
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Arrays;

// Based on a great idea of Eric Obermühlner to use a tree of smaller BigDecimals for parsing
// really big numbers with O(n^1.5) complexity instead of O(n^2) when using the constructor
// for a decimal representation from JDK 8/11:

Helper class used to implement more optimized parsing of BigDecimal for REALLY big values (over 500 characters)

Based on ideas from this this git commit.

/** * Helper class used to implement more optimized parsing of {@link BigDecimal} for REALLY * big values (over 500 characters) *<p> * Based on ideas from this * <a href="">this * git commit</a>. * * @since 2.13 */
public final class BigDecimalParser { private final char[] chars; BigDecimalParser(char[] chars) { this.chars = chars; } public static BigDecimal parse(String valueStr) { return parse(valueStr.toCharArray()); } public static BigDecimal parse(char[] chars, int off, int len) { if (off > 0 || len != chars.length) { chars = Arrays.copyOfRange(chars, off, off+len); } return parse(chars); } public static BigDecimal parse(char[] chars) { final int len = chars.length; try { if (len < 500) { return new BigDecimal(chars); } return new BigDecimalParser(chars).parseBigDecimal(len / 10); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { String desc = e.getMessage(); // 05-Feb-2021, tatu: Alas, JDK mostly has null message so: if (desc == null) { desc = "Not a valid number representation"; } throw new NumberFormatException("Value \"" + new String(chars) + "\" can not be represented as `java.math.BigDecimal`, reason: " + desc); } } private BigDecimal parseBigDecimal(final int splitLen) { boolean numHasSign = false; boolean expHasSign = false; boolean neg = false; int numIdx = 0; int expIdx = -1; int dotIdx = -1; int scale = 0; final int len = chars.length; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = chars[i]; switch (c) { case '+': if (expIdx >= 0) { if (expHasSign) { throw new NumberFormatException("Multiple signs in exponent"); } expHasSign = true; } else { if (numHasSign) { throw new NumberFormatException("Multiple signs in number"); } numHasSign = true; numIdx = i + 1; } break; case '-': if (expIdx >= 0) { if (expHasSign) { throw new NumberFormatException("Multiple signs in exponent"); } expHasSign = true; } else { if (numHasSign) { throw new NumberFormatException("Multiple signs in number"); } numHasSign = true; neg = true; numIdx = i + 1; } break; case 'e': case 'E': if (expIdx >= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException("Multiple exponent markers"); } expIdx = i; break; case '.': if (dotIdx >= 0) { throw new NumberFormatException("Multiple decimal points"); } dotIdx = i; break; default: if (dotIdx >= 0 && expIdx == -1) { scale++; } } } int numEndIdx; int exp = 0; if (expIdx >= 0) { numEndIdx = expIdx; String expStr = new String(chars, expIdx + 1, len - expIdx - 1); exp = Integer.parseInt(expStr); scale = adjustScale(scale, exp); } else { numEndIdx = len; } BigDecimal res; if (dotIdx >= 0) { int leftLen = dotIdx - numIdx; BigDecimal left = toBigDecimalRec(numIdx, leftLen, exp, splitLen); int rightLen = numEndIdx - dotIdx - 1; BigDecimal right = toBigDecimalRec(dotIdx + 1, rightLen, exp - rightLen, splitLen); res = left.add(right); } else { res = toBigDecimalRec(numIdx, numEndIdx - numIdx, exp, splitLen); } if (scale != 0) { res = res.setScale(scale); } if (neg) { res = res.negate(); } return res; } private int adjustScale(int scale, long exp) { long adjScale = scale - exp; if (adjScale > Integer.MAX_VALUE || adjScale < Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw new NumberFormatException( "Scale out of range: " + adjScale + " while adjusting scale " + scale + " to exponent " + exp); } return (int) adjScale; } private BigDecimal toBigDecimalRec(int off, int len, int scale, int splitLen) { if (len > splitLen) { int mid = len / 2; BigDecimal left = toBigDecimalRec(off, mid, scale + len - mid, splitLen); BigDecimal right = toBigDecimalRec(off + mid, len - mid, scale, splitLen); return left.add(right); } return len == 0 ? BigDecimal.ZERO : new BigDecimal(chars, off, len).movePointRight(scale); } }