package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;

import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonSetter;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.Nulls;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.ConfigOverride;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.cfg.MapperConfig;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;

Helper class used for aggregating information about a single potential POJO property.
/** * Helper class used for aggregating information about a single * potential POJO property. */
public class POJOPropertyBuilder extends BeanPropertyDefinition implements Comparable<POJOPropertyBuilder> {
Marker value used to denote that no reference-property information found for this property
/** * Marker value used to denote that no reference-property information found for * this property * * @since 2.9 */
private final static AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty NOT_REFEFERENCE_PROP = AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty.managed("");
Whether property is being composed for serialization (true) or deserialization (false)
/** * Whether property is being composed for serialization * (true) or deserialization (false) */
protected final boolean _forSerialization; protected final MapperConfig<?> _config; protected final AnnotationIntrospector _annotationIntrospector;
External name of logical property; may change with renaming (by new instance being constructed using a new name)
/** * External name of logical property; may change with * renaming (by new instance being constructed using * a new name) */
protected final PropertyName _name;
Original internal name, derived from accessor, of this property. Will not be changed by renaming.
/** * Original internal name, derived from accessor, of this * property. Will not be changed by renaming. */
protected final PropertyName _internalName; protected Linked<AnnotatedField> _fields; protected Linked<AnnotatedParameter> _ctorParameters; protected Linked<AnnotatedMethod> _getters; protected Linked<AnnotatedMethod> _setters; protected transient PropertyMetadata _metadata;
Lazily accessed information about this property iff it is a forward or back reference.
/** * Lazily accessed information about this property iff it is a forward or * back reference. * * @since 2.9 */
protected transient AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty _referenceInfo; public POJOPropertyBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai, boolean forSerialization, PropertyName internalName) { this(config, ai, forSerialization, internalName, internalName); } protected POJOPropertyBuilder(MapperConfig<?> config, AnnotationIntrospector ai, boolean forSerialization, PropertyName internalName, PropertyName name) { _config = config; _annotationIntrospector = ai; _internalName = internalName; _name = name; _forSerialization = forSerialization; } // protected since 2.9 (was public before) protected POJOPropertyBuilder(POJOPropertyBuilder src, PropertyName newName) { _config = src._config; _annotationIntrospector = src._annotationIntrospector; _internalName = src._internalName; _name = newName; _fields = src._fields; _ctorParameters = src._ctorParameters; _getters = src._getters; _setters = src._setters; _forSerialization = src._forSerialization; } /* /********************************************************** /* Mutant factory methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public POJOPropertyBuilder withName(PropertyName newName) { return new POJOPropertyBuilder(this, newName); } @Override public POJOPropertyBuilder withSimpleName(String newSimpleName) { PropertyName newName = _name.withSimpleName(newSimpleName); return (newName == _name) ? this : new POJOPropertyBuilder(this, newName); } /* /********************************************************** /* Comparable implementation: sort alphabetically, except /* that properties with constructor parameters sorted /* before other properties /********************************************************** */ @Override public int compareTo(POJOPropertyBuilder other) { // first, if one has ctor params, that should come first: if (_ctorParameters != null) { if (other._ctorParameters == null) { return -1; } } else if (other._ctorParameters != null) { return 1; } /* otherwise sort by external name (including sorting of * ctor parameters) */ return getName().compareTo(other.getName()); } /* /********************************************************** /* BeanPropertyDefinition implementation, name/type /********************************************************** */ @Override public String getName() { return (_name == null) ? null : _name.getSimpleName(); } @Override public PropertyName getFullName() { return _name; } @Override public boolean hasName(PropertyName name) { return _name.equals(name); } @Override public String getInternalName() { return _internalName.getSimpleName(); } @Override public PropertyName getWrapperName() { /* 13-Mar-2013, tatu: Accessing via primary member SHOULD work, * due to annotation merging. However, I have seen some problems * with this access (for other annotations)... so if this should * occur, try commenting out full traversal code */ AnnotatedMember member = getPrimaryMember(); return (member == null || _annotationIntrospector == null) ? null : _annotationIntrospector.findWrapperName(member); /* return fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<PropertyName>() { @Override public PropertyName withMember(AnnotatedMember member) { return _annotationIntrospector.findWrapperName(member); } }); */ } @Override public boolean isExplicitlyIncluded() { return _anyExplicits(_fields) || _anyExplicits(_getters) || _anyExplicits(_setters) // 16-Jan-2016, tatu: Creator names are special, in that name should exist too; // reason for this is [databind#1317]. Let's hope this works well, may need // to tweak further if this lowers visibility // || _anyExplicits(_ctorParameters) || _anyExplicitNames(_ctorParameters) ; } @Override public boolean isExplicitlyNamed() { return _anyExplicitNames(_fields) || _anyExplicitNames(_getters) || _anyExplicitNames(_setters) || _anyExplicitNames(_ctorParameters) ; } /* /********************************************************** /* Simple metadata /********************************************************** */ @Override public PropertyMetadata getMetadata() { if (_metadata == null) { // 20-Jun-2020, tatu: Unfortunately strict checks lead to [databind#2757] // so we will need to try to avoid them at this point final AnnotatedMember prim = getPrimaryMemberUnchecked(); if (prim == null) { _metadata = PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL; } else { final Boolean b = _annotationIntrospector.hasRequiredMarker(prim); final String desc = _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyDescription(prim); final Integer idx = _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyIndex(prim); final String def = _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyDefaultValue(prim); if (b == null && idx == null && def == null) { _metadata = (desc == null) ? PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL : PropertyMetadata.STD_REQUIRED_OR_OPTIONAL.withDescription(desc); } else { _metadata = PropertyMetadata.construct(b, desc, idx, def); } if (!_forSerialization) { _metadata = _getSetterInfo(_metadata, prim); } } } return _metadata; }
Helper method that contains logic for accessing and merging all setter information that we needed, regarding things like possible merging of property value, and handling of incoming nulls. Only called for deserialization purposes.
/** * Helper method that contains logic for accessing and merging all setter * information that we needed, regarding things like possible merging * of property value, and handling of incoming nulls. * Only called for deserialization purposes. */
protected PropertyMetadata _getSetterInfo(PropertyMetadata metadata, AnnotatedMember primary) { boolean needMerge = true; Nulls valueNulls = null; Nulls contentNulls = null; // Slightly confusing: first, annotations should be accessed via primary member // (mutator); but accessor is needed for actual merge operation. So AnnotatedMember acc = getAccessor(); if (primary != null) { // Ok, first: does property itself have something to say? if (_annotationIntrospector != null) { if (acc != null) { Boolean b = _annotationIntrospector.findMergeInfo(primary); if (b != null) { needMerge = false; if (b.booleanValue()) { metadata = metadata.withMergeInfo(PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo.createForPropertyOverride(acc)); } } } JsonSetter.Value setterInfo = _annotationIntrospector.findSetterInfo(primary); if (setterInfo != null) { valueNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultValueNulls(); contentNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultContentNulls(); } } // If not, config override? // 25-Oct-2016, tatu: Either this, or type of accessor... if (needMerge || (valueNulls == null) || (contentNulls == null)) { // 20-Jun-2020, tatu: Related to [databind#2757], need to find type // but keeping mind that type for setters is trickier; and that // generic typing gets tricky as well. Class<?> rawType = _rawTypeOf(primary); ConfigOverride co = _config.getConfigOverride(rawType); JsonSetter.Value setterInfo = co.getSetterInfo(); if (setterInfo != null) { if (valueNulls == null) { valueNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultValueNulls(); } if (contentNulls == null) { contentNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultContentNulls(); } } if (needMerge && (acc != null)) { Boolean b = co.getMergeable(); if (b != null) { needMerge = false; if (b.booleanValue()) { metadata = metadata.withMergeInfo(PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo.createForTypeOverride(acc)); } } } } } if (needMerge || (valueNulls == null) || (contentNulls == null)) { JsonSetter.Value setterInfo = _config.getDefaultSetterInfo(); if (valueNulls == null) { valueNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultValueNulls(); } if (contentNulls == null) { contentNulls = setterInfo.nonDefaultContentNulls(); } if (needMerge) { Boolean b = _config.getDefaultMergeable(); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(b) && (acc != null)) { metadata = metadata.withMergeInfo(PropertyMetadata.MergeInfo.createForDefaults(acc)); } } } if ((valueNulls != null) || (contentNulls != null)) { metadata = metadata.withNulls(valueNulls, contentNulls); } return metadata; }
Type determined from the primary member for the property being built, considering precedence according to whether we are processing serialization or deserialization.
/** * Type determined from the primary member for the property being built, * considering precedence according to whether we are processing serialization * or deserialization. */
@Override public JavaType getPrimaryType() { if (_forSerialization) { AnnotatedMember m = getGetter(); if (m == null) { m = getField(); if (m == null) { // 09-Feb-2017, tatu: Not sure if this or `null` but... return TypeFactory.unknownType(); } } return m.getType(); } AnnotatedMember m = getConstructorParameter(); if (m == null) { m = getSetter(); // Important: can't try direct type access for setter; what we need is // type of the first parameter if (m != null) { return ((AnnotatedMethod) m).getParameterType(0); } m = getField(); } // for setterless properties, however, can further try getter if (m == null) { m = getGetter(); if (m == null) { return TypeFactory.unknownType(); } } return m.getType(); } @Override public Class<?> getRawPrimaryType() { return getPrimaryType().getRawClass(); } /* /********************************************************** /* BeanPropertyDefinition implementation, accessor access /********************************************************** */ @Override public boolean hasGetter() { return _getters != null; } @Override public boolean hasSetter() { return _setters != null; } @Override public boolean hasField() { return _fields != null; } @Override public boolean hasConstructorParameter() { return _ctorParameters != null; } @Override public boolean couldDeserialize() { return (_ctorParameters != null) || (_setters != null) || (_fields != null); } @Override public boolean couldSerialize() { return (_getters != null) || (_fields != null); } @Override public AnnotatedMethod getGetter() { // Easy with zero or one getters... Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr = _getters; if (curr == null) { return null; } Linked<AnnotatedMethod> next =; if (next == null) { return curr.value; } // But if multiple, verify that they do not conflict... for (; next != null; next = { /* [JACKSON-255] Allow masking, i.e. do not report exception if one * is in super-class from the other */ Class<?> currClass = curr.value.getDeclaringClass(); Class<?> nextClass = next.value.getDeclaringClass(); if (currClass != nextClass) { if (currClass.isAssignableFrom(nextClass)) { // next is more specific curr = next; continue; } if (nextClass.isAssignableFrom(currClass)) { // current more specific continue; } } /* 30-May-2014, tatu: Three levels of precedence: * * 1. Regular getters ("getX") * 2. Is-getters ("isX") * 3. Implicit, possible getters ("x") */ int priNext = _getterPriority(next.value); int priCurr = _getterPriority(curr.value); if (priNext != priCurr) { if (priNext < priCurr) { curr = next; } continue; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Conflicting getter definitions for property \""+getName()+"\": " +curr.value.getFullName()+" vs "+next.value.getFullName()); } // One more thing; to avoid having to do it again... _getters = curr.withoutNext(); return curr.value; } @Override public AnnotatedMethod getSetter() { // Easy with zero or one setters... Linked<AnnotatedMethod> curr = _setters; if (curr == null) { return null; } Linked<AnnotatedMethod> next =; if (next == null) { return curr.value; } // But if multiple, verify that they do not conflict... for (; next != null; next = { // Allow masking, i.e. do not fail if one is in super-class from the other Class<?> currClass = curr.value.getDeclaringClass(); Class<?> nextClass = next.value.getDeclaringClass(); if (currClass != nextClass) { if (currClass.isAssignableFrom(nextClass)) { // next is more specific curr = next; continue; } if (nextClass.isAssignableFrom(currClass)) { // current more specific continue; } } AnnotatedMethod nextM = next.value; AnnotatedMethod currM = curr.value; /* 30-May-2014, tatu: Two levels of precedence: * * 1. Regular setters ("setX(...)") * 2. Implicit, possible setters ("x(...)") */ int priNext = _setterPriority(nextM); int priCurr = _setterPriority(currM); if (priNext != priCurr) { if (priNext < priCurr) { curr = next; } continue; } // 11-Dec-2015, tatu: As per [databind#1033] allow pluggable conflict resolution if (_annotationIntrospector != null) { AnnotatedMethod pref = _annotationIntrospector.resolveSetterConflict(_config, currM, nextM); // note: should be one of nextM/currM; but no need to check if (pref == currM) { continue; } if (pref == nextM) { curr = next; continue; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format( "Conflicting setter definitions for property \"%s\": %s vs %s", getName(), curr.value.getFullName(), next.value.getFullName())); } // One more thing; to avoid having to do it again... _setters = curr.withoutNext(); return curr.value; } @Override public AnnotatedField getField() { if (_fields == null) { return null; } // If multiple, verify that they do not conflict... AnnotatedField field = _fields.value; Linked<AnnotatedField> next =; for (; next != null; next = { AnnotatedField nextField = next.value; Class<?> fieldClass = field.getDeclaringClass(); Class<?> nextClass = nextField.getDeclaringClass(); if (fieldClass != nextClass) { if (fieldClass.isAssignableFrom(nextClass)) { // next is more specific field = nextField; continue; } if (nextClass.isAssignableFrom(fieldClass)) { // getter more specific continue; } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Multiple fields representing property \""+getName()+"\": " +field.getFullName()+" vs "+nextField.getFullName()); } return field; } @Override public AnnotatedParameter getConstructorParameter() { if (_ctorParameters == null) { return null; } /* Hmmh. Checking for constructor parameters is trickier; for one, * we must allow creator and factory method annotations. * If this is the case, constructor parameter has the precedence. * * So, for now, just try finding the first constructor parameter; * if none, first factory method. And don't check for dups, if we must, * can start checking for them later on. */ Linked<AnnotatedParameter> curr = _ctorParameters; do { if (curr.value.getOwner() instanceof AnnotatedConstructor) { return curr.value; } curr =; } while (curr != null); return _ctorParameters.value; } @Override public Iterator<AnnotatedParameter> getConstructorParameters() { if (_ctorParameters == null) { return ClassUtil.emptyIterator(); } return new MemberIterator<AnnotatedParameter>(_ctorParameters); } @Override public AnnotatedMember getPrimaryMember() { if (_forSerialization) { return getAccessor(); } AnnotatedMember m = getMutator(); // for setterless properties, however... if (m == null) { m = getAccessor(); } return m; } // Sometimes we need to actually by-pass failures related to conflicting // getters or setters (see [databind#2757] for specific example); if so, // this method is to be used instead of `getPrimaryMember()` // @since 2.11.1 protected AnnotatedMember getPrimaryMemberUnchecked() { if (_forSerialization) { // Inlined `getAccessor()` logic: // Inlined `getGetter()`: if (_getters != null) { return _getters.value; } // Inlined `getField()`: if (_fields != null) { return _fields.value; } return null; } // Otherwise, inlined `getMutator()` logic: // Inlined `getConstructorParameter()`: if (_ctorParameters != null) { return _ctorParameters.value; } // Inlined `getSetter()`: if (_setters != null) { return _setters.value; } // Inlined `getField()`: if (_fields != null) { return _fields.value; } // but to support setterless-properties, also include part of // `getAccessor()` not yet covered, `getGetter()`: if (_getters != null) { return _getters.value; } return null; } protected int _getterPriority(AnnotatedMethod m) { final String name = m.getName(); // [databind#238]: Also, regular getters have precedence over "is-getters" if (name.startsWith("get") && name.length() > 3) { // should we check capitalization? return 1; } if (name.startsWith("is") && name.length() > 2) { return 2; } return 3; } protected int _setterPriority(AnnotatedMethod m) { final String name = m.getName(); if (name.startsWith("set") && name.length() > 3) { // should we check capitalization? return 1; } return 2; } /* /********************************************************** /* Implementations of refinement accessors /********************************************************** */ @Override public Class<?>[] findViews() { return fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<Class<?>[]>() { @Override public Class<?>[] withMember(AnnotatedMember member) { return _annotationIntrospector.findViews(member); } }); } @Override public AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty findReferenceType() { // 30-Mar-2017, tatu: Access lazily but retain information since it needs // to be accessed multiple times during processing. AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty result = _referenceInfo; if (result != null) { if (result == NOT_REFEFERENCE_PROP) { return null; } return result; } result = fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty>() { @Override public AnnotationIntrospector.ReferenceProperty withMember(AnnotatedMember member) { return _annotationIntrospector.findReferenceType(member); } }); _referenceInfo = (result == null) ? NOT_REFEFERENCE_PROP : result; return result; } @Override public boolean isTypeId() { Boolean b = fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<Boolean>() { @Override public Boolean withMember(AnnotatedMember member) { return _annotationIntrospector.isTypeId(member); } }); return (b != null) && b.booleanValue(); } @Override public ObjectIdInfo findObjectIdInfo() { return fromMemberAnnotations(new WithMember<ObjectIdInfo>() { @Override public ObjectIdInfo withMember(AnnotatedMember member) { ObjectIdInfo info = _annotationIntrospector.findObjectIdInfo(member); if (info != null) { info = _annotationIntrospector.findObjectReferenceInfo(member, info); } return info; } }); } @Override public JsonInclude.Value findInclusion() { AnnotatedMember a = getAccessor(); // 16-Apr-2106, tatu: Let's include per-type default inclusion too // 17-Aug-2016, tatu: Do NOT include global, or per-type defaults, because // not all of this information (specifically, enclosing type's settings) // is available here JsonInclude.Value v = (_annotationIntrospector == null) ? null : _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyInclusion(a); return (v == null) ? JsonInclude.Value.empty() : v; } public JsonProperty.Access findAccess() { return fromMemberAnnotationsExcept(new WithMember<JsonProperty.Access>() { @Override public JsonProperty.Access withMember(AnnotatedMember member) { return _annotationIntrospector.findPropertyAccess(member); } }, JsonProperty.Access.AUTO); } /* /********************************************************** /* Data aggregation /********************************************************** */ public void addField(AnnotatedField a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) { _fields = new Linked<AnnotatedField>(a, _fields, name, explName, visible, ignored); } public void addCtor(AnnotatedParameter a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) { _ctorParameters = new Linked<AnnotatedParameter>(a, _ctorParameters, name, explName, visible, ignored); } public void addGetter(AnnotatedMethod a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) { _getters = new Linked<AnnotatedMethod>(a, _getters, name, explName, visible, ignored); } public void addSetter(AnnotatedMethod a, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) { _setters = new Linked<AnnotatedMethod>(a, _setters, name, explName, visible, ignored); }
Method for adding all property members from specified collector into this collector.
/** * Method for adding all property members from specified collector into * this collector. */
public void addAll(POJOPropertyBuilder src) { _fields = merge(_fields, src._fields); _ctorParameters = merge(_ctorParameters, src._ctorParameters); _getters= merge(_getters, src._getters); _setters = merge(_setters, src._setters); } private static <T> Linked<T> merge(Linked<T> chain1, Linked<T> chain2) { if (chain1 == null) { return chain2; } if (chain2 == null) { return chain1; } return chain1.append(chain2); } /* /********************************************************** /* Modifications /********************************************************** */
Method called to remove all entries that are marked as ignored.
/** * Method called to remove all entries that are marked as * ignored. */
public void removeIgnored() { _fields = _removeIgnored(_fields); _getters = _removeIgnored(_getters); _setters = _removeIgnored(_setters); _ctorParameters = _removeIgnored(_ctorParameters); } @Deprecated // since 2.12 public JsonProperty.Access removeNonVisible(boolean inferMutators) { return removeNonVisible(inferMutators, null); }
  • inferMutators – Whether mutators can be "pulled in" by visible accessors or not.
Since:2.12 (earlier had different signature)
/** * @param inferMutators Whether mutators can be "pulled in" by visible * accessors or not. * * @since 2.12 (earlier had different signature) */
public JsonProperty.Access removeNonVisible(boolean inferMutators, POJOPropertiesCollector parent) { /* 07-Jun-2015, tatu: With 2.6, we will allow optional definition * of explicit access type for property; if not "AUTO", it will * dictate how visibility checks are applied. */ JsonProperty.Access acc = findAccess(); if (acc == null) { acc = JsonProperty.Access.AUTO; } switch (acc) { case READ_ONLY: // [databind#2719]: Need to add ignorals, first, keeping in mind // we have not yet resolved explicit names, so include implicit // and possible explicit names if (parent != null) { parent._collectIgnorals(getName()); for (PropertyName pn : findExplicitNames()) { parent._collectIgnorals(pn.getSimpleName()); } } // Remove setters, creators for sure, but fields too if deserializing _setters = null; _ctorParameters = null; if (!_forSerialization) { _fields = null; } break; case READ_WRITE: // no trimming whatsoever? break; case WRITE_ONLY: // remove getters, definitely, but also fields if serializing _getters = null; if (_forSerialization) { _fields = null; } break; default: case AUTO: // the default case: base it on visibility _getters = _removeNonVisible(_getters); _ctorParameters = _removeNonVisible(_ctorParameters); if (!inferMutators || (_getters == null)) { _fields = _removeNonVisible(_fields); _setters = _removeNonVisible(_setters); } } return acc; }
Mutator that will simply drop any constructor parameters property may have.
/** * Mutator that will simply drop any constructor parameters property may have. * * @since 2.5 */
public void removeConstructors() { _ctorParameters = null; }
Method called to trim unnecessary entries, such as implicit getter if there is an explict one available. This is important for later stages, to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
/** * Method called to trim unnecessary entries, such as implicit * getter if there is an explict one available. This is important * for later stages, to avoid unnecessary conflicts. */
public void trimByVisibility() { _fields = _trimByVisibility(_fields); _getters = _trimByVisibility(_getters); _setters = _trimByVisibility(_setters); _ctorParameters = _trimByVisibility(_ctorParameters); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void mergeAnnotations(boolean forSerialization) { if (forSerialization) { if (_getters != null) { AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _getters, _fields, _ctorParameters, _setters); _getters = _applyAnnotations(_getters, ann); } else if (_fields != null) { AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _fields, _ctorParameters, _setters); _fields = _applyAnnotations(_fields, ann); } } else { // for deserialization if (_ctorParameters != null) { AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _ctorParameters, _setters, _fields, _getters); _ctorParameters = _applyAnnotations(_ctorParameters, ann); } else if (_setters != null) { AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _setters, _fields, _getters); _setters = _applyAnnotations(_setters, ann); } else if (_fields != null) { AnnotationMap ann = _mergeAnnotations(0, _fields, _getters); _fields = _applyAnnotations(_fields, ann); } } } private AnnotationMap _mergeAnnotations(int index, Linked<? extends AnnotatedMember>... nodes) { AnnotationMap ann = _getAllAnnotations(nodes[index]); while (++index < nodes.length) { if (nodes[index] != null) { return AnnotationMap.merge(ann, _mergeAnnotations(index, nodes)); } } return ann; }
Replacement, as per [databind#868], of simple access to annotations, which does "deep merge" if an as necessary.
/** * Replacement, as per [databind#868], of simple access to annotations, which * does "deep merge" if an as necessary. *<pre> * nodes[index].value.getAllAnnotations() *</pre> * * @since 2.6 */
private <T extends AnnotatedMember> AnnotationMap _getAllAnnotations(Linked<T> node) { AnnotationMap ann = node.value.getAllAnnotations(); if ( != null) { ann = AnnotationMap.merge(ann, _getAllAnnotations(; } return ann; }
Helper method to handle recursive merging of annotations within accessor class, to ensure no annotations are accidentally dropped within chain when non-visible and secondary accessors are pruned later on.

See [databind#868] for more information.

/** * Helper method to handle recursive merging of annotations within accessor class, * to ensure no annotations are accidentally dropped within chain when non-visible * and secondary accessors are pruned later on. *<p> * See [databind#868] for more information. * * @since 2.6 */
private <T extends AnnotatedMember> Linked<T> _applyAnnotations(Linked<T> node, AnnotationMap ann) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T value = (T) node.value.withAnnotations(ann); if ( != null) { node = node.withNext(_applyAnnotations(, ann)); } return node.withValue(value); } private <T> Linked<T> _removeIgnored(Linked<T> node) { if (node == null) { return node; } return node.withoutIgnored(); } private <T> Linked<T> _removeNonVisible(Linked<T> node) { if (node == null) { return node; } return node.withoutNonVisible(); } private <T> Linked<T> _trimByVisibility(Linked<T> node) { if (node == null) { return node; } return node.trimByVisibility(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Accessors for aggregate information /********************************************************** */ private <T> boolean _anyExplicits(Linked<T> n) { for (; n != null; n = { if ( != null && { return true; } } return false; } private <T> boolean _anyExplicitNames(Linked<T> n) { for (; n != null; n = { if ( != null && n.isNameExplicit) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean anyVisible() { return _anyVisible(_fields) || _anyVisible(_getters) || _anyVisible(_setters) || _anyVisible(_ctorParameters) ; } private <T> boolean _anyVisible(Linked<T> n) { for (; n != null; n = { if (n.isVisible) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean anyIgnorals() { return _anyIgnorals(_fields) || _anyIgnorals(_getters) || _anyIgnorals(_setters) || _anyIgnorals(_ctorParameters) ; } private <T> boolean _anyIgnorals(Linked<T> n) { for (; n != null; n = { if (n.isMarkedIgnored) { return true; } } return false; }
Method called to find out set of explicit names for accessors bound together due to implicit name.
/** * Method called to find out set of explicit names for accessors * bound together due to implicit name. * * @since 2.4 */
public Set<PropertyName> findExplicitNames() { Set<PropertyName> renamed = null; renamed = _findExplicitNames(_fields, renamed); renamed = _findExplicitNames(_getters, renamed); renamed = _findExplicitNames(_setters, renamed); renamed = _findExplicitNames(_ctorParameters, renamed); if (renamed == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return renamed; }
Method called when a previous call to findExplicitNames found multiple distinct explicit names, and the property this builder represents basically needs to be broken apart and replaced by a set of more than one properties.
/** * Method called when a previous call to {@link #findExplicitNames} found * multiple distinct explicit names, and the property this builder represents * basically needs to be broken apart and replaced by a set of more than * one properties. * * @since 2.4 */
public Collection<POJOPropertyBuilder> explode(Collection<PropertyName> newNames) { HashMap<PropertyName,POJOPropertyBuilder> props = new HashMap<PropertyName,POJOPropertyBuilder>(); _explode(newNames, props, _fields); _explode(newNames, props, _getters); _explode(newNames, props, _setters); _explode(newNames, props, _ctorParameters); return props.values(); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void _explode(Collection<PropertyName> newNames, Map<PropertyName,POJOPropertyBuilder> props, Linked<?> accessors) { final Linked<?> firstAcc = accessors; // clumsy, part 1 for (Linked<?> node = accessors; node != null; node = { PropertyName name =; if (!node.isNameExplicit || name == null) { // no explicit name -- problem! // [databind#541] ... but only as long as it's visible if (!node.isVisible) { continue; } throw new IllegalStateException("Conflicting/ambiguous property name definitions (implicit name ""): found multiple explicit names: " +newNames+", but also implicit accessor: "+node); } POJOPropertyBuilder prop = props.get(name); if (prop == null) { prop = new POJOPropertyBuilder(_config, _annotationIntrospector, _forSerialization, _internalName, name); props.put(name, prop); } // ultra-clumsy, part 2 -- lambdas would be nice here if (firstAcc == _fields) { Linked<AnnotatedField> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedField>) node; prop._fields = n2.withNext(prop._fields); } else if (firstAcc == _getters) { Linked<AnnotatedMethod> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedMethod>) node; prop._getters = n2.withNext(prop._getters); } else if (firstAcc == _setters) { Linked<AnnotatedMethod> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedMethod>) node; prop._setters = n2.withNext(prop._setters); } else if (firstAcc == _ctorParameters) { Linked<AnnotatedParameter> n2 = (Linked<AnnotatedParameter>) node; prop._ctorParameters = n2.withNext(prop._ctorParameters); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Internal error: mismatched accessors, property: "+this); } } } private Set<PropertyName> _findExplicitNames(Linked<? extends AnnotatedMember> node, Set<PropertyName> renamed) { for (; node != null; node = { /* 30-Mar-2014, tatu: Second check should not be needed, but seems like * removing it can cause nasty exceptions with certain version * combinations (2.4 databind, an older module). * So leaving it in for now until this is resolved * (or version beyond 2.4) */ if (!node.isNameExplicit || == null) { continue; } if (renamed == null) { renamed = new HashSet<PropertyName>(); } renamed.add(; } return renamed; } // For trouble-shooting @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("[Property '").append(_name) .append("'; ctors: ").append(_ctorParameters) .append(", field(s): ").append(_fields) .append(", getter(s): ").append(_getters) .append(", setter(s): ").append(_setters) ; sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods /********************************************************** */
Helper method used for finding annotation values, from accessors relevant to current usage (deserialization, serialization)
/** * Helper method used for finding annotation values, from accessors * relevant to current usage (deserialization, serialization) */
protected <T> T fromMemberAnnotations(WithMember<T> func) { T result = null; if (_annotationIntrospector != null) { if (_forSerialization) { if (_getters != null) { result = func.withMember(_getters.value); } } else { if (_ctorParameters != null) { result = func.withMember(_ctorParameters.value); } if (result == null && _setters != null) { result = func.withMember(_setters.value); } } if (result == null && _fields != null) { result = func.withMember(_fields.value); } } return result; } protected <T> T fromMemberAnnotationsExcept(WithMember<T> func, T defaultValue) { if (_annotationIntrospector == null) { return null; } // NOTE: here we must ask ALL accessors, but the order varies between // serialization, deserialization if (_forSerialization) { if (_getters != null) { T result = func.withMember(_getters.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } if (_fields != null) { T result = func.withMember(_fields.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } if (_ctorParameters != null) { T result = func.withMember(_ctorParameters.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } if (_setters != null) { T result = func.withMember(_setters.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } return null; } if (_ctorParameters != null) { T result = func.withMember(_ctorParameters.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } if (_setters != null) { T result = func.withMember(_setters.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } if (_fields != null) { T result = func.withMember(_fields.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } if (_getters != null) { T result = func.withMember(_getters.value); if ((result != null) && (result != defaultValue)) { return result; } } return null; } // Helper method needed to work around oddity in type access for // `AnnotatedMethod`. // // @since 2.11.1 protected Class<?> _rawTypeOf(AnnotatedMember m) { // AnnotatedMethod always returns return type, but for setters we // actually need argument type if (m instanceof AnnotatedMethod) { AnnotatedMethod meh = (AnnotatedMethod) m; if (meh.getParameterCount() > 0) { // note: get raw type FROM full type since only that resolves // generic types return meh.getParameterType(0).getRawClass(); } } // same as above, must get fully resolved type to handled generic typing // of fields etc. return m.getType().getRawClass(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper classes /********************************************************** */ private interface WithMember<T> { public T withMember(AnnotatedMember member); }
/** * @since 2.5 */
protected static class MemberIterator<T extends AnnotatedMember> implements Iterator<T> { private Linked<T> next; public MemberIterator(Linked<T> first) { next = first; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return (next != null); } @Override public T next() { if (next == null) throw new NoSuchElementException(); T result = next.value; next =; return result; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
Node used for creating simple linked lists to efficiently store small sets of things.
/** * Node used for creating simple linked lists to efficiently store small sets * of things. */
protected final static class Linked<T> { public final T value; public final Linked<T> next; public final PropertyName name; public final boolean isNameExplicit; public final boolean isVisible; public final boolean isMarkedIgnored; public Linked(T v, Linked<T> n, PropertyName name, boolean explName, boolean visible, boolean ignored) { value = v; next = n; // ensure that we'll never have missing names = (name == null || name.isEmpty()) ? null : name; if (explName) { if ( == null) { // sanity check to catch internal problems throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot pass true for 'explName' if name is null/empty"); } // 03-Apr-2014, tatu: But how about name-space only override? // Probably should not be explicit? Or, need to merge somehow? if (!name.hasSimpleName()) { explName = false; } } isNameExplicit = explName; isVisible = visible; isMarkedIgnored = ignored; } public Linked<T> withoutNext() { if (next == null) { return this; } return new Linked<T>(value, null, name, isNameExplicit, isVisible, isMarkedIgnored); } public Linked<T> withValue(T newValue) { if (newValue == value) { return this; } return new Linked<T>(newValue, next, name, isNameExplicit, isVisible, isMarkedIgnored); } public Linked<T> withNext(Linked<T> newNext) { if (newNext == next) { return this; } return new Linked<T>(value, newNext, name, isNameExplicit, isVisible, isMarkedIgnored); } public Linked<T> withoutIgnored() { if (isMarkedIgnored) { return (next == null) ? null : next.withoutIgnored(); } if (next != null) { Linked<T> newNext = next.withoutIgnored(); if (newNext != next) { return withNext(newNext); } } return this; } public Linked<T> withoutNonVisible() { Linked<T> newNext = (next == null) ? null : next.withoutNonVisible(); return isVisible ? withNext(newNext) : newNext; }
Method called to append given node(s) at the end of this node chain.
/** * Method called to append given node(s) at the end of this * node chain. */
protected Linked<T> append(Linked<T> appendable) { if (next == null) { return withNext(appendable); } return withNext(next.append(appendable)); } public Linked<T> trimByVisibility() { if (next == null) { return this; } Linked<T> newNext = next.trimByVisibility(); if (name != null) { // this already has highest; how about next one? if ( == null) { // next one not, drop it return withNext(null); } // both have it, keep return withNext(newNext); } if ( != null) { // next one has higher, return it... return newNext; } // neither has explicit name; how about visibility? if (isVisible == newNext.isVisible) { // same; keep both in current order return withNext(newNext); } return isVisible ? withNext(null) : newNext; } @Override public String toString() { String msg = String.format("%s[visible=%b,ignore=%b,explicitName=%b]", value.toString(), isVisible, isMarkedIgnored, isNameExplicit); if (next != null) { msg = msg + ", "+next.toString(); } return msg; } } }