package com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent;

 * #%L
 * Conversant Disruptor
 * ~~
 * © 2016, Conversant, Inc. Conversant® is a trademark of Conversant, Inc.
 * ~~
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * #L%

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReferenceArray;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.LongAdder;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;

import static com.conversantmedia.util.concurrent.ContendedAtomicLong.CACHE_LINE;

Created by jcairns on 12/11/14.
/** * Created by jcairns on 12/11/14. */
// abstract condition supporting common condition code public abstract class AbstractWaitingCondition implements Condition { private static final int CACHE_LINE_REFS = CACHE_LINE/Long.BYTES; // keep track of whos waiting so we don't have to synchronize // or notify needlessly - when nobody is waiting private static final int MAX_WAITERS = 8; private static final long WAITER_MASK = MAX_WAITERS-1L; private static final long WAIT_TIME = PARK_TIMEOUT; private final LongAdder waitCount = new LongAdder(); private final AtomicReferenceArray<Thread> waiter = new AtomicReferenceArray<>(MAX_WAITERS+2*CACHE_LINE_REFS); long r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7; private long waitCache = 0L; long c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8;
code below will block until test() returns false
Returns:boolean - true if condition is not satisfied
/** * code below will block until test() returns false * * @return boolean - true if condition is not satisfied */
@Override public abstract boolean test(); @Override public void awaitNanos(long timeout) throws InterruptedException { for (;;) { try { final long waitCount = this.waitCount.sum(); long waitSequence = waitCount; this.waitCount.increment(); waitCache = waitCount+1; long timeNow = System.nanoTime(); final long expires = timeNow+timeout; final Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); if(waitCount == 0) { // first thread spins int spin = 0; while(test() && expires>timeNow && !t.isInterrupted()) { spin = Condition.progressiveYield(spin); timeNow = System.nanoTime(); } if(t.isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } return; } else { // wait to become a waiter int spin = 0; while(test() && !waiter.compareAndSet((int)(waitSequence++ & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS, null, t) && expires>timeNow) { if(spin < Condition.MAX_PROG_YIELD) { spin = Condition.progressiveYield(spin); } else { LockSupport.parkNanos(MAX_WAITERS*Condition.PARK_TIMEOUT); } timeNow = System.nanoTime(); } // are we a waiter? wait until we are awakened while(test() && (waiter.get((int)((waitSequence-1) & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS) == t) && expires>timeNow && !t.isInterrupted()) { LockSupport.parkNanos((expires-timeNow)>>2); timeNow = System.nanoTime(); } if(t.isInterrupted()) { // we are not waiting we are interrupted while(!waiter.compareAndSet((int)((waitSequence-1) & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS, t, null) && waiter.get(CACHE_LINE_REFS) == t) { LockSupport.parkNanos(PARK_TIMEOUT); } throw new InterruptedException(); } return; } }finally{ waitCount.decrement(); waitCache = waitCount.sum(); } } } @Override public void await() throws InterruptedException { for(;;) { try { final long waitCount = this.waitCount.sum(); long waitSequence = waitCount; this.waitCount.increment(); waitCache = waitCount+1; final Thread t = Thread.currentThread(); if(waitCount == 0) { int spin = 0; // first thread spinning while(test() && !t.isInterrupted()) { spin = Condition.progressiveYield(spin); } if(t.isInterrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); } return; } else { // wait to become a waiter int spin = 0; while(test() && !waiter.compareAndSet((int)(waitSequence++ & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS, null, t) && !t.isInterrupted()) { if(spin < Condition.MAX_PROG_YIELD) { spin = Condition.progressiveYield(spin); } else { LockSupport.parkNanos(MAX_WAITERS*Condition.PARK_TIMEOUT); } } // are we a waiter? wait until we are awakened while(test() && (waiter.get((int)((waitSequence-1) & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS) == t) && !t.isInterrupted()) { LockSupport.parkNanos(1_000_000L); } if(t.isInterrupted()) { // we are not waiting we are interrupted while(!waiter.compareAndSet((int)((waitSequence-1) & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS, t, null) && waiter.get(CACHE_LINE_REFS) == t) { LockSupport.parkNanos(WAIT_TIME); } throw new InterruptedException(); } return; } } finally { waitCount.decrement(); waitCache = waitCount.sum(); } } } @Override public void signal() { // only signal if somebody is blocking for it if (waitCache > 0 || (waitCache = waitCount.sum()) > 0) { long waitSequence = 0L; for(;;) { Thread t; while((t = waiter.get((int)(waitSequence++ & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS)) != null) { if(waiter.compareAndSet((int)((waitSequence-1) & WAITER_MASK)+CACHE_LINE_REFS, t, null)) { LockSupport.unpark(t); } else { LockSupport.parkNanos(WAIT_TIME); } // go through all waiters once, or return if we are finished if(((waitSequence & WAITER_MASK) == WAITER_MASK) || (waitCache = waitCount.sum()) == 0) { return; } } // go through all waiters once, or return if we are finished if(((waitSequence & WAITER_MASK) == WAITER_MASK) || (waitCache = waitCount.sum()) == 0) { return; } } } } }