public abstract class android.text.LoginFilter implements android.text.InputFilter
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0421) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SUPER, ACC_ABSTRACT
  this_class: android.text.LoginFilter
  super_class: java.lang.Object
  private boolean mAppendInvalid;
    descriptor: Z
    flags: (0x0002) ACC_PRIVATE

  void <init>(boolean);
    descriptor: (Z)V
    flags: (0x0000) 
      stack=2, locals=2, args_size=2
        start local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        start local 1 // boolean appendInvalid
         0: .line 29
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokespecial java.lang.Object.<init>:()V
         1: .line 30
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 1 /* appendInvalid */
            putfield android.text.LoginFilter.mAppendInvalid:Z
         2: .line 31
        end local 1 // boolean appendInvalid
        end local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        Start  End  Slot           Name  Signature
            0    3     0           this  Landroid/text/LoginFilter;
            0    3     1  appendInvalid  Z
               Name  Flags

  void <init>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0000) 
      stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
         0: .line 36
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokespecial java.lang.Object.<init>:()V
         1: .line 37
            aload 0 /* this */
            putfield android.text.LoginFilter.mAppendInvalid:Z
         2: .line 38
        end local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    3     0  this  Landroid/text/LoginFilter;

  public java.lang.CharSequence filter(java.lang.CharSequence, int, int, android.text.Spanned, int, int);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/CharSequence;IILandroid/text/Spanned;II)Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=5, locals=11, args_size=7
        start local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        start local 1 // java.lang.CharSequence source
        start local 2 // int start
        start local 3 // int end
        start local 4 // android.text.Spanned dest
        start local 5 // int dstart
        start local 6 // int dend
         0: .line 52
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.onStart:()V
         1: .line 56
            istore 7 /* i */
        start local 7 // int i
         2: goto 6
         3: .line 57
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* dest */
            iload 7 /* i */
            invokeinterface android.text.Spanned.charAt:(I)C
            istore 8 /* c */
        start local 8 // char c
         4: .line 58
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 8 /* c */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.isAllowed:(C)Z
            ifne 5
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 8 /* c */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.onInvalidCharacter:(C)V
        end local 8 // char c
         5: .line 56
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 7 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
         6: iload 7 /* i */
            iload 5 /* dstart */
            if_icmplt 3
        end local 7 // int i
         7: .line 62
            astore 7 /* modification */
        start local 7 // android.text.SpannableStringBuilder modification
         8: .line 63
            istore 8 /* modoff */
        start local 8 // int modoff
         9: .line 65
            iload 2 /* start */
            istore 9 /* i */
        start local 9 // int i
        10: goto 24
        11: .line 66
      StackMap locals: android.text.LoginFilter java.lang.CharSequence int int android.text.Spanned int int android.text.SpannableStringBuilder int int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 1 /* source */
            iload 9 /* i */
            invokeinterface java.lang.CharSequence.charAt:(I)C
            istore 10 /* c */
        start local 10 // char c
        12: .line 67
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 10 /* c */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.isAllowed:(C)Z
            ifeq 15
        13: .line 69
            iinc 8 /* modoff */ 1
        14: .line 70
            goto 23
        15: .line 71
      StackMap locals: int
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* this */
            getfield android.text.LoginFilter.mAppendInvalid:Z
            ifeq 18
        16: .line 72
            iinc 8 /* modoff */ 1
        17: .line 73
            goto 22
        18: .line 74
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 7 /* modification */
            ifnonnull 21
        19: .line 75
            new android.text.SpannableStringBuilder
            aload 1 /* source */
            iload 2 /* start */
            iload 3 /* end */
            invokespecial android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.<init>:(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;II)V
            astore 7 /* modification */
        20: .line 76
            iload 9 /* i */
            iload 2 /* start */
            istore 8 /* modoff */
        21: .line 79
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 7 /* modification */
            iload 8 /* modoff */
            iload 8 /* modoff */
            invokevirtual android.text.SpannableStringBuilder.delete:(II)Landroid/text/SpannableStringBuilder;
        22: .line 82
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 10 /* c */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.onInvalidCharacter:(C)V
        end local 10 // char c
        23: .line 65
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 9 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        24: iload 9 /* i */
            iload 3 /* end */
            if_icmplt 11
        end local 9 // int i
        25: .line 88
            iload 6 /* dend */
            istore 9 /* i */
        start local 9 // int i
        26: goto 30
        27: .line 89
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            aload 4 /* dest */
            iload 9 /* i */
            invokeinterface android.text.Spanned.charAt:(I)C
            istore 10 /* c */
        start local 10 // char c
        28: .line 90
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 10 /* c */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.isAllowed:(C)Z
            ifne 29
            aload 0 /* this */
            iload 10 /* c */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.onInvalidCharacter:(C)V
        end local 10 // char c
        29: .line 88
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
            iinc 9 /* i */ 1
      StackMap locals:
      StackMap stack:
        30: iload 9 /* i */
            aload 4 /* dest */
            invokeinterface android.text.Spanned.length:()I
            if_icmplt 27
        end local 9 // int i
        31: .line 93
            aload 0 /* this */
            invokevirtual android.text.LoginFilter.onStop:()V
        32: .line 97
            aload 7 /* modification */
        end local 8 // int modoff
        end local 7 // android.text.SpannableStringBuilder modification
        end local 6 // int dend
        end local 5 // int dstart
        end local 4 // android.text.Spanned dest
        end local 3 // int end
        end local 2 // int start
        end local 1 // java.lang.CharSequence source
        end local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        Start  End  Slot          Name  Signature
            0   33     0          this  Landroid/text/LoginFilter;
            0   33     1        source  Ljava/lang/CharSequence;
            0   33     2         start  I
            0   33     3           end  I
            0   33     4          dest  Landroid/text/Spanned;
            0   33     5        dstart  I
            0   33     6          dend  I
            2    7     7             i  I
            4    5     8             c  C
            8   33     7  modification  Landroid/text/SpannableStringBuilder;
            9   33     8        modoff  I
           10   25     9             i  I
           12   23    10             c  C
           26   31     9             i  I
           28   29    10             c  C
        Name  Flags

  public void onStart();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=0, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
         0: .line 105
        end local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Landroid/text/LoginFilter;

  public void onInvalidCharacter(char);
    descriptor: (C)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=0, locals=2, args_size=2
        start local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        start local 1 // char c
         0: .line 113
        end local 1 // char c
        end local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Landroid/text/LoginFilter;
            0    1     1     c  C
      Name  Flags

  public void onStop();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=0, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
         0: .line 120
        end local 0 // android.text.LoginFilter this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Landroid/text/LoginFilter;

  public abstract boolean isAllowed(char);
    descriptor: (C)Z
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
      Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
  android.text.LoginFilter$PasswordFilterGMail  android.text.LoginFilter$UsernameFilterGMail  android.text.LoginFilter$UsernameFilterGeneric
  public PasswordFilterGMail = android.text.LoginFilter$PasswordFilterGMail of android.text.LoginFilter
  public UsernameFilterGMail = android.text.LoginFilter$UsernameFilterGMail of android.text.LoginFilter
  public UsernameFilterGeneric = android.text.LoginFilter$UsernameFilterGeneric of android.text.LoginFilter