public interface$ExternalStatsSync
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0601) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_INTERFACE, ACC_ABSTRACT
  super_class: java.lang.Object
  public static final int UPDATE_CPU;
    descriptor: I
    flags: (0x0019) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 1

  public static final int UPDATE_WIFI;
    descriptor: I
    flags: (0x0019) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 2

  public static final int UPDATE_RADIO;
    descriptor: I
    flags: (0x0019) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 4

  public static final int UPDATE_BT;
    descriptor: I
    flags: (0x0019) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 8

  public static final int UPDATE_RPM;
    descriptor: I
    flags: (0x0019) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 16

  public static final int UPDATE_ALL;
    descriptor: I
    flags: (0x0019) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
    ConstantValue: 31

  static void <clinit>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=3, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: .line 44
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problems: \n\tThe import android.os.OsProtoEnums cannot be resolved\n\tThe import libcore.util cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.xmlpull cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.xmlpull cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.xmlpull cannot be resolved\n\tType mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte\n\tType mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte\n\tType mismatch: cannot convert from int to byte\n\tISOLATED_UID_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tISOLATED_UID_CHANGED__EVENT__CREATED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tISOLATED_UID_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tISOLATED_UID_CHANGED__EVENT__REMOVED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKEUP_ALARM_OCCURRED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKEUP_ALARM_OCCURRED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKEUP_ALARM_OCCURRED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ACQUIRE cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ACQUIRE cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__RELEASE cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__RELEASE cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tLONG_PARTIAL_WAKELOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tKERNEL_WAKEUP_REPORTED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tGPS_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tMOBILE_RADIO_POWER_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tBATTERY_SAVER_MODE_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tBATTERY_SAVER_MODE_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tBATTERY_SAVER_MODE_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tDEVICE_IDLING_MODE_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tDEVICE_IDLE_MODE_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tPHONE_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tBLE_SCAN_RESULT_RECEIVED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tBLE_SCAN_RESULT_RECEIVED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_RADIO_POWER_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_SCAN_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_MULTICAST_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_MULTICAST_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__ON cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_MULTICAST_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tWIFI_MULTICAST_LOCK_STATE_CHANGED__STATE__OFF cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\tXmlSerializer cannot be resolved to a type\n\ cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlSerializer cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlSerializer cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParserException cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlPullParserException cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlPullParserException cannot be resolved to a type\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tXmlPullParser cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tEmptyArray cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tEmptyArray cannot be resolved to a variable\n\ cannot be resolved to a type\n\tOsProtoEnums cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tCHARGING_STATE_CHANGED cannot be resolved or is not a field\n\ cannot be resolved to a type\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleSync(java.lang.String, int);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
        Name  Flags

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleCpuSyncDueToRemovedUid(int);
    descriptor: (I)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (I)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
      Name  Flags

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleReadProcStateCpuTimes(boolean, boolean, long);
    descriptor: (ZZJ)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (ZZJ)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
                    Name  Flags

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleCopyFromAllUidsCpuTimes(boolean, boolean);
    descriptor: (ZZ)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (ZZ)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
                    Name  Flags

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleCpuSyncDueToSettingChange();
    descriptor: ()Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: ()Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleCpuSyncDueToScreenStateChange(boolean, boolean);
    descriptor: (ZZ)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (ZZ)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
                    Name  Flags

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleCpuSyncDueToWakelockChange(long);
    descriptor: (J)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (J)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
             Name  Flags

  public abstract void cancelCpuSyncDueToWakelockChange();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT

  public abstract java.util.concurrent.Future<?> scheduleSyncDueToBatteryLevelChange(long);
    descriptor: (J)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
    Signature: (J)Ljava/util/concurrent/Future<*>;
             Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
  public abstract ExternalStatsSync =$ExternalStatsSync of