package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.AnnotationIntrospector;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.ClassIntrospector.MixInResolver;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type.TypeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;

public class AnnotatedFieldCollector
    extends CollectorBase
    // // // Configuration

    private final TypeFactory _typeFactory;
    private final MixInResolver _mixInResolver;

/** * @since 2.11 */
private final boolean _collectAnnotations; // // // Collected state AnnotatedFieldCollector(AnnotationIntrospector intr, TypeFactory types, MixInResolver mixins, boolean collectAnnotations) { super(intr); _typeFactory = types; _mixInResolver = (intr == null) ? null : mixins; _collectAnnotations = collectAnnotations; } public static List<AnnotatedField> collectFields(AnnotationIntrospector intr, TypeResolutionContext tc, MixInResolver mixins, TypeFactory types, JavaType type, boolean collectAnnotations) { return new AnnotatedFieldCollector(intr, types, mixins, collectAnnotations) .collect(tc, type); } List<AnnotatedField> collect(TypeResolutionContext tc, JavaType type) { Map<String,FieldBuilder> foundFields = _findFields(tc, type, null); if (foundFields == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<AnnotatedField> result = new ArrayList<>(foundFields.size()); for (FieldBuilder b : foundFields.values()) { result.add(; } return result; } private Map<String,FieldBuilder> _findFields(TypeResolutionContext tc, JavaType type, Map<String,FieldBuilder> fields) { // First, a quick test: we only care for regular classes (not interfaces, //primitive types etc), except for Object.class. A simple check to rule out // other cases is to see if there is a super class or not. JavaType parent = type.getSuperClass(); if (parent == null) { return fields; } final Class<?> cls = type.getRawClass(); // Let's add super-class' fields first, then ours. fields = _findFields(new TypeResolutionContext.Basic(_typeFactory, parent.getBindings()), parent, fields); for (Field f : cls.getDeclaredFields()) { // static fields not included (transients are at this point, filtered out later) if (!_isIncludableField(f)) { continue; } // Ok now: we can (and need) not filter out ignorable fields at this point; partly // because mix-ins haven't been added, and partly because logic can be done // when determining get/settability of the field. if (fields == null) { fields = new LinkedHashMap<>(); } FieldBuilder b = new FieldBuilder(tc, f); if (_collectAnnotations) { b.annotations = collectAnnotations(b.annotations, f.getDeclaredAnnotations()); } fields.put(f.getName(), b); } // And then... any mix-in overrides? if ((fields != null) && (_mixInResolver != null)) { Class<?> mixin = _mixInResolver.findMixInClassFor(cls); if (mixin != null) { _addFieldMixIns(mixin, cls, fields); } } return fields; }
Method called to add field mix-ins from given mix-in class (and its fields) into already collected actual fields (from introspected classes and their super-classes)
/** * Method called to add field mix-ins from given mix-in class (and its fields) * into already collected actual fields (from introspected classes and their * super-classes) */
private void _addFieldMixIns(Class<?> mixInCls, Class<?> targetClass, Map<String,FieldBuilder> fields) { List<Class<?>> parents = ClassUtil.findSuperClasses(mixInCls, targetClass, true); for (Class<?> mixin : parents) { for (Field mixinField : mixin.getDeclaredFields()) { // there are some dummy things (static, synthetic); better ignore if (!_isIncludableField(mixinField)) { continue; } String name = mixinField.getName(); // anything to mask? (if not, quietly ignore) FieldBuilder b = fields.get(name); if (b != null) { b.annotations = collectAnnotations(b.annotations, mixinField.getDeclaredAnnotations()); } } } } private boolean _isIncludableField(Field f) { // Most likely synthetic fields, if any, are to be skipped similar to methods if (f.isSynthetic()) { return false; } // Static fields are never included. Transient are (since 2.6), for // purpose of propagating removal int mods = f.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isStatic(mods)) { return false; } return true; } private final static class FieldBuilder { public final TypeResolutionContext typeContext; public final Field field; public AnnotationCollector annotations; public FieldBuilder(TypeResolutionContext tc, Field f) { typeContext = tc; field = f; annotations = AnnotationCollector.emptyCollector(); } public AnnotatedField build() { return new AnnotatedField(typeContext, field, annotations.asAnnotationMap()); } } }