package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

Helper class used by TreeTraversingParser to keep track of current location within traversed JSON tree.
/** * Helper class used by {@link TreeTraversingParser} to keep track * of current location within traversed JSON tree. */
abstract class NodeCursor extends JsonStreamContext {
Parent cursor of this cursor, if any; null for root cursors.
/** * Parent cursor of this cursor, if any; null for root * cursors. */
protected final NodeCursor _parent;
Current field name
/** * Current field name */
protected String _currentName;
/** * @since 2.5 */
protected java.lang.Object _currentValue; public NodeCursor(int contextType, NodeCursor p) { super(); _type = contextType; _index = -1; _parent = p; } /* /********************************************************** /* JsonStreamContext impl /********************************************************** */ // note: co-variant return type @Override public final NodeCursor getParent() { return _parent; } @Override public final String getCurrentName() { return _currentName; }
/** * @since 2.0 */
public void overrideCurrentName(String name) { _currentName = name; } @Override public java.lang.Object getCurrentValue() { return _currentValue; } @Override public void setCurrentValue(java.lang.Object v) { _currentValue = v; } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended API /********************************************************** */ public abstract JsonToken nextToken(); public abstract JsonNode currentNode(); public abstract NodeCursor startObject(); public abstract NodeCursor startArray();
Method called to create a new context for iterating all contents of the current structured value (JSON array or object)
/** * Method called to create a new context for iterating all * contents of the current structured value (JSON array or object) */
public final NodeCursor iterateChildren() { JsonNode n = currentNode(); if (n == null) throw new IllegalStateException("No current node"); if (n.isArray()) { // false since we have already returned START_ARRAY return new ArrayCursor(n, this); } if (n.isObject()) { return new ObjectCursor(n, this); } throw new IllegalStateException("Current node of type "+n.getClass().getName()); } /* /********************************************************** /* Concrete implementations /********************************************************** */
Context for all root-level value nodes (including Arrays and Objects): only context for scalar values.
/** * Context for all root-level value nodes (including Arrays and Objects): * only context for scalar values. */
protected final static class RootCursor extends NodeCursor { protected JsonNode _node; protected boolean _done = false; public RootCursor(JsonNode n, NodeCursor p) { super(JsonStreamContext.TYPE_ROOT, p); _node = n; } @Override public void overrideCurrentName(String name) { } @Override public JsonToken nextToken() { if (!_done) { ++_index; _done = true; return _node.asToken(); } _node = null; return null; } @Override public JsonNode currentNode() { // May look weird, but is necessary so as not to expose current node // before it has been traversed return _done ? _node : null; } @Override public NodeCursor startArray() { return new ArrayCursor(_node, this); } @Override public NodeCursor startObject() { return new ObjectCursor(_node, this); } } // Cursor used for traversing JSON Array nodes protected final static class ArrayCursor extends NodeCursor { protected Iterator<JsonNode> _contents; protected JsonNode _currentElement; public ArrayCursor(JsonNode n, NodeCursor p) { super(JsonStreamContext.TYPE_ARRAY, p); _contents = n.elements(); } @Override public JsonToken nextToken() { if (!_contents.hasNext()) { _currentElement = null; return JsonToken.END_ARRAY; } ++_index; _currentElement =; return _currentElement.asToken(); } @Override public JsonNode currentNode() { return _currentElement; } @Override public NodeCursor startArray() { return new ArrayCursor(_currentElement, this); } @Override public NodeCursor startObject() { return new ObjectCursor(_currentElement, this); } } // Cursor used for traversing JSON Object nodes protected final static class ObjectCursor extends NodeCursor { protected Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> _contents; protected Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> _current; protected boolean _needEntry; public ObjectCursor(JsonNode n, NodeCursor p) { super(JsonStreamContext.TYPE_OBJECT, p); _contents = ((ObjectNode) n).fields(); _needEntry = true; } @Override public JsonToken nextToken() { // Need a new entry? if (_needEntry) { if (!_contents.hasNext()) { _currentName = null; _current = null; return JsonToken.END_OBJECT; } ++_index; _needEntry = false; _current =; _currentName = (_current == null) ? null : _current.getKey(); return JsonToken.FIELD_NAME; } _needEntry = true; return _current.getValue().asToken(); } @Override public JsonNode currentNode() { return (_current == null) ? null : _current.getValue(); } @Override public NodeCursor startArray() { return new ArrayCursor(currentNode(), this); } @Override public NodeCursor startObject() { return new ObjectCursor(currentNode(), this); } } }