 * Javassist, a Java-bytecode translator toolkit.
 * Copyright (C) 1999- Shigeru Chiba. All Rights Reserved.
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
 * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
 * the License.  Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under
 * the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later,
 * or the Apache License Version 2.0.
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.

package javassist.compiler;

import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtPrimitiveType;
import javassist.NotFoundException;
import javassist.bytecode.Bytecode;
import javassist.bytecode.Descriptor;
import javassist.compiler.ast.ASTList;
import javassist.compiler.ast.ASTree;
import javassist.compiler.ast.CallExpr;
import javassist.compiler.ast.CastExpr;
import javassist.compiler.ast.Declarator;
import javassist.compiler.ast.Expr;
import javassist.compiler.ast.Member;
import javassist.compiler.ast.Stmnt;
import javassist.compiler.ast.Symbol;

/* Code generator accepting extended Java syntax for Javassist.

public class JvstCodeGen extends MemberCodeGen {
    String paramArrayName = null;
    String paramListName = null;
    CtClass[] paramTypeList = null;
    private int paramVarBase = 0;       // variable index for $0 or $1.
    private boolean useParam0 = false;  // true if $0 is used.
    private String param0Type = null;   // JVM name
    public static final String sigName = "$sig";
    public static final String dollarTypeName = "$type";
    public static final String clazzName = "$class";
    private CtClass dollarType = null;
    CtClass returnType = null;
    String returnCastName = null;
    private String returnVarName = null;        // null if $_ is not used.
    public static final String wrapperCastName = "$w";
    String proceedName = null;
    public static final String cflowName = "$cflow";
    ProceedHandler procHandler = null;  // null if not used.

    public JvstCodeGen(Bytecode b, CtClass cc, ClassPool cp) {
        super(b, cc, cp);
        setTypeChecker(new JvstTypeChecker(cc, cp, this));

    /* Index of $1.
    private int indexOfParam1() {
        return paramVarBase + (useParam0 ? 1 : 0);

    /* Records a ProceedHandler obejct.
     * @param name      the name of the special method call.
     *                  it is usually $proceed.
    public void setProceedHandler(ProceedHandler h, String name) {
        proceedName = name;
        procHandler = h;

    /* If the type of the expression compiled last is void,
     * add ACONST_NULL and change exprType, arrayDim, className.
    public void addNullIfVoid() {
        if (exprType == VOID) {
            exprType = CLASS;
            arrayDim = 0;
            className = jvmJavaLangObject;

    /* To support $args, $sig, and $type.
     * $args is an array of parameter list.
    public void atMember(Member mem) throws CompileError {
        String name = mem.get();
        if (name.equals(paramArrayName)) {
            compileParameterList(bytecode, paramTypeList, indexOfParam1());
            exprType = CLASS;
            arrayDim = 1;
            className = jvmJavaLangObject;
        else if (name.equals(sigName)) {
            bytecode.addLdc(Descriptor.ofMethod(returnType, paramTypeList));
            bytecode.addInvokestatic("javassist/runtime/Desc", "getParams",
            exprType = CLASS;
            arrayDim = 1;
            className = "java/lang/Class";
        else if (name.equals(dollarTypeName)) {
            if (dollarType == null)
                throw new CompileError(dollarTypeName + " is not available");

        else if (name.equals(clazzName)) {
            if (param0Type == null)
                throw new CompileError(clazzName + " is not available");


    private void callGetType(String method) {
        bytecode.addInvokestatic("javassist/runtime/Desc", method,
        exprType = CLASS;
        arrayDim = 0;
        className = "java/lang/Class";

    protected void atFieldAssign(Expr expr, int op, ASTree left,
                        ASTree right, boolean doDup) throws CompileError
        if (left instanceof Member
            && ((Member)left).get().equals(paramArrayName)) {
            if (op != '=')
                throw new CompileError("bad operator for " + paramArrayName);

            if (arrayDim != 1 || exprType != CLASS)
                throw new CompileError("invalid type for " + paramArrayName);

            atAssignParamList(paramTypeList, bytecode);
            if (!doDup)
            super.atFieldAssign(expr, op, left, right, doDup);

    protected void atAssignParamList(CtClass[] params, Bytecode code)
        throws CompileError
        if (params == null)

        int varNo = indexOfParam1();
        int n = params.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            compileUnwrapValue(params[i], code);
            code.addStore(varNo, params[i]);
            varNo += is2word(exprType, arrayDim) ? 2 : 1;

    public void atCastExpr(CastExpr expr) throws CompileError {
        ASTList classname = expr.getClassName();
        if (classname != null && expr.getArrayDim() == 0) {
            ASTree p = classname.head();
            if (p instanceof Symbol && classname.tail() == null) {
                String typename = ((Symbol)p).get();
                if (typename.equals(returnCastName)) {
                else if (typename.equals(wrapperCastName)) {


Inserts a cast operator to the return type. If the return type is void, this does nothing.
/** * Inserts a cast operator to the return type. * If the return type is void, this does nothing. */
protected void atCastToRtype(CastExpr expr) throws CompileError { expr.getOprand().accept(this); if (exprType == VOID || isRefType(exprType) || arrayDim > 0) compileUnwrapValue(returnType, bytecode); else if (returnType instanceof CtPrimitiveType) { CtPrimitiveType pt = (CtPrimitiveType)returnType; int destType = MemberResolver.descToType(pt.getDescriptor()); atNumCastExpr(exprType, destType); exprType = destType; arrayDim = 0; className = null; } else throw new CompileError("invalid cast"); } protected void atCastToWrapper(CastExpr expr) throws CompileError { expr.getOprand().accept(this); if (isRefType(exprType) || arrayDim > 0) return; // Object type. do nothing. CtClass clazz = resolver.lookupClass(exprType, arrayDim, className); if (clazz instanceof CtPrimitiveType) { CtPrimitiveType pt = (CtPrimitiveType)clazz; String wrapper = pt.getWrapperName(); bytecode.addNew(wrapper); // new <wrapper> bytecode.addOpcode(DUP); // dup if (pt.getDataSize() > 1) bytecode.addOpcode(DUP2_X2); // dup2_x2 else bytecode.addOpcode(DUP2_X1); // dup2_x1 bytecode.addOpcode(POP2); // pop2 bytecode.addInvokespecial(wrapper, "<init>", "(" + pt.getDescriptor() + ")V"); // invokespecial exprType = CLASS; arrayDim = 0; className = jvmJavaLangObject; } } /* Delegates to a ProcHandler object if the method call is * $proceed(). It may process $cflow(). */ @Override public void atCallExpr(CallExpr expr) throws CompileError { ASTree method = expr.oprand1(); if (method instanceof Member) { String name = ((Member)method).get(); if (procHandler != null && name.equals(proceedName)) { procHandler.doit(this, bytecode, (ASTList)expr.oprand2()); return; } else if (name.equals(cflowName)) { atCflow((ASTList)expr.oprand2()); return; } } super.atCallExpr(expr); } /* To support $cflow(). */ protected void atCflow(ASTList cname) throws CompileError { StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(); if (cname == null || cname.tail() != null) throw new CompileError("bad " + cflowName); makeCflowName(sbuf, cname.head()); String name = sbuf.toString(); Object[] names = resolver.getClassPool().lookupCflow(name); if (names == null) throw new CompileError("no such " + cflowName + ": " + name); bytecode.addGetstatic((String)names[0], (String)names[1], "Ljavassist/runtime/Cflow;"); bytecode.addInvokevirtual("javassist.runtime.Cflow", "value", "()I"); exprType = INT; arrayDim = 0; className = null; } /* Syntax: * * <cflow> : $cflow '(' <cflow name> ')' * <cflow name> : <identifier> ('.' <identifier>)* */ private static void makeCflowName(StringBuffer sbuf, ASTree name) throws CompileError { if (name instanceof Symbol) { sbuf.append(((Symbol)name).get()); return; } else if (name instanceof Expr) { Expr expr = (Expr)name; if (expr.getOperator() == '.') { makeCflowName(sbuf, expr.oprand1()); sbuf.append('.'); makeCflowName(sbuf, expr.oprand2()); return; } } throw new CompileError("bad " + cflowName); } /* To support $$. ($$) is equivalent to ($1, ..., $n). * It can be used only as a parameter list of method call. */ public boolean isParamListName(ASTList args) { if (paramTypeList != null && args != null && args.tail() == null) { ASTree left = args.head(); return (left instanceof Member && ((Member)left).get().equals(paramListName)); } return false; } /* public int getMethodArgsLength(ASTList args) { if (!isParamListName(args)) return super.getMethodArgsLength(args); return paramTypeList.length; } */ @Override public int getMethodArgsLength(ASTList args) { String pname = paramListName; int n = 0; while (args != null) { ASTree a = args.head(); if (a instanceof Member && ((Member)a).get().equals(pname)) { if (paramTypeList != null) n += paramTypeList.length; } else ++n; args = args.tail(); } return n; } @Override public void atMethodArgs(ASTList args, int[] types, int[] dims, String[] cnames) throws CompileError { CtClass[] params = paramTypeList; String pname = paramListName; int i = 0; while (args != null) { ASTree a = args.head(); if (a instanceof Member && ((Member)a).get().equals(pname)) { if (params != null) { int n = params.length; int regno = indexOfParam1(); for (int k = 0; k < n; ++k) { CtClass p = params[k]; regno += bytecode.addLoad(regno, p); setType(p); types[i] = exprType; dims[i] = arrayDim; cnames[i] = className; ++i; } } } else { a.accept(this); types[i] = exprType; dims[i] = arrayDim; cnames[i] = className; ++i; } args = args.tail(); } } /* public void atMethodArgs(ASTList args, int[] types, int[] dims, String[] cnames) throws CompileError { if (!isParamListName(args)) { super.atMethodArgs(args, types, dims, cnames); return; } CtClass[] params = paramTypeList; if (params == null) return; int n = params.length; int regno = indexOfParam1(); for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { CtClass p = params[i]; regno += bytecode.addLoad(regno, p); setType(p); types[i] = exprType; dims[i] = arrayDim; cnames[i] = className; } } */ /* called by Javac#recordSpecialProceed(). */ void compileInvokeSpecial(ASTree target, int methodIndex, String descriptor, ASTList args) throws CompileError { target.accept(this); int nargs = getMethodArgsLength(args); atMethodArgs(args, new int[nargs], new int[nargs], new String[nargs]); bytecode.addInvokespecial(methodIndex, descriptor); setReturnType(descriptor, false, false); addNullIfVoid(); } /* * Makes it valid to write "return <expr>;" for a void method. */ @Override protected void atReturnStmnt(Stmnt st) throws CompileError { ASTree result = st.getLeft(); if (result != null && returnType == CtClass.voidType) { compileExpr(result); if (is2word(exprType, arrayDim)) bytecode.addOpcode(POP2); else if (exprType != VOID) bytecode.addOpcode(POP); result = null; } atReturnStmnt2(result); }
Makes a cast to the return type ($r) available. It also enables $_.

If the return type is void, ($r) does nothing. The type of $_ is java.lang.Object.

  • resultName – null if $_ is not used.
Returns: -1 or the variable index assigned to $_.
/** * Makes a cast to the return type ($r) available. * It also enables $_. * * <p>If the return type is void, ($r) does nothing. * The type of $_ is java.lang.Object. * * @param resultName null if $_ is not used. * @return -1 or the variable index assigned to $_. */
public int recordReturnType(CtClass type, String castName, String resultName, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError { returnType = type; returnCastName = castName; returnVarName = resultName; if (resultName == null) return -1; int varNo = getMaxLocals(); int locals = varNo + recordVar(type, resultName, varNo, tbl); setMaxLocals(locals); return varNo; }
Makes $type available.
/** * Makes $type available. */
public void recordType(CtClass t) { dollarType = t; }
Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available. $0 is equivalent to THIS if the method is not static. Otherwise, if the method is static, then $0 is not available.
/** * Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available. * $0 is equivalent to THIS if the method is not static. Otherwise, * if the method is static, then $0 is not available. */
public int recordParams(CtClass[] params, boolean isStatic, String prefix, String paramVarName, String paramsName, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError { return recordParams(params, isStatic, prefix, paramVarName, paramsName, !isStatic, 0, getThisName(), tbl); }
Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available. $0 is available only if use0 is true. It might not be equivalent to THIS.
  • params – the parameter types (the types of $1, $2, ..)
  • prefix – it must be "$" (the first letter of $0, $1, ...)
  • paramVarName – it must be "$args"
  • paramsName – it must be "$$"
  • use0 – true if $0 is used.
  • paramBase – the register number of $0 (use0 is true) or $1 (otherwise).
  • target – the class of $0. If use0 is false, target can be null. The value of "target" is also used as the name of the type represented by $class.
  • isStatic – true if the method in which the compiled bytecode is embedded is static.
/** * Makes method parameters $0, $1, ..., $args, $$, and $class available. * $0 is available only if use0 is true. It might not be equivalent * to THIS. * * @param params the parameter types (the types of $1, $2, ..) * @param prefix it must be "$" (the first letter of $0, $1, ...) * @param paramVarName it must be "$args" * @param paramsName it must be "$$" * @param use0 true if $0 is used. * @param paramBase the register number of $0 (use0 is true) * or $1 (otherwise). * @param target the class of $0. If use0 is false, target * can be null. The value of "target" is also used * as the name of the type represented by $class. * @param isStatic true if the method in which the compiled bytecode * is embedded is static. */
public int recordParams(CtClass[] params, boolean isStatic, String prefix, String paramVarName, String paramsName, boolean use0, int paramBase, String target, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError { int varNo; paramTypeList = params; paramArrayName = paramVarName; paramListName = paramsName; paramVarBase = paramBase; useParam0 = use0; if (target != null) param0Type = MemberResolver.jvmToJavaName(target); inStaticMethod = isStatic; varNo = paramBase; if (use0) { String varName = prefix + "0"; Declarator decl = new Declarator(CLASS, MemberResolver.javaToJvmName(target), 0, varNo++, new Symbol(varName)); tbl.append(varName, decl); } for (int i = 0; i < params.length; ++i) varNo += recordVar(params[i], prefix + (i + 1), varNo, tbl); if (getMaxLocals() < varNo) setMaxLocals(varNo); return varNo; }
Makes the given variable name available.
  • type – variable type
  • varName – variable name
/** * Makes the given variable name available. * * @param type variable type * @param varName variable name */
public int recordVariable(CtClass type, String varName, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError { if (varName == null) return -1; int varNo = getMaxLocals(); int locals = varNo + recordVar(type, varName, varNo, tbl); setMaxLocals(locals); return varNo; } private int recordVar(CtClass cc, String varName, int varNo, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError { if (cc == CtClass.voidType) { exprType = CLASS; arrayDim = 0; className = jvmJavaLangObject; } else setType(cc); Declarator decl = new Declarator(exprType, className, arrayDim, varNo, new Symbol(varName)); tbl.append(varName, decl); return is2word(exprType, arrayDim) ? 2 : 1; }
Makes the given variable name available.
  • typeDesc – the type descriptor of the variable
  • varName – variable name
  • varNo – an index into the local variable array
/** * Makes the given variable name available. * * @param typeDesc the type descriptor of the variable * @param varName variable name * @param varNo an index into the local variable array */
public void recordVariable(String typeDesc, String varName, int varNo, SymbolTable tbl) throws CompileError { char c; int dim = 0; while ((c = typeDesc.charAt(dim)) == '[') ++dim; int type = MemberResolver.descToType(c); String cname = null; if (type == CLASS) { if (dim == 0) cname = typeDesc.substring(1, typeDesc.length() - 1); else cname = typeDesc.substring(dim + 1, typeDesc.length() - 1); } Declarator decl = new Declarator(type, cname, dim, varNo, new Symbol(varName)); tbl.append(varName, decl); } /* compileParameterList() returns the stack size used * by the produced code. * * This method correctly computes the max_stack value. * * @param regno the index of the local variable in which * the first argument is received. * (0: static method, 1: regular method.) */ public static int compileParameterList(Bytecode code, CtClass[] params, int regno) { if (params == null) { code.addIconst(0); // iconst_0 code.addAnewarray(javaLangObject); // anewarray Object return 1; } CtClass[] args = new CtClass[1]; int n = params.length; code.addIconst(n); // iconst_<n> code.addAnewarray(javaLangObject); // anewarray Object for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { code.addOpcode(Bytecode.DUP); // dup code.addIconst(i); // iconst_<i> if (params[i].isPrimitive()) { CtPrimitiveType pt = (CtPrimitiveType)params[i]; String wrapper = pt.getWrapperName(); code.addNew(wrapper); // new <wrapper> code.addOpcode(Bytecode.DUP); // dup int s = code.addLoad(regno, pt); // ?load <regno> regno += s; args[0] = pt; code.addInvokespecial(wrapper, "<init>", Descriptor.ofMethod(CtClass.voidType, args)); // invokespecial } else { code.addAload(regno); // aload <regno> ++regno; } code.addOpcode(Bytecode.AASTORE); // aastore } return 8; } protected void compileUnwrapValue(CtClass type, Bytecode code) throws CompileError { if (type == CtClass.voidType) { addNullIfVoid(); return; } if (exprType == VOID) throw new CompileError("invalid type for " + returnCastName); if (type instanceof CtPrimitiveType) { CtPrimitiveType pt = (CtPrimitiveType)type; // pt is not voidType. String wrapper = pt.getWrapperName(); code.addCheckcast(wrapper); code.addInvokevirtual(wrapper, pt.getGetMethodName(), pt.getGetMethodDescriptor()); setType(type); } else { code.addCheckcast(type); setType(type); } } /* Sets exprType, arrayDim, and className; * If type is void, then this method does nothing. */ public void setType(CtClass type) throws CompileError { setType(type, 0); } private void setType(CtClass type, int dim) throws CompileError { if (type.isPrimitive()) { CtPrimitiveType pt = (CtPrimitiveType)type; exprType = MemberResolver.descToType(pt.getDescriptor()); arrayDim = dim; className = null; } else if (type.isArray()) try { setType(type.getComponentType(), dim + 1); } catch (NotFoundException e) { throw new CompileError("undefined type: " + type.getName()); } else { exprType = CLASS; arrayDim = dim; className = MemberResolver.javaToJvmName(type.getName()); } } /* Performs implicit coercion from exprType to type. */ public void doNumCast(CtClass type) throws CompileError { if (arrayDim == 0 && !isRefType(exprType)) if (type instanceof CtPrimitiveType) { CtPrimitiveType pt = (CtPrimitiveType)type; atNumCastExpr(exprType, MemberResolver.descToType(pt.getDescriptor())); } else throw new CompileError("type mismatch"); } }