package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.deser;

import java.util.Set;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;

Extension of JsonStreamContext, which implements core methods needed, and adds small amount of additional state data we need.

Almost same as standard JsonReaderContext, but custom version needed to be able to keep track of names of properties that need wrapping; this is needed to support wrapped/unwrapped Collection/array values.

/** * Extension of {@link JsonStreamContext}, which implements * core methods needed, and adds small amount of additional * state data we need. *<p> * Almost same as standard <code>JsonReaderContext</code>, but * custom version needed to be able to keep track of names * of properties that need wrapping; this is needed to * support wrapped/unwrapped Collection/array values. */
public final class XmlReadContext extends JsonStreamContext { // // // Configuration protected final XmlReadContext _parent; // // // Location information (minus source reference) protected int _lineNr; protected int _columnNr; protected String _currentName;
/** * @since 2.9 */
protected Object _currentValue; protected Set<String> _namesToWrap;
Name of property that requires wrapping
/** * Name of property that requires wrapping */
protected String _wrappedName; /* /********************************************************** /* Simple instance reuse slots; speeds up things /* a bit (10-15%) for docs with lots of small /* arrays/objects (for which allocation was /* visible in profile stack frames) /********************************************************** */ protected XmlReadContext _child = null; /* /********************************************************** /* Instance construction, reuse /********************************************************** */ public XmlReadContext(XmlReadContext parent, int type, int lineNr, int colNr) { super(); _type = type; _parent = parent; _lineNr = lineNr; _columnNr = colNr; _index = -1; } protected final void reset(int type, int lineNr, int colNr) { _type = type; _index = -1; _lineNr = lineNr; _columnNr = colNr; _currentName = null; _currentValue = null; _namesToWrap = null; } @Override public Object getCurrentValue() { return _currentValue; } @Override public void setCurrentValue(Object v) { _currentValue = v; } /* /********************************************************** /* Factory methods /********************************************************** */ public static XmlReadContext createRootContext(int lineNr, int colNr) { return new XmlReadContext(null, TYPE_ROOT, lineNr, colNr); } public static XmlReadContext createRootContext() { return new XmlReadContext(null, TYPE_ROOT, 1, 0); } public final XmlReadContext createChildArrayContext(int lineNr, int colNr) { XmlReadContext ctxt = _child; if (ctxt == null) { _child = ctxt = new XmlReadContext(this, TYPE_ARRAY, lineNr, colNr); return ctxt; } ctxt.reset(TYPE_ARRAY, lineNr, colNr); return ctxt; } public final XmlReadContext createChildObjectContext(int lineNr, int colNr) { XmlReadContext ctxt = _child; if (ctxt == null) { _child = ctxt = new XmlReadContext(this, TYPE_OBJECT, lineNr, colNr); return ctxt; } ctxt.reset(TYPE_OBJECT, lineNr, colNr); return ctxt; } /* /********************************************************** /* Abstract method implementation /********************************************************** */ @Override public final String getCurrentName() { return _currentName; } // @since 2.9 @Override public boolean hasCurrentName() { return _currentName != null; } @Override public final XmlReadContext getParent() { return _parent; } /* /********************************************************** /* State changes /********************************************************** */ public final boolean expectComma() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void setCurrentName(String name) { _currentName = name; } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended API /********************************************************** */
Returns:Location pointing to the point where the context start marker was found
/** * @return Location pointing to the point where the context * start marker was found */
@Override public final JsonLocation getStartLocation(Object srcRef) { // We don't keep track of offsets at this level (only reader does) long totalChars = -1L; return new JsonLocation(srcRef, totalChars, _lineNr, _columnNr); } public void setNamesToWrap(Set<String> namesToWrap) { _namesToWrap = namesToWrap; } public Set<String> getNamesToWrap() { return _namesToWrap; } protected void convertToArray() { _type = TYPE_ARRAY; } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridden standard methods /********************************************************** */
Overridden to provide developer readable "JsonPath" representation of the context.
/** * Overridden to provide developer readable "JsonPath" representation * of the context. */
@Override public final String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(64); switch (_type) { case TYPE_ROOT: sb.append("/"); break; case TYPE_ARRAY: sb.append('['); sb.append(getCurrentIndex()); sb.append(']'); break; case TYPE_OBJECT: sb.append('{'); if (_currentName != null) { sb.append('"'); CharTypes.appendQuoted(sb, _currentName); sb.append('"'); } else { sb.append('?'); } sb.append('}'); break; } return sb.toString(); } }