 * Copyright (c) 2008 Harold Cooper. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the MIT License.
 * See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

package org.pcollections;

/* Mike Klein, 2/27/2009 */

/* Empty remembers which classes implement the interface you want,
 * so you don't have to.

A static utility class for getting empty PCollections backed by the 'default' implementations.
/** * A static utility class for getting empty PCollections backed by the 'default' implementations. * * @author mtklein */
public final class Empty { // non-instantiable: private Empty() {} public static <E> PStack<E> stack() { return ConsPStack.empty(); } public static <E> PQueue<E> queue() { return AmortizedPQueue.empty(); } public static <E> PVector<E> vector() { return TreePVector.empty(); } public static <E> PSet<E> set() { return HashTreePSet.empty(); } public static <E> POrderedSet<E> orderedSet() { return OrderedPSet.empty(); } public static <E> PBag<E> bag() { return HashTreePBag.empty(); } public static <K, V> PMap<K, V> map() { return HashTreePMap.empty(); } }