package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.toml;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonStreamContext;

final class TomlWriteContext extends JsonStreamContext {
Parent context for this context; null for root context.
/** * Parent context for this context; null for root context. */
protected final TomlWriteContext _parent; /* /********************************************************************** /* Simple instance reuse slots; speed up things a bit /********************************************************************** */ protected TomlWriteContext _child = null; /* /********************************************************************** /* Location/state information (minus source reference) /********************************************************************** */
Value that is being serialized and caused this context to be created; typically a POJO or container type.
/** * Value that is being serialized and caused this context to be created; * typically a POJO or container type. */
protected Object _currentValue;
Marker used to indicate that we just received a name, and now expect a value
/** * Marker used to indicate that we just received a name, and * now expect a value */
protected boolean _gotName;
Name of the field of which value is to be parsed; only used for OBJECT contexts
/** * Name of the field of which value is to be parsed; only * used for OBJECT contexts */
protected String _currentName; protected int _basePathLength; boolean _inline; /* /********************************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************************** */ TomlWriteContext(int type, TomlWriteContext parent, Object currValue, int basePathLength) { super(); _type = type; _parent = parent; _basePathLength = basePathLength; _index = -1; _currentValue = currValue; _inline = (type == TYPE_ARRAY) || (parent != null && parent._inline); } private void reset(int type, Object currValue, int basePathLength) { _type = type; _basePathLength = basePathLength; _currentValue = null; _index = -1; _currentValue = currValue; // 09-Apr-2021, tatu: [dataformats-text#260]: must reset this flag as well _inline = (type == TYPE_ARRAY) || (_parent != null && _parent._inline); } // // // Factory methods static TomlWriteContext createRootContext() { return new TomlWriteContext(TYPE_ROOT, null, null, 0); } static TomlWriteContext createRootContext(int basePathLength) { return new TomlWriteContext(TYPE_ROOT, null, null, basePathLength); } public TomlWriteContext createChildArrayContext(Object currValue, int basePathLength) { TomlWriteContext ctxt = _child; if (ctxt == null) { _child = ctxt = new TomlWriteContext(TYPE_ARRAY, this, currValue, basePathLength); return ctxt; } ctxt.reset(TYPE_ARRAY, currValue, basePathLength); return ctxt; } public TomlWriteContext createChildObjectContext(Object currValue, int basePathLength) { TomlWriteContext ctxt = _child; if (ctxt == null) { _child = ctxt = new TomlWriteContext(TYPE_OBJECT, this, currValue, basePathLength); return ctxt; } ctxt.reset(TYPE_OBJECT, currValue, basePathLength); return ctxt; } /* /********************************************************************** /* State changes /********************************************************************** */ public boolean writeName(String name) { if (_gotName) { return false; } _gotName = true; _currentName = name; return true; } public boolean writeValue() { // Most likely, object: if (_type == TYPE_OBJECT) { if (!_gotName) { return false; } _gotName = false; } // Array fine, and must allow root context for Object values too so... ++_index; return true; } public void truncatePath(StringBuilder sb) { int len = sb.length(); if (len != _basePathLength) { if (len < _basePathLength) { // sanity check throw new IllegalStateException(String.format ("Internal error: base path length %d, buffered %d, trying to truncate", _basePathLength, len)); } sb.setLength(_basePathLength); } } /* /********************************************************************** /* Simple accessors, mutators /********************************************************************** */ @Override public final TomlWriteContext getParent() { return _parent; } @Override public String getCurrentName() { return _currentName; } @Override public Object getCurrentValue() { return _currentValue; } @Override public void setCurrentValue(Object v) { _currentValue = v; } public StringBuilder appendDesc(StringBuilder sb) { if (_parent != null) { sb = _parent.appendDesc(sb); sb.append('/'); } switch (_type) { case TYPE_OBJECT: if (_currentName != null) { sb.append(_currentName); } break; case TYPE_ARRAY: sb.append(getCurrentIndex()); break; case TYPE_ROOT: } return sb; } // // // Overridden standard methods
Overridden to provide developer JsonPointer representation of the context.
/** * Overridden to provide developer JsonPointer representation * of the context. */
@Override public final String toString() { return appendDesc(new StringBuilder(64)).toString(); } }