package com.ctc.wstx.dtd;

import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.XMLValidationException;

import com.ctc.wstx.util.PrefixedName;

Simple DTDAttribute sub-class used for plain vanilla CDATA valued attributes. Although base class implements most of the methods, it's better designwise to keep that base class abstract and have separate CDATA type as well.
/** * Simple {@link DTDAttribute} sub-class used for plain vanilla CDATA * valued attributes. Although base class implements most of the methods, * it's better designwise to keep that base class abstract and have * separate CDATA type as well. */
public final class DTDCdataAttr extends DTDAttribute { public DTDCdataAttr(PrefixedName name, DefaultAttrValue defValue, int specIndex, boolean nsAware, boolean xml11) { super(name, defValue, specIndex, nsAware, xml11); } @Override public DTDAttribute cloneWith(int specIndex) { return new DTDCdataAttr(mName, mDefValue, specIndex, mCfgNsAware, mCfgXml11); } /* /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Public API, validation /////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public String validate(DTDValidatorBase v, char[] cbuf, int start, int end, boolean normalize) throws XMLValidationException { // Nothing to do for pure CDATA attributes... return null; } @Override public void validateDefault(InputProblemReporter rep, boolean normalize) throws { // Nothing to do for CDATA; all values are fine } @Override public String normalize(DTDValidatorBase v, char[] cbuf, int start, int end) { // Nothing to do for pure CDATA attributes... return null; } @Override public void normalizeDefault() { // Nothing to do for pure CDATA attributes... } }