

Input source that reads input from a static char array, usually used when expanding internal entities. It can also be used if the input given is a raw character array.
/** * Input source that reads input from a static char array, usually used * when expanding internal entities. It can also be used if the input * given is a raw character array. */
public final class CharArraySource extends BaseInputSource { int mOffset; // // // Plus, location offset info: final Location mContentStart; protected CharArraySource(WstxInputSource parent, String fromEntity, char[] chars, int offset, int len, Location loc, SystemId sysId) { super(parent, fromEntity, loc.getPublicId(), sysId); //loc.getSystemId()); mBuffer = chars; mOffset = offset; mInputLast = offset + len; mContentStart = loc; }
This is a hard-coded assumption, but yes, for now this source is only created from internal entities.
/** * This is a hard-coded assumption, but yes, for now this source is * only created from internal entities. */
@Override public boolean fromInternalEntity() { return true; }
Unlike with reader source, we won't start from beginning of a file, but usually from somewhere in the middle...
/** * Unlike with reader source, we won't start from beginning of a file, * but usually from somewhere in the middle... */
@Override protected void doInitInputLocation(WstxInputData reader) { reader.mCurrInputProcessed = mContentStart.getCharacterOffset(); reader.mCurrInputRow = mContentStart.getLineNumber(); /* 13-Apr-2005, TSa: Since column offsets reported by Location * objects are 1-based, but internally we use 0-based counts, * need to offset this start by 1 to begin with. */ reader.mCurrInputRowStart = -mContentStart.getColumnNumber() + 1; } @Override public int readInto(WstxInputData reader) { /* Shouldn't really try to read after closing, but it may be easier * for caller not to have to keep track of open/close state... */ if (mBuffer == null) { return -1; } /* In general, there are only 2 states; either this has been * read or not. Offset is used as the marker; plus, in case * somehow we get a dummy char source (length of 0), it'll * also prevent any reading. */ int len = mInputLast - mOffset; if (len < 1) { return -1; } reader.mInputBuffer = mBuffer; reader.mInputPtr = mOffset; reader.mInputEnd = mInputLast; // Also, need to note the fact we're done mOffset = mInputLast; return len; } @Override public boolean readMore(WstxInputData reader, int minAmount) { /* Only case where this may work is if we haven't yet been * read from at all. And that should mean caller also has no * existing input... */ if (reader.mInputPtr >= reader.mInputEnd) { int len = mInputLast - mOffset; if (len >= minAmount) { return (readInto(reader) > 0); } } return false; } @Override public void close() { /* Let's help GC a bit, in case there might be back references * to this Object from somewhere... */ mBuffer = null; } @Override public void closeCompletely() { close(); } }