package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node;


import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.ByteArrayBuilder;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException;

Value node that contains a text value.
/** * Value node that contains a text value. */
public class TextNode extends ValueNode { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2L; final static TextNode EMPTY_STRING_NODE = new TextNode(""); protected final String _value; public TextNode(String v) { _value = v; }
Factory method that should be used to construct instances. For some common cases, can reuse canonical instances: currently this is the case for empty Strings, in future possible for others as well. If null is passed, will return null.
Returns:Resulting TextNode object, if v is NOT null; null if it is.
/** * Factory method that should be used to construct instances. * For some common cases, can reuse canonical instances: currently * this is the case for empty Strings, in future possible for * others as well. If null is passed, will return null. * * @return Resulting {@link TextNode} object, if <b>v</b> * is NOT null; null if it is. */
public static TextNode valueOf(String v) { if (v == null) { return null; } if (v.isEmpty()) { return EMPTY_STRING_NODE; } return new TextNode(v); } @Override public JsonNodeType getNodeType() { return JsonNodeType.STRING; } @Override public JsonToken asToken() { return JsonToken.VALUE_STRING; } @Override public String textValue() { return _value; }
Method for accessing textual contents assuming they were base64 encoded; if so, they are decoded and resulting binary data is returned.
/** * Method for accessing textual contents assuming they were * base64 encoded; if so, they are decoded and resulting binary * data is returned. */
@SuppressWarnings("resource") public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException { final String str = _value.trim(); // 04-Sep-2020, tatu: Let's limit the size of the initial block to 64k, // no point in trying to exactly match the size beyond certain point // (plus it could even lead to unnecessarily high retention with block // recycling) final int initBlockSize = 4 + ((str.length() >> 2) * 3); ByteArrayBuilder builder = new ByteArrayBuilder(Math.max(16, Math.min(0x10000, initBlockSize))); try { b64variant.decode(str, builder); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw InvalidFormatException.from(null, String.format( "Cannot access contents of TextNode as binary due to broken Base64 encoding: %s", e.getMessage()), str, byte[].class); } return builder.toByteArray(); } @Override public byte[] binaryValue() throws IOException { return getBinaryValue(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant()); } /* /********************************************************** /* General type coercions /********************************************************** */ @Override public String asText() { return _value; } @Override public String asText(String defaultValue) { return (_value == null) ? defaultValue : _value; } // note: neither fast nor elegant, but these work for now: @Override public boolean asBoolean(boolean defaultValue) { if (_value != null) { String v = _value.trim(); if ("true".equals(v)) { return true; } if ("false".equals(v)) { return false; } } return defaultValue; } @Override public int asInt(int defaultValue) { return NumberInput.parseAsInt(_value, defaultValue); } @Override public long asLong(long defaultValue) { return NumberInput.parseAsLong(_value, defaultValue); } @Override public double asDouble(double defaultValue) { return NumberInput.parseAsDouble(_value, defaultValue); } /* /********************************************************** /* Serialization /********************************************************** */ @Override public final void serialize(JsonGenerator g, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException { if (_value == null) { g.writeNull(); } else { g.writeString(_value); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridden standard methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; if (o == null) return false; if (o instanceof TextNode) { return ((TextNode) o)._value.equals(_value); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return _value.hashCode(); } @Deprecated // since 2.10 protected static void appendQuoted(StringBuilder sb, String content) { sb.append('"'); CharTypes.appendQuoted(sb, content); sb.append('"'); } }