package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.toml;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.FormatFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.FormatSchema;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.ObjectCodec;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.StreamReadFeature;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.Version;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.format.InputAccessor;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.format.MatchStrength;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.TreeTraversingParser;

public final class TomlFactory extends JsonFactory {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    public final static String FORMAT_NAME_TOML = "toml";

Bitfield (set of flags) of all generator features that are enabled by default.
/** * Bitfield (set of flags) of all generator features that are enabled * by default. */
final static int DEFAULT_TOML_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAGS = TomlReadFeature.collectDefaults();
Bitfield (set of flags) of all generator features that are enabled by default.
/** * Bitfield (set of flags) of all generator features that are enabled * by default. */
final static int DEFAULT_TOML_GENERATOR_FEATURE_FLAGS = TomlWriteFeature.collectDefaults(); /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************************** */ protected int _tomlParserFeatures; protected int _tomlGeneratorFeatures; /* /********************************************************************** /* Factory construction, configuration /********************************************************************** */ public TomlFactory() { _tomlParserFeatures = DEFAULT_TOML_PARSER_FEATURE_FLAGS; _tomlGeneratorFeatures = DEFAULT_TOML_GENERATOR_FEATURE_FLAGS; } TomlFactory(TomlFactory src, ObjectCodec oc) { super(src, oc); _tomlGeneratorFeatures = src._tomlGeneratorFeatures; _tomlParserFeatures = src._tomlParserFeatures; }
Constructors used by TomlFactoryBuilder for instantiation.
/** * Constructors used by {@link TomlFactoryBuilder} for instantiation. * * @since 3.0 */
TomlFactory(TomlFactoryBuilder b) { super(b, false); _tomlGeneratorFeatures = b._formatGeneratorFeatures; _tomlParserFeatures = b._formatParserFeatures; } @Override public TomlFactoryBuilder rebuild() { return new TomlFactoryBuilder(this); }
Main factory method to use for constructing TomlFactory instances with different configuration.
/** * Main factory method to use for constructing {@link TomlFactory} instances with * different configuration. */
public static TomlFactoryBuilder builder() { return new TomlFactoryBuilder(); } @Override public TomlFactory copy() { _checkInvalidCopy(TomlFactory.class); return new TomlFactory(this, null); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Introspection /********************************************************************** */ @Override public Version version() { return PackageVersion.VERSION; } @Override public boolean requiresPropertyOrdering() { return false; } @Override public boolean canUseCharArrays() { return false; } @Override public boolean canParseAsync() { return false; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Format support /********************************************************************** */ @Override public String getFormatName() { return FORMAT_NAME_TOML; } @Override public boolean canUseSchema(FormatSchema schema) { return false; } @Override public Class<? extends FormatFeature> getFormatReadFeatureType() { return TomlReadFeature.class; } @Override public Class<? extends FormatFeature> getFormatWriteFeatureType() { return TomlWriteFeature.class; } @Override public MatchStrength hasFormat(InputAccessor acc) throws IOException { return MatchStrength.INCONCLUSIVE; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration, parser settings /********************************************************************** */
Method for enabling or disabling specified parser feature (check TomlReadFeature for list of features)
/** * Method for enabling or disabling specified parser feature * (check {@link TomlReadFeature} for list of features) */
public final TomlFactory configure(TomlReadFeature f, boolean state) { if (state) { enable(f); } else { disable(f); } return this; }
Method for enabling specified parser feature (check TomlReadFeature for list of features)
/** * Method for enabling specified parser feature * (check {@link TomlReadFeature} for list of features) */
public TomlFactory enable(TomlReadFeature f) { _tomlParserFeatures |= f.getMask(); return this; }
Method for disabling specified parser features (check TomlReadFeature for list of features)
/** * Method for disabling specified parser features * (check {@link TomlReadFeature} for list of features) */
public TomlFactory disable(TomlReadFeature f) { _tomlParserFeatures &= ~f.getMask(); return this; }
Checked whether specified parser feature is enabled.
/** * Checked whether specified parser feature is enabled. */
public final boolean isEnabled(TomlReadFeature f) { return (_tomlParserFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0; } @Override public int getFormatParserFeatures() { return _tomlParserFeatures; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Configuration, generator settings /********************************************************************** */
Method for enabling or disabling specified generator feature (check TomlWriteFeature for list of features)
/** * Method for enabling or disabling specified generator feature * (check {@link TomlWriteFeature} for list of features) */
public final TomlFactory configure(TomlWriteFeature f, boolean state) { if (state) { enable(f); } else { disable(f); } return this; }
Method for enabling specified generator feature (check TomlWriteFeature for list of features)
/** * Method for enabling specified generator feature * (check {@link TomlWriteFeature} for list of features) */
public TomlFactory enable(TomlWriteFeature f) { _tomlGeneratorFeatures |= f.getMask(); return this; }
Method for disabling specified generator features (check TomlWriteFeature for list of features)
/** * Method for disabling specified generator features * (check {@link TomlWriteFeature} for list of features) */
public TomlFactory disable(TomlWriteFeature f) { _tomlGeneratorFeatures &= ~f.getMask(); return this; }
Checked whether specified generator feature is enabled.
/** * Checked whether specified generator feature is enabled. */
public final boolean isEnabled(TomlWriteFeature f) { return (_tomlGeneratorFeatures & f.getMask()) != 0; } @Override public int getFormatGeneratorFeatures() { return _tomlGeneratorFeatures; } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridden internal factory methods, parser /********************************************************************** */ @Override public JsonParser _createParser(InputStream in, IOContext ctxt) throws IOException { // "A TOML file must be a valid UTF-8 encoded Unicode document." boolean autoClose = ctxt.isResourceManaged() || isEnabled(JsonParser.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE); return _createParser(UTF8Reader.construct(ctxt, in, autoClose), ctxt); } @Override public JsonParser _createParser(Reader r, IOContext ctxt) throws IOException { ObjectNode node = parse(ctxt, r); return new TreeTraversingParser(node); // don't pass our _objectCodec, this part shouldn't be customized } @Override public JsonParser _createParser(byte[] data, int offset, int len, IOContext ctxt) throws IOException { return _createParser(UTF8Reader.construct(data, offset, len), ctxt); } @Override protected JsonParser _createParser(char[] data, int offset, int len, IOContext ctxt, boolean recyclable) throws IOException { return _createParser(new CharArrayReader(data, offset, len), ctxt); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridden internal factory methods, generator /********************************************************************** */ @Override protected JsonGenerator _createGenerator(Writer out, IOContext ctxt) throws IOException { return new TomlGenerator(ctxt, _generatorFeatures, _tomlGeneratorFeatures, _objectCodec, out); } @Override protected JsonGenerator _createUTF8Generator(OutputStream out, IOContext ctxt) throws IOException { return new TomlGenerator(ctxt, _generatorFeatures, _tomlGeneratorFeatures, _objectCodec, new UTF8Writer(ctxt, out)); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Low-level methods for reading/writing TOML /********************************************************************** */ private ObjectNode parse(IOContext ctxt, Reader r0) throws IOException { if (ctxt.isResourceManaged() || isEnabled(StreamReadFeature.AUTO_CLOSE_SOURCE)) { try (Reader r = r0) { return Parser.parse(ctxt, _tomlParserFeatures, r); } } else { return Parser.parse(ctxt, _tomlParserFeatures, r0); } } }