Copyright (C) 2010 Olafur Gauti Gudmundsson Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
/** * Copyright (C) 2010 Olafur Gauti Gudmundsson Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless * required * by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES * OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */
package org.mongodb.morphia.mapping; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.DBRef; import org.bson.BSONEncoder; import org.bson.BasicBSONEncoder; import org.mongodb.morphia.Datastore; import org.mongodb.morphia.EntityInterceptor; import org.mongodb.morphia.Key; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Converters; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Embedded; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.NotSaved; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.PostLoad; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.PreLoad; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.PrePersist; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.PreSave; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Property; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Reference; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Serialized; import org.mongodb.morphia.converters.CustomConverters; import org.mongodb.morphia.converters.TypeConverter; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.Logger; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.MorphiaLoggerFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.cache.EntityCache; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.LazyFeatureDependencies; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.LazyProxyFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.proxy.ProxiedEntityReference; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.proxy.ProxyHelper; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.Query; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.QueryImpl; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.ValidationException; import; import; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet; import static java.lang.String.format; import static org.mongodb.morphia.utils.ReflectionUtils.getParameterizedClass; import static org.mongodb.morphia.utils.ReflectionUtils.implementsInterface; import static org.mongodb.morphia.utils.ReflectionUtils.isPropertyType;

This is the heart of Morphia and takes care of mapping from/to POJOs/DBObjects

This class is thread-safe and keeps various "cached" data which should speed up processing.

Author:Olafur Gauti Gudmundsson, Scott Hernandez
/** * <p>This is the heart of Morphia and takes care of mapping from/to POJOs/DBObjects<p> <p>This class is thread-safe and keeps various * "cached" data which should speed up processing.</p> * * @author Olafur Gauti Gudmundsson * @author Scott Hernandez */
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"}) public class Mapper {
The @Id field name that is stored with mongodb.
/** * The @{@link org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Id} field name that is stored with mongodb. */
public static final String ID_KEY = "_id";
Special name that can never be used. Used as default for some fields to indicate default state.
/** * Special name that can never be used. Used as default for some fields to indicate default state. */
public static final String IGNORED_FIELDNAME = ".";
Special field used by morphia to support various possibly loading issues; will be replaced when discriminators are implemented to support polymorphism
/** * Special field used by morphia to support various possibly loading issues; will be replaced when discriminators are implemented to * support polymorphism */
public static final String CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME = "className"; private static final Logger LOG = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(Mapper.class);
Set of classes that registered by this mapper
/** * Set of classes that registered by this mapper */
private final Map<String, MappedClass> mappedClasses = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, MappedClass>(); private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<MappedClass>> mappedClassesByCollection = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<MappedClass>>(); //EntityInterceptors; these are called after EntityListeners and lifecycle methods on an Entity, for all Entities private final List<EntityInterceptor> interceptors = new LinkedList<EntityInterceptor>(); //A general cache of instances of classes; used by MappedClass for EntityListener(s) private final Map<Class, Object> instanceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap(); // TODO: make these configurable private final LazyProxyFactory proxyFactory = LazyFeatureDependencies.createDefaultProxyFactory(); private final org.mongodb.morphia.converters.Converters converters; private MapperOptions opts = new MapperOptions();
Creates a Mapper with the given options.
  • opts – the options to use
/** * Creates a Mapper with the given options. * * @param opts the options to use */
public Mapper(final MapperOptions opts) { this(); this.opts = opts; }
Creates a Mapper with default options
See Also:
  • MapperOptions
/** * Creates a Mapper with default options * * @see MapperOptions */
public Mapper() { converters = new CustomConverters(this); }
Creates a new Mapper with the given options and a Mapper to copy. This is effectively a copy constructor that allows a developer to override the options.
  • options – the options to use
  • mapper – the collection of MappedClasses to add
/** * Creates a new Mapper with the given options and a Mapper to copy. This is effectively a copy constructor that allows a developer * to override the options. * * @param options the options to use * @param mapper the collection of MappedClasses to add */
public Mapper(final MapperOptions options, final Mapper mapper) { this(options); for (final MappedClass mappedClass : mapper.getMappedClasses()) { addMappedClass(mappedClass, false); } }
  • ei – the interceptor to add
/** * Adds an {@link EntityInterceptor} * * @param ei the interceptor to add */
public void addInterceptor(final EntityInterceptor ei) { interceptors.add(ei); }
Creates a MappedClass and validates it.
  • c – the Class to map
Returns:the MappedClass for the given Class
/** * Creates a MappedClass and validates it. * * @param c the Class to map * @return the MappedClass for the given Class */
public MappedClass addMappedClass(final Class c) { MappedClass mappedClass = mappedClasses.get(c.getName()); if (mappedClass == null) { mappedClass = new MappedClass(c, this); return addMappedClass(mappedClass, true); } return mappedClass; }
Creates a cache for tracking entities seen during processing
Returns:the cache
/** * Creates a cache for tracking entities seen during processing * * @return the cache */
public EntityCache createEntityCache() { return getOptions().getCacheFactory().createCache(); }
Converts a DBObject back to a type-safe java object (POJO)
  • datastore – the Datastore to use when fetching this reference
  • entityClass – The type to return, or use; can be overridden by the @see Mapper.CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME in the DBObject
  • dbObject – the DBObject containing the document from mongodb
  • cache – the EntityCache to use
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the entity
See Also:
Returns:the new entity
/** * Converts a DBObject back to a type-safe java object (POJO) * * @param <T> the type of the entity * @param datastore the Datastore to use when fetching this reference * @param entityClass The type to return, or use; can be overridden by the @see Mapper.CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME in the DBObject * @param dbObject the DBObject containing the document from mongodb * @param cache the EntityCache to use * @return the new entity * @see Mapper#CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME */
public <T> T fromDBObject(final Datastore datastore, final Class<T> entityClass, final DBObject dbObject, final EntityCache cache) { if (dbObject == null) { final Throwable t = new Throwable(); LOG.error("A null reference was passed in for the dbObject", t); return null; } T entity; entity = opts.getObjectFactory().createInstance(entityClass, dbObject); entity = fromDb(datastore, dbObject, entity, cache); return entity; }
Finds any subtypes for the given MappedClass.
  • mc – the parent type
Returns:the list of subtypes
/** * Finds any subtypes for the given MappedClass. * * @param mc the parent type * * @return the list of subtypes * @since 1.3 */
public List<MappedClass> getSubTypes(final MappedClass mc) { List<MappedClass> subtypes = new ArrayList<MappedClass>(); for (MappedClass mappedClass : getMappedClasses()) { if (mappedClass.isSubType(mc)) { subtypes.add(mappedClass); } } return subtypes; }
Converts an entity (POJO) to a DBObject. A special field will be added to keep track of the class type.
  • datastore – the Datastore to use when fetching this reference
  • dbObject – the DBObject
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the referenced entity
Returns:the entity
/** * Converts an entity (POJO) to a DBObject. A special field will be added to keep track of the class type. * * @param datastore the Datastore to use when fetching this reference * @param dbObject the DBObject * @param <T> the type of the referenced entity * @return the entity */
<T> T fromDBObject(final Datastore datastore, final DBObject dbObject) { if (dbObject.containsField(CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME)) { T entity = opts.getObjectFactory().createInstance(null, dbObject); entity = fromDb(datastore, dbObject, entity, createEntityCache()); return entity; } else { throw new MappingException(format("The DBOBbject does not contain a %s key. Determining entity type is impossible.", CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME)); } }
Converts a DBObject back to a type-safe java object (POJO)
  • datastore – the Datastore to use when fetching this reference
  • dbObject – the DBObject containing the document from mongodb
  • entity – the instance to populate
  • cache – the EntityCache to use
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the entity
Returns:the entity
/** * Converts a DBObject back to a type-safe java object (POJO) * * @param <T> the type of the entity * @param datastore the Datastore to use when fetching this reference * @param dbObject the DBObject containing the document from mongodb * @param entity the instance to populate * @param cache the EntityCache to use * @return the entity */
public <T> T fromDb(final Datastore datastore, final DBObject dbObject, final T entity, final EntityCache cache) { //hack to bypass things and just read the value. if (entity instanceof MappedField) { readMappedField(datastore, (MappedField) entity, entity, cache, dbObject); return entity; } // check the history key (a key is the namespace + id) if (dbObject.containsField(ID_KEY) && getMappedClass(entity).getIdField() != null && getMappedClass(entity).getEntityAnnotation() != null) { final Key<T> key = new Key(entity.getClass(), getCollectionName(entity.getClass()), dbObject.get(ID_KEY)); final T cachedInstance = cache.getEntity(key); if (cachedInstance != null) { return cachedInstance; } else { cache.putEntity(key, entity); // to avoid stackOverflow in recursive refs } } if (entity instanceof Map) { Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) entity; for (String key : dbObject.keySet()) { Object o = dbObject.get(key); map.put(key, (o instanceof DBObject) ? fromDBObject(datastore, (DBObject) o) : o); } } else if (entity instanceof Collection) { Collection<Object> collection = (Collection<Object>) entity; for (Object o : ((List) dbObject)) { collection.add((o instanceof DBObject) ? fromDBObject(datastore, (DBObject) o) : o); } } else { final MappedClass mc = getMappedClass(entity); final DBObject updated = mc.callLifecycleMethods(PreLoad.class, entity, dbObject, this); try { for (final MappedField mf : mc.getPersistenceFields()) { readMappedField(datastore, mf, entity, cache, updated); } } catch (final MappingException e) { Object id = dbObject.get(ID_KEY); String entityName = entity.getClass().getName(); throw new MappingException(format("Could not map %s with ID: %s in database '%s'", entityName, id, datastore.getDB().getName()), e); } if (updated.containsField(ID_KEY) && getMappedClass(entity).getIdField() != null) { final Key key = new Key(entity.getClass(), getCollectionName(entity.getClass()), updated.get(ID_KEY)); cache.putEntity(key, entity); } mc.callLifecycleMethods(PostLoad.class, entity, updated, this); } return entity; }
Looks up the class mapped to a named collection.
  • collection – the collection name
Returns:the Class mapped to this collection name
/** * Looks up the class mapped to a named collection. * * @param collection the collection name * @return the Class mapped to this collection name */
public Class<?> getClassFromCollection(final String collection) { final Set<MappedClass> mcs = mappedClassesByCollection.get(collection); if (mcs == null || mcs.isEmpty()) { throw new MappingException(format("The collection '%s' is not mapped to a java class.", collection)); } if (mcs.size() > 1) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Found more than one class mapped to collection '%s'%s", collection, mcs)); } } return mcs.iterator().next().getClazz(); }
Gets the mapped collection for an object instance or Class reference.
  • object – the object to process
Returns:the collection name
/** * Gets the mapped collection for an object instance or Class reference. * * @param object the object to process * @return the collection name */
public String getCollectionName(final Object object) { if (object == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } final MappedClass mc = getMappedClass(object); return mc.getCollectionName(); }
Returns:the Converters bundle this Mapper uses
/** * @return the Converters bundle this Mapper uses */
public org.mongodb.morphia.converters.Converters getConverters() { return converters; }
Gets the ID value for an entity
  • entity – the entity to process
Returns:the ID value
/** * Gets the ID value for an entity * * @param entity the entity to process * @return the ID value */
public Object getId(final Object entity) { Object unwrapped = entity; if (unwrapped == null) { return null; } unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(unwrapped); try { return getMappedClass(unwrapped.getClass()).getIdField().get(unwrapped); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } }
Returns:the cache of instances
/** * @return the cache of instances */
public Map<Class, Object> getInstanceCache() { return instanceCache; }
Gets list of EntityInterceptors
Returns:the Interceptors
/** * Gets list of {@link EntityInterceptor}s * * @return the Interceptors */
public Collection<EntityInterceptor> getInterceptors() { return interceptors; }
Gets the Key for an entity
  • entity – the entity to process
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the entity
Returns:the Key
/** * Gets the Key for an entity * * @param entity the entity to process * @param <T> the type of the entity * @return the Key */
public <T> Key<T> getKey(final T entity) { T unwrapped = entity; if (unwrapped instanceof ProxiedEntityReference) { final ProxiedEntityReference proxy = (ProxiedEntityReference) unwrapped; return (Key<T>) proxy.__getKey(); } unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(unwrapped); if (unwrapped instanceof Key) { return (Key<T>) unwrapped; } final Object id = getId(unwrapped); final Class<T> aClass = (Class<T>) unwrapped.getClass(); return id == null ? null : new Key<T>(aClass, getCollectionName(aClass), id); }
Gets the Key for an entity and a specific collection
  • entity – the entity to process
  • collection – the collection to use in the Key rather than the mapped collection as defined on the entity's class
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the entity
Returns:the Key
/** * Gets the Key for an entity and a specific collection * * @param entity the entity to process * @param collection the collection to use in the Key rather than the mapped collection as defined on the entity's class * @param <T> the type of the entity * @return the Key */
public <T> Key<T> getKey(final T entity, final String collection) { T unwrapped = entity; if (unwrapped instanceof ProxiedEntityReference) { final ProxiedEntityReference proxy = (ProxiedEntityReference) unwrapped; return (Key<T>) proxy.__getKey(); } unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(unwrapped); if (unwrapped instanceof Key) { return (Key<T>) unwrapped; } final Object id = getId(unwrapped); final Class<T> aClass = (Class<T>) unwrapped.getClass(); return id == null ? null : new Key<T>(aClass, collection, id); }
Gets the Keys for a list of objects
  • clazz – the Class of the objects
  • refs – the objects to fetch the keys for
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the entity
Returns:the list of Keys
/** * Gets the Keys for a list of objects * * @param clazz the Class of the objects * @param refs the objects to fetch the keys for * @param <T> the type of the entity * @return the list of Keys */
public <T> List<Key<T>> getKeysByManualRefs(final Class<T> clazz, final List<Object> refs) { final String collection = getCollectionName(clazz); final List<Key<T>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(refs.size()); for (final Object ref : refs) { keys.add(this.<T>manualRefToKey(collection, ref)); } return keys; }
Gets the Keys for a list of objects
  • refs – the objects to process
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the objects
Returns:the list of Keys
/** * Gets the Keys for a list of objects * * @param refs the objects to process * @param <T> the type of the objects * @return the list of Keys */
public <T> List<Key<T>> getKeysByRefs(final List<DBRef> refs) { final List<Key<T>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(refs.size()); for (final DBRef ref : refs) { final Key<T> testKey = refToKey(ref); keys.add(testKey); } return keys; }
Returns:map of MappedClasses by class name
/** * @return map of MappedClasses by class name */
public Map<String, MappedClass> getMCMap() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(mappedClasses); }
Gets the MappedClass for the object (type). If it isn't mapped, create a new class and cache it (without validating).
  • obj – the object to process
Returns:the MappedClass for the object given
/** * Gets the {@link MappedClass} for the object (type). If it isn't mapped, create a new class and cache it (without validating). * * @param obj the object to process * @return the MappedClass for the object given */
public MappedClass getMappedClass(final Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } Class type = (obj instanceof Class) ? (Class) obj : obj.getClass(); if (ProxyHelper.isProxy(obj)) { type = ProxyHelper.getReferentClass(obj); } MappedClass mc = mappedClasses.get(type.getName()); if (mc == null) { mc = new MappedClass(type, this); // no validation addMappedClass(mc, false); } return mc; }
Returns:collection of MappedClasses
/** * @return collection of MappedClasses */
public Collection<MappedClass> getMappedClasses() { return new ArrayList<MappedClass>(mappedClasses.values()); }
Returns:the options used by this Mapper
/** * @return the options used by this Mapper */
public MapperOptions getOptions() { return opts; }
Sets the options this Mapper should use
  • options – the options to use
/** * Sets the options this Mapper should use * * @param options the options to use */
public void setOptions(final MapperOptions options) { opts = options; }
Checks to see if a Class has been mapped.
  • c – the Class to check
Returns:true if the Class has been mapped
/** * Checks to see if a Class has been mapped. * * @param c the Class to check * @return true if the Class has been mapped */
public boolean isMapped(final Class c) { return mappedClasses.containsKey(c.getName()); }
Converts a Key to a DBRef
  • key – the Key to convert
Returns:the DBRef
/** * Converts a Key to a DBRef * * @param key the Key to convert * @return the DBRef */
public DBRef keyToDBRef(final Key key) { if (key == null) { return null; } if (key.getType() == null && key.getCollection() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("How can it be missing both?"); } if (key.getCollection() == null) { key.setCollection(getCollectionName(key.getType())); } Object id = key.getId(); if (isMapped(id.getClass())) { id = toMongoObject(id, true); } return new DBRef(key.getCollection(), id); }
Creates a Key for a type and an ID value
  • type – the Class of the entity
  • id – the ID value
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the entity
Returns:the Key
/** * Creates a Key for a type and an ID value * * @param type the Class of the entity * @param id the ID value * @param <T> the type of the entity * @return the Key */
public <T> Key<T> manualRefToKey(final Class<T> type, final Object id) { return id == null ? null : new Key<T>(type, getCollectionName(type), id); }
Converts a DBRef to a Key
  • ref – the DBRef to convert
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type of the referenced entity
Returns:the Key
/** * Converts a DBRef to a Key * * @param ref the DBRef to convert * @param <T> the type of the referenced entity * @return the Key */
public <T> Key<T> refToKey(final DBRef ref) { return ref == null ? null : new Key<T>((Class<? extends T>) getClassFromCollection(ref.getCollectionName()), ref.getCollectionName(), ref.getId()); }
/** Converts an entity (POJO) to a DBObject. A special field will be added to keep track of the class type.
  • entity – The POJO
See Also:
Returns:the DBObject
/** * /** * Converts an entity (POJO) to a DBObject. A special field will be added to keep track of the class type. * * @param entity The POJO * @return the DBObject * @see Mapper#CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME */
public DBObject toDBObject(final Object entity) { return toDBObject(entity, null); }
Converts an entity (POJO) to a DBObject. A special field will be added to keep track of the class type.
  • entity – The POJO
  • involvedObjects – A Map of (already converted) POJOs
See Also:
Returns:the DBObject
/** * Converts an entity (POJO) to a DBObject. A special field will be added to keep track of the class type. * * @param entity The POJO * @param involvedObjects A Map of (already converted) POJOs * @return the DBObject * @see Mapper#CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME */
public DBObject toDBObject(final Object entity, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) { return toDBObject(entity, involvedObjects, true); }
Converts a java object to a mongo-compatible object (possibly a DBObject for complex mappings). Very similar to toDBObject. Used (mainly) by query/update operations.
  • mf – the MappedField for this value
  • mc – the MappedClass for this value
  • value – the value to convert
Returns:the MongoDB compatible object
/** * Converts a java object to a mongo-compatible object (possibly a DBObject for complex mappings). Very similar to {@link * Mapper#toDBObject}. Used (mainly) by query/update operations. * * @param mf the MappedField for this value * @param mc the MappedClass for this value * @param value the value to convert * @return the MongoDB compatible object */
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public Object toMongoObject(final MappedField mf, final MappedClass mc, final Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } Object mappedValue = value; if (value instanceof Query) { mappedValue = ((QueryImpl) value).getQueryObject(); } else if (isAssignable(mf, value) || isEntity(mc)) { //convert the value to Key (DBRef) if the field is @Reference or type is Key/DBRef, or if the destination class is an @Entity try { if (value instanceof Iterable) { MappedClass mapped = getMappedClass(mf.getSubClass()); if (mapped != null && (Key.class.isAssignableFrom(mapped.getClazz()) || mapped.getEntityAnnotation() != null)) { mappedValue = getDBRefs(mf, (Iterable) value); } else { if (mf.hasAnnotation(Reference.class)) { mappedValue = getDBRefs(mf, (Iterable) value); } else { mappedValue = toMongoObject(value, false); } } } else { if (mf != null) { Reference refAnn = mf.getAnnotation(Reference.class); Class<?> idType = null; if (!mf.getType().equals(Key.class) && isMapped(mf.getType())) { idType = getMappedClass(mf.getType()).getMappedIdField().getType(); } boolean valueIsIdType = mappedValue.getClass().equals(idType); if (refAnn != null) { if (!valueIsIdType) { Key<?> key = value instanceof Key ? (Key<?>) value : getKey(value); if (key != null) { mappedValue = refAnn.idOnly() ? keyToId(key) : keyToDBRef(key); } } } else if (mf.getType().equals(Key.class)) { mappedValue = keyToDBRef(valueIsIdType ? createKey(mf.getSubClass(), value) : value instanceof Key ? (Key<?>) value : getKey(value)); if (mappedValue == value) { throw new ValidationException("cannot map to Key<T> field: " + value); } } } if (mappedValue == value) { mappedValue = toMongoObject(value, false); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error converting value(" + value + ") to reference.", e); mappedValue = toMongoObject(value, false); } } else if (mf != null && mf.hasAnnotation(Serialized.class)) { //serialized try { mappedValue = Serializer.serialize(value, !mf.getAnnotation(Serialized.class).disableCompression()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else if (value instanceof DBObject) { //pass-through mappedValue = value; } else { mappedValue = toMongoObject(value, EmbeddedMapper.shouldSaveClassName(value, mappedValue, mf)); if (mappedValue instanceof BasicDBList) { final BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) mappedValue; if (list.size() != 0) { if (!EmbeddedMapper.shouldSaveClassName(extractFirstElement(value), list.get(0), mf)) { for (Object o : list) { if (o instanceof DBObject) { ((DBObject) o).removeField(CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME); } } } } } else if (mappedValue instanceof DBObject && !EmbeddedMapper.shouldSaveClassName(value, mappedValue, mf)) { ((DBObject) mappedValue).removeField(CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME); } } return mappedValue; }
Updates the collection value on a Key with the mapped value on the Key's type Class
  • key – the Key to update
Returns:the collection name on the Key
/** * Updates the collection value on a Key with the mapped value on the Key's type Class * * @param key the Key to update * @return the collection name on the Key */
public String updateCollection(final Key key) { if (key.getCollection() == null && key.getType() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Key is invalid! " + toString()); } else if (key.getCollection() == null) { key.setCollection(getMappedClass(key.getType()).getCollectionName()); } return key.getCollection(); }
Updates the @Id and @Version fields.
  • datastore – the Datastore to use when fetching this reference
  • dbObj – Value to update with; null means skip
  • cache – the EntityCache
  • entity – The object to update
/** * Updates the @{@link org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Id} and @{@link org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Version} fields. * * @param datastore the Datastore to use when fetching this reference * @param dbObj Value to update with; null means skip * @param cache the EntityCache * @param entity The object to update */
public void updateKeyAndVersionInfo(final Datastore datastore, final DBObject dbObj, final EntityCache cache, final Object entity) { final MappedClass mc = getMappedClass(entity); // update id field, if there. if ((mc.getIdField() != null) && (dbObj != null) && (dbObj.get(ID_KEY) != null)) { try { final MappedField mf = mc.getMappedIdField(); final Object oldIdValue = mc.getIdField().get(entity); readMappedField(datastore, mf, entity, cache, dbObj); if (oldIdValue != null) { // The entity already had an id set. Check to make sure it hasn't changed. That would be unexpected, and could // indicate a bad state. final Object dbIdValue = mf.getFieldValue(entity); if (!dbIdValue.equals(oldIdValue)) { mf.setFieldValue(entity, oldIdValue); //put the value back... throw new RuntimeException(format("@Id mismatch: %s != %s for %s", oldIdValue, dbIdValue, entity.getClass().getName())); } } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } throw new RuntimeException("Error setting @Id field after save/insert.", e); } } if (mc.getMappedVersionField() != null && (dbObj != null)) { readMappedField(datastore, mc.getMappedVersionField(), entity, cache, dbObj); } } protected LazyProxyFactory getProxyFactory() { return proxyFactory; } private void addConverters(final MappedClass mc) { final List<Annotation> convertersList = mc.getAnnotations(Converters.class); if (convertersList != null) { for (Annotation a : convertersList) { final Converters c = (Converters) a; if (c != null) { for (final Class<? extends TypeConverter> clazz : c.value()) { if (!getConverters().isRegistered(clazz)) { getConverters().addConverter(clazz); } } } } } }
Add MappedClass to internal cache, possibly validating first.
/** * Add MappedClass to internal cache, possibly validating first. */
private MappedClass addMappedClass(final MappedClass mc, final boolean validate) { addConverters(mc); if (validate && !mc.isInterface()) { mc.validate(this); } mappedClasses.put(mc.getClazz().getName(), mc); Set<MappedClass> mcs = mappedClassesByCollection.get(mc.getCollectionName()); if (mcs == null) { mcs = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<MappedClass>(); final Set<MappedClass> temp = mappedClassesByCollection.putIfAbsent(mc.getCollectionName(), mcs); if (temp != null) { mcs = temp; } } mcs.add(mc); return mc; } private Object extractFirstElement(final Object value) { return value.getClass().isArray() ? Array.get(value, 0) : ((Iterable) value).iterator().next(); } private Object getDBRefs(final MappedField field, final Iterable value) { final List<Object> refs = new ArrayList<Object>(); Reference annotation = field.getAnnotation(Reference.class); boolean idOnly = annotation != null && annotation.idOnly(); for (final Object o : value) { Key<?> key = (o instanceof Key) ? (Key<?>) o : getKey(o); refs.add(idOnly ? key.getId() : keyToDBRef(key)); } return refs; } private Class<? extends Annotation> getFieldAnnotation(final MappedField mf) { Class<? extends Annotation> annType = null; for (final Class<? extends Annotation> testType : new Class[]{Property.class, Embedded.class, Serialized.class, Reference.class}) { if (mf.hasAnnotation(testType)) { annType = testType; break; } } return annType; } private boolean isAssignable(final MappedField mf, final Object value) { return mf != null && (mf.hasAnnotation(Reference.class) || Key.class.isAssignableFrom(mf.getType()) || DBRef.class.isAssignableFrom(mf.getType()) || isMultiValued(mf, value)); } private boolean isEntity(final MappedClass mc) { return (mc != null && mc.getEntityAnnotation() != null); } private boolean isMultiValued(final MappedField mf, final Object value) { final Class subClass = mf.getSubClass(); return value instanceof Iterable && mf.isMultipleValues() && (Key.class.isAssignableFrom(subClass) || DBRef.class.isAssignableFrom(subClass)); } private void readMappedField(final Datastore datastore, final MappedField mf, final Object entity, final EntityCache cache, final DBObject dbObject) { if (mf.hasAnnotation(Property.class) || mf.hasAnnotation(Serialized.class) || mf.isTypeMongoCompatible() || getConverters().hasSimpleValueConverter(mf)) { opts.getValueMapper().fromDBObject(datastore, dbObject, mf, entity, cache, this); } else if (mf.hasAnnotation(Embedded.class)) { opts.getEmbeddedMapper().fromDBObject(datastore, dbObject, mf, entity, cache, this); } else if (mf.hasAnnotation(Reference.class)) { opts.getReferenceMapper().fromDBObject(datastore, dbObject, mf, entity, cache, this); } else { opts.getDefaultMapper().fromDBObject(datastore, dbObject, mf, entity, cache, this); } } private void writeMappedField(final DBObject dbObject, final MappedField mf, final Object entity, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) { //skip not saved fields. if (mf.hasAnnotation(NotSaved.class)) { return; } // get the annotation from the field. Class<? extends Annotation> annType = getFieldAnnotation(mf); if (Property.class.equals(annType) || Serialized.class.equals(annType) || mf.isTypeMongoCompatible() || (getConverters().hasSimpleValueConverter(mf) || (getConverters().hasSimpleValueConverter(mf.getFieldValue(entity))))) { opts.getValueMapper().toDBObject(entity, mf, dbObject, involvedObjects, this); } else if (Reference.class.equals(annType)) { opts.getReferenceMapper().toDBObject(entity, mf, dbObject, involvedObjects, this); } else if (Embedded.class.equals(annType)) { opts.getEmbeddedMapper().toDBObject(entity, mf, dbObject, involvedObjects, this); } else { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("No annotation was found, using default mapper " + opts.getDefaultMapper() + " for " + mf); } opts.getDefaultMapper().toDBObject(entity, mf, dbObject, involvedObjects, this); } } <T> Key<T> manualRefToKey(final String collection, final Object id) { return id == null ? null : new Key<T>((Class<? extends T>) getClassFromCollection(collection), collection, id); } Object keyToId(final Key key) { return key == null ? null : key.getId(); }

Converts a java object to a mongo-compatible object (possibly a DBObject for complex mappings). Very similar to toDBObject

Used (mainly) by query/update operations

/** * <p> Converts a java object to a mongo-compatible object (possibly a DBObject for complex mappings). Very similar to {@link * Mapper#toDBObject} </p> <p> Used (mainly) by query/update operations </p> */
Object toMongoObject(final Object javaObj, final boolean includeClassName) { if (javaObj == null) { return null; } Class origClass = javaObj.getClass(); if (origClass.isAnonymousClass() && origClass.getSuperclass().isEnum()) { origClass = origClass.getSuperclass(); } final Object newObj = getConverters().encode(origClass, javaObj); if (newObj == null) { LOG.warning("converted " + javaObj + " to null"); return null; } final Class type = newObj.getClass(); final boolean bSameType = origClass.equals(type); //TODO: think about this logic a bit more. //Even if the converter changed it, should it still be processed? if (!bSameType && !(Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(type))) { return newObj; } else { //The converter ran, and produced another type, or it is a list/map boolean isSingleValue = true; boolean isMap = false; Class subType = null; if (type.isArray() || Map.class.isAssignableFrom(type) || Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(type)) { isSingleValue = false; isMap = implementsInterface(type, Map.class); // subtype of Long[], List<Long> is Long subType = (type.isArray()) ? type.getComponentType() : getParameterizedClass(type, (isMap) ? 1 : 0); } if (isSingleValue && !isPropertyType(type)) { final DBObject dbObj = toDBObject(newObj); if (!includeClassName) { dbObj.removeField(CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME); } return dbObj; } else if (newObj instanceof DBObject) { return newObj; } else if (isMap) { if (isPropertyType(subType)) { return toDBObject(newObj); } else { final HashMap m = new HashMap(); for (final Map.Entry e : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) ((Map) newObj).entrySet()) { m.put(e.getKey(), toMongoObject(e.getValue(), includeClassName)); } return m; } //Set/List but needs elements converted } else if (!isSingleValue && !isPropertyType(subType)) { final List<Object> values = new BasicDBList(); if (type.isArray()) { for (final Object obj : (Object[]) newObj) { values.add(toMongoObject(obj, includeClassName)); } } else { for (final Object obj : (Iterable) newObj) { values.add(toMongoObject(obj, includeClassName)); } } return values; } else { return newObj; } } } DBObject toDBObject(final Object entity, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects, final boolean lifecycle) { DBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); final MappedClass mc = getMappedClass(entity); if (mc.getEntityAnnotation() == null || !mc.getEntityAnnotation().noClassnameStored()) { dbObject.put(CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME, entity.getClass().getName()); } if (lifecycle) { dbObject = mc.callLifecycleMethods(PrePersist.class, entity, dbObject, this); } for (final MappedField mf : mc.getPersistenceFields()) { try { writeMappedField(dbObject, mf, entity, involvedObjects); } catch (Exception e) { throw new MappingException("Error mapping field:" + mf.getFullName(), e); } } if (involvedObjects != null) { involvedObjects.put(entity, dbObject); } if (lifecycle) { mc.callLifecycleMethods(PreSave.class, entity, dbObject, this); } return dbObject; } <T> Key<T> createKey(final Class<T> clazz, final Serializable id) { return new Key<T>(clazz, getCollectionName(clazz), id); } <T> Key<T> createKey(final Class<T> clazz, final Object id) { if (id instanceof Serializable) { return createKey(clazz, (Serializable) id); } //TODO: cache the encoders, maybe use the pool version of the buffer that the driver does. final BSONEncoder enc = new BasicBSONEncoder(); return new Key<T>(clazz, getCollectionName(clazz), enc.encode(toDBObject(id))); } }