package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Map;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty;

Wrapper property that is used to handle managed (forward) properties Basically just needs to delegate first to actual forward property, and then to back property.
/** * Wrapper property that is used to handle managed (forward) properties * Basically just needs to delegate first to actual forward property, and * then to back property. */
public final class ManagedReferenceProperty // Changed to extends delegating base class in 2.9 extends SettableBeanProperty.Delegating { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; protected final String _referenceName;
Flag that indicates whether property to handle is a container type (array, Collection, Map) or not.
/** * Flag that indicates whether property to handle is a container type * (array, Collection, Map) or not. */
protected final boolean _isContainer; protected final SettableBeanProperty _backProperty; public ManagedReferenceProperty(SettableBeanProperty forward, String refName, SettableBeanProperty backward, boolean isContainer) { super(forward); _referenceName = refName; _backProperty = backward; _isContainer = isContainer; } @Override protected SettableBeanProperty withDelegate(SettableBeanProperty d) { throw new IllegalStateException("Should never try to reset delegate"); } // need to override to ensure both get fixed @Override public void fixAccess(DeserializationConfig config) { delegate.fixAccess(config); _backProperty.fixAccess(config); } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridden methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public void deserializeAndSet(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object instance) throws IOException { set(instance, delegate.deserialize(p, ctxt)); } @Override public Object deserializeSetAndReturn(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object instance) throws IOException { return setAndReturn(instance, deserialize(p, ctxt)); } @Override public final void set(Object instance, Object value) throws IOException { setAndReturn(instance, value); } @Override public Object setAndReturn(Object instance, Object value) throws IOException { /* 04-Feb-2014, tatu: As per [#390], it may be necessary to switch the * ordering of forward/backward references, and start with back ref. */ if (value != null) { if (_isContainer) { // ok, this gets ugly... but has to do for now if (value instanceof Object[]) { for (Object ob : (Object[]) value) { if (ob != null) { _backProperty.set(ob, instance); } } } else if (value instanceof Collection<?>) { for (Object ob : (Collection<?>) value) { if (ob != null) { _backProperty.set(ob, instance); } } } else if (value instanceof Map<?,?>) { for (Object ob : ((Map<?,?>) value).values()) { if (ob != null) { _backProperty.set(ob, instance); } } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported container type ("+value.getClass().getName() +") when resolving reference '"+_referenceName+"'"); } } else { _backProperty.set(value, instance); } } // and then the forward reference itself return delegate.setAndReturn(instance, value); } }