package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnoreProperties;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIncludeProperties;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JacksonStdImpl;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.PropertyBasedCreator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.PropertyValueBuffer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl.ReadableObjectId.Referring;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.AnnotatedMember;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeDeserializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.LogicalType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ArrayBuilders;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.IgnorePropertiesUtil;

Basic deserializer that can take JSON "Object" structure and construct a Map instance, with typed contents.

Note: for untyped content (one indicated by passing Object.class as the type), UntypedObjectDeserializer is used instead. It can also construct Maps, but not with specific POJO types, only other containers and primitives/wrappers.

/** * Basic deserializer that can take JSON "Object" structure and * construct a {@link java.util.Map} instance, with typed contents. *<p> * Note: for untyped content (one indicated by passing Object.class * as the type), {@link UntypedObjectDeserializer} is used instead. * It can also construct {@link java.util.Map}s, but not with specific * POJO types, only other containers and primitives/wrappers. */
@JacksonStdImpl public class MapDeserializer extends ContainerDeserializerBase<Map<Object,Object>> implements ContextualDeserializer, ResolvableDeserializer { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // // Configuration: typing, deserializers
Key deserializer to use; either passed via constructor (when indicated by annotations), or resolved when resolve is called;
/** * Key deserializer to use; either passed via constructor * (when indicated by annotations), or resolved when * {@link #resolve} is called; */
protected final KeyDeserializer _keyDeserializer;
Flag set to indicate that the key type is String (or Object, for which String is acceptable), and that the default Jackson key deserializer would be used. If both are true, can optimize handling.
/** * Flag set to indicate that the key type is * {@link java.lang.String} (or {@link java.lang.Object}, for * which String is acceptable), <b>and</b> that the * default Jackson key deserializer would be used. * If both are true, can optimize handling. */
protected boolean _standardStringKey;
Value deserializer.
/** * Value deserializer. */
protected final JsonDeserializer<Object> _valueDeserializer;
If value instances have polymorphic type information, this is the type deserializer that can handle it
/** * If value instances have polymorphic type information, this * is the type deserializer that can handle it */
protected final TypeDeserializer _valueTypeDeserializer; // // Instance construction settings: protected final ValueInstantiator _valueInstantiator;
Deserializer that is used iff delegate-based creator is to be used for deserializing from JSON Object.
/** * Deserializer that is used iff delegate-based creator is * to be used for deserializing from JSON Object. */
protected JsonDeserializer<Object> _delegateDeserializer;
If the Map is to be instantiated using non-default constructor or factory method that takes one or more named properties as argument(s), this creator is used for instantiation.
/** * If the Map is to be instantiated using non-default constructor * or factory method * that takes one or more named properties as argument(s), * this creator is used for instantiation. */
protected PropertyBasedCreator _propertyBasedCreator; protected final boolean _hasDefaultCreator; // // Any properties to ignore if seen? protected Set<String> _ignorableProperties;
/** * @since 2.12 */
protected Set<String> _includableProperties;
Helper object used for name-based filtering
/** * Helper object used for name-based filtering * * @since 2.12 */
protected IgnorePropertiesUtil.Checker _inclusionChecker; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************** */ public MapDeserializer(JavaType mapType, ValueInstantiator valueInstantiator, KeyDeserializer keyDeser, JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDeser, TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser) { super(mapType, null, null); _keyDeserializer = keyDeser; _valueDeserializer = valueDeser; _valueTypeDeserializer = valueTypeDeser; _valueInstantiator = valueInstantiator; _hasDefaultCreator = valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDefault(); _delegateDeserializer = null; _propertyBasedCreator = null; _standardStringKey = _isStdKeyDeser(mapType, keyDeser); _inclusionChecker = null; }
Copy-constructor that can be used by sub-classes to allow copy-on-write styling copying of settings of an existing instance.
/** * Copy-constructor that can be used by sub-classes to allow * copy-on-write styling copying of settings of an existing instance. */
protected MapDeserializer(MapDeserializer src) { super(src); _keyDeserializer = src._keyDeserializer; _valueDeserializer = src._valueDeserializer; _valueTypeDeserializer = src._valueTypeDeserializer; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _hasDefaultCreator = src._hasDefaultCreator; // should we make a copy here? _ignorableProperties = src._ignorableProperties; _includableProperties = src._includableProperties; _inclusionChecker = src._inclusionChecker; _standardStringKey = src._standardStringKey; } protected MapDeserializer(MapDeserializer src, KeyDeserializer keyDeser, JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDeser, TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser, NullValueProvider nuller, Set<String> ignorable) { this(src, keyDeser,valueDeser, valueTypeDeser, nuller, ignorable, null); }
/** * @since 2.12 */
protected MapDeserializer(MapDeserializer src, KeyDeserializer keyDeser, JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDeser, TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser, NullValueProvider nuller, Set<String> ignorable, Set<String> includable) { super(src, nuller, src._unwrapSingle); _keyDeserializer = keyDeser; _valueDeserializer = valueDeser; _valueTypeDeserializer = valueTypeDeser; _valueInstantiator = src._valueInstantiator; _propertyBasedCreator = src._propertyBasedCreator; _delegateDeserializer = src._delegateDeserializer; _hasDefaultCreator = src._hasDefaultCreator; _ignorableProperties = ignorable; _includableProperties = includable; _inclusionChecker = IgnorePropertiesUtil.buildCheckerIfNeeded(ignorable, includable); _standardStringKey = _isStdKeyDeser(_containerType, keyDeser); }
Fluent factory method used to create a copy with slightly different settings. When sub-classing, MUST be overridden.
/** * Fluent factory method used to create a copy with slightly * different settings. When sub-classing, MUST be overridden. */
protected MapDeserializer withResolved(KeyDeserializer keyDeser, TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser, JsonDeserializer<?> valueDeser, NullValueProvider nuller, Set<String> ignorable) { return withResolved(keyDeser, valueTypeDeser, valueDeser, nuller, ignorable, _includableProperties); }
/** * @since 2.12 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") protected MapDeserializer withResolved(KeyDeserializer keyDeser, TypeDeserializer valueTypeDeser, JsonDeserializer<?> valueDeser, NullValueProvider nuller, Set<String> ignorable, Set<String> includable) { if ((_keyDeserializer == keyDeser) && (_valueDeserializer == valueDeser) && (_valueTypeDeserializer == valueTypeDeser) && (_nullProvider == nuller) && (_ignorableProperties == ignorable) && (_includableProperties == includable)) { return this; } return new MapDeserializer(this, keyDeser, (JsonDeserializer<Object>) valueDeser, valueTypeDeser, nuller, ignorable, includable); }
Helper method used to check whether we can just use the default key deserialization, where JSON String becomes Java String.
/** * Helper method used to check whether we can just use the default key * deserialization, where JSON String becomes Java String. */
protected final boolean _isStdKeyDeser(JavaType mapType, KeyDeserializer keyDeser) { if (keyDeser == null) { return true; } JavaType keyType = mapType.getKeyType(); if (keyType == null) { // assumed to be Object return true; } Class<?> rawKeyType = keyType.getRawClass(); return ((rawKeyType == String.class || rawKeyType == Object.class) && isDefaultKeyDeserializer(keyDeser)); }
Deprecated:in 2.12, remove from 3.0
/** * @deprecated in 2.12, remove from 3.0 */
@Deprecated public void setIgnorableProperties(String[] ignorable) { _ignorableProperties = (ignorable == null || ignorable.length == 0) ? null : ArrayBuilders.arrayToSet(ignorable); _inclusionChecker = IgnorePropertiesUtil.buildCheckerIfNeeded(_ignorableProperties, _includableProperties); } public void setIgnorableProperties(Set<String> ignorable) { _ignorableProperties = (ignorable == null || ignorable.size() == 0) ? null : ignorable; _inclusionChecker = IgnorePropertiesUtil.buildCheckerIfNeeded(_ignorableProperties, _includableProperties); } public void setIncludableProperties(Set<String> includable) { _includableProperties = includable; _inclusionChecker = IgnorePropertiesUtil.buildCheckerIfNeeded(_ignorableProperties, _includableProperties); } /* /********************************************************** /* Validation, post-processing (ResolvableDeserializer) /********************************************************** */ @Override public void resolve(DeserializationContext ctxt) throws JsonMappingException { // May need to resolve types for delegate- and/or property-based creators: if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingDelegate()) { JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig()); if (delegateType == null) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_containerType, String.format( "Invalid delegate-creator definition for %s: value instantiator (%s) returned true for 'canCreateUsingDelegate()', but null for 'getDelegateType()'", _containerType, _valueInstantiator.getClass().getName())); } // Theoretically should be able to get CreatorProperty for delegate // parameter to pass; but things get tricky because DelegateCreator // may contain injectable values. So, for now, let's pass nothing. _delegateDeserializer = findDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, null); } else if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()) { JavaType delegateType = _valueInstantiator.getArrayDelegateType(ctxt.getConfig()); if (delegateType == null) { ctxt.reportBadDefinition(_containerType, String.format( "Invalid delegate-creator definition for %s: value instantiator (%s) returned true for 'canCreateUsingArrayDelegate()', but null for 'getArrayDelegateType()'", _containerType, _valueInstantiator.getClass().getName())); } _delegateDeserializer = findDeserializer(ctxt, delegateType, null); } if (_valueInstantiator.canCreateFromObjectWith()) { SettableBeanProperty[] creatorProps = _valueInstantiator.getFromObjectArguments(ctxt.getConfig()); _propertyBasedCreator = PropertyBasedCreator.construct(ctxt, _valueInstantiator, creatorProps, ctxt.isEnabled(MapperFeature.ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES)); } _standardStringKey = _isStdKeyDeser(_containerType, _keyDeserializer); }
Method called to finalize setup of this deserializer, when it is known for which property deserializer is needed for.
/** * Method called to finalize setup of this deserializer, * when it is known for which property deserializer is needed for. */
@Override public JsonDeserializer<?> createContextual(DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty property) throws JsonMappingException { KeyDeserializer keyDeser = _keyDeserializer; if (keyDeser == null) { keyDeser = ctxt.findKeyDeserializer(_containerType.getKeyType(), property); } else { if (keyDeser instanceof ContextualKeyDeserializer) { keyDeser = ((ContextualKeyDeserializer) keyDeser).createContextual(ctxt, property); } } JsonDeserializer<?> valueDeser = _valueDeserializer; // [databind#125]: May have a content converter if (property != null) { valueDeser = findConvertingContentDeserializer(ctxt, property, valueDeser); } final JavaType vt = _containerType.getContentType(); if (valueDeser == null) { valueDeser = ctxt.findContextualValueDeserializer(vt, property); } else { // if directly assigned, probably not yet contextual, so: valueDeser = ctxt.handleSecondaryContextualization(valueDeser, property, vt); } TypeDeserializer vtd = _valueTypeDeserializer; if (vtd != null) { vtd = vtd.forProperty(property); } Set<String> ignored = _ignorableProperties; Set<String> included = _includableProperties; AnnotationIntrospector intr = ctxt.getAnnotationIntrospector(); if (_neitherNull(intr, property)) { AnnotatedMember member = property.getMember(); if (member != null) { final DeserializationConfig config = ctxt.getConfig(); JsonIgnoreProperties.Value ignorals = intr.findPropertyIgnoralByName(config, member); if (ignorals != null) { Set<String> ignoresToAdd = ignorals.findIgnoredForDeserialization(); if (!ignoresToAdd.isEmpty()) { ignored = (ignored == null) ? new HashSet<String>() : new HashSet<String>(ignored); for (String str : ignoresToAdd) { ignored.add(str); } } } JsonIncludeProperties.Value inclusions = intr.findPropertyInclusionByName(config, member); if (inclusions != null) { Set<String> includedToAdd = inclusions.getIncluded(); if (includedToAdd != null) { Set<String> newIncluded = new HashSet<>(); if (included == null) { newIncluded = new HashSet<>(includedToAdd); } else { for (String str : includedToAdd) { if (included.contains(str)) { newIncluded.add(str); } } } included = newIncluded; } } } } return withResolved(keyDeser, vtd, valueDeser, findContentNullProvider(ctxt, property, valueDeser), ignored, included); } /* /********************************************************** /* ContainerDeserializerBase API /********************************************************** */ @Override public JsonDeserializer<Object> getContentDeserializer() { return _valueDeserializer; } @Override public ValueInstantiator getValueInstantiator() { return _valueInstantiator; } /* /********************************************************** /* JsonDeserializer API /********************************************************** */
Turns out that these are expensive enough to create so that caching does make sense.

IMPORTANT: but, note, that instances CAN NOT BE CACHED if there is a value type deserializer; this caused an issue with 2.4.4 of JAXB Annotations (failing a test). It is also possible that some other settings could make deserializers un-cacheable; but on the other hand, caching can make a big positive difference with performance... so it's a hard choice.

/** * Turns out that these are expensive enough to create so that caching * does make sense. *<p> * IMPORTANT: but, note, that instances CAN NOT BE CACHED if there is * a value type deserializer; this caused an issue with 2.4.4 of * JAXB Annotations (failing a test). * It is also possible that some other settings could make deserializers * un-cacheable; but on the other hand, caching can make a big positive * difference with performance... so it's a hard choice. * * @since 2.4.4 */
@Override public boolean isCachable() { // As per [databind#735], existence of value or key deserializer (only passed // if annotated to use non-standard one) should also prevent caching. return (_valueDeserializer == null) && (_keyDeserializer == null) && (_valueTypeDeserializer == null) && (_ignorableProperties == null) && (_includableProperties == null); } @Override // since 2.12 public LogicalType logicalType() { return LogicalType.Map; } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<Object,Object> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { if (_propertyBasedCreator != null) { return _deserializeUsingCreator(p, ctxt); } if (_delegateDeserializer != null) { return (Map<Object,Object>) _valueInstantiator.createUsingDelegate(ctxt, _delegateDeserializer.deserialize(p, ctxt)); } if (!_hasDefaultCreator) { return (Map<Object,Object> ) ctxt.handleMissingInstantiator(getMapClass(), getValueInstantiator(), p, "no default constructor found"); } switch (p.currentTokenId()) { case JsonTokenId.ID_START_OBJECT: case JsonTokenId.ID_END_OBJECT: case JsonTokenId.ID_FIELD_NAME: final Map<Object,Object> result = (Map<Object,Object>) _valueInstantiator.createUsingDefault(ctxt); if (_standardStringKey) { _readAndBindStringKeyMap(p, ctxt, result); return result; } _readAndBind(p, ctxt, result); return result; case JsonTokenId.ID_STRING: // (empty) String may be ok however; or single-String-arg ctor return _deserializeFromString(p, ctxt); case JsonTokenId.ID_START_ARRAY: // Empty array, or single-value wrapped in array? return _deserializeFromArray(p, ctxt); default: } return (Map<Object,Object>) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(getValueType(ctxt), p); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Map<Object,Object> deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Map<Object,Object> result) throws IOException { // [databind#631]: Assign current value, to be accessible by custom deserializers p.setCurrentValue(result); // Ok: must point to START_OBJECT or FIELD_NAME JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t != JsonToken.START_OBJECT && t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) { return (Map<Object,Object>) ctxt.handleUnexpectedToken(getMapClass(), p); } // 21-Apr-2017, tatu: Need separate methods to do proper merging if (_standardStringKey) { _readAndUpdateStringKeyMap(p, ctxt, result); return result; } _readAndUpdate(p, ctxt, result); return result; } @Override public Object deserializeWithType(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, TypeDeserializer typeDeserializer) throws IOException { // In future could check current token... for now this should be enough: return typeDeserializer.deserializeTypedFromObject(p, ctxt); } /* /********************************************************** /* Other public accessors /********************************************************** */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final Class<?> getMapClass() { return (Class<Map<Object,Object>>) _containerType.getRawClass(); } @Override public JavaType getValueType() { return _containerType; } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods, non-merging deserialization /********************************************************** */ protected final void _readAndBind(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Map<Object,Object> result) throws IOException { final KeyDeserializer keyDes = _keyDeserializer; final JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer; final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer; MapReferringAccumulator referringAccumulator = null; boolean useObjectId = valueDes.getObjectIdReader() != null; if (useObjectId) { referringAccumulator = new MapReferringAccumulator(_containerType.getContentType().getRawClass(), result); } String keyStr; if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { keyStr = p.nextFieldName(); } else { JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) { if (t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { return; } ctxt.reportWrongTokenException(this, JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, null); } keyStr = p.currentName(); } for (; keyStr != null; keyStr = p.nextFieldName()) { Object key = keyDes.deserializeKey(keyStr, ctxt); // And then the value... JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if ((_inclusionChecker != null) && _inclusionChecker.shouldIgnore(keyStr)) { p.skipChildren(); continue; } try { // Note: must handle null explicitly here; value deserializers won't Object value; if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (_skipNullValues) { continue; } value = _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt); } else if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser); } if (useObjectId) { referringAccumulator.put(key, value); } else { result.put(key, value); } } catch (UnresolvedForwardReference reference) { handleUnresolvedReference(ctxt, referringAccumulator, key, reference); } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, result, keyStr); } } }
Optimized method used when keys can be deserialized as plain old Strings, and there is no custom deserialized specified.
/** * Optimized method used when keys can be deserialized as plain old * {@link java.lang.String}s, and there is no custom deserialized * specified. */
protected final void _readAndBindStringKeyMap(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Map<Object,Object> result) throws IOException { final JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer; final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer; MapReferringAccumulator referringAccumulator = null; boolean useObjectId = (valueDes.getObjectIdReader() != null); if (useObjectId) { referringAccumulator = new MapReferringAccumulator(_containerType.getContentType().getRawClass(), result); } String key; if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { key = p.nextFieldName(); } else { JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { return; } if (t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) { ctxt.reportWrongTokenException(this, JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, null); } key = p.currentName(); } for (; key != null; key = p.nextFieldName()) { JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if ((_inclusionChecker != null) && _inclusionChecker.shouldIgnore(key)) { p.skipChildren(); continue; } try { // Note: must handle null explicitly here; value deserializers won't Object value; if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (_skipNullValues) { continue; } value = _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt); } else if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser); } if (useObjectId) { referringAccumulator.put(key, value); } else { result.put(key, value); } } catch (UnresolvedForwardReference reference) { handleUnresolvedReference(ctxt, referringAccumulator, key, reference); } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, result, key); } } // 23-Mar-2015, tatu: TODO: verify we got END_OBJECT? } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Map<Object,Object> _deserializeUsingCreator(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException { final PropertyBasedCreator creator = _propertyBasedCreator; // null -> no ObjectIdReader for Maps (yet?) PropertyValueBuffer buffer = creator.startBuilding(p, ctxt, null); final JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer; final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer; String key; if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { key = p.nextFieldName(); } else if (p.hasToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME)) { key = p.currentName(); } else { key = null; } for (; key != null; key = p.nextFieldName()) { JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); // to get to value if ((_inclusionChecker != null) && _inclusionChecker.shouldIgnore(key)) { p.skipChildren(); // and skip it (in case of array/object) continue; } // creator property? SettableBeanProperty prop = creator.findCreatorProperty(key); if (prop != null) { // Last property to set? if (buffer.assignParameter(prop, prop.deserialize(p, ctxt))) { p.nextToken(); // from value to END_OBJECT or FIELD_NAME Map<Object,Object> result; try { result = (Map<Object,Object>), buffer); } catch (Exception e) { return wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, _containerType.getRawClass(), key); } _readAndBind(p, ctxt, result); return result; } continue; } // other property? needs buffering Object actualKey = _keyDeserializer.deserializeKey(key, ctxt); Object value; try { if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (_skipNullValues) { continue; } value = _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt); } else if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser); } } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, _containerType.getRawClass(), key); return null; } buffer.bufferMapProperty(actualKey, value); } // end of JSON object? // if so, can just construct and leave... try { return (Map<Object,Object>), buffer); } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, _containerType.getRawClass(), key); return null; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods, non-merging deserialization /********************************************************** */
/** * @since 2.9 */
protected final void _readAndUpdate(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Map<Object,Object> result) throws IOException { final KeyDeserializer keyDes = _keyDeserializer; final JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer; final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer; // Note: assumption is that Object Id handling can't really work with merging // and thereby we can (and should) just drop that part String keyStr; if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { keyStr = p.nextFieldName(); } else { JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { return; } if (t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) { ctxt.reportWrongTokenException(this, JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, null); } keyStr = p.currentName(); } for (; keyStr != null; keyStr = p.nextFieldName()) { Object key = keyDes.deserializeKey(keyStr, ctxt); // And then the value... JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if ((_inclusionChecker != null) && _inclusionChecker.shouldIgnore(keyStr)) { p.skipChildren(); continue; } try { // Note: must handle null explicitly here, can't merge etc if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (_skipNullValues) { continue; } result.put(key, _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt)); continue; } Object old = result.get(key); Object value; if (old != null) { if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt, old); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser, old); } } else if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser); } if (value != old) { result.put(key, value); } } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, result, keyStr); } } }
Optimized method used when keys can be deserialized as plain old Strings, and there is no custom deserializer specified.
/** * Optimized method used when keys can be deserialized as plain old * {@link java.lang.String}s, and there is no custom deserializer * specified. * * @since 2.9 */
protected final void _readAndUpdateStringKeyMap(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Map<Object,Object> result) throws IOException { final JsonDeserializer<Object> valueDes = _valueDeserializer; final TypeDeserializer typeDeser = _valueTypeDeserializer; // Note: assumption is that Object Id handling can't really work with merging // and thereby we can (and should) just drop that part String key; if (p.isExpectedStartObjectToken()) { key = p.nextFieldName(); } else { JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); if (t == JsonToken.END_OBJECT) { return; } if (t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) { ctxt.reportWrongTokenException(this, JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, null); } key = p.currentName(); } for (; key != null; key = p.nextFieldName()) { JsonToken t = p.nextToken(); if ((_inclusionChecker != null) && _inclusionChecker.shouldIgnore(key)) { p.skipChildren(); continue; } try { // Note: must handle null explicitly here, can't merge etc if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { if (_skipNullValues) { continue; } result.put(key, _nullProvider.getNullValue(ctxt)); continue; } Object old = result.get(key); Object value; if (old != null) { if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt, old); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser, old); } } else if (typeDeser == null) { value = valueDes.deserialize(p, ctxt); } else { value = valueDes.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, typeDeser); } if (value != old) { result.put(key, value); } } catch (Exception e) { wrapAndThrow(ctxt, e, result, key); } } } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal methods, other /********************************************************** */ private void handleUnresolvedReference(DeserializationContext ctxt, MapReferringAccumulator accumulator, Object key, UnresolvedForwardReference reference) throws JsonMappingException { if (accumulator == null) { ctxt.reportInputMismatch(this, "Unresolved forward reference but no identity info: "+reference); } Referring referring = accumulator.handleUnresolvedReference(reference, key); reference.getRoid().appendReferring(referring); } private final static class MapReferringAccumulator { private final Class<?> _valueType; private Map<Object,Object> _result;
A list of MapReferring to maintain ordering.
/** * A list of {@link MapReferring} to maintain ordering. */
private List<MapReferring> _accumulator = new ArrayList<MapReferring>(); public MapReferringAccumulator(Class<?> valueType, Map<Object, Object> result) { _valueType = valueType; _result = result; } public void put(Object key, Object value) { if (_accumulator.isEmpty()) { _result.put(key, value); } else { MapReferring ref = _accumulator.get(_accumulator.size() - 1);, value); } } public Referring handleUnresolvedReference(UnresolvedForwardReference reference, Object key) { MapReferring id = new MapReferring(this, reference, _valueType, key); _accumulator.add(id); return id; } public void resolveForwardReference(Object id, Object value) throws IOException { Iterator<MapReferring> iterator = _accumulator.iterator(); // Resolve ordering after resolution of an id. This means either: // 1- adding to the result map in case of the first unresolved id. // 2- merge the content of the resolved id with its previous unresolved id. Map<Object,Object> previous = _result; while (iterator.hasNext()) { MapReferring ref =; if (ref.hasId(id)) { iterator.remove(); previous.put(ref.key, value); previous.putAll(; return; } previous =; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to resolve a forward reference with id [" + id + "] that wasn't previously seen as unresolved."); } }
Helper class to maintain processing order of value. The resolved object associated with key comes before the values in next.
/** * Helper class to maintain processing order of value. * The resolved object associated with {@link #key} comes before the values in * {@link #next}. */
static class MapReferring extends Referring { private final MapReferringAccumulator _parent; public final Map<Object, Object> next = new LinkedHashMap<Object, Object>(); public final Object key; MapReferring(MapReferringAccumulator parent, UnresolvedForwardReference ref, Class<?> valueType, Object key) { super(ref, valueType); _parent = parent; this.key = key; } @Override public void handleResolvedForwardReference(Object id, Object value) throws IOException { _parent.resolveForwardReference(id, value); } } }