Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework. Copyright (C) 1999-2015, QOS.ch. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by the Eclipse Foundation or (per the licensee's choosing) under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
/** * Logback: the reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework. * Copyright (C) 1999-2015, QOS.ch. All rights reserved. * * This program and the accompanying materials are dual-licensed under * either the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 as published by * the Eclipse Foundation * * or (per the licensee's choosing) * * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. */
package ch.qos.logback.core.net;
Constants used by syslog daemon and transitively by SyslogAppenderBase.
Author:Ceki Gülcü
/** * Constants used by syslog daemon and transitively by {@link SyslogAppenderBase}. * * @author Ceki Gülcü **/
public class SyslogConstants { static public final int SYSLOG_PORT = 514; // Following constants extracted from RFC 3164, we multiply them by 8 // in order to precompute the facility part of PRI. // See RFC 3164, Section 4.1.1 for exact details.
Emergency: system is unusable
/** Emergency: system is unusable */
public static final int EMERGENCY_SEVERITY = 0;
Alert: action must be taken immediately
/** Alert: action must be taken immediately */
public static final int ALERT_SEVERITY = 1;
Critical: critical conditions
/** Critical: critical conditions */
public static final int CRITICAL_SEVERITY = 2;
Error: error conditions
/** Error: error conditions */
public static final int ERROR_SEVERITY = 3;
Warning: warning conditions
/** Warning: warning conditions */
public static final int WARNING_SEVERITY = 4;
Notice: normal but significant condition
/** Notice: normal but significant condition */
public static final int NOTICE_SEVERITY = 5;
Informational: informational messages
/** Informational: informational messages */
public static final int INFO_SEVERITY = 6;
Debug: debug-level messages
/** Debug: debug-level messages */
public static final int DEBUG_SEVERITY = 7;
kernel messages, numerical code 0.
/** kernel messages, numerical code 0. */
public static final int LOG_KERN = 0;
user-level messages, numerical code 1.
/** user-level messages, numerical code 1. */
public static final int LOG_USER = 1 << 3;
mail system, numerical code 2.
/** mail system, numerical code 2. */
public static final int LOG_MAIL = 2 << 3;
system daemons, numerical code 3.
/** system daemons, numerical code 3. */
public static final int LOG_DAEMON = 3 << 3;
security/authorization messages, numerical code 4.
/** security/authorization messages, numerical code 4. */
public static final int LOG_AUTH = 4 << 3;
messages generated internally by syslogd, numerical code 5.
/** messages generated internally by syslogd, numerical code 5. */
public static final int LOG_SYSLOG = 5 << 3;
line printer subsystem, numerical code 6.
/** line printer subsystem, numerical code 6. */
public static final int LOG_LPR = 6 << 3;
network news subsystem, numerical code 7.
/** network news subsystem, numerical code 7. */
public static final int LOG_NEWS = 7 << 3;
UUCP subsystem, numerical code 8
/** UUCP subsystem, numerical code 8 */
public static final int LOG_UUCP = 8 << 3;
clock daemon, numerical code 9.
/** clock daemon, numerical code 9. */
public static final int LOG_CRON = 9 << 3;
security/authorization messages, numerical code 10.
/** security/authorization messages, numerical code 10. */
public static final int LOG_AUTHPRIV = 10 << 3;
ftp daemon, numerical code 11.
/** ftp daemon, numerical code 11. */
public static final int LOG_FTP = 11 << 3;
NTP subsystem, numerical code 12.
/** NTP subsystem, numerical code 12. */
public static final int LOG_NTP = 12 << 3;
log audit, numerical code 13.
/** log audit, numerical code 13. */
public static final int LOG_AUDIT = 13 << 3;
log alert, numerical code 14.
/** log alert, numerical code 14. */
public static final int LOG_ALERT = 14 << 3;
clock daemon, numerical code 15.
/** clock daemon, numerical code 15. */
public static final int LOG_CLOCK = 15 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 16.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 16. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL0 = 16 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 17.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 17. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL1 = 17 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 18.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 18. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL2 = 18 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 19.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 19. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL3 = 19 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 20.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 20. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL4 = 20 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 21.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 21. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL5 = 21 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 22.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 22. */
public static final int LOG_LOCAL6 = 22 << 3;
reserved for local use, numerical code 23.
/** reserved for local use, numerical code 23.*/
public static final int LOG_LOCAL7 = 23 << 3; }