/* Jackson JSON-processor.
 * Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi

package com.fasterxml.jackson.core;

Intermediate base class for all problems encountered when processing (parsing, generating) JSON content that are not pure I/O problems. Regular IOExceptions will be passed through as is. Sub-class of IOException for convenience.
/** * Intermediate base class for all problems encountered when * processing (parsing, generating) JSON content * that are not pure I/O problems. * Regular {@link java.io.IOException}s will be passed through as is. * Sub-class of {@link java.io.IOException} for convenience. */
public class JsonProcessingException extends java.io.IOException { final static long serialVersionUID = 123; // Stupid eclipse... protected JsonLocation _location; protected JsonProcessingException(String msg, JsonLocation loc, Throwable rootCause) { super(msg); if (rootCause != null) { initCause(rootCause); } _location = loc; } protected JsonProcessingException(String msg) { super(msg); } protected JsonProcessingException(String msg, JsonLocation loc) { this(msg, loc, null); } protected JsonProcessingException(String msg, Throwable rootCause) { this(msg, null, rootCause); } protected JsonProcessingException(Throwable rootCause) { this(null, null, rootCause); } /* /********************************************************** /* Extended API /********************************************************** */ public JsonLocation getLocation() { return _location; }
Method that allows to remove context information from this exception's message. Useful when you are parsing security-sensitive data and don't want original data excerpts to be present in Jackson parser error messages.
/** * Method that allows to remove context information from this exception's message. * Useful when you are parsing security-sensitive data and don't want original data excerpts * to be present in Jackson parser error messages. * * @since 2.9 */
public void clearLocation() { _location = null; }
Method that allows accessing the original "message" argument, without additional decorations (like location information) that overridden getMessage adds.
/** * Method that allows accessing the original "message" argument, * without additional decorations (like location information) * that overridden {@link #getMessage} adds. * * @since 2.1 */
public String getOriginalMessage() { return super.getMessage(); }
Method that allows accessing underlying processor that triggered this exception; typically either JsonParser or JsonGenerator for exceptions that originate from streaming API. Note that it is possible that `null` may be returned if code throwing exception either has no access to processor; or has not been retrofitted to set it; this means that caller needs to take care to check for nulls. Subtypes override this method with co-variant return type, for more type-safe access.
Returns:Originating processor, if available; null if not.
/** * Method that allows accessing underlying processor that triggered * this exception; typically either {@link JsonParser} or {@link JsonGenerator} * for exceptions that originate from streaming API. * Note that it is possible that `null` may be returned if code throwing * exception either has no access to processor; or has not been retrofitted * to set it; this means that caller needs to take care to check for nulls. * Subtypes override this method with co-variant return type, for more * type-safe access. * * @return Originating processor, if available; null if not. * * @since 2.7 */
public Object getProcessor() { return null; } /* /********************************************************** /* Methods for sub-classes to use, override /********************************************************** */
Accessor that sub-classes can override to append additional information right after the main message, but before source location information.
/** * Accessor that sub-classes can override to append additional * information right after the main message, but before * source location information. */
protected String getMessageSuffix() { return null; } /* /********************************************************** /* Overrides of standard methods /********************************************************** */
Default method overridden so that we can add location information
/** * Default method overridden so that we can add location information */
@Override public String getMessage() { String msg = super.getMessage(); if (msg == null) { msg = "N/A"; } JsonLocation loc = getLocation(); String suffix = getMessageSuffix(); // mild optimization, if nothing extra is needed: if (loc != null || suffix != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(100); sb.append(msg); if (suffix != null) { sb.append(suffix); } if (loc != null) { sb.append('\n'); sb.append(" at "); sb.append(loc.toString()); } msg = sb.toString(); } return msg; } @Override public String toString() { return getClass().getName()+": "+getMessage(); } }