 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.request;

import static com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.ProtocolConstants.Version.V5;

import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.*;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.request.query.QueryOptions;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.request.query.Values;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.Flags;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.collection.NullAllowingImmutableList;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.List;

public class Batch extends Message {
See Also:
/** @see ProtocolConstants.BatchType */
public final byte type;
String or byte[]
/** String or byte[] */
public final List<Object> queriesOrIds; public final List<List<ByteBuffer>> values; public final int consistency; public final int serialConsistency; public final long defaultTimestamp; public final String keyspace; public final int nowInSeconds; public final int flags;
This constructor should only be used in message codecs. To build an outgoing message from client code, use Batch(byte, List<Object>, List<List<ByteBuffer>>, int, int, long, String, int) so that the flags are computed automatically.
/** * This constructor should only be used in message codecs. To build an outgoing message from * client code, use {@link #Batch(byte, List, List, int, int, long, String, int)} so that the * flags are computed automatically. */
public Batch( int flags, byte type, List<Object> queriesOrIds, List<List<ByteBuffer>> values, int consistency, int serialConsistency, long defaultTimestamp, String keyspace, int nowInSeconds) { super(false, ProtocolConstants.Opcode.BATCH); this.type = type; this.queriesOrIds = queriesOrIds; this.values = values; this.consistency = consistency; this.serialConsistency = serialConsistency; this.defaultTimestamp = defaultTimestamp; this.keyspace = keyspace; this.nowInSeconds = nowInSeconds; this.flags = flags; } public Batch( byte type, List<Object> queriesOrIds, List<List<ByteBuffer>> values, int consistency, int serialConsistency, long defaultTimestamp, String keyspace, int nowInSeconds) { this( computeFlags(serialConsistency, defaultTimestamp, keyspace, nowInSeconds), type, queriesOrIds, values, consistency, serialConsistency, defaultTimestamp, keyspace, nowInSeconds); } @Override public String toString() { return "BATCH(" + queriesOrIds.size() + " statements)"; } protected static int computeFlags( int serialConsistency, long defaultTimestamp, String keyspace, int nowInSeconds) { int flags = 0; if (serialConsistency != ProtocolConstants.ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL) { flags = Flags.add(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.SERIAL_CONSISTENCY); } if (defaultTimestamp != QueryOptions.NO_DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP) { flags = Flags.add(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP); } if (keyspace != null) { flags = Flags.add(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.WITH_KEYSPACE); } if (nowInSeconds != QueryOptions.NO_NOW_IN_SECONDS) { flags = Flags.add(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.NOW_IN_SECONDS); } return flags; } public static class Codec extends Message.Codec { public Codec(int protocolVersion) { super(ProtocolConstants.Opcode.BATCH, protocolVersion); } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, Message message, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder) { Batch batch = (Batch) message; encoder.writeByte(batch.type, dest); int queryCount = batch.queriesOrIds.size(); encoder.writeUnsignedShort(queryCount, dest); for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { Object q = batch.queriesOrIds.get(i); if (q instanceof String) { encoder.writeByte((byte) 0, dest); encoder.writeLongString((String) q, dest); } else { encoder.writeByte((byte) 1, dest); encoder.writeShortBytes((byte[]) q, dest); } Values.writePositionalValues(batch.values.get(i), dest, encoder); } encoder.writeUnsignedShort(batch.consistency, dest); if (protocolVersion >= V5) { encoder.writeInt(batch.flags, dest); } else { encoder.writeByte((byte) batch.flags, dest); } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.SERIAL_CONSISTENCY)) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(batch.serialConsistency, dest); } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP)) { encoder.writeLong(batch.defaultTimestamp, dest); } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.WITH_KEYSPACE)) { encoder.writeString(batch.keyspace, dest); } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.NOW_IN_SECONDS)) { encoder.writeInt(batch.nowInSeconds, dest); } } @Override public int encodedSize(Message message) { Batch batch = (Batch) message; int size = PrimitiveSizes.BYTE; // type size += PrimitiveSizes.SHORT; // number of queries int queryCount = batch.queriesOrIds.size(); ProtocolErrors.check( queryCount <= 0xFFFF, "Batch messages can contain at most %d queries", 0xFFFF); ProtocolErrors.check( batch.values.size() == queryCount, "Batch contains %d queries but %d value lists", queryCount, batch.values.size()); for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { Object q = batch.queriesOrIds.get(i); size += PrimitiveSizes.BYTE + (q instanceof String ? PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfLongString((String) q) : PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfShortBytes((byte[]) q)); size += Values.sizeOfPositionalValues(batch.values.get(i)); } size += PrimitiveSizes.SHORT; // consistency level size += (protocolVersion >= V5) ? PrimitiveSizes.INT : PrimitiveSizes.BYTE; // flags if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.SERIAL_CONSISTENCY)) { size += PrimitiveSizes.SHORT; } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP)) { size += PrimitiveSizes.LONG; } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.WITH_KEYSPACE)) { size += PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfString(batch.keyspace); } if (Flags.contains(batch.flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.NOW_IN_SECONDS)) { size += PrimitiveSizes.INT; } return size; } @Override public <B> Message decode(B source, PrimitiveCodec<B> decoder) { byte type = decoder.readByte(source); int queryCount = decoder.readUnsignedShort(source); NullAllowingImmutableList.Builder<Object> queriesOrIds = NullAllowingImmutableList.builder(queryCount); NullAllowingImmutableList.Builder<List<ByteBuffer>> values = NullAllowingImmutableList.builder(queryCount); for (int i = 0; i < queryCount; i++) { boolean isQueryString = (decoder.readByte(source) == 0); queriesOrIds.add( isQueryString ? decoder.readLongString(source) : decoder.readShortBytes(source)); values.add(Values.readPositionalValues(source, decoder)); } int consistency = decoder.readUnsignedShort(source); int flags = (protocolVersion >= ProtocolConstants.Version.V5) ? decoder.readInt(source) : decoder.readByte(source); int serialConsistency = (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.SERIAL_CONSISTENCY)) ? decoder.readUnsignedShort(source) : ProtocolConstants.ConsistencyLevel.SERIAL; long defaultTimestamp = (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP)) ? decoder.readLong(source) : QueryOptions.NO_DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP; String keyspace = (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.WITH_KEYSPACE)) ? decoder.readString(source) : null; int nowInSeconds = Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.QueryFlag.NOW_IN_SECONDS) ? decoder.readInt(source) : QueryOptions.NO_NOW_IN_SECONDS; return new Batch( flags, type, queriesOrIds.build(), values.build(), consistency, serialConsistency, defaultTimestamp, keyspace, nowInSeconds); } } }