Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Barchart, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the OSI BSD License.
/** * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Barchart, Inc. <> * * All rights reserved. Licensed under the OSI BSD License. * * */
package com.barchart.udt; import static com.barchart.udt.OptionUDT.Format.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.barchart.udt.util.HelpUDT;
The Enum OptionUDT.

provide 2 names: 1) UDT original and 2) human-readble

keep code values in sync with udt.h - UDT::UDTOpt; enum starts with index 0

See Also:
  • udt options
    UDT_MSS, // the Maximum Transfer Unit
    UDT_SNDSYN, // if sending is blocking
    UDT_RCVSYN, // if receiving is blocking
    UDT_CC, // custom congestion control algorithm
    UDT_FC, // Flight flag size (window size)
    UDT_SNDBUF, // maximum buffer in sending queue
    UDT_RCVBUF, // UDT receiving buffer size
    UDT_LINGER, // waiting for unsent data when closing
    UDP_SNDBUF, // UDP sending buffer size
    UDP_RCVBUF, // UDP receiving buffer size
    UDT_MAXMSG, // maximum datagram message size
    UDT_MSGTTL, // time-to-live of a datagram message
    UDT_RENDEZVOUS, // rendezvous connection mode
    UDT_SNDTIMEO, // send() timeout
    UDT_RCVTIMEO, // recv() timeout
    UDT_REUSEADDR, // reuse an existing port or create a new one
    UDT_MAXBW, // maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can  use
    UDT_STATE, // current socket state, see UDTSTATUS, read only
    UDT_EVENT, // current avalable events associated with the socket
    UDT_SNDDATA, // size of data in the sending buffer
    UDT_RCVDATA // size of data available for recv
/** * The Enum OptionUDT. * <p> * provide 2 names: 1) UDT original and 2) human-readble * <p> * keep code values in sync with udt.h - UDT::UDTOpt; enum starts with index 0 * * @see <a href="">udt options</a> * <pre> * UDT_MSS, // the Maximum Transfer Unit * UDT_SNDSYN, // if sending is blocking * UDT_RCVSYN, // if receiving is blocking * UDT_CC, // custom congestion control algorithm * UDT_FC, // Flight flag size (window size) * UDT_SNDBUF, // maximum buffer in sending queue * UDT_RCVBUF, // UDT receiving buffer size * UDT_LINGER, // waiting for unsent data when closing * UDP_SNDBUF, // UDP sending buffer size * UDP_RCVBUF, // UDP receiving buffer size * UDT_MAXMSG, // maximum datagram message size * UDT_MSGTTL, // time-to-live of a datagram message * UDT_RENDEZVOUS, // rendezvous connection mode * UDT_SNDTIMEO, // send() timeout * UDT_RCVTIMEO, // recv() timeout * UDT_REUSEADDR, // reuse an existing port or create a new one * UDT_MAXBW, // maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can use * UDT_STATE, // current socket state, see UDTSTATUS, read only * UDT_EVENT, // current avalable events associated with the socket * UDT_SNDDATA, // size of data in the sending buffer * UDT_RCVDATA // size of data available for recv * </pre> */
public class OptionUDT<T> { static { log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(OptionUDT.class); values = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<OptionUDT<?>>(); }
the Maximum Transfer Unit.
/** the Maximum Transfer Unit. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_MSS = // NEW(0, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
the Maximum Transfer Unit., bytes
/** the Maximum Transfer Unit., bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Maximum_Transfer_Unit = // NEW(0, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
if sending is blocking.
/** if sending is blocking. */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> UDT_SNDSYN = // NEW(1, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
if sending is blocking., true/false
/** if sending is blocking., true/false */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> Is_Send_Synchronous = // NEW(1, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
if receiving is blocking.
/** if receiving is blocking. */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> UDT_RCVSYN = // NEW(2, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
if receiving is blocking, true/false
/** if receiving is blocking, true/false */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> Is_Receive_Synchronous = // NEW(2, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
custom congestion control algorithm
/** custom congestion control algorithm */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static final OptionUDT<FactoryUDT> UDT_CC = // NEW(3, FactoryUDT.class, DEFAULT);
custom congestion control algorithm, class factory
/** custom congestion control algorithm, class factory */
@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public static final OptionUDT<FactoryUDT> Custom_Congestion_Control = // NEW(3, FactoryUDT.class, DEFAULT);
Flight flag size (window size).
/** Flight flag size (window size). */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_FC = // NEW(4, Integer.class, BINARY);
Flight flag size (window size), bytes
/** Flight flag size (window size), bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Flight_Window_Size = // NEW(4, Integer.class, BINARY);
maximum buffer in sending queue.
/** maximum buffer in sending queue. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_SNDBUF = // NEW(5, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
maximum buffer in sending queue.
/** maximum buffer in sending queue. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Protocol_Send_Buffer_Size = // NEW(5, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
UDT receiving buffer size.
/** UDT receiving buffer size. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_RCVBUF = // NEW(6, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
UDT receiving buffer size limit, bytes
/** UDT receiving buffer size limit, bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Protocol_Receive_Buffer_Size = // NEW(6, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
waiting for unsent data when closing.
/** waiting for unsent data when closing. */
public static final OptionUDT<LingerUDT> UDT_LINGER = // NEW(7, LingerUDT.class, DECIMAL);
waiting for unsent data when closing. true/false and timeout, seconds
/** waiting for unsent data when closing. true/false and timeout, seconds */
public static final OptionUDT<LingerUDT> Time_To_Linger_On_Close = // NEW(7, LingerUDT.class, DECIMAL);
UDP sending buffer size.
/** UDP sending buffer size. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDP_SNDBUF = // NEW(8, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
UDP sending buffer size limit, bytes
/** UDP sending buffer size limit, bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> System_Send_Buffer_Size = // NEW(8, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
UDP receiving buffer size.
/** UDP receiving buffer size. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDP_RCVBUF = // NEW(9, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
UDP receiving buffer size limit, bytes
/** UDP receiving buffer size limit, bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> System_Receive_Buffer_Size = // NEW(9, Integer.class, DECIMAL); /* maximum datagram message size */ // UDT_MAXMSG(10, Integer.class, DECIMAL); no support in udt core /* time-to-live of a datagram message */ // UDT_MSGTTL(11, Integer.class, DECIMAL); no support in udt core
rendezvous connection mode.
/** rendezvous connection mode. */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> UDT_RENDEZVOUS = // NEW(12, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
rendezvous connection mode, enabled/disabled
/** rendezvous connection mode, enabled/disabled */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> Is_Randezvous_Connect_Enabled = // NEW(12, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
send() timeout.
/** send() timeout. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_SNDTIMEO = // NEW(13, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
send() timeout. milliseconds
/** send() timeout. milliseconds */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Send_Timeout = // NEW(13, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
recv() timeout.
/** recv() timeout. */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_RCVTIMEO = // NEW(14, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
recv() timeout. milliseconds
/** recv() timeout. milliseconds */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Receive_Timeout = // NEW(14, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
reuse an existing port or create a one.
/** reuse an existing port or create a one. */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> UDT_REUSEADDR = // NEW(15, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
reuse an existing port or create a one. true/false
/** reuse an existing port or create a one. true/false */
public static final OptionUDT<Boolean> Is_Address_Reuse_Enabled = // NEW(15, Boolean.class, BOOLEAN);
maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can use.
/** maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can use. */
public static final OptionUDT<Long> UDT_MAXBW = // NEW(16, Long.class, DECIMAL);
maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can use.
/** maximum bandwidth (bytes per second) that the connection can use. */
public static final OptionUDT<Long> Maximum_Bandwidth = // NEW(16, Long.class, DECIMAL);
current socket state, see UDTSTATUS, read only
/** current socket state, see UDTSTATUS, read only */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_STATE = // NEW(17, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
current socket status code, see StatusUDT.getCode(), read only
/** current socket status code, see {@link StatusUDT#getCode()}, read only */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Status_Code = // NEW(17, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
current available events associated with the socket
/** current available events associated with the socket */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_EVENT = // NEW(18, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
current available epoll events, see Opt.code
/** current available epoll events, see {@link EpollUDT.Opt#code} */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Epoll_Event_Mask = // NEW(18, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
size of data in the sending buffer
/** size of data in the sending buffer */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_SNDDATA = // NEW(19, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
current consumed sending buffer utilization, read only, bytes
/** current consumed sending buffer utilization, read only, bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Send_Buffer_Consumed = // NEW(19, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
size of data available for recv
/** size of data available for recv */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> UDT_RCVDATA = // NEW(20, Integer.class, DECIMAL);
current available receiving buffer capacity, read only, bytes
/** current available receiving buffer capacity, read only, bytes */
public static final OptionUDT<Integer> Receive_Buffer_Available = // NEW(20, Integer.class, DECIMAL); // protected OptionUDT(final int code, final Class<T> klaz, final Format format) { this.code = code; this.type = klaz; this.format = format; values.add(this); } protected static <T> OptionUDT<T> NEW(final int code, final Class<T> klaz, final Format format) { return new OptionUDT<T>(code, klaz, format); } public static void appendSnapshot( // final SocketUDT socketUDT, // final StringBuilder text // ) { text.append("\n\t"); text.append(String.format("[id: 0x%08x]",; for (final OptionUDT<?> option : values) { int optionCode = 0; String optionName = null; String optionValue = null; try { optionCode = option.code; optionName =; optionValue = option.format.convert(// socketUDT.getOption(option)); if (optionName.startsWith("UD")) { continue; } text.append("\n\t"); text.append(optionCode); text.append(") "); text.append(optionName); text.append(" = "); text.append(optionValue); } catch (final Exception e) { log.error("unexpected; " + optionName, e); } } } protected static final Logger log; protected static final List<OptionUDT<?>> values; private final int code; private final Class<?> type; private final Format format; private String name; public int code() { return code; } public Class<?> type() { return type; } public Format format() { return format; } public String name() { if (name == null) { name = HelpUDT.constantFieldName(getClass(), this); } return name; }
render options in human format
/** * render options in human format */
public enum Format { DECIMAL() { @Override public String convert(final Object value) { if (value instanceof Number) { final long number = ((Number) value).longValue(); return String.format("%,d", number); } return "invalid format"; } }, // BINARY() { @Override public String convert(final Object value) { if (value instanceof Number) { final long number = ((Number) value).longValue(); return String.format("%,d (%,d K)", number, number / 1024); } return "invalid format"; } }, // BOOLEAN() { @Override public String convert(final Object value) { if (value instanceof Boolean) { final boolean bool = ((Boolean) value).booleanValue(); return String.format("%b", bool); } return "invalid format"; } }, // DEFAULT() { @Override public String convert(final Object value) { return "" + value; } }, // ; public abstract String convert(Object value); } }