/* Woodstox Lite ("wool") XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in the file LICENSE which is
 * included with the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.fasterxml.aalto.in;

import java.io.*;

import javax.xml.stream.Location;
import javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamException;

import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.IoStreamException;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.impl.LocationImpl;
import com.fasterxml.aalto.util.CharsetNames;

Class that takes care of bootstrapping main document input from a byte-oriented input source: usually either an InputStream, or a block source like byte array.
/** * Class that takes care of bootstrapping main document input from * a byte-oriented input source: usually either an <code>InputStream</code>, * or a block source like byte array. */
public final class ByteSourceBootstrapper extends InputBootstrapper { private final static byte BYTE_NULL = (byte) 0; private final static byte BYTE_CR = (byte) '\r'; private final static byte BYTE_LF = (byte) '\n'; /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************************** */
Underlying InputStream to use for reading content.
/** * Underlying InputStream to use for reading content. */
final InputStream _in; /* /********************************************************************** /* Input buffering /********************************************************************** */ final byte[] _inputBuffer; private int _inputPtr; private int _inputLen; /* /********************************************************************** /* Data gathered /********************************************************************** */ boolean mBigEndian = true; int mBytesPerChar = 0; // 0 means "dunno yet" boolean mHadBOM = false; boolean mByteSizeFound = false; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ private ByteSourceBootstrapper(ReaderConfig cfg, InputStream in) { super(cfg); _in = in; _inputBuffer = cfg.allocFullBBuffer(4000); _inputLen = _inputPtr = 0; } private ByteSourceBootstrapper(ReaderConfig cfg, byte[] inputBuffer, int inputStart, int inputLen) { super(cfg); _in = null; _inputBuffer = inputBuffer; _inputPtr = inputStart; _inputLen = (inputStart + inputLen); // Need to offset this, to keep location correct _inputProcessed = -inputStart; } public static ByteSourceBootstrapper construct(ReaderConfig cfg, InputStream in) throws XMLStreamException { return new ByteSourceBootstrapper(cfg, in); } public static ByteSourceBootstrapper construct(ReaderConfig cfg, byte[] inputBuffer, int inputStart, int inputLen) throws XMLStreamException { return new ByteSourceBootstrapper(cfg, inputBuffer, inputStart, inputLen); } @Override public final XmlScanner bootstrap() throws XMLStreamException { try { return doBootstrap(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new IoStreamException(ioe); } finally { _config.freeSmallCBuffer(mKeyword); } } public XmlScanner doBootstrap() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { String normEnc = null; determineStreamEncoding(); if (hasXmlDeclaration()) { // yup, has xml decl: readXmlDeclaration(); if (mFoundEncoding != null) { normEnc = verifyXmlEncoding(mFoundEncoding); } } // Now, have we figured out the encoding? if (normEnc == null) { // not via xml declaration if (mBytesPerChar == 2) { // UTF-16, BE/LE normEnc = mBigEndian ? CharsetNames.CS_UTF16BE : CharsetNames.CS_UTF16LE; } else if (mBytesPerChar == 4) { // UCS-4... ? /* 22-Mar-2005, TSa: JDK apparently has no way of dealing * with these encodings... not sure if and how it should * be dealt with, really. Name could be UCS-4xx... or * perhaps UTF-32xx */ normEnc = mBigEndian ? CharsetNames.CS_UTF32BE : CharsetNames.CS_UTF32LE; } else { // Ok, default has to be UTF-8, as per XML specs normEnc = CharsetNames.CS_UTF8; } } _config.setActualEncoding(normEnc); _config.setXmlDeclInfo(mDeclaredXmlVersion, mFoundEncoding, mStandalone); // Normalized, can thus use straight equality checks now // UTF-8 compatible (loosely speaking) ones can use same scanner if (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8 || normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1 || normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) { return new Utf8Scanner(_config, _in, _inputBuffer, _inputPtr, _inputLen); } else if (normEnc.startsWith(CharsetNames.CS_UTF32)) { /* Since this is such a rare encoding, we'll just create * a Reader, and dispatch it to reader scanner? */ // let's augment with actual endianness info if (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32) { normEnc = mBigEndian ? CharsetNames.CS_UTF32BE : CharsetNames.CS_UTF32LE; } Reader r = new Utf32Reader(_config, _in, _inputBuffer, _inputPtr, _inputLen, mBigEndian); return new ReaderScanner(_config, r); } /* And finally, if all else fails, we'll also fall back to * using JDK-provided decoders and ReaderScanner: */ InputStream in = _in; if (_inputPtr < _inputLen) { in = new MergedStream(_config, in, _inputBuffer, _inputPtr, _inputLen); } if (normEnc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16) { normEnc = mBigEndian ? CharsetNames.CS_UTF16BE : CharsetNames.CS_UTF16LE; } try { Reader r = new InputStreamReader(in, normEnc); return new ReaderScanner(_config, r); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException usex) { throw new IoStreamException("Unsupported encoding: "+usex.getMessage()); } } /* /********************************************************************** // Internal methods, main xml decl processing /********************************************************************** */
Method called to figure out what the physical encoding of the file appears to be (in case it can be determined from BOM, or xml declaration, either of which may be present)
/** * Method called to figure out what the physical encoding of the * file appears to be (in case it can be determined from BOM, or * xml declaration, either of which may be present) */
private void determineStreamEncoding() throws IOException { /* Ok; first just need 4 bytes for determining bytes-per-char from * BOM or first char(s) of likely xml declaration: */ if (ensureLoaded(4)) { int origPtr = _inputPtr; bomblock: do { // BOM/auto-detection block int quartet = (_inputBuffer[_inputPtr] << 24) | ((_inputBuffer[_inputPtr+1] & 0xFF) << 16) | ((_inputBuffer[_inputPtr+2] & 0xFF) << 8) | (_inputBuffer[_inputPtr+3] & 0xFF); /* Handling of (usually) optional BOM (required for * multi-byte formats); first 32-bit charsets: */ switch (quartet) { case 0x0000FEFF: mBigEndian = true; _inputPtr += 4; mBytesPerChar = 4; break bomblock; case 0xFFFE0000: // UCS-4, LE? mBigEndian = false; _inputPtr += 4; mBytesPerChar = 4; break bomblock; case 0x0000FFFE: // UCS-4, in-order... reportWeirdUCS4("2143"); break bomblock; case 0x0FEFF0000: // UCS-4, in-order... reportWeirdUCS4("3412"); break bomblock; } // Ok, if not, how about 16-bit encoding BOMs? int msw = quartet >>> 16; if (msw == 0xFEFF) { // UTF-16, BE _inputPtr += 2; mBytesPerChar = 2; mBigEndian = true; break; } if (msw == 0xFFFE) { // UTF-16, LE _inputPtr += 2; mBytesPerChar = 2; mBigEndian = false; break; } // And if not, then UTF-8 BOM? if ((quartet >>> 8) == 0xEFBBBF) { // UTF-8 _inputPtr += 3; mBytesPerChar = 1; mBigEndian = true; // doesn't really matter break; } /* And if that wasn't succesful, how about auto-detection * for '<?xm' (or subset for multi-byte encodings) marker? */ // Note: none of these consume bytes... so ptr remains at 0 switch (quartet) { case 0x0000003c: // UCS-4, BE? mBigEndian = true; mBytesPerChar = 4; break bomblock; case 0x3c000000: // UCS-4, LE? mBytesPerChar = 4; mBigEndian = false; break bomblock; case 0x00003c00: // UCS-4, in-order... reportWeirdUCS4("2143"); break bomblock; case 0x003c0000: // UCS-4, in-order... reportWeirdUCS4("3412"); break bomblock; case 0x003c003f: // UTF-16, BE mBytesPerChar = 2; mBigEndian = true; break bomblock; case 0x3c003f00: // UTF-16, LE mBytesPerChar = 2; mBigEndian = false; break bomblock; case 0x3c3f786d: // UTF-8, Ascii, ISO-Latin mBytesPerChar = 1; mBigEndian = true; // doesn't really matter break bomblock; case 0x4c6fa794: // EBCDIC, not (yet?) supported... reportEBCDIC(); } /* Otherwise it's either single-byte doc without xml * declaration, or corrupt input... */ } while (false); // BOM/auto-detection block mHadBOM = (_inputPtr > origPtr); /* Let's update location markers to ignore BOM when calculating * column positions (but not from raw byte offsets) */ _inputRowStart = _inputPtr; } /* Hmmh. If we haven't figured it out, let's just assume * UTF-8 as per XML specs: */ mByteSizeFound = (mBytesPerChar > 0); if (!mByteSizeFound) { mBytesPerChar = 1; mBigEndian = true; // doesn't matter } } protected boolean hasXmlDeclaration() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { // First the common case, 1-byte encoding (Ascii/ISO-Latin/UTF-8): if (mBytesPerChar == 1) { // Need 6 chars to determine for sure... if (ensureLoaded(6)) { if (_inputBuffer[_inputPtr] == '<' && _inputBuffer[_inputPtr+1] == '?' && _inputBuffer[_inputPtr+2] == 'x' && _inputBuffer[_inputPtr+3] == 'm' && _inputBuffer[_inputPtr+4] == 'l' && ((_inputBuffer[_inputPtr+5] & 0xFF) <= CHAR_SPACE)) { // Let's skip stuff so far: _inputPtr += 6; return true; } } } else { // ... and then for slower fixed-multibyte encodings: if (ensureLoaded (6 * mBytesPerChar)) { // 6 chars as well int start = _inputPtr; // if we have to 'unread' chars if (nextMultiByte() == '<' && nextMultiByte() == '?' && nextMultiByte() == 'x' && nextMultiByte() == 'm' && nextMultiByte() == 'l' && nextMultiByte() <= CHAR_SPACE) { return true; } _inputPtr = start; // push data back } } return false; }
Returns:Normalized encoding name
/** * @return Normalized encoding name */
protected String verifyXmlEncoding(String enc) throws XMLStreamException { enc = CharsetNames.normalize(enc); // Let's actually verify we got matching information: if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF8) { verifyEncoding(enc, 1); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_ISO_LATIN1) { verifyEncoding(enc, 1); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_US_ASCII) { verifyEncoding(enc, 1); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16) { // BOM should be obligatory, to know the ordering? // For now, let's not enforce that though. //if (!mHadBOM) { //reportMissingBOM(enc); //} verifyEncoding(enc, 2); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16LE) { verifyEncoding(enc, 2, false); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF16BE) { verifyEncoding(enc, 2, true); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32) { // Do we require a BOM here? we can live without it... //if (!mHadBOM) { // reportMissingBOM(enc); //} verifyEncoding(enc, 4); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32LE) { verifyEncoding(enc, 4, false); } else if (enc == CharsetNames.CS_UTF32BE) { verifyEncoding(enc, 4, true); } return enc; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods, loading input data /********************************************************************** */ protected boolean ensureLoaded(int minimum) throws IOException { /* Let's assume here buffer has enough room -- this will always * be true for the limited used this method gets */ int gotten = (_inputLen - _inputPtr); while (gotten < minimum) { int count; if (_in == null) { // block source count = -1; } else { count = _in.read(_inputBuffer, _inputLen, _inputBuffer.length - _inputLen); } if (count < 1) { return false; } _inputLen += count; gotten += count; } return true; } protected void loadMore() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { _inputProcessed += _inputLen; _inputRowStart -= _inputLen; _inputPtr = 0; if (_in == null) { // block source _inputLen = -1; } else { _inputLen = _in.read(_inputBuffer, 0, _inputBuffer.length); } if (_inputLen < 1) { reportEof(); } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Implementations of abstract parsing methods /********************************************************************** */ @Override protected void pushback() { _inputPtr -= mBytesPerChar; } @Override protected int getNext() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (mBytesPerChar > 1) { return nextMultiByte(); } byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); return (b & 0xFF); } @Override protected int getNextAfterWs(boolean reqWs) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int count; if (mBytesPerChar > 1) { // multi-byte count = skipMbWs(); } else { count = skipSbWs(); } if (reqWs && count == 0) { reportUnexpectedChar(getNext(), ERR_XMLDECL_EXP_SPACE); } // inlined getNext() if (mBytesPerChar > 1) { return nextMultiByte(); } byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); return (b & 0xFF); }
Returns:First character that does not match expected, if any; CHAR_NULL if match succeeded
/** * @return First character that does not match expected, if any; * CHAR_NULL if match succeeded */
@Override protected int checkKeyword(String exp) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (mBytesPerChar > 1) { return checkMbKeyword(exp); } return checkSbKeyword(exp); } @Override protected int readQuotedValue(char[] kw, int quoteChar) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int i = 0; int len = kw.length; boolean mb = (mBytesPerChar > 1); while (i < len) { int c; if (mb) { c = nextMultiByte(); if (c == CHAR_CR || c == CHAR_LF) { skipMbLF(c); c = CHAR_LF; } } else { byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); if (b == BYTE_NULL) { reportNull(); } if (b == BYTE_CR || b == BYTE_LF) { skipSbLF(b); b = BYTE_LF; } c = (b & 0xFF); } if (c == quoteChar) { return (i < len) ? i : -1; } if (i < len) { kw[i++] = (char) c; } } /* If we end up this far, we ran out of buffer space... let's let * caller figure that out, though */ return -1; } @Override protected Location getLocation() { /* Ok; for fixed-size multi-byte encodings, need to divide numbers * to get character locations. For variable-length encodings the * good thing is that xml declaration only uses shortest codepoints, * ie. char count == byte count. */ int total = _inputProcessed + _inputPtr; int col = _inputPtr - _inputRowStart; if (mBytesPerChar > 1) { total /= mBytesPerChar; col /= mBytesPerChar; } return LocationImpl.fromZeroBased (_config.getPublicId(), _config.getSystemId(), total, _inputRow, col); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods, single-byte access methods /********************************************************************** */ protected byte nextByte() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (_inputPtr >= _inputLen) { loadMore(); } return _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++]; } protected int skipSbWs() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int count = 0; while (true) { byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); if ((b & 0xFF) > CHAR_SPACE) { --_inputPtr; break; } if (b == BYTE_CR || b == BYTE_LF) { skipSbLF(b); } else if (b == BYTE_NULL) { reportNull(); } ++count; } return count; } protected void skipSbLF(byte lfByte) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (lfByte == BYTE_CR) { byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); if (b != BYTE_LF) { --_inputPtr; // pushback if not 2-char/byte lf } } ++_inputRow; _inputRowStart = _inputPtr; }
Returns:First character that does not match expected, if any; CHAR_NULL if match succeeded
/** * @return First character that does not match expected, if any; * CHAR_NULL if match succeeded */
protected int checkSbKeyword(String expected) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int len = expected.length(); for (int ptr = 1; ptr < len; ++ptr) { byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); if (b == BYTE_NULL) { reportNull(); } if ((b & 0xFF) != expected.charAt(ptr)) { return (b & 0xFF); } } return CHAR_NULL; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Internal methods, multi-byte access/checks /********************************************************************** */ protected int nextMultiByte() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { byte b = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); byte b2 = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); int c; if (mBytesPerChar == 2) { if (mBigEndian) { c = ((b & 0xFF) << 8) | (b2 & 0xFF); } else { c = (b & 0xFF) | ((b2 & 0xFF) << 8); } } else { // Has to be 4 bytes byte b3 = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); byte b4 = (_inputPtr < _inputLen) ? _inputBuffer[_inputPtr++] : nextByte(); if (mBigEndian) { c = (b << 24) | ((b2 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((b3 & 0xFF) << 8) | (b4 & 0xFF); } else { c = (b4 << 24) | ((b3 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((b2 & 0xFF) << 8) | (b & 0xFF); } } // Let's catch null chars early if (c == 0) { reportNull(); } return c; } protected int skipMbWs() throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int count = 0; while (true) { int c = nextMultiByte(); if (c > CHAR_SPACE) { _inputPtr -= mBytesPerChar; break; } if (c == CHAR_CR || c == CHAR_LF) { skipMbLF(c); } else if (c == CHAR_NULL) { reportNull(); } ++count; } return count; } protected void skipMbLF(int lf) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { if (lf == CHAR_CR) { int c = nextMultiByte(); if (c != CHAR_LF) { _inputPtr -= mBytesPerChar; } } ++_inputRow; _inputRowStart = _inputPtr; }
Returns:First character that does not match expected, if any; CHAR_NULL if match succeeded
/** * @return First character that does not match expected, if any; * CHAR_NULL if match succeeded */
protected int checkMbKeyword(String expected) throws IOException, XMLStreamException { int len = expected.length(); for (int ptr = 1; ptr < len; ++ptr) { int c = nextMultiByte(); if (c == BYTE_NULL) { reportNull(); } if (c != expected.charAt(ptr)) { return c; } } return CHAR_NULL; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Other private methods: /********************************************************************** */ private void verifyEncoding(String id, int bpc) throws XMLStreamException { if (mByteSizeFound) { /* Let's verify that if we matched an encoding, it's the same * as what was declared... */ if (bpc != mBytesPerChar) { reportXmlProblem("Declared encoding '"+id+"' uses "+bpc +" bytes per character; but physical encoding appeared to use "+mBytesPerChar+"; cannot decode"); } } } private void verifyEncoding(String id, int bpc, boolean bigEndian) throws XMLStreamException { if (mByteSizeFound) { verifyEncoding(id, bpc); if (bigEndian != mBigEndian) { String bigStr = bigEndian ? "big" : "little"; reportXmlProblem ("Declared encoding '"+id+"' has different endianness (" +bigStr+" endian) than what physical ordering appeared to be; cannot decode"); } } } private void reportWeirdUCS4(String type) throws IOException { throw new CharConversionException("Unsupported UCS-4 endianness ("+type+") detected"); } private void reportEBCDIC() throws IOException { throw new CharConversionException("Unsupported encoding (EBCDIC)"); } }