 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package android.view.textclassifier;

import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.style.ClickableSpan;
import android.text.util.Linkify;
import android.text.util.Linkify.LinkifyMask;
import android.view.textclassifier.TextLinks.TextLink;
import android.view.textclassifier.TextLinks.TextLinkSpan;

import com.android.internal.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;

Parameters for generating and applying links.
/** * Parameters for generating and applying links. * @hide */
public final class TextLinksParams {
A function to create spans from TextLinks.
/** * A function to create spans from TextLinks. */
private static final Function<TextLink, TextLinkSpan> DEFAULT_SPAN_FACTORY = textLink -> new TextLinkSpan(textLink); @TextLinks.ApplyStrategy private final int mApplyStrategy; private final Function<TextLink, TextLinkSpan> mSpanFactory; private final TextClassifier.EntityConfig mEntityConfig; private TextLinksParams( @TextLinks.ApplyStrategy int applyStrategy, Function<TextLink, TextLinkSpan> spanFactory) { mApplyStrategy = applyStrategy; mSpanFactory = spanFactory; mEntityConfig = TextClassifier.EntityConfig.createWithHints(null); }
Returns a new TextLinksParams object based on the specified link mask.
  • mask – the link mask e.g. LinkifyMask.PHONE_NUMBERS | LinkifyMask.EMAIL_ADDRESSES
/** * Returns a new TextLinksParams object based on the specified link mask. * * @param mask the link mask * e.g. {@link LinkifyMask#PHONE_NUMBERS} | {@link LinkifyMask#EMAIL_ADDRESSES} * @hide */
@NonNull public static TextLinksParams fromLinkMask(@LinkifyMask int mask) { final List<String> entitiesToFind = new ArrayList<>(); if ((mask & Linkify.WEB_URLS) != 0) { entitiesToFind.add(TextClassifier.TYPE_URL); } if ((mask & Linkify.EMAIL_ADDRESSES) != 0) { entitiesToFind.add(TextClassifier.TYPE_EMAIL); } if ((mask & Linkify.PHONE_NUMBERS) != 0) { entitiesToFind.add(TextClassifier.TYPE_PHONE); } if ((mask & Linkify.MAP_ADDRESSES) != 0) { entitiesToFind.add(TextClassifier.TYPE_ADDRESS); } return new TextLinksParams.Builder().setEntityConfig( TextClassifier.EntityConfig.createWithExplicitEntityList(entitiesToFind)) .build(); }
Returns the entity config used to determine what entity types to generate.
/** * Returns the entity config used to determine what entity types to generate. */
@NonNull public TextClassifier.EntityConfig getEntityConfig() { return mEntityConfig; }
Annotates the given text with the generated links. It will fail if the provided text doesn't match the original text used to crete the TextLinks.
  • text – the text to apply the links to. Must match the original text
  • textLinks – the links to apply to the text
Returns:a status code indicating whether or not the links were successfully applied
/** * Annotates the given text with the generated links. It will fail if the provided text doesn't * match the original text used to crete the TextLinks. * * @param text the text to apply the links to. Must match the original text * @param textLinks the links to apply to the text * * @return a status code indicating whether or not the links were successfully applied * @hide */
@TextLinks.Status public int apply(@NonNull Spannable text, @NonNull TextLinks textLinks) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(text); Preconditions.checkNotNull(textLinks); final String textString = text.toString(); if (Linkify.containsUnsupportedCharacters(textString)) { // Do not apply links to text containing unsupported characters. android.util.EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "116321860", -1, ""); return TextLinks.STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED; } if (!textString.startsWith(textLinks.getText())) { return TextLinks.STATUS_DIFFERENT_TEXT; } if (textLinks.getLinks().isEmpty()) { return TextLinks.STATUS_NO_LINKS_FOUND; } int applyCount = 0; for (TextLink link : textLinks.getLinks()) { final TextLinkSpan span = mSpanFactory.apply(link); if (span != null) { final ClickableSpan[] existingSpans = text.getSpans( link.getStart(), link.getEnd(), ClickableSpan.class); if (existingSpans.length > 0) { if (mApplyStrategy == TextLinks.APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE) { for (ClickableSpan existingSpan : existingSpans) { text.removeSpan(existingSpan); } text.setSpan(span, link.getStart(), link.getEnd(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); applyCount++; } } else { text.setSpan(span, link.getStart(), link.getEnd(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); applyCount++; } } } if (applyCount == 0) { return TextLinks.STATUS_NO_LINKS_APPLIED; } return TextLinks.STATUS_LINKS_APPLIED; }
A builder for building TextLinksParams.
/** * A builder for building TextLinksParams. */
public static final class Builder { @TextLinks.ApplyStrategy private int mApplyStrategy = TextLinks.APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE; private Function<TextLink, TextLinkSpan> mSpanFactory = DEFAULT_SPAN_FACTORY;
Sets the apply strategy used to determine how to apply links to text. e.g TextLinks.APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE
Returns:this builder
/** * Sets the apply strategy used to determine how to apply links to text. * e.g {@link TextLinks#APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE} * * @return this builder */
public Builder setApplyStrategy(@TextLinks.ApplyStrategy int applyStrategy) { mApplyStrategy = checkApplyStrategy(applyStrategy); return this; }
Sets a custom span factory for converting TextLinks to TextLinkSpans. Set to null to use the default span factory.
Returns:this builder
/** * Sets a custom span factory for converting TextLinks to TextLinkSpans. * Set to {@code null} to use the default span factory. * * @return this builder */
public Builder setSpanFactory(@Nullable Function<TextLink, TextLinkSpan> spanFactory) { mSpanFactory = spanFactory == null ? DEFAULT_SPAN_FACTORY : spanFactory; return this; }
Sets the entity configuration used to determine what entity types to generate. Set to null for the default entity config which will automatically determine what links to generate.
Returns:this builder
/** * Sets the entity configuration used to determine what entity types to generate. * Set to {@code null} for the default entity config which will automatically determine * what links to generate. * * @return this builder */
public Builder setEntityConfig(@Nullable TextClassifier.EntityConfig entityConfig) { return this; }
Builds and returns a TextLinksParams object.
/** * Builds and returns a TextLinksParams object. */
public TextLinksParams build() { return new TextLinksParams(mApplyStrategy, mSpanFactory); } }
/** @throws IllegalArgumentException if the value is invalid */
@TextLinks.ApplyStrategy private static int checkApplyStrategy(int applyStrategy) { if (applyStrategy != TextLinks.APPLY_STRATEGY_IGNORE && applyStrategy != TextLinks.APPLY_STRATEGY_REPLACE) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid apply strategy. See TextLinksParams.ApplyStrategy for options."); } return applyStrategy; } }