basically * to fire SAX characters() events in an optimal way, based on * which internal buffers are being used */
public void fireSaxCharacterEvents(ContentHandler h) throws SAXException { if (_resultArray != null) { // only happens for indentation h.characters(_resultArray, 0, _resultLen); } else { if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) { char[] ch = (char[]) _segments.get(i); h.characters(ch, 0, ch.length); } } if (_currentSize > 0) { h.characters(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize); } } } public void fireSaxSpaceEvents(ContentHandler h) throws SAXException { if (_resultArray != null) { // only happens for indentation h.ignorableWhitespace(_resultArray, 0, _resultLen); } else { if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) { char[] ch = (char[]) _segments.get(i); h.ignorableWhitespace(ch, 0, ch.length); } } if (_currentSize > 0) { h.ignorableWhitespace(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize); } } } public void fireSaxCommentEvent(LexicalHandler h) throws SAXException { // Comment can not be split, so may need to combine the array if (_resultArray != null) { // only happens for indentation h.comment(_resultArray, 0, _resultLen); } else if (_segments != null && _segments.size() > 0) { char[] ch = contentsAsArray(); h.comment(ch, 0, ch.length); } else { h.comment(_currentSegment, 0, _currentSize); } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Support for validation /********************************************************************** */ /* public void validateText(XMLValidator vld, boolean lastSegment) throws XMLValidationException { // Can either create a combine buffer, or construct // a String. While former could be more efficient, let's do latter // for now since current validator implementations work better // with Strings. vld.validateText(contentsAsString(), lastSegment); } */ /* /********************************************************************** /* Public mutators: /********************************************************************** */ public void append(char c) { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; // Room in current segment? char[] curr = _currentSegment; if (_currentSize >= curr.length) { expand(1); } curr[_currentSize++] = c; } public void appendSurrogate(int surr) { append((char) (0xD800 | (surr >> 10))); append((char) (0xDC00 | (surr & 0x3FF))); } public void append(char[] c, int start, int len) { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; // Room in current segment? char[] curr = _currentSegment; int max = curr.length - _currentSize; if (max >= len) { System.arraycopy(c, start, curr, _currentSize, len); _currentSize += len; } else { // No room for all, need to copy part(s): if (max > 0) { System.arraycopy(c, start, curr, _currentSize, max); start += max; len -= max; } /* And then allocate new segment; we are guaranteed to now * have enough room in segment. */ expand(len); // note: curr != _currentSegment after this System.arraycopy(c, start, _currentSegment, 0, len); _currentSize = len; } } public void append(String str) { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; int len = str.length(); // Room in current segment? char[] curr = _currentSegment; int max = curr.length - _currentSize; if (max >= len) { str.getChars(0, len, curr, _currentSize); _currentSize += len; } else { // No room for all, need to copy part(s): if (max > 0) { str.getChars(0, max, curr, _currentSize); len -= max; } /* And then allocate new segment; we are guaranteed to now * have enough room in segment. */ expand(len); str.getChars(max, max+len, _currentSegment, 0); _currentSize = len; } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Raw access, for high-performance use: /********************************************************************** */ public int getCurrentLength() { return _currentSize; } public void setCurrentLength(int len) { _currentSize = len; } public char[] finishCurrentSegment() { if (_segments == null) { _segments = new ArrayList<char[]>(); } _segments.add(_currentSegment); int oldLen = _currentSegment.length; _segmentSize += oldLen; char[] curr = new char[calcNewSize(oldLen)]; _currentSize = 0; _currentSegment = curr; return curr; } private int calcNewSize(int latestSize) { // Let's grow segments by 50%, when over 8k int incr = (latestSize < 8000) ? latestSize : (latestSize >> 1); int size = latestSize + incr; // but let's not create too big chunks return Math.min(size, MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Methods for implementing Typed Access API /********************************************************************** */
Method called by the stream reader to decode space-separated tokens that are part of the current text event (contents of which are stored within this buffer), using given decoder.
/** * Method called by the stream reader to decode space-separated tokens * that are part of the current text event (contents of which * are stored within this buffer), using given decoder. */
public int decodeElements(TypedArrayDecoder tad, boolean reset) throws TypedXMLStreamException { if (reset) { resetForDecode(); } int ptr = _decodePtr; final char[] buf = _decodeBuffer; int count = 0; // And then let's decode int start = ptr; try { final int end = _decodeEnd; decode_loop: while (ptr < end) { // First, any space to skip? while (buf[ptr] <= INT_SPACE) { if (++ptr >= end) { break decode_loop; } } // Then let's figure out non-space char (token) start = ptr; ++ptr; while (ptr < end && buf[ptr] > INT_SPACE) { ++ptr; } ++count; int tokenEnd = ptr; ++ptr; // to skip trailing space (or, beyond end) // And there we have it if (tad.decodeValue(buf, start, tokenEnd)) { break; } _decodePtr = ptr; } _decodePtr = ptr; } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { // Need to convert to a checked stream exception to return lexical // -1 to move it back after being advanced earlier (to skip trailing space) String lexical = new String(buf, start, (ptr-start-1)); throw new TypedXMLStreamException(lexical, iae.getMessage(), iae); } return count; }
Method called to initialize given base64 decoder with data contained in this text buffer (for the current event).
/** * Method called to initialize given base64 decoder with data * contained in this text buffer (for the current event). */
public void resetForBinaryDecode(Base64Variant v, CharArrayBase64Decoder dec, boolean firstChunk) { // just one special case, indentation... if (_segments == null || _segments.size() == 0) { // single segment if (_isIndentation) { // but special one, indent/ws dec.init(v, firstChunk, _resultArray, 0, _resultArray.length, null); return; } } dec.init(v, firstChunk, _currentSegment, 0, _currentSize, _segments); } private final void resetForDecode() { /* This is very similar to getTextBuffer(), except * for assignment to _decodeXxx fields */ _decodePtr = 0; if (_segments == null || _segments.size() == 0) { // single segment if (_isIndentation) { // but special one, indent/ws _decodeBuffer = _resultArray; _decodeEnd = _resultArray.length; } else { // nope, just a regular buffer _decodeBuffer = _currentSegment; _decodeEnd = _currentSize; } } else { // Nope, need to have/create a non-segmented array and return it _decodeBuffer = contentsAsArray(); _decodeEnd = _decodeBuffer.length; } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Standard methods: /********************************************************************** */
Note: calling this method may not be as efficient as calling contentsAsString, since it is guaranteed that resulting String is NOT cached (to ensure we see no stale data)
/** * Note: calling this method may not be as efficient as calling * {@link #contentsAsString}, since it is guaranteed that resulting * String is NOT cached (to ensure we see no stale data) */
@Override public String toString() { _resultString = null; _resultArray = null; return contentsAsString(); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods: /********************************************************************** */ private final char[] allocBuffer(int minNeeded) { int size = Math.max(DEF_INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE, minNeeded); char[] buf = null; if (_config != null) { buf = _config.allocMediumCBuffer(size); if (buf != null) { return buf; } } return new char[size]; }
Method called when current segment is full, to allocate new segment.
/** * Method called when current segment is full, to allocate new * segment. */
private void expand(int roomNeeded) { // First, let's move current segment to segment list: if (_segments == null) { _segments = new ArrayList<char[]>(); } char[] curr = _currentSegment; _segments.add(curr); int oldLen = curr.length; _segmentSize += oldLen; int newSize = Math.max(roomNeeded, calcNewSize(oldLen)); curr = new char[newSize]; _currentSize = 0; _currentSegment = curr; } private char[] buildResultArray() { if (_resultString != null) { // Can take a shortcut... return _resultString.toCharArray(); } char[] result; int size = size(); if (size < 1) { return sNoChars; } int offset = 0; result = new char[size]; if (_segments != null) { for (int i = 0, len = _segments.size(); i < len; ++i) { char[] curr = _segments.get(i); int currLen = curr.length; System.arraycopy(curr, 0, result, offset, currLen); offset += currLen; } } System.arraycopy(_currentSegment, 0, result, offset, _currentSize); return result; } }