package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.Nulls;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedMember;

Simple container class used for storing "additional" metadata about properties. Carved out to reduce number of distinct properties that actual property implementations and place holders need to store; since instances are immutable, they can be freely shared.
/** * Simple container class used for storing "additional" metadata about * properties. Carved out to reduce number of distinct properties that * actual property implementations and place holders need to store; * since instances are immutable, they can be freely shared. * * @since 2.3 */
public class PropertyMetadata implements { private static final long serialVersionUID = -1; public final static PropertyMetadata STD_REQUIRED = new PropertyMetadata(Boolean.TRUE, null, null, null, null, null, null); public final static PropertyMetadata STD_OPTIONAL = new PropertyMetadata(Boolean.FALSE, null, null, null, null, null, null); public final static PropertyMetadata STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL = new PropertyMetadata(null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
Helper class used for containing information about expected merge information for this property, if merging is expected.
/** * Helper class used for containing information about expected merge * information for this property, if merging is expected. * * @since 2.9 */
public final static class MergeInfo // NOTE: need not be Serializable, not persisted { public final AnnotatedMember getter;
Flag that is set if the information came from global defaults, and not from explicit per-property annotations or per-type config overrides.
/** * Flag that is set if the information came from global defaults, * and not from explicit per-property annotations or per-type * config overrides. */
public final boolean fromDefaults; protected MergeInfo(AnnotatedMember getter, boolean fromDefaults) { this.getter = getter; this.fromDefaults = fromDefaults; } public static MergeInfo createForDefaults(AnnotatedMember getter) { return new MergeInfo(getter, true); } public static MergeInfo createForTypeOverride(AnnotatedMember getter) { return new MergeInfo(getter, false); } public static MergeInfo createForPropertyOverride(AnnotatedMember getter) { return new MergeInfo(getter, false); } }
Three states: required, not required and unknown; unknown represented as null.
/** * Three states: required, not required and unknown; unknown represented * as null. */
protected final Boolean _required;
Optional human-readable description associated with the property.
/** * Optional human-readable description associated with the property. */
protected final String _description;
Optional index of the property within containing Object.
/** * Optional index of the property within containing Object. * * @since 2.4 */
protected final Integer _index;
Optional default value, as String, for property; not used for any functionality by core databind, offered as metadata for extensions.
/** * Optional default value, as String, for property; not used for * any functionality by core databind, offered as metadata for * extensions. */
protected final String _defaultValue;
Settings regarding merging, if property is determined to possibly be mergeable (possibly since global settings may be omitted for non-mergeable types).

NOTE: transient since it is assumed that this information is only relevant during initial setup and not needed after full initialization. May be changed if this proves necessary.

/** * Settings regarding merging, if property is determined to possibly * be mergeable (possibly since global settings may be omitted for * non-mergeable types). *<p> * NOTE: transient since it is assumed that this information is only * relevant during initial setup and not needed after full initialization. * May be changed if this proves necessary. * * @since 2.9 */
protected final transient MergeInfo _mergeInfo;
Settings regarding handling of incoming `null`s, both for value itself and, for structured types, content values (array/Collection elements, Map values).
/** * Settings regarding handling of incoming `null`s, both for value itself * and, for structured types, content values (array/Collection elements, * Map values). * * @since 2.9 */
protected Nulls _valueNulls, _contentNulls; /* /********************************************************** /* Construction, configuration /********************************************************** */
/** * @since 2.9 */
protected PropertyMetadata(Boolean req, String desc, Integer index, String def, MergeInfo mergeInfo, Nulls valueNulls, Nulls contentNulls) { _required = req; _description = desc; _index = index; _defaultValue = (def == null || def.isEmpty()) ? null : def; _mergeInfo = mergeInfo; _valueNulls = valueNulls; _contentNulls = contentNulls; }
/** * @since 2.8.8 */
public static PropertyMetadata construct(Boolean req, String desc, Integer index, String defaultValue) { if ((desc != null) || (index != null) || (defaultValue != null)) { return new PropertyMetadata(req, desc, index, defaultValue, null, null, null); } if (req == null) { return STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL; } return req ? STD_REQUIRED : STD_OPTIONAL; } @Deprecated // since 2.8.8 public static PropertyMetadata construct(boolean req, String desc, Integer index, String defaultValue) { if (desc != null || index != null || defaultValue != null) { return new PropertyMetadata(req, desc, index, defaultValue, null, null, null); } return req ? STD_REQUIRED : STD_OPTIONAL; }
Minor optimization: let's canonicalize back to placeholders in cases where there is no real data to consider
/** * Minor optimization: let's canonicalize back to placeholders in cases * where there is no real data to consider */
protected Object readResolve() { if ((_description == null) && (_index == null) && (_defaultValue == null) && (_mergeInfo == null) && (_valueNulls == null) && (_contentNulls == null)) { if (_required == null) { return STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL; } return _required.booleanValue() ? STD_REQUIRED : STD_OPTIONAL; } return this; } public PropertyMetadata withDescription(String desc) { return new PropertyMetadata(_required, desc, _index, _defaultValue, _mergeInfo, _valueNulls, _contentNulls); }
/** * @since 2.9 */
public PropertyMetadata withMergeInfo(MergeInfo mergeInfo) { return new PropertyMetadata(_required, _description, _index, _defaultValue, mergeInfo, _valueNulls, _contentNulls); }
/** * @since 2.9 */
public PropertyMetadata withNulls(Nulls valueNulls, Nulls contentNulls) { return new PropertyMetadata(_required, _description, _index, _defaultValue, _mergeInfo, valueNulls, contentNulls); } public PropertyMetadata withDefaultValue(String def) { if ((def == null) || def.isEmpty()) { if (_defaultValue == null) { return this; } def = null; } else if (def.equals(_defaultValue)) { return this; } return new PropertyMetadata(_required, _description, _index, def, _mergeInfo, _valueNulls, _contentNulls); } public PropertyMetadata withIndex(Integer index) { return new PropertyMetadata(_required, _description, index, _defaultValue, _mergeInfo, _valueNulls, _contentNulls); } public PropertyMetadata withRequired(Boolean b) { if (b == null) { if (_required == null) { return this; } } else if (b.equals(_required)) { return this; } return new PropertyMetadata(b, _description, _index, _defaultValue, _mergeInfo, _valueNulls, _contentNulls); } /* /********************************************************** /* Accessors /********************************************************** */ public String getDescription() { return _description; }
/** * @since 2.5 */
public String getDefaultValue() { return _defaultValue; }
Accessor for determining whether property has declared "default value", which may be used by extension modules.
/** * Accessor for determining whether property has declared "default value", * which may be used by extension modules. * * @since 2.6 */
public boolean hasDefaultValue() { return (_defaultValue != null); } public boolean isRequired() { return (_required != null) && _required.booleanValue(); } public Boolean getRequired() { return _required; }
/** * @since 2.4 */
public Integer getIndex() { return _index; }
/** * @since 2.4 */
public boolean hasIndex() { return _index != null; }
/** * @since 2.9 */
public MergeInfo getMergeInfo() { return _mergeInfo; }
/** * @since 2.9 */
public Nulls getValueNulls() { return _valueNulls; }
/** * @since 2.9 */
public Nulls getContentNulls() { return _contentNulls; } }