 * Copyright (c) 2006, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package org.postgresql.core;

import java.io.EOFException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

A faster version of BufferedInputStream. Does no synchronisation and allows direct access to the used byte[] buffer.
Author:Mikko Tiihonen
/** * A faster version of BufferedInputStream. Does no synchronisation and allows direct access to the * used byte[] buffer. * * @author Mikko Tiihonen */
public class VisibleBufferedInputStream extends InputStream {
If a direct read to byte array is called that would require a smaller read from the wrapped stream that MINIMUM_READ then first fill the buffer and serve the bytes from there. Larger reads are directly done to the provided byte array.
/** * If a direct read to byte array is called that would require a smaller read from the wrapped * stream that MINIMUM_READ then first fill the buffer and serve the bytes from there. Larger * reads are directly done to the provided byte array. */
private static final int MINIMUM_READ = 1024;
In how large spans is the C string zero-byte scanned.
/** * In how large spans is the C string zero-byte scanned. */
private static final int STRING_SCAN_SPAN = 1024;
The wrapped input stream.
/** * The wrapped input stream. */
private final InputStream wrapped;
The buffer.
/** * The buffer. */
private byte[] buffer;
Current read position in the buffer.
/** * Current read position in the buffer. */
private int index;
How far is the buffer filled with valid data.
/** * How far is the buffer filled with valid data. */
private int endIndex;
Creates a new buffer around the given stream.
  • in – The stream to buffer.
  • bufferSize – The initial size of the buffer.
/** * Creates a new buffer around the given stream. * * @param in The stream to buffer. * @param bufferSize The initial size of the buffer. */
public VisibleBufferedInputStream(InputStream in, int bufferSize) { wrapped = in; buffer = new byte[bufferSize < MINIMUM_READ ? MINIMUM_READ : bufferSize]; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int read() throws IOException { if (ensureBytes(1)) { return buffer[index++] & 0xFF; } return -1; }
Reads a byte from the buffer without advancing the index pointer.
Returns:byte from the buffer without advancing the index pointer
/** * Reads a byte from the buffer without advancing the index pointer. * * @return byte from the buffer without advancing the index pointer * @throws IOException if something wrong happens */
public int peek() throws IOException { if (ensureBytes(1)) { return buffer[index] & 0xFF; } return -1; }
Reads byte from the buffer without any checks. This method never reads from the underlaying stream. Before calling this method the ensureBytes method must have been called.
Returns:The next byte from the buffer.
/** * Reads byte from the buffer without any checks. This method never reads from the underlaying * stream. Before calling this method the {@link #ensureBytes} method must have been called. * * @return The next byte from the buffer. * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException If ensureBytes was not called to make sure the buffer * contains the byte. */
public byte readRaw() { return buffer[index++]; }
Ensures that the buffer contains at least n bytes. This method invalidates the buffer and index fields.
  • n – The amount of bytes to ensure exists in buffer
  • IOException – If reading of the wrapped stream failed.
Returns:true if required bytes are available and false if EOF
/** * Ensures that the buffer contains at least n bytes. This method invalidates the buffer and index * fields. * * @param n The amount of bytes to ensure exists in buffer * @return true if required bytes are available and false if EOF * @throws IOException If reading of the wrapped stream failed. */
public boolean ensureBytes(int n) throws IOException { int required = n - endIndex + index; while (required > 0) { if (!readMore(required)) { return false; } required = n - endIndex + index; } return true; }
Reads more bytes into the buffer.
  • wanted – How much should be at least read.
  • IOException – If reading of the wrapped stream failed.
Returns:True if at least some bytes were read.
/** * Reads more bytes into the buffer. * * @param wanted How much should be at least read. * @return True if at least some bytes were read. * @throws IOException If reading of the wrapped stream failed. */
private boolean readMore(int wanted) throws IOException { if (endIndex == index) { index = 0; endIndex = 0; } int canFit = buffer.length - endIndex; if (canFit < wanted) { // would the wanted bytes fit if we compacted the buffer // and still leave some slack if (index + canFit > wanted + MINIMUM_READ) { compact(); } else { doubleBuffer(); } canFit = buffer.length - endIndex; } int read = wrapped.read(buffer, endIndex, canFit); if (read < 0) { return false; } endIndex += read; return true; }
Doubles the size of the buffer.
/** * Doubles the size of the buffer. */
private void doubleBuffer() { byte[] buf = new byte[buffer.length * 2]; moveBufferTo(buf); buffer = buf; }
Compacts the unread bytes of the buffer to the beginning of the buffer.
/** * Compacts the unread bytes of the buffer to the beginning of the buffer. */
private void compact() { moveBufferTo(buffer); }
Moves bytes from the buffer to the beginning of the destination buffer. Also sets the index and endIndex variables.
  • dest – The destination buffer.
/** * Moves bytes from the buffer to the beginning of the destination buffer. Also sets the index and * endIndex variables. * * @param dest The destination buffer. */
private void moveBufferTo(byte[] dest) { int size = endIndex - index; System.arraycopy(buffer, index, dest, 0, size); index = 0; endIndex = size; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int read(byte[] to, int off, int len) throws IOException { if ((off | len | (off + len) | (to.length - (off + len))) < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else if (len == 0) { return 0; } // if the read would go to wrapped stream, but would result // in a small read then try read to the buffer instead int avail = endIndex - index; if (len - avail < MINIMUM_READ) { ensureBytes(len); avail = endIndex - index; } // first copy from buffer if (avail > 0) { if (len <= avail) { System.arraycopy(buffer, index, to, off, len); index += len; return len; } System.arraycopy(buffer, index, to, off, avail); len -= avail; off += avail; } int read = avail; // good place to reset index because the buffer is fully drained index = 0; endIndex = 0; // then directly from wrapped stream do { int r = wrapped.read(to, off, len); if (r <= 0) { return (read == 0) ? r : read; } read += r; off += r; len -= r; } while (len > 0); return read; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public long skip(long n) throws IOException { int avail = endIndex - index; if (avail >= n) { index += n; return n; } n -= avail; index = 0; endIndex = 0; return avail + wrapped.skip(n); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public int available() throws IOException { int avail = endIndex - index; return avail > 0 ? avail : wrapped.available(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
public void close() throws IOException { wrapped.close(); }
Returns direct handle to the used buffer. Use the ensureBytes to prefill required bytes the buffer and getIndex to fetch the current position of the buffer.
Returns:The underlaying buffer.
/** * Returns direct handle to the used buffer. Use the {@link #ensureBytes} to prefill required * bytes the buffer and {@link #getIndex} to fetch the current position of the buffer. * * @return The underlaying buffer. */
public byte[] getBuffer() { return buffer; }
Returns the current read position in the buffer.
Returns:the current read position in the buffer.
/** * Returns the current read position in the buffer. * * @return the current read position in the buffer. */
public int getIndex() { return index; }
Scans the length of the next null terminated string (C-style string) from the stream.
Returns:The length of the next null terminated string.
/** * Scans the length of the next null terminated string (C-style string) from the stream. * * @return The length of the next null terminated string. * @throws IOException If reading of stream fails. * @throws EOFException If the stream did not contain any null terminators. */
public int scanCStringLength() throws IOException { int pos = index; while (true) { while (pos < endIndex) { if (buffer[pos++] == '\0') { return pos - index; } } if (!readMore(STRING_SCAN_SPAN)) { throw new EOFException(); } pos = index; } } }