package org.reflections;

import org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Member;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import static org.reflections.util.Utils.filter;

convenient java reflection helper methods

1. some helper methods to get type by name: forName(String, ClassLoader...) and forNames(Collection<String>, ClassLoader...) )}

2. some helper methods to get all types/methods/fields/constructors/properties matching some predicates, generally:

 Set<?> result = getAllXXX(type/s, withYYY) 

where get methods are:

and predicates included here all starts with "with", such as

for example, getting all getters would be:

     Set<Method> getters = getAllMethods(someClasses, 
/** convenient java reflection helper methods * <p> * 1. some helper methods to get type by name: {@link #forName(String, ClassLoader...)} and {@link #forNames(Collection, ClassLoader...)} )} * <p> * 2. some helper methods to get all types/methods/fields/constructors/properties matching some predicates, generally: * <pre> Set&#60?> result = getAllXXX(type/s, withYYY) </pre> * <p>where get methods are: * <ul> * <li>{@link #getAllSuperTypes(Class, java.util.function.Predicate...)} * <li>{@link #getAllFields(Class, java.util.function.Predicate...)} * <li>{@link #getAllMethods(Class, java.util.function.Predicate...)} * <li>{@link #getAllConstructors(Class, java.util.function.Predicate...)} * </ul> * <p>and predicates included here all starts with "with", such as * <ul> * <li>{@link #withAnnotation(java.lang.annotation.Annotation)} * <li>{@link #withModifier(int)} * <li>{@link #withName(String)} * <li>{@link #withParameters(Class[])} * <li>{@link #withAnyParameterAnnotation(Class)} * <li>{@link #withParametersAssignableTo(Class[])} * <li>{@link #withParametersAssignableFrom(Class[])} * <li>{@link #withPrefix(String)} * <li>{@link #withReturnType(Class)} * <li>{@link #withType(Class)} * <li>{@link #withTypeAssignableTo} * </ul> * * <p><br> * for example, getting all getters would be: * <pre> * Set&#60Method> getters = getAllMethods(someClasses, * Predicates.and( * withModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC), * withPrefix("get"), * withParametersCount(0))); * </pre> * */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract class ReflectionUtils {
would include Object.class when getAllSuperTypes(Class<?>, Predicate<? super Class<?>>[]). default is false.
/** would include {@code Object.class} when {@link #getAllSuperTypes(Class, java.util.function.Predicate[])}. default is false. */
public static boolean includeObject = false;
get all super types of given type, including, optionally filtered by predicates

include Object.class if includeObject is true

/** get all super types of given {@code type}, including, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} * <p> include {@code Object.class} if {@link #includeObject} is true */
public static Set<Class<?>> getAllSuperTypes(final Class<?> type, Predicate<? super Class<?>>... predicates) { Set<Class<?>> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); if (type != null && (includeObject || !type.equals(Object.class))) { result.add(type); for (Class<?> supertype : getSuperTypes(type)) { result.addAll(getAllSuperTypes(supertype)); } } return filter(result, predicates); }
get the immediate supertype and interfaces of the given type
/** get the immediate supertype and interfaces of the given {@code type} */
public static Set<Class<?>> getSuperTypes(Class<?> type) { Set<Class<?>> result = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Class<?> superclass = type.getSuperclass(); Class<?>[] interfaces = type.getInterfaces(); if (superclass != null && (includeObject || !superclass.equals(Object.class))) result.add(superclass); if (interfaces != null && interfaces.length > 0) result.addAll(Arrays.asList(interfaces)); return result; }
get all methods of given type, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get all methods of given {@code type}, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static Set<Method> getAllMethods(final Class<?> type, Predicate<? super Method>... predicates) { Set<Method> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> t : getAllSuperTypes(type)) { result.addAll(getMethods(t, predicates)); } return result; }
get methods of given type, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get methods of given {@code type}, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static Set<Method> getMethods(Class<?> t, Predicate<? super Method>... predicates) { return filter(t.isInterface() ? t.getMethods() : t.getDeclaredMethods(), predicates); }
get all constructors of given type, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get all constructors of given {@code type}, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static Set<Constructor> getAllConstructors(final Class<?> type, Predicate<? super Constructor>... predicates) { Set<Constructor> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> t : getAllSuperTypes(type)) { result.addAll(getConstructors(t, predicates)); } return result; }
get constructors of given type, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get constructors of given {@code type}, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static Set<Constructor> getConstructors(Class<?> t, Predicate<? super Constructor>... predicates) { return filter(t.getDeclaredConstructors(), predicates); }
get all fields of given type, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get all fields of given {@code type}, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static Set<Field> getAllFields(final Class<?> type, Predicate<? super Field>... predicates) { Set<Field> result = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> t : getAllSuperTypes(type)) result.addAll(getFields(t, predicates)); return result; }
get fields of given type, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get fields of given {@code type}, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static Set<Field> getFields(Class<?> type, Predicate<? super Field>... predicates) { return filter(type.getDeclaredFields(), predicates); }
get all annotations of given type, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get all annotations of given {@code type}, up the super class hierarchy, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Set<Annotation> getAllAnnotations(T type, Predicate<Annotation>... predicates) { Set<Annotation> result = new HashSet<>(); if (type instanceof Class) { for (Class<?> t : getAllSuperTypes((Class<?>) type)) { result.addAll(getAnnotations(t, predicates)); } } else { result.addAll(getAnnotations(type, predicates)); } return result; }
get annotations of given type, optionally honorInherited, optionally filtered by predicates
/** get annotations of given {@code type}, optionally honorInherited, optionally filtered by {@code predicates} */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Set<Annotation> getAnnotations(T type, Predicate<Annotation>... predicates) { return filter(type.getDeclaredAnnotations(), predicates); }
filter all given elements with predicates, if given
/** filter all given {@code elements} with {@code predicates}, if given */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Set<T> getAll(final Set<T> elements, Predicate<? super T>... predicates) { return filter(elements, predicates); } //predicates
where member name equals given name
/** where member name equals given {@code name} */
public static <T extends Member> Predicate<T> withName(final String name) { return input -> input != null && input.getName().equals(name); }
where member name startsWith given prefix
/** where member name startsWith given {@code prefix} */
public static <T extends Member> Predicate<T> withPrefix(final String prefix) { return input -> input != null && input.getName().startsWith(prefix); }
where member's toString matches given regex

for example:

 getAllMethods(someClass, withPattern("public void .*"))
/** where member's {@code toString} matches given {@code regex} * <p>for example: * <pre> * getAllMethods(someClass, withPattern("public void .*")) * </pre> * */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Predicate<T> withPattern(final String regex) { return input -> Pattern.matches(regex, input.toString()); }
where element is annotated with given annotation
/** where element is annotated with given {@code annotation} */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Predicate<T> withAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation) { return input -> input != null && input.isAnnotationPresent(annotation); }
where element is annotated with given annotations
/** where element is annotated with given {@code annotations} */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Predicate<T> withAnnotations(final Class<? extends Annotation>... annotations) { return input -> input != null && Arrays.equals(annotations, annotationTypes(input.getAnnotations())); }
where element is annotated with given annotation, including member matching
/** where element is annotated with given {@code annotation}, including member matching */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Predicate<T> withAnnotation(final Annotation annotation) { return input -> input != null && input.isAnnotationPresent(annotation.annotationType()) && areAnnotationMembersMatching(input.getAnnotation(annotation.annotationType()), annotation); }
where element is annotated with given annotations, including member matching
/** where element is annotated with given {@code annotations}, including member matching */
public static <T extends AnnotatedElement> Predicate<T> withAnnotations(final Annotation... annotations) { return input -> { if (input != null) { Annotation[] inputAnnotations = input.getAnnotations(); if (inputAnnotations.length == annotations.length) { return IntStream.range(0, inputAnnotations.length) .allMatch(i -> areAnnotationMembersMatching(inputAnnotations[i], annotations[i])); } } return true; }; }
when method/constructor parameter types equals given types
/** when method/constructor parameter types equals given {@code types} */
public static Predicate<Member> withParameters(final Class<?>... types) { return input -> Arrays.equals(parameterTypes(input), types); }
when member parameter types assignable to given types
/** when member parameter types assignable to given {@code types} */
public static Predicate<Member> withParametersAssignableTo(final Class... types) { return input -> isAssignable(types, parameterTypes(input)); }
when method/constructor parameter types assignable from given types
/** when method/constructor parameter types assignable from given {@code types} */
public static Predicate<Member> withParametersAssignableFrom(final Class... types) { return input -> isAssignable(parameterTypes(input), types); }
when method/constructor parameters count equal given count
/** when method/constructor parameters count equal given {@code count} */
public static Predicate<Member> withParametersCount(final int count) { return input -> input != null && parameterTypes(input).length == count; }
when method/constructor has any parameter with an annotation matches given annotations
/** when method/constructor has any parameter with an annotation matches given {@code annotations} */
public static Predicate<Member> withAnyParameterAnnotation(final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass) { return input -> input != null && annotationTypes(parameterAnnotations(input)).stream().anyMatch(input1 -> input1.equals(annotationClass)); }
when method/constructor has any parameter with an annotation matches given annotations, including member matching
/** when method/constructor has any parameter with an annotation matches given {@code annotations}, including member matching */
public static Predicate<Member> withAnyParameterAnnotation(final Annotation annotation) { return input -> input != null && parameterAnnotations(input).stream().anyMatch(input1 -> areAnnotationMembersMatching(annotation, input1)); }
when field type equal given type
/** when field type equal given {@code type} */
public static <T> Predicate<Field> withType(final Class<T> type) { return input -> input != null && input.getType().equals(type); }
when field type assignable to given type
/** when field type assignable to given {@code type} */
public static <T> Predicate<Field> withTypeAssignableTo(final Class<T> type) { return input -> input != null && type.isAssignableFrom(input.getType()); }
when method return type equal given type
/** when method return type equal given {@code type} */
public static <T> Predicate<Method> withReturnType(final Class<T> type) { return input -> input != null && input.getReturnType().equals(type); }
when method return type assignable from given type
/** when method return type assignable from given {@code type} */
public static <T> Predicate<Method> withReturnTypeAssignableTo(final Class<T> type) { return input -> input != null && type.isAssignableFrom(input.getReturnType()); }
when member modifier matches given mod

for example:

/** when member modifier matches given {@code mod} * <p>for example: * <pre> * withModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC) * </pre> */
public static <T extends Member> Predicate<T> withModifier(final int mod) { return input -> input != null && (input.getModifiers() & mod) != 0; }
when class modifier matches given mod

for example:

/** when class modifier matches given {@code mod} * <p>for example: * <pre> * withModifier(Modifier.PUBLIC) * </pre> */
public static Predicate<Class<?>> withClassModifier(final int mod) { return input -> input != null && (input.getModifiers() & mod) != 0; } //
tries to resolve a java type name to a Class

if optional ClassLoaders are not specified, then both ClasspathHelper.contextClassLoader() and ClasspathHelper.staticClassLoader() are used

/** tries to resolve a java type name to a Class * <p>if optional {@link ClassLoader}s are not specified, then both {@link org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper#contextClassLoader()} and {@link org.reflections.util.ClasspathHelper#staticClassLoader()} are used * */
public static Class<?> forName(String typeName, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { if (getPrimitiveNames().contains(typeName)) { return getPrimitiveTypes().get(getPrimitiveNames().indexOf(typeName)); } else { String type; if (typeName.contains("[")) { int i = typeName.indexOf("["); type = typeName.substring(0, i); String array = typeName.substring(i).replace("]", ""); if (getPrimitiveNames().contains(type)) { type = getPrimitiveDescriptors().get(getPrimitiveNames().indexOf(type)); } else { type = "L" + type + ";"; } type = array + type; } else { type = typeName; } List<ReflectionsException> reflectionsExceptions = new ArrayList<>(); for (ClassLoader classLoader : ClasspathHelper.classLoaders(classLoaders)) { if (type.contains("[")) { try { return Class.forName(type, false, classLoader); } catch (Throwable e) { reflectionsExceptions.add(new ReflectionsException("could not get type for name " + typeName, e)); } } try { return classLoader.loadClass(type); } catch (Throwable e) { reflectionsExceptions.add(new ReflectionsException("could not get type for name " + typeName, e)); } } if (Reflections.log != null) { for (ReflectionsException reflectionsException : reflectionsExceptions) { Reflections.log.warn("could not get type for name " + typeName + " from any class loader", reflectionsException); } } return null; } }
try to resolve all given string representation of types to a list of java types
/** try to resolve all given string representation of types to a list of java types */
public static <T> Set<Class<? extends T>> forNames(final Collection<String> classes, ClassLoader... classLoaders) { return .map(className -> (Class<? extends T>) forName(className, classLoaders)) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedHashSet::new)); } private static Class[] parameterTypes(Member member) { return member != null ? member.getClass() == Method.class ? ((Method) member).getParameterTypes() : member.getClass() == Constructor.class ? ((Constructor) member).getParameterTypes() : null : null; } private static Set<Annotation> parameterAnnotations(Member member) { Annotation[][] annotations = member instanceof Method ? ((Method) member).getParameterAnnotations() : member instanceof Constructor ? ((Constructor) member).getParameterAnnotations() : null; return; } private static Set<Class<? extends Annotation>> annotationTypes(Collection<Annotation> annotations) { return; } private static Class<? extends Annotation>[] annotationTypes(Annotation[] annotations) { return[]::new); } // private static List<String> primitiveNames; private static List<Class> primitiveTypes; private static List<String> primitiveDescriptors; private static void initPrimitives() { if (primitiveNames == null) { primitiveNames = Arrays.asList("boolean", "char", "byte", "short", "int", "long", "float", "double", "void"); primitiveTypes = Arrays.asList(boolean.class, char.class, byte.class, short.class, int.class, long.class, float.class, double.class, void.class); primitiveDescriptors = Arrays.asList("Z", "C", "B", "S", "I", "J", "F", "D", "V"); } } private static List<String> getPrimitiveNames() { initPrimitives(); return primitiveNames; } private static List<Class> getPrimitiveTypes() { initPrimitives(); return primitiveTypes; } private static List<String> getPrimitiveDescriptors() { initPrimitives(); return primitiveDescriptors; } // private static boolean areAnnotationMembersMatching(Annotation annotation1, Annotation annotation2) { if (annotation2 != null && annotation1.annotationType() == annotation2.annotationType()) { for (Method method : annotation1.annotationType().getDeclaredMethods()) { try { if (!method.invoke(annotation1).equals(method.invoke(annotation2))) return false; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ReflectionsException(String.format("could not invoke method %s on annotation %s", method.getName(), annotation1.annotationType()), e); } } return true; } return false; } private static boolean isAssignable(Class[] childClasses, Class[] parentClasses) { if (childClasses == null) { return parentClasses == null || parentClasses.length == 0; } if (childClasses.length != parentClasses.length) { return false; } return IntStream.range(0, childClasses.length) .noneMatch(i -> !parentClasses[i].isAssignableFrom(childClasses[i]) || parentClasses[i] == Object.class && childClasses[i] != Object.class); } }