 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package org.springframework.web.servlet.function;

import java.util.function.BiFunction;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Predicate;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Represents a function that filters a handler function.
Author:Arjen Poutsma
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the handler function to filter
  • <R> – the type of the response of the function
See Also:
/** * Represents a function that filters a {@linkplain HandlerFunction handler function}. * * @author Arjen Poutsma * @since 5.2 * @param <T> the type of the {@linkplain HandlerFunction handler function} to filter * @param <R> the type of the response of the function * @see RouterFunction#filter(HandlerFilterFunction) */
@FunctionalInterface public interface HandlerFilterFunction<T extends ServerResponse, R extends ServerResponse> {
Apply this filter to the given handler function. The given handler function represents the next entity in the chain, and can be invoked in order to proceed to this entity, or not invoked to block the chain.
  • request – the request
  • next – the next handler or filter function in the chain
Returns:the filtered response
/** * Apply this filter to the given handler function. The given * {@linkplain HandlerFunction handler function} represents the next entity in the chain, * and can be {@linkplain HandlerFunction#handle(ServerRequest) invoked} in order to * proceed to this entity, or not invoked to block the chain. * @param request the request * @param next the next handler or filter function in the chain * @return the filtered response */
R filter(ServerRequest request, HandlerFunction<T> next) throws Exception;
Return a composed filter function that first applies this filter, and then applies the after filter.
  • after – the filter to apply after this filter is applied
Returns:a composed filter that first applies this function and then applies the after function
/** * Return a composed filter function that first applies this filter, and then applies the * {@code after} filter. * @param after the filter to apply after this filter is applied * @return a composed filter that first applies this function and then applies the * {@code after} function */
default HandlerFilterFunction<T, R> andThen(HandlerFilterFunction<T, T> after) { Assert.notNull(after, "HandlerFilterFunction must not be null"); return (request, next) -> { HandlerFunction<T> nextHandler = handlerRequest -> after.filter(handlerRequest, next); return filter(request, nextHandler); }; }
Apply this filter to the given handler function, resulting in a filtered handler function.
  • handler – the handler function to filter
Returns:the filtered handler function
/** * Apply this filter to the given handler function, resulting in a filtered handler function. * @param handler the handler function to filter * @return the filtered handler function */
default HandlerFunction<R> apply(HandlerFunction<T> handler) { Assert.notNull(handler, "HandlerFunction must not be null"); return request -> this.filter(request, handler); }
Adapt the given request processor function to a filter function that only operates on the ServerRequest.
  • requestProcessor – the request processor
Returns:the filter adaptation of the request processor
/** * Adapt the given request processor function to a filter function that only operates * on the {@code ServerRequest}. * @param requestProcessor the request processor * @return the filter adaptation of the request processor */
static <T extends ServerResponse> HandlerFilterFunction<T, T> ofRequestProcessor(Function<ServerRequest, ServerRequest> requestProcessor) { Assert.notNull(requestProcessor, "Function must not be null"); return (request, next) -> next.handle(requestProcessor.apply(request)); }
Adapt the given response processor function to a filter function that only operates on the ServerResponse.
  • responseProcessor – the response processor
Returns:the filter adaptation of the request processor
/** * Adapt the given response processor function to a filter function that only operates * on the {@code ServerResponse}. * @param responseProcessor the response processor * @return the filter adaptation of the request processor */
static <T extends ServerResponse, R extends ServerResponse> HandlerFilterFunction<T, R> ofResponseProcessor(BiFunction<ServerRequest, T, R> responseProcessor) { Assert.notNull(responseProcessor, "Function must not be null"); return (request, next) -> responseProcessor.apply(request, next.handle(request)); }
Adapt the given predicate and response provider function to a filter function that returns a ServerResponse on a given exception.
  • predicate – the predicate to match an exception
  • errorHandler – the response provider
Returns:the filter adaption of the error handler
/** * Adapt the given predicate and response provider function to a filter function that returns * a {@code ServerResponse} on a given exception. * @param predicate the predicate to match an exception * @param errorHandler the response provider * @return the filter adaption of the error handler */
static <T extends ServerResponse> HandlerFilterFunction<T, T> ofErrorHandler(Predicate<Throwable> predicate, BiFunction<Throwable, ServerRequest, T> errorHandler) { Assert.notNull(predicate, "Predicate must not be null"); Assert.notNull(errorHandler, "ErrorHandler must not be null"); return (request, next) -> { try { T t = next.handle(request); if (t instanceof ErrorHandlingServerResponse) { ((ErrorHandlingServerResponse) t).addErrorHandler(predicate, errorHandler); } return t; } catch (Throwable throwable) { if (predicate.test(throwable)) { return errorHandler.apply(throwable, request); } else { throw throwable; } } }; } }