package com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.guava.deser.util;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;

A factory for creating Guava Ranges that is compatible with Guava 10 and later. If Guava 10, 11, 12, or 13 is being used, the factory methods in the class (a beta class that was removed in Guava 14) are used to reflectively instantiate Ranges. If Guava 14 or later is being used, the factory methods in the Range class itself (added in Guava 14) are used to instantiate Ranges.
/** * A factory for creating Guava {@link Range}s that is compatible with Guava 10 and later. * * If Guava 10, 11, 12, or 13 is being used, the factory methods in the class (a beta * class that was removed in Guava 14) are used to reflectively instantiate Ranges. If Guava 14 or later is being used, * the factory methods in the Range class itself (added in Guava 14) are used to instantiate Ranges. */
public class RangeFactory { private static final String LEGACY_RANGES_CLASS_NAME = ""; private static final String LEGACY_RANGE_METHOD_NAME = "range"; private static final String LEGACY_DOWN_TO_METHOD_NAME = "downTo"; private static final String LEGACY_UP_TO_METHOD_NAME = "upTo"; private static final String LEGACY_ALL_METHOD_NAME = "all"; private static Method legacyRangeMethod; private static Method legacyDownToMethod; private static Method legacyUpToMethod; private static Method legacyAllMethod; static { initLegacyRangeFactoryMethods(); } private static void initLegacyRangeFactoryMethods() { try { Class<?> rangesClass = Class.forName(LEGACY_RANGES_CLASS_NAME); legacyRangeMethod = findMethod(rangesClass, LEGACY_RANGE_METHOD_NAME, Comparable.class, BoundType.class, Comparable.class, BoundType.class); legacyDownToMethod = findMethod(rangesClass, LEGACY_DOWN_TO_METHOD_NAME, Comparable.class, BoundType.class); legacyUpToMethod = findMethod(rangesClass, LEGACY_UP_TO_METHOD_NAME, Comparable.class, BoundType.class); legacyAllMethod = findMethod(rangesClass, LEGACY_ALL_METHOD_NAME); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // ignore } } // returns null if the method is not found private static Method findMethod(Class<?> clazz, String methodName, Class<?> ... paramTypes) { try { return clazz.getMethod(methodName, paramTypes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { return null; } } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> open(C lowerEndpoint, C upperEndpoint) { return range(lowerEndpoint, BoundType.OPEN, upperEndpoint, BoundType.OPEN); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> openClosed(C lowerEndpoint, C upperEndpoint) { return range(lowerEndpoint, BoundType.OPEN, upperEndpoint, BoundType.CLOSED); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> closedOpen(C lowerEndpoint, C upperEndpoint) { return range(lowerEndpoint, BoundType.CLOSED, upperEndpoint, BoundType.OPEN); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> closed(C lowerEndpoint, C upperEndpoint) { return range(lowerEndpoint, BoundType.CLOSED, upperEndpoint, BoundType.CLOSED); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> range(final C lowerEndpoint, final BoundType lowerBoundType, final C upperEndpoint, final BoundType upperBoundType) { return createRange(new Callable<Range<C>>() { @Override public Range<C> call() throws Exception { return Range.range(lowerEndpoint, lowerBoundType, upperEndpoint, upperBoundType); } }, legacyRangeMethod, lowerEndpoint, lowerBoundType, upperEndpoint, upperBoundType); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> greaterThan(C lowerEndpoint) { return downTo(lowerEndpoint, BoundType.OPEN); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> atLeast(C lowerEndpoint) { return downTo(lowerEndpoint, BoundType.CLOSED); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> downTo(final C lowerEndpoint, final BoundType lowerBoundType) { return createRange(new Callable<Range<C>>() { @Override public Range<C> call() throws Exception { return Range.downTo(lowerEndpoint, lowerBoundType); } }, legacyDownToMethod, lowerEndpoint, lowerBoundType); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> lessThan(C upperEndpoint) { return upTo(upperEndpoint, BoundType.OPEN); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> atMost(C upperEndpoint) { return upTo(upperEndpoint, BoundType.CLOSED); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> upTo(final C upperEndpoint, final BoundType upperBoundType) { return createRange(new Callable<Range<C>>() { @Override public Range<C> call() throws Exception { return Range.upTo(upperEndpoint, upperBoundType); } }, legacyUpToMethod, upperEndpoint, upperBoundType); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> all() { return createRange(new Callable<Range<C>>() { @Override public Range<C> call() throws Exception { return Range.all(); } }, legacyAllMethod); } public static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> singleton(final C value) { return createRange(new Callable<Range<C>>() { @Override public Range<C> call() throws Exception { return Range.singleton(value); } }, legacyRangeMethod, value, BoundType.CLOSED, value, BoundType.CLOSED); } private static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> createRange(Callable<Range<C>> rangeCallable, Method legacyRangeFactoryMethod, Object ... params) { try { return; } catch (NoSuchMethodError noSuchMethodError) { if (legacyRangeFactoryMethod != null) { return invokeLegacyRangeFactoryMethod(legacyRangeFactoryMethod, params); } else { throw noSuchMethodError; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <C extends Comparable<?>> Range<C> invokeLegacyRangeFactoryMethod(Method method, Object... params) { try { //noinspection unchecked return (Range<C>) method.invoke(null, params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to invoke legacy Range factory method [" + method.getName() + "] with params " + Lists.newArrayList(params) + ".", e); } } // prevent instantiation private RangeFactory() { } }