 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.metadata;

import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.metadata.DseNodeProperties;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.Version;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DefaultDriverOption;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DriverExecutionProfile;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metadata.EndPoint;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metadata.Node;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.adminrequest.AdminRequestHandler;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.adminrequest.AdminResult;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.adminrequest.AdminRow;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.adminrequest.UnexpectedResponseException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.channel.DriverChannel;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.context.InternalDriverContext;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.control.ControlConnection;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.concurrent.CompletableFutures;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.ProtocolConstants;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.Error;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import java.net.InetAddress;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.SocketAddress;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

The default topology monitor, based on ControlConnection.

Note that event processing is implemented directly in the control connection, not here.

/** * The default topology monitor, based on {@link ControlConnection}. * * <p>Note that event processing is implemented directly in the control connection, not here. */
@ThreadSafe public class DefaultTopologyMonitor implements TopologyMonitor { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DefaultTopologyMonitor.class); // Assume topology queries never need paging private static final int INFINITE_PAGE_SIZE = -1; private final String logPrefix; private final InternalDriverContext context; private final ControlConnection controlConnection; private final Duration timeout; private final boolean reconnectOnInit; private final CompletableFuture<Void> closeFuture; @VisibleForTesting volatile boolean isSchemaV2; @VisibleForTesting volatile int port = -1; public DefaultTopologyMonitor(InternalDriverContext context) { this.logPrefix = context.getSessionName(); this.context = context; this.controlConnection = context.getControlConnection(); DriverExecutionProfile config = context.getConfig().getDefaultProfile(); this.timeout = config.getDuration(DefaultDriverOption.CONTROL_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); this.reconnectOnInit = config.getBoolean(DefaultDriverOption.RECONNECT_ON_INIT); this.closeFuture = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Set this to true initially, after the first refreshNodes is called this will either stay true // or be set to false; this.isSchemaV2 = true; } @Override public CompletionStage<Void> init() { if (closeFuture.isDone()) { return CompletableFutures.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("closed")); } return controlConnection.init(true, reconnectOnInit, true); } @Override public CompletionStage<Void> initFuture() { return controlConnection.initFuture(); } @Override public CompletionStage<Optional<NodeInfo>> refreshNode(Node node) { if (closeFuture.isDone()) { return CompletableFutures.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("closed")); } LOG.debug("[{}] Refreshing info for {}", logPrefix, node); DriverChannel channel = controlConnection.channel(); EndPoint localEndPoint = channel.getEndPoint(); if (node.getEndPoint().equals(channel.getEndPoint())) { // refreshNode is called for nodes that just came up. If the control node just came up, it // means the control connection just reconnected, which means we did a full node refresh. So // we don't need to process this call. LOG.debug("[{}] Ignoring refresh of control node", logPrefix); return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(Optional.empty()); } else if (node.getBroadcastAddress().isPresent()) { CompletionStage<AdminResult> query; if (isSchemaV2) { query = query( channel, "SELECT * FROM " + getPeerTableName() + " WHERE peer = :address and peer_port = :port", ImmutableMap.of( "address", node.getBroadcastAddress().get().getAddress(), "port", node.getBroadcastAddress().get().getPort())); } else { query = query( channel, "SELECT * FROM " + getPeerTableName() + " WHERE peer = :address", ImmutableMap.of("address", node.getBroadcastAddress().get().getAddress())); } return query.thenApply(result -> firstPeerRowAsNodeInfo(result, localEndPoint)); } else { return query(channel, "SELECT * FROM " + getPeerTableName()) .thenApply(result -> findInPeers(result, node.getHostId(), localEndPoint)); } } @Override public CompletionStage<Optional<NodeInfo>> getNewNodeInfo(InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddress) { if (closeFuture.isDone()) { return CompletableFutures.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("closed")); } LOG.debug("[{}] Fetching info for new node {}", logPrefix, broadcastRpcAddress); DriverChannel channel = controlConnection.channel(); EndPoint localEndPoint = channel.getEndPoint(); return query(channel, "SELECT * FROM " + getPeerTableName()) .thenApply(result -> findInPeers(result, broadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint)); } @Override public CompletionStage<Iterable<NodeInfo>> refreshNodeList() { if (closeFuture.isDone()) { return CompletableFutures.failedFuture(new IllegalStateException("closed")); } LOG.debug("[{}] Refreshing node list", logPrefix); DriverChannel channel = controlConnection.channel(); EndPoint localEndPoint = channel.getEndPoint(); savePort(channel); CompletionStage<AdminResult> localQuery = query(channel, "SELECT * FROM system.local"); CompletionStage<AdminResult> peersV2Query = query(channel, "SELECT * FROM system.peers_v2"); CompletableFuture<AdminResult> peersQuery = new CompletableFuture<>(); peersV2Query.whenComplete( (r, t) -> { if (t != null) { // If system.peers_v2 does not exist, downgrade to system.peers if (t instanceof UnexpectedResponseException && ((UnexpectedResponseException) t).message instanceof Error) { Error error = (Error) ((UnexpectedResponseException) t).message; if (error.code == ProtocolConstants.ErrorCode.INVALID // Also downgrade on server error with a specific error message (DSE 6.0.0 to // 6.0.2 with search enabled) || (error.code == ProtocolConstants.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR && error.message.contains("Unknown keyspace/cf pair (system.peers_v2)"))) { this.isSchemaV2 = false; // We should not attempt this query in the future. CompletableFutures.completeFrom( query(channel, "SELECT * FROM system.peers"), peersQuery); return; } } peersQuery.completeExceptionally(t); } else { peersQuery.complete(r); } }); return localQuery.thenCombine( peersQuery, (controlNodeResult, peersResult) -> { List<NodeInfo> nodeInfos = new ArrayList<>(); AdminRow localRow = controlNodeResult.iterator().next(); InetSocketAddress localBroadcastRpcAddress = getBroadcastRpcAddress(localRow, localEndPoint); nodeInfos.add(nodeInfoBuilder(localRow, localBroadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint).build()); for (AdminRow peerRow : peersResult) { if (isPeerValid(peerRow)) { InetSocketAddress peerBroadcastRpcAddress = getBroadcastRpcAddress(peerRow, localEndPoint); if (peerBroadcastRpcAddress != null) { NodeInfo nodeInfo = nodeInfoBuilder(peerRow, peerBroadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint).build(); nodeInfos.add(nodeInfo); } } } return nodeInfos; }); } @Override public CompletionStage<Boolean> checkSchemaAgreement() { if (closeFuture.isDone()) { return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(true); } DriverChannel channel = controlConnection.channel(); return new SchemaAgreementChecker(channel, context, logPrefix).run(); } @NonNull @Override public CompletionStage<Void> closeFuture() { return closeFuture; } @NonNull @Override public CompletionStage<Void> closeAsync() { closeFuture.complete(null); return closeFuture; } @NonNull @Override public CompletionStage<Void> forceCloseAsync() { return closeAsync(); } @VisibleForTesting protected CompletionStage<AdminResult> query( DriverChannel channel, String queryString, Map<String, Object> parameters) { AdminRequestHandler<AdminResult> handler; try { handler = AdminRequestHandler.query( channel, queryString, parameters, timeout, INFINITE_PAGE_SIZE, logPrefix); } catch (Exception e) { return CompletableFutures.failedFuture(e); } return handler.start(); } private CompletionStage<AdminResult> query(DriverChannel channel, String queryString) { return query(channel, queryString, Collections.emptyMap()); } private String getPeerTableName() { return isSchemaV2 ? "system.peers_v2" : "system.peers"; } private Optional<NodeInfo> firstPeerRowAsNodeInfo(AdminResult result, EndPoint localEndPoint) { Iterator<AdminRow> iterator = result.iterator(); if (iterator.hasNext()) { AdminRow row = iterator.next(); if (isPeerValid(row)) { return Optional.ofNullable(getBroadcastRpcAddress(row, localEndPoint)) .map( broadcastRpcAddress -> nodeInfoBuilder(row, broadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint).build()); } } return Optional.empty(); }
Creates a Builder instance from the given row.
  • broadcastRpcAddress – this is a parameter only because we already have it when we come from findInPeers(AdminResult, InetSocketAddress, EndPoint). Callers that don't already have it can use getBroadcastRpcAddress. For the control host, this can be null; if this node is a peer however, this cannot be null, since we use that address to create the node's endpoint. Callers can use isPeerValid(AdminRow) to check that before calling this method.
  • localEndPoint – the control node endpoint that was used to query the node's system tables. This is a parameter because it would be racy to call controlConnection.channel().getEndPoint() from within this method, as the control connection may have changed its channel since. So this parameter must be provided by the caller.
/** * Creates a {@link DefaultNodeInfo.Builder} instance from the given row. * * @param broadcastRpcAddress this is a parameter only because we already have it when we come * from {@link #findInPeers(AdminResult, InetSocketAddress, EndPoint)}. Callers that don't * already have it can use {@link #getBroadcastRpcAddress}. For the control host, this can be * null; if this node is a peer however, this cannot be null, since we use that address to * create the node's endpoint. Callers can use {@link #isPeerValid(AdminRow)} to check that * before calling this method. * @param localEndPoint the control node endpoint that was used to query the node's system tables. * This is a parameter because it would be racy to call {@code * controlConnection.channel().getEndPoint()} from within this method, as the control * connection may have changed its channel since. So this parameter must be provided by the * caller. */
@NonNull protected DefaultNodeInfo.Builder nodeInfoBuilder( @NonNull AdminRow row, @Nullable InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddress, @NonNull EndPoint localEndPoint) { EndPoint endPoint = buildNodeEndPoint(row, broadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint); // in system.local InetAddress broadcastInetAddress = row.getInetAddress("broadcast_address"); if (broadcastInetAddress == null) { // in system.peers or system.peers_v2 broadcastInetAddress = row.getInetAddress("peer"); } Integer broadcastPort = 0; if (row.contains("broadcast_port")) { // system.local for Cassandra >= 4.0 broadcastPort = row.getInteger("broadcast_port"); } else if (row.contains("peer_port")) { // system.peers_v2 broadcastPort = row.getInteger("peer_port"); } InetSocketAddress broadcastAddress = null; if (broadcastInetAddress != null && broadcastPort != null) { broadcastAddress = new InetSocketAddress(broadcastInetAddress, broadcastPort); } // in system.local only, and only for Cassandra versions >= 2.0.17, 2.1.8, 2.2.0 rc2; // not present in system.peers nor system.peers_v2 InetAddress listenInetAddress = row.getInetAddress("listen_address"); // in system.local only, and only for Cassandra >= 4.0 Integer listenPort = 0; if (row.contains("listen_port")) { listenPort = row.getInteger("listen_port"); } InetSocketAddress listenAddress = null; if (listenInetAddress != null && listenPort != null) { listenAddress = new InetSocketAddress(listenInetAddress, listenPort); } DefaultNodeInfo.Builder builder = DefaultNodeInfo.builder() .withEndPoint(endPoint) .withBroadcastRpcAddress(broadcastRpcAddress) .withBroadcastAddress(broadcastAddress) .withListenAddress(listenAddress) .withDatacenter(row.getString("data_center")) .withRack(row.getString("rack")) .withCassandraVersion(row.getString("release_version")) .withTokens(row.getSetOfString("tokens")) .withPartitioner(row.getString("partitioner")) .withHostId(Objects.requireNonNull(row.getUuid("host_id"))) .withSchemaVersion(row.getUuid("schema_version")); // Handle DSE-specific columns, if present String rawVersion = row.getString("dse_version"); if (rawVersion != null) { builder.withExtra(DseNodeProperties.DSE_VERSION, Version.parse(rawVersion)); } ImmutableSet.Builder<String> workloadsBuilder = ImmutableSet.builder(); Boolean legacyGraph = row.getBoolean("graph"); // DSE 5.0 if (legacyGraph != null && legacyGraph) { workloadsBuilder.add("Graph"); } String legacyWorkload = row.getString("workload"); // DSE 5.0 (other than graph) if (legacyWorkload != null) { workloadsBuilder.add(legacyWorkload); } Set<String> modernWorkloads = row.getSetOfString("workloads"); // DSE 5.1+ if (modernWorkloads != null) { workloadsBuilder.addAll(modernWorkloads); } ImmutableSet<String> workloads = workloadsBuilder.build(); if (!workloads.isEmpty()) { builder.withExtra(DseNodeProperties.DSE_WORKLOADS, workloads); } // Note: withExtra discards null values builder .withExtra(DseNodeProperties.SERVER_ID, row.getString("server_id")) .withExtra(DseNodeProperties.NATIVE_TRANSPORT_PORT, row.getInteger("native_transport_port")) .withExtra( DseNodeProperties.NATIVE_TRANSPORT_PORT_SSL, row.getInteger("native_transport_port_ssl")) .withExtra(DseNodeProperties.STORAGE_PORT, row.getInteger("storage_port")) .withExtra(DseNodeProperties.STORAGE_PORT_SSL, row.getInteger("storage_port_ssl")) .withExtra(DseNodeProperties.JMX_PORT, row.getInteger("jmx_port")); return builder; }
Builds the node's endpoint from the given row.
  • broadcastRpcAddress – this is a parameter only because we already have it when we come from findInPeers(AdminResult, InetSocketAddress, EndPoint). Callers that don't already have it can use getBroadcastRpcAddress. For the control host, this can be null; if this node is a peer however, this cannot be null, since we use that address to create the node's endpoint. Callers can use isPeerValid(AdminRow) to check that before calling this method.
  • localEndPoint – the control node endpoint that was used to query the node's system tables. This is a parameter because it would be racy to call controlConnection.channel().getEndPoint() from within this method, as the control connection may have changed its channel since. So this parameter must be provided by the caller.
/** * Builds the node's endpoint from the given row. * * @param broadcastRpcAddress this is a parameter only because we already have it when we come * from {@link #findInPeers(AdminResult, InetSocketAddress, EndPoint)}. Callers that don't * already have it can use {@link #getBroadcastRpcAddress}. For the control host, this can be * null; if this node is a peer however, this cannot be null, since we use that address to * create the node's endpoint. Callers can use {@link #isPeerValid(AdminRow)} to check that * before calling this method. * @param localEndPoint the control node endpoint that was used to query the node's system tables. * This is a parameter because it would be racy to call {@code * controlConnection.channel().getEndPoint()} from within this method, as the control * connection may have changed its channel since. So this parameter must be provided by the * caller. */
@NonNull protected EndPoint buildNodeEndPoint( @NonNull AdminRow row, @Nullable InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddress, @NonNull EndPoint localEndPoint) { boolean peer = row.contains("peer"); if (peer) { // If this node is a peer, its broadcast RPC address must be present. Objects.requireNonNull( broadcastRpcAddress, "broadcastRpcAddress cannot be null for a peer row"); // Deployments that use a custom EndPoint implementation will need their own TopologyMonitor. // One simple approach is to extend this class and override this method. return new DefaultEndPoint(context.getAddressTranslator().translate(broadcastRpcAddress)); } else { // Don't rely on system.local.rpc_address for the control node, because it mistakenly // reports the normal RPC address instead of the broadcast one (CASSANDRA-11181). We // already know the endpoint anyway since we've just used it to query. return localEndPoint; } } // Called when a new node is being added; the peers table is keyed by broadcast_address, // but the received event only contains broadcast_rpc_address, so // we have to traverse the whole table and check the rows one by one. private Optional<NodeInfo> findInPeers( AdminResult result, InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddressToFind, EndPoint localEndPoint) { for (AdminRow row : result) { InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddress = getBroadcastRpcAddress(row, localEndPoint); if (broadcastRpcAddress != null && broadcastRpcAddress.equals(broadcastRpcAddressToFind) && isPeerValid(row)) { return Optional.of(nodeInfoBuilder(row, broadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint).build()); } } LOG.debug("[{}] Could not find any peer row matching {}", logPrefix, broadcastRpcAddressToFind); return Optional.empty(); } // Called when refreshing an existing node, and we don't know its broadcast address; in this // case we attempt a search by host id and have to traverse the whole table and check the rows one // by one. private Optional<NodeInfo> findInPeers( AdminResult result, UUID hostIdToFind, EndPoint localEndPoint) { for (AdminRow row : result) { UUID hostId = row.getUuid("host_id"); if (hostId != null && hostId.equals(hostIdToFind) && isPeerValid(row)) { return Optional.ofNullable(getBroadcastRpcAddress(row, localEndPoint)) .map( broadcastRpcAddress -> nodeInfoBuilder(row, broadcastRpcAddress, localEndPoint).build()); } } LOG.debug("[{}] Could not find any peer row matching {}", logPrefix, hostIdToFind); return Optional.empty(); } // Current versions of Cassandra (3.11 at the time of writing), require the same port for all // nodes. As a consequence, the port is not stored in system tables. // We save it the first time we get a control connection channel. private void savePort(DriverChannel channel) { if (port < 0) { SocketAddress address = channel.getEndPoint().resolve(); if (address instanceof InetSocketAddress) { port = ((InetSocketAddress) address).getPort(); } } }
Determines the broadcast RPC address of the node represented by the given row.
  • row – The row to inspect; can represent either a local (control) node or a peer node.
  • localEndPoint – the control node endpoint that was used to query the node's system tables. This is a parameter because it would be racy to call controlConnection.channel().getEndPoint() from within this method, as the control connection may have changed its channel since. So this parameter must be provided by the caller.
Returns:the broadcast RPC address of the node, if it could be determined; or null otherwise.
/** * Determines the broadcast RPC address of the node represented by the given row. * * @param row The row to inspect; can represent either a local (control) node or a peer node. * @param localEndPoint the control node endpoint that was used to query the node's system tables. * This is a parameter because it would be racy to call {@code * controlConnection.channel().getEndPoint()} from within this method, as the control * connection may have changed its channel since. So this parameter must be provided by the * caller. * @return the broadcast RPC address of the node, if it could be determined; or {@code null} * otherwise. */
@Nullable protected InetSocketAddress getBroadcastRpcAddress( @NonNull AdminRow row, @NonNull EndPoint localEndPoint) { // in system.peers or system.local InetAddress broadcastRpcInetAddress = row.getInetAddress("rpc_address"); if (broadcastRpcInetAddress == null) { // in system.peers_v2 (Cassandra >= 4.0) broadcastRpcInetAddress = row.getInetAddress("native_address"); if (broadcastRpcInetAddress == null) { // This could only happen if system tables are corrupted, but handle gracefully return null; } } // system.local for Cassandra >= 4.0 Integer broadcastRpcPort = row.getInteger("rpc_port"); if (broadcastRpcPort == null || broadcastRpcPort == 0) { // system.peers_v2 broadcastRpcPort = row.getInteger("native_port"); if (broadcastRpcPort == null || broadcastRpcPort == 0) { // use the default port if no port information was found in the row; // note that in rare situations, the default port might not be known, in which case we // report zero, as advertised in the javadocs of Node and NodeInfo. broadcastRpcPort = port == -1 ? 0 : port; } } InetSocketAddress broadcastRpcAddress = new InetSocketAddress(broadcastRpcInetAddress, broadcastRpcPort); if (row.contains("peer") && broadcastRpcAddress.equals(localEndPoint.resolve())) { // JAVA-2303: if the peer is actually the control node, ignore that peer as it is likely // a misconfiguration problem. LOG.warn( "[{}] Control node {} has an entry for itself in {}: this entry will be ignored. " + "This is likely due to a misconfiguration; please verify your rpc_address " + "configuration in cassandra.yaml on all nodes in your cluster.", logPrefix, localEndPoint, getPeerTableName()); return null; } return broadcastRpcAddress; }
Returns true if the given peer row is valid, and false otherwise.

This method must at least ensure that the row contains enough information to extract the node's broadcast RPC address and host ID; otherwise the driver may not work properly.

/** * Returns {@code true} if the given peer row is valid, and {@code false} otherwise. * * <p>This method must at least ensure that the row contains enough information to extract the * node's broadcast RPC address and host ID; otherwise the driver may not work properly. */
protected boolean isPeerValid(AdminRow peerRow) { boolean hasPeersRpcAddress = !peerRow.isNull("rpc_address"); boolean hasPeersV2RpcAddress = !peerRow.isNull("native_address") && !peerRow.isNull("native_port"); boolean hasRpcAddress = hasPeersV2RpcAddress || hasPeersRpcAddress; boolean valid = hasRpcAddress && !peerRow.isNull("host_id") && !peerRow.isNull("data_center") && !peerRow.isNull("rack") && !peerRow.isNull("tokens"); if (!valid) { LOG.warn( "[{}] Found invalid row in {} for peer: {}. " + "This is likely a gossip or snitch issue, this node will be ignored.", logPrefix, getPeerTableName(), peerRow.getInetAddress("peer")); } return valid; } }