package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDelegatingDeserializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.Converter;

Helper class used to contain logic for deserializing "special" containers from java.util.Collections and java.util.Arrays. This is needed because they do not have usable no-arguments constructor: however, are easy enough to deserialize using delegating deserializer.
/** * Helper class used to contain logic for deserializing "special" containers * from {@code java.util.Collections} and {@code java.util.Arrays}. This is needed * because they do not have usable no-arguments constructor: however, are easy enough * to deserialize using delegating deserializer. * * @since 2.9.4 */
public abstract class JavaUtilCollectionsDeserializers { private final static int TYPE_SINGLETON_SET = 1; private final static int TYPE_SINGLETON_LIST = 2; private final static int TYPE_SINGLETON_MAP = 3; private final static int TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_SET = 4; private final static int TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_LIST = 5; private final static int TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_MAP = 6; // 2.12.1 private final static int TYPE_SYNC_SET = 7; private final static int TYPE_SYNC_COLLECTION = 8; private final static int TYPE_SYNC_LIST = 9; private final static int TYPE_SYNC_MAP = 10; public final static int TYPE_AS_LIST = 11; private final static String PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS = "java.util.Collections$"; private final static String PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS = "java.util.Arrays$"; // for Java 11+ List.of(), Map.of() stuff private final static String PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_IMMUTABLE_COLL = "java.util.ImmutableCollections$"; public static JsonDeserializer<?> findForCollection(DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType type) throws JsonMappingException { final String clsName = type.getRawClass().getName(); if (!clsName.startsWith("java.util.")) { return null; } // 10-Jan-2017, tatu: Some types from `java.util.Collections`/`java.util.Arrays` // need a bit of help... String localName = _findUtilCollectionsTypeName(clsName); if (localName != null) { JavaUtilCollectionsConverter conv = null; String name; if ((name = _findUnmodifiableTypeName(localName)) != null) { if (name.endsWith("Set")) { conv = converter(TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_SET, type, Set.class); } else if (name.endsWith("List")) { conv = converter(TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_LIST, type, List.class); } } else if ((name = _findSingletonTypeName(localName)) != null) { if (name.endsWith("Set")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SINGLETON_SET, type, Set.class); } else if (name.endsWith("List")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SINGLETON_LIST, type, List.class); } } else if ((name = _findSyncTypeName(localName)) != null) { // [databind#3009]: synchronized, too if (name.endsWith("Set")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SYNC_SET, type, Set.class); } else if (name.endsWith("List")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SYNC_LIST, type, List.class); } else if (name.endsWith("Collection")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SYNC_COLLECTION, type, Collection.class); } } return (conv == null) ? null : new StdDelegatingDeserializer<Object>(conv); } if ((localName = _findUtilArrayTypeName(clsName)) != null) { // Typically ends with "List" but let's just look for it if (localName.contains("List")) { return new StdDelegatingDeserializer<Object>( converter(TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_LIST, type, List.class)); } return null; } if ((localName = _findUtilCollectionsImmutableTypeName(clsName)) != null) { // NOTE: names are "List12" and "ListN" but... let's just look for "List" if (localName.contains("List")) { return new StdDelegatingDeserializer<Object>( converter(TYPE_AS_LIST, type, List.class)); } return null; } return null; } public static JsonDeserializer<?> findForMap(DeserializationContext ctxt, JavaType type) throws JsonMappingException { final String clsName = type.getRawClass().getName(); String localName; JavaUtilCollectionsConverter conv = null; if ((localName = _findUtilCollectionsTypeName(clsName)) != null) { String name; if ((name = _findUnmodifiableTypeName(localName)) != null) { if (name.contains("Map")) { conv = converter(TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_MAP, type, Map.class); } } else if ((name = _findSingletonTypeName(localName)) != null) { if (name.contains("Map")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SINGLETON_MAP, type, Map.class); } } else if ((name = _findSyncTypeName(localName)) != null) { // [databind#3009]: synchronized, too if (name.contains("Map")) { conv = converter(TYPE_SYNC_MAP, type, Map.class); } } } else if ((localName = _findUtilCollectionsImmutableTypeName(clsName)) != null) { if (localName.contains("Map")) { conv = converter(TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_MAP, type, Map.class); } } return (conv == null) ? null : new StdDelegatingDeserializer<Object>(conv); } static JavaUtilCollectionsConverter converter(int kind, JavaType concreteType, Class<?> rawSuper) { return new JavaUtilCollectionsConverter(kind, concreteType.findSuperType(rawSuper)); } private static String _findUtilArrayTypeName(String clsName) { if (clsName.startsWith(PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS)) { return clsName.substring(PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_ARRAYS.length()); } return null; } private static String _findUtilCollectionsTypeName(String clsName) { if (clsName.startsWith(PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS)) { return clsName.substring(PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_COLLECTIONS.length()); } return null; } private static String _findUtilCollectionsImmutableTypeName(String clsName) { if (clsName.startsWith(PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_IMMUTABLE_COLL)) { return clsName.substring(PREFIX_JAVA_UTIL_IMMUTABLE_COLL.length()); } return null; } private static String _findSingletonTypeName(String localName) { return localName.startsWith("Singleton") ? localName.substring(9): null; } private static String _findSyncTypeName(String localName) { return localName.startsWith("Synchronized") ? localName.substring(12): null; } private static String _findUnmodifiableTypeName(String localName) { return localName.startsWith("Unmodifiable") ? localName.substring(12): null; }
Implementation used for converting from various generic container types (Set, List, Map) into more specific implementations accessible via java.util.Collections.
/** * Implementation used for converting from various generic container * types ({@link java.util.Set}, {@link java.util.List}, {@link java.util.Map}) * into more specific implementations accessible via {@code java.util.Collections}. */
private static class JavaUtilCollectionsConverter implements Converter<Object,Object> { private final JavaType _inputType; private final int _kind; JavaUtilCollectionsConverter(int kind, JavaType inputType) { _inputType = inputType; _kind = kind; } @Override public Object convert(Object value) { if (value == null) { // is this legal to get? return null; } switch (_kind) { case TYPE_SINGLETON_SET: { Set<?> set = (Set<?>) value; _checkSingleton(set.size()); return Collections.singleton(set.iterator().next()); } case TYPE_SINGLETON_LIST: { List<?> list = (List<?>) value; _checkSingleton(list.size()); return Collections.singletonList(list.get(0)); } case TYPE_SINGLETON_MAP: { Map<?,?> map = (Map<?,?>) value; _checkSingleton(map.size()); Map.Entry<?,?> entry = map.entrySet().iterator().next(); return Collections.singletonMap(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } case TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_SET: return Collections.unmodifiableSet((Set<?>) value); case TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_LIST: return Collections.unmodifiableList((List<?>) value); case TYPE_UNMODIFIABLE_MAP: return Collections.unmodifiableMap((Map<?,?>) value); case TYPE_SYNC_SET: return Collections.synchronizedSet((Set<?>) value); case TYPE_SYNC_LIST: return Collections.synchronizedList((List<?>) value); case TYPE_SYNC_COLLECTION: return Collections.synchronizedCollection((Collection<?>) value); case TYPE_SYNC_MAP: return Collections.synchronizedMap((Map<?,?>) value); case TYPE_AS_LIST: default: // Here we do not actually care about impl type, just return List as-is: return value; } } @Override public JavaType getInputType(TypeFactory typeFactory) { return _inputType; } @Override public JavaType getOutputType(TypeFactory typeFactory) { // we don't actually care, so: return _inputType; } private void _checkSingleton(int size) { if (size != 1) { // not the best error ever but... has to do throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not deserialize Singleton container from "+size+" entries"); } } } }