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package android.media;

The AudioGain describes a gain controller. Gain controllers are exposed by audio ports when the gain is configurable at this port's input or output. Gain values are expressed in millibels. A gain controller has the following attributes: - mode: defines modes of operation or features MODE_JOINT: all channel gains are controlled simultaneously MODE_CHANNELS: each channel gain is controlled individually MODE_RAMP: ramps can be applied when gain changes - channel mask: indicates for which channels the gain can be controlled - min value: minimum gain value in millibel - max value: maximum gain value in millibel - default value: gain value after reset in millibel - step value: granularity of gain control in millibel - min ramp duration: minimum ramp duration in milliseconds - max ramp duration: maximum ramp duration in milliseconds This object is always created by the framework and read only by applications. Applications get a list of AudioGainDescriptors from AudioPortDescriptor.gains() and can build a valid gain configuration from AudioGain.buildConfig()
/** * The AudioGain describes a gain controller. Gain controllers are exposed by * audio ports when the gain is configurable at this port's input or output. * Gain values are expressed in millibels. * A gain controller has the following attributes: * - mode: defines modes of operation or features * MODE_JOINT: all channel gains are controlled simultaneously * MODE_CHANNELS: each channel gain is controlled individually * MODE_RAMP: ramps can be applied when gain changes * - channel mask: indicates for which channels the gain can be controlled * - min value: minimum gain value in millibel * - max value: maximum gain value in millibel * - default value: gain value after reset in millibel * - step value: granularity of gain control in millibel * - min ramp duration: minimum ramp duration in milliseconds * - max ramp duration: maximum ramp duration in milliseconds * * This object is always created by the framework and read only by applications. * Applications get a list of AudioGainDescriptors from AudioPortDescriptor.gains() and can build a * valid gain configuration from AudioGain.buildConfig() * @hide */
public class AudioGain {
Bit of AudioGain.mode() field indicating that all channel gains are controlled simultaneously
/** * Bit of AudioGain.mode() field indicating that * all channel gains are controlled simultaneously */
public static final int MODE_JOINT = 1;
Bit of AudioGain.mode() field indicating that each channel gain is controlled individually
/** * Bit of AudioGain.mode() field indicating that * each channel gain is controlled individually */
public static final int MODE_CHANNELS = 2;
Bit of AudioGain.mode() field indicating that ramps can be applied when gain changes. The type of ramp (linear, log etc...) is implementation specific.
/** * Bit of AudioGain.mode() field indicating that * ramps can be applied when gain changes. The type of ramp (linear, log etc...) is * implementation specific. */
public static final int MODE_RAMP = 4; private final int mIndex; private final int mMode; private final int mChannelMask; private final int mMinValue; private final int mMaxValue; private final int mDefaultValue; private final int mStepValue; private final int mRampDurationMinMs; private final int mRampDurationMaxMs; // The channel mask passed to the constructor is as specified in AudioFormat // (e.g. AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO) AudioGain(int index, int mode, int channelMask, int minValue, int maxValue, int defaultValue, int stepValue, int rampDurationMinMs, int rampDurationMaxMs) { mIndex = index; mMode = mode; mChannelMask = channelMask; mMinValue = minValue; mMaxValue = maxValue; mDefaultValue = defaultValue; mStepValue = stepValue; mRampDurationMinMs = rampDurationMinMs; mRampDurationMaxMs = rampDurationMaxMs; }
Bit field indicating supported modes of operation
/** * Bit field indicating supported modes of operation */
public int mode() { return mMode; }
Indicates for which channels the gain can be controlled (e.g. AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO)
/** * Indicates for which channels the gain can be controlled * (e.g. AudioFormat.CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO) */
public int channelMask() { return mChannelMask; }
Minimum gain value in millibel
/** * Minimum gain value in millibel */
public int minValue() { return mMinValue; }
Maximum gain value in millibel
/** * Maximum gain value in millibel */
public int maxValue() { return mMaxValue; }
Default gain value in millibel
/** * Default gain value in millibel */
public int defaultValue() { return mDefaultValue; }
Granularity of gain control in millibel
/** * Granularity of gain control in millibel */
public int stepValue() { return mStepValue; }
Minimum ramp duration in milliseconds 0 if MODE_RAMP not set
/** * Minimum ramp duration in milliseconds * 0 if MODE_RAMP not set */
public int rampDurationMinMs() { return mRampDurationMinMs; }
Maximum ramp duration in milliseconds 0 if MODE_RAMP not set
/** * Maximum ramp duration in milliseconds * 0 if MODE_RAMP not set */
public int rampDurationMaxMs() { return mRampDurationMaxMs; }
Build a valid gain configuration for this gain controller for use by AudioPortDescriptor.setGain()
@parammode: desired mode of operation
@paramchannelMask: channels of which the gain should be modified.
@paramvalues: gain values for each channels.
@paramrampDurationMs: ramp duration if mode MODE_RAMP is set. ignored if MODE_JOINT.
/** * Build a valid gain configuration for this gain controller for use by * AudioPortDescriptor.setGain() * @param mode: desired mode of operation * @param channelMask: channels of which the gain should be modified. * @param values: gain values for each channels. * @param rampDurationMs: ramp duration if mode MODE_RAMP is set. * ignored if MODE_JOINT. */
public AudioGainConfig buildConfig(int mode, int channelMask, int[] values, int rampDurationMs) { //TODO: check params here return new AudioGainConfig(mIndex, this, mode, channelMask, values, rampDurationMs); } }