 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal;

import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.Crc;
import java.util.List;

public class SegmentCodec<B> {

  private static final int COMPRESSED_HEADER_LENGTH = 5;
  private static final int UNCOMPRESSED_HEADER_LENGTH = 3;

  public static final int CRC24_LENGTH = 3;
  public static final int CRC32_LENGTH = 4;

  private final PrimitiveCodec<B> primitiveCodec;
  private final Compressor<B> compressor;
  private final boolean compress;

  public SegmentCodec(PrimitiveCodec<B> primitiveCodec, Compressor<B> compressor) {
    this.primitiveCodec = primitiveCodec;
    this.compressor = compressor;
    this.compress = !(compressor instanceof NoopCompressor);

The length of the segment header, excluding the 3-byte trailing CRC.
/** The length of the segment header, excluding the 3-byte trailing CRC. */
public int headerLength() { return compress ? COMPRESSED_HEADER_LENGTH : UNCOMPRESSED_HEADER_LENGTH; } public void encode(Segment<B> segment, List<Object> out) { B uncompressedPayload = segment.payload; int uncompressedPayloadLength = primitiveCodec.sizeOf(uncompressedPayload); assert uncompressedPayloadLength <= Segment.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH; B encodedPayload; if (compress) { primitiveCodec.markReaderIndex(uncompressedPayload); B compressedPayload = compressor.compressWithoutLength(uncompressedPayload); if (primitiveCodec.sizeOf(compressedPayload) >= uncompressedPayloadLength) { // Skip compression if it's not worth it primitiveCodec.resetReaderIndex(uncompressedPayload); encodedPayload = uncompressedPayload; primitiveCodec.release(compressedPayload); // By convention, this is how we signal this: uncompressedPayloadLength = 0; } else { encodedPayload = compressedPayload; primitiveCodec.release(uncompressedPayload); } } else { encodedPayload = uncompressedPayload; } int payloadLength = primitiveCodec.sizeOf(encodedPayload); B header = encodeHeader(payloadLength, uncompressedPayloadLength, segment.isSelfContained); int payloadCrc = Crc.computeCrc32(encodedPayload, primitiveCodec); B trailer = primitiveCodec.allocate(CRC32_LENGTH); for (int i = 0; i < CRC32_LENGTH; i++) { primitiveCodec.writeByte((byte) (payloadCrc & 0xFF), trailer); payloadCrc >>= 8; } out.add(header); out.add(encodedPayload); out.add(trailer); } // Visible for testing B encodeHeader(int payloadLength, int uncompressedLength, boolean isSelfContained) { assert payloadLength <= Segment.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH; int headerLength = headerLength(); long headerData = payloadLength; int flagOffset = 17; if (compress) { headerData |= (long) uncompressedLength << 17; flagOffset += 17; } if (isSelfContained) { headerData |= 1L << flagOffset; } int headerCrc = Crc.computeCrc24(headerData, headerLength); B header = primitiveCodec.allocate(headerLength + CRC24_LENGTH); // Write both data and CRC in little-endian order for (int i = 0; i < headerLength; i++) { int shift = i * 8; primitiveCodec.writeByte((byte) (headerData >> shift & 0xFF), header); } for (int i = 0; i < CRC24_LENGTH; i++) { int shift = i * 8; primitiveCodec.writeByte((byte) (headerCrc >> shift & 0xFF), header); } return header; }
Decodes a segment header and checks its CRC. It is assumed that the caller has already checked that there are enough bytes.
/** * Decodes a segment header and checks its CRC. It is assumed that the caller has already checked * that there are enough bytes. */
public Header decodeHeader(B source) throws CrcMismatchException { int headerLength = headerLength(); assert primitiveCodec.sizeOf(source) >= headerLength + CRC24_LENGTH; // Read header data (little endian): long headerData = 0; for (int i = 0; i < headerLength; i++) { headerData |= (primitiveCodec.readByte(source) & 0xFFL) << (8 * i); } // Read CRC (little endian) and check it: int expectedHeaderCrc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < CRC24_LENGTH; i++) { expectedHeaderCrc |= (primitiveCodec.readByte(source) & 0xFF) << (8 * i); } int actualHeaderCrc = Crc.computeCrc24(headerData, headerLength); if (actualHeaderCrc != expectedHeaderCrc) { throw new CrcMismatchException( String.format( "CRC mismatch on header %s. Received %s, computed %s.", Long.toHexString(headerData), Integer.toHexString(expectedHeaderCrc), Integer.toHexString(actualHeaderCrc))); } int payloadLength = (int) headerData & Segment.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH; headerData >>= 17; int uncompressedPayloadLength; if (compress) { uncompressedPayloadLength = (int) headerData & Segment.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH; headerData >>= 17; } else { uncompressedPayloadLength = -1; } boolean isSelfContained = (headerData & 1) == 1; return new Header(payloadLength, uncompressedPayloadLength, isSelfContained); }
Decodes the rest of a segment from a previously decoded header, and checks the payload's CRC. It is assumed that the caller has already checked that there are enough bytes.
/** * Decodes the rest of a segment from a previously decoded header, and checks the payload's CRC. * It is assumed that the caller has already checked that there are enough bytes. */
public Segment<B> decode(Header header, B source) throws CrcMismatchException { assert primitiveCodec.sizeOf(source) == header.payloadLength + CRC32_LENGTH; // Extract payload: B encodedPayload = primitiveCodec.readRetainedSlice(source, header.payloadLength); // Read and check CRC: int expectedPayloadCrc = 0; for (int i = 0; i < CRC32_LENGTH; i++) { expectedPayloadCrc |= (primitiveCodec.readByte(source) & 0xFF) << (8 * i); } primitiveCodec.release(source); // done with this (we retained the payload independently) int actualPayloadCrc = Crc.computeCrc32(encodedPayload, primitiveCodec); if (actualPayloadCrc != expectedPayloadCrc) { primitiveCodec.release(encodedPayload); throw new CrcMismatchException( String.format( "CRC mismatch on payload. Received %s, computed %s.", Integer.toHexString(expectedPayloadCrc), Integer.toHexString(actualPayloadCrc))); } // Decompress payload if needed: B payload; if (compress && header.uncompressedPayloadLength > 0) { payload = compressor.decompressWithoutLength(encodedPayload, header.uncompressedPayloadLength); primitiveCodec.release(encodedPayload); } else { payload = encodedPayload; } return new Segment<>(payload, header.isSelfContained); }
Temporary holder for header data during decoding.
/** Temporary holder for header data during decoding. */
public static class Header { public final int payloadLength; public final int uncompressedPayloadLength; public final boolean isSelfContained; public Header(int payloadLength, int uncompressedPayloadLength, boolean isSelfContained) { this.payloadLength = payloadLength; this.uncompressedPayloadLength = uncompressedPayloadLength; this.isSelfContained = isSelfContained; } } }