package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.avro.deser;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonToken;

Simple adapter needed in some cases to unify handling of reading (and skipping) of structured and scalar values.
/** * Simple adapter needed in some cases to unify handling of reading (and * skipping) of structured and scalar values. */
final class ScalarDecoderWrapper extends AvroStructureReader {
Actual decoder used to decode scalar value, wrapped by this reader.
/** * Actual decoder used to decode scalar value, wrapped by this reader. */
private final ScalarDecoder _valueDecoder; private final AvroParserImpl _parser; public ScalarDecoderWrapper(ScalarDecoder wrappedReader) { this(null, null, wrappedReader); } private ScalarDecoderWrapper(AvroReadContext parent, AvroParserImpl parser, ScalarDecoder valueDecoder) { super(parent, TYPE_ROOT, null); _valueDecoder = valueDecoder; _parser = parser; } @Override public ScalarDecoderWrapper newReader(AvroReadContext parent, AvroParserImpl parser) { return new ScalarDecoderWrapper(parent, parser, _valueDecoder); } @Override public JsonToken nextToken() throws IOException { _parser.setAvroContext(getParent()); return (_currToken = _valueDecoder.decodeValue(_parser)); } @Override public String getTypeId() { return _valueDecoder.getTypeId(); } @Override public void skipValue(AvroParserImpl parser) throws IOException { _valueDecoder.skipValue(parser); } @Override protected void appendDesc(StringBuilder sb) { sb.append('?'); } @Override public String nextFieldName() throws IOException { nextToken(); return null; } }