/* Automatically generated by GNU msgfmt.  Do not modify!  */
package org.postgresql.translation;
public class messages_nl extends java.util.ResourceBundle {
  private static final java.lang.String[] table;
  static {
    java.lang.String[] t = new java.lang.String[36];
    t[0] = "";
    t[1] = "Project-Id-Version: PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 8.0\nReport-Msgid-Bugs-To: \nPO-Revision-Date: 2004-10-11 23:55-0700\nLast-Translator: Arnout Kuiper <ajkuiper@wxs.nl>\nLanguage-Team: Dutch <ajkuiper@wxs.nl>\nLanguage: nl\nMIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
    t[2] = "Something unusual has occurred to cause the driver to fail. Please report this exception.";
    t[3] = "Iets ongewoons is opgetreden, wat deze driver doet falen. Rapporteer deze fout AUB: {0}";
    t[8] = "Unknown Types value.";
    t[9] = "Onbekende Types waarde.";
    t[12] = "Fastpath call {0} - No result was returned and we expected an integer.";
    t[13] = "Fastpath aanroep {0} - Geen resultaat werd teruggegeven, terwijl we een integer verwacht hadden.";
    t[20] = "The fastpath function {0} is unknown.";
    t[21] = "De fastpath functie {0} is onbekend.";
    t[22] = "No results were returned by the query.";
    t[23] = "Geen resultaten werden teruggegeven door de query.";
    t[26] = "An unexpected result was returned by a query.";
    t[27] = "Een onverwacht resultaat werd teruggegeven door een query";
    table = t;
  public java.lang.Object handleGetObject (java.lang.String msgid) throws java.util.MissingResourceException {
    int hash_val = msgid.hashCode() & 0x7fffffff;
    int idx = (hash_val % 18) << 1;
    java.lang.Object found = table[idx];
    if (found != null && msgid.equals(found))
      return table[idx + 1];
    return null;
  public java.util.Enumeration getKeys () {
      new java.util.Enumeration() {
        private int idx = 0;
        { while (idx < 36 && table[idx] == null) idx += 2; }
        public boolean hasMoreElements () {
          return (idx < 36);
        public java.lang.Object nextElement () {
          java.lang.Object key = table[idx];
          do idx += 2; while (idx < 36 && table[idx] == null);
          return key;
  public java.util.ResourceBundle getParent () {
    return parent;