package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.ValueInstantiator;

Object that is used to collect arguments for non-default creator (non-default-constructor, or argument-taking factory method) before creator can be called. Since ordering of JSON properties is not guaranteed, this may require buffering of values other than ones being passed to creator.
/** * Object that is used to collect arguments for non-default creator * (non-default-constructor, or argument-taking factory method) * before creator can be called. * Since ordering of JSON properties is not guaranteed, this may * require buffering of values other than ones being passed to * creator. */
public final class PropertyBasedCreator {
Number of properties: usually same as size of _propertyLookup, but not necessarily, when we have unnamed injectable properties.
/** * Number of properties: usually same as size of {@link #_propertyLookup}, * but not necessarily, when we have unnamed injectable properties. */
protected final int _propertyCount;
Helper object that knows how to actually construct the instance by invoking creator method with buffered arguments.
/** * Helper object that knows how to actually construct the instance by * invoking creator method with buffered arguments. */
protected final ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator;
Map that contains property objects for either constructor or factory method (whichever one is null: one property for each parameter for that one), keyed by logical property name
/** * Map that contains property objects for either constructor or factory * method (whichever one is null: one property for each * parameter for that one), keyed by logical property name */
protected final HashMap<String, SettableBeanProperty> _propertyLookup;
Array that contains properties that expect value to inject, if any; null if no injectable values are expected.
/** * Array that contains properties that expect value to inject, if any; * null if no injectable values are expected. */
protected final SettableBeanProperty[] _allProperties; /* /********************************************************** /* Construction, initialization /********************************************************** */ protected PropertyBasedCreator(DeserializationContext ctxt, ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator, SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps, boolean caseInsensitive, boolean addAliases) { _valueInstantiator = valueInstantiator; if (caseInsensitive) { _propertyLookup = new CaseInsensitiveMap(); } else { _propertyLookup = new HashMap<String, SettableBeanProperty>(); } final int len = creatorProps.length; _propertyCount = len; _allProperties = new SettableBeanProperty[len]; // 26-Feb-2017, tatu: Let's start by aliases, so that there is no // possibility of accidental override of primary names if (addAliases) { final DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig(); for (SettableBeanProperty prop : creatorProps) { // 22-Jan-2018, tatu: ignorable entries should be ignored, even if got aliases if (!prop.isIgnorable()) { List<PropertyName> aliases = prop.findAliases(config); if (!aliases.isEmpty()) { for (PropertyName pn : aliases) { _propertyLookup.put(pn.getSimpleName(), prop); } } } } } for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = creatorProps[i]; _allProperties[i] = prop; // 22-Jan-2018, tatu: ignorable entries should be skipped if (!prop.isIgnorable()) { _propertyLookup.put(prop.getName(), prop); } } }
Factory method used for building actual instances to be used with POJOS: resolves deserializers, checks for "null values".
/** * Factory method used for building actual instances to be used with POJOS: * resolves deserializers, checks for "null values". * * @since 2.9 */
public static PropertyBasedCreator construct(DeserializationContext ctxt, ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator, SettableBeanProperty[] srcCreatorProps, BeanPropertyMap allProperties) throws JsonMappingException { final int len = srcCreatorProps.length; SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps = new SettableBeanProperty[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = srcCreatorProps[i]; if (!prop.hasValueDeserializer()) { prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(prop.getType(), prop)); } creatorProps[i] = prop; } return new PropertyBasedCreator(ctxt, valueInstantiator, creatorProps, allProperties.isCaseInsensitive(), allProperties.hasAliases()); }
Factory method used for building actual instances to be used with types OTHER than POJOs. resolves deserializers and checks for "null values".
/** * Factory method used for building actual instances to be used with types * OTHER than POJOs. * resolves deserializers and checks for "null values". * * @since 2.9 */
public static PropertyBasedCreator construct(DeserializationContext ctxt, ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator, SettableBeanProperty[] srcCreatorProps, boolean caseInsensitive) throws JsonMappingException { final int len = srcCreatorProps.length; SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps = new SettableBeanProperty[len]; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { SettableBeanProperty prop = srcCreatorProps[i]; if (!prop.hasValueDeserializer()) { prop = prop.withValueDeserializer(ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(prop.getType(), prop)); } creatorProps[i] = prop; } return new PropertyBasedCreator(ctxt, valueInstantiator, creatorProps, caseInsensitive, false); } @Deprecated // since 2.9 public static PropertyBasedCreator construct(DeserializationContext ctxt, ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator, SettableBeanProperty[] srcCreatorProps) throws JsonMappingException { return construct(ctxt, valueInstantiator, srcCreatorProps, ctxt.isEnabled(MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES)); } /* /********************************************************** /* Accessors /********************************************************** */ public Collection<SettableBeanProperty> properties() { return _propertyLookup.values(); } public SettableBeanProperty findCreatorProperty(String name) { return _propertyLookup.get(name); } public SettableBeanProperty findCreatorProperty(int propertyIndex) { for (SettableBeanProperty prop : _propertyLookup.values()) { if (prop.getPropertyIndex() == propertyIndex) { return prop; } } return null; } /* /********************************************************** /* Building process /********************************************************** */
Method called when starting to build a bean instance.
Since:2.1 (added ObjectIdReader parameter -- existed in previous versions without)
/** * Method called when starting to build a bean instance. * * @since 2.1 (added ObjectIdReader parameter -- existed in previous versions without) */
public PropertyValueBuffer startBuilding(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, ObjectIdReader oir) { return new PropertyValueBuffer(p, ctxt, _propertyCount, oir); } public Object build(DeserializationContext ctxt, PropertyValueBuffer buffer) throws IOException { Object bean = _valueInstantiator.createFromObjectWith(ctxt, _allProperties, buffer); // returning null isn't quite legal, but let's let caller deal with that if (bean != null) { // Object Id to handle? bean = buffer.handleIdValue(ctxt, bean); // Anything buffered? for (PropertyValue pv = buffer.buffered(); pv != null; pv = { pv.assign(bean); } } return bean; } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************** */
Simple override of standard HashMap to support case-insensitive access to creator properties
/** * Simple override of standard {@link java.util.HashMap} to support * case-insensitive access to creator properties * * @since 2.8.5 */
static class CaseInsensitiveMap extends HashMap<String, SettableBeanProperty> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public SettableBeanProperty get(Object key0) { return super.get(((String) key0).toLowerCase()); } @Override public SettableBeanProperty put(String key, SettableBeanProperty value) { key = key.toLowerCase(); return super.put(key, value); } } }