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 * =============================================================================
package org.jasypt.encryption.pbe.config;

import java.security.Provider;

import org.jasypt.iv.IvGenerator;
import org.jasypt.salt.SaltGenerator;

Implementation for PBEConfig which can retrieve configuration values from environment variables or system properties.

The name of the environment variable or system property (JVM property) to query for each parameter can be set with its corresponding setXEnvName or setXSysProperty method.

As this class extends SimplePBEConfig, parameter values can be also set with the usual setX methods.

For any of the configuration parameters, if its value is not configured in any way, a null value will be returned by the corresponding getX method.

Author:Daniel Fernández
/** * <p> * Implementation for {@link PBEConfig} which can retrieve configuration * values from environment variables or system properties. * </p> * <p> * The name of the environment variable or system property (JVM property) to * query for each parameter can be set with its corresponding * <tt>setXEnvName</tt> or <tt>setXSysProperty</tt> method. * </p> * <p> * As this class extends {@link SimplePBEConfig}, parameter values * can be also set with the usual <tt>setX</tt> methods. * </p> * <p> * For any of the configuration parameters, if its value is not configured * in any way, a <tt>null</tt> value will be returned by the * corresponding <tt>getX</tt> method. * </p> * * @since 1.1 * * @author Daniel Fern&aacute;ndez * */
public class EnvironmentPBEConfig extends SimplePBEConfig { private String algorithmEnvName = null; private String keyObtentionIterationsEnvName = null; private String passwordEnvName = null; private String saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; private String ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; private String providerNameEnvName = null; private String providerClassNameEnvName = null; private String poolSizeEnvName = null; private String algorithmSysPropertyName = null; private String keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName = null; private String passwordSysPropertyName = null; private String saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; private String ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; private String providerNameSysPropertyName = null; private String providerClassNameSysPropertyName = null; private String poolSizeSysPropertyName = null;

Creates a new EnvironmentPBEConfig instance.

/** * <p> * Creates a new <tt>EnvironmentPBEConfig</tt> instance. * </p> */
public EnvironmentPBEConfig() { super(); }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the algorithm.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the algorithm. * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getAlgorithmEnvName() { return this.algorithmEnvName; }
Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the algorithm.
  • algorithmEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the algorithm. * * @param algorithmEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setAlgorithmEnvName(final String algorithmEnvName) { this.algorithmEnvName = algorithmEnvName; if (algorithmEnvName == null) { super.setAlgorithm(null); } else { this.algorithmSysPropertyName = null; super.setAlgorithm(System.getenv(algorithmEnvName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the algorithm.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the algorithm. * * @return the name of the property */
public String getAlgorithmSysPropertyName() { return this.algorithmSysPropertyName; }
Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the algorithm.
  • algorithmSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the algorithm. * * @param algorithmSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setAlgorithmSysPropertyName(final String algorithmSysPropertyName) { this.algorithmSysPropertyName = algorithmSysPropertyName; if (algorithmSysPropertyName == null) { super.setAlgorithm(null); } else { this.algorithmEnvName = null; super.setAlgorithm(System.getProperty(algorithmSysPropertyName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the key obtention iteration count.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the key obtention iteration count. * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getKeyObtentionIterationsEnvName() { return this.keyObtentionIterationsEnvName; }
Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the key obtention iteration count.
  • keyObtentionIterationsEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the key obtention iteration count. * * @param keyObtentionIterationsEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setKeyObtentionIterationsEnvName(final String keyObtentionIterationsEnvName) { this.keyObtentionIterationsEnvName = keyObtentionIterationsEnvName; if (keyObtentionIterationsEnvName == null) { super.setKeyObtentionIterations((Integer)null); } else { this.keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName = null; super.setKeyObtentionIterations( System.getenv(keyObtentionIterationsEnvName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the key obtention iteration count.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the key obtention iteration count. * * @return the name of the property */
public String getKeyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName() { return this.keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName; }
Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the key obtention iteration count.
  • keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the key obtention iteration count. * * @param keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setKeyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName(final String keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName) { this.keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName = keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName; if (keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName == null) { super.setKeyObtentionIterations((Integer)null); } else { this.keyObtentionIterationsEnvName = null; super.setKeyObtentionIterations( System.getProperty(keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the password.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the password. * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getPasswordEnvName() { return this.passwordEnvName; }
Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the password.
  • passwordEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the password. * * @param passwordEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setPasswordEnvName(final String passwordEnvName) { this.passwordEnvName = passwordEnvName; if (passwordEnvName == null) { super.setPassword(null); } else { this.passwordSysPropertyName = null; super.setPassword(System.getenv(passwordEnvName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the password.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the password. * * @return the name of the property */
public String getPasswordSysPropertyName() { return this.passwordSysPropertyName; }
Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the password.
  • passwordSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the password. * * @param passwordSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setPasswordSysPropertyName(final String passwordSysPropertyName) { this.passwordSysPropertyName = passwordSysPropertyName; if (passwordSysPropertyName == null) { super.setPassword(null); } else { this.passwordEnvName = null; super.setPassword(System.getProperty(passwordSysPropertyName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the salt generator class name.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the salt generator class name. * * @since 1.3 * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getSaltGeneratorClassNameEnvName() { return this.saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName; }

Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the salt generator class name.

The salt generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor.

  • saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the salt generator class name. * </p> * <p> * The salt generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument * constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor. * </p> * * @since 1.3 * * @param saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setSaltGeneratorClassNameEnvName(final String saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName) { this.saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName = saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName; if (saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName == null) { super.setSaltGenerator(null); } else { this.saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; final String saltGeneratorClassName = System.getenv(saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName); super.setSaltGeneratorClassName(saltGeneratorClassName); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the salt generator class name.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the salt generator class name. * * @since 1.3 * * @return the name of the property */
public String getSaltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName() { return this.saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName; }

Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the salt generator class name.

The salt generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor.

  • saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the salt generator class name. * </p> * <p> * The salt generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument * constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor. * </p> * * @since 1.3 * * @param saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setSaltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName(final String saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName) { this.saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName; if (saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName == null) { super.setSaltGenerator(null); } else { this.saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; final String saltGeneratorClassName = System.getProperty(saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName); super.setSaltGeneratorClassName(saltGeneratorClassName); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the IV generator class name.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the IV generator class name. * * @since 1.9.3 * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getIvGeneratorClassNameEnvName() { return this.ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName; }

Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the IV generator class name.

The IV generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor.

  • ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the IV generator class name. * </p> * <p> * The IV generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument * constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor. * </p> * * @since 1.9.3 * * @param ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setIvGeneratorClassNameEnvName(final String ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName) { this.ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName = ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName; if (ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName == null) { super.setIvGenerator(null); } else { this.ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; final String ivGeneratorClassName = System.getenv(ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName); super.setIvGeneratorClassName(ivGeneratorClassName); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the IV generator class name.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the IV generator class name. * * @since 1.9.3 * * @return the name of the property */
public String getIvGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName() { return this.ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName; }

Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the IV generator class name.

The IV generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor.

  • ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the IV generator class name. * </p> * <p> * The IV generator class name which is set here must have a no-argument * constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor. * </p> * * @since 1.9.3 * * @param ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setIvGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName(final String ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName) { this.ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName; if (ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName == null) { super.setIvGenerator(null); } else { this.ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; final String ivGeneratorClassName = System.getProperty(ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName); super.setIvGeneratorClassName(ivGeneratorClassName); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the provider name.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the provider name. * * @since 1.3 * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getProviderNameEnvName() { return this.providerNameEnvName; }

Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the provider name.

  • providerNameEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the provider name. * </p> * * @since 1.3 * * @param providerNameEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setProviderNameEnvName(final String providerNameEnvName) { this.providerNameEnvName = providerNameEnvName; if (providerNameEnvName == null) { super.setProviderName(null); } else { this.providerNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setProviderName(System.getenv(providerNameEnvName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the provider name.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the provider name. * * @since 1.3 * * @return the name of the property */
public String getProviderNameSysPropertyName() { return this.providerNameSysPropertyName; }
Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the provider name.
  • providerNameSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the provider name. * * @since 1.3 * * @param providerNameSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setProviderNameSysPropertyName(final String providerNameSysPropertyName) { this.providerNameSysPropertyName = providerNameSysPropertyName; if (providerNameSysPropertyName == null) { super.setProviderName(null); } else { this.providerNameEnvName = null; super.setProviderName( System.getProperty(providerNameSysPropertyName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the provider class name.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the provider class name. * * @since 1.3 * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getProviderClassNameEnvName() { return this.providerClassNameEnvName; }

Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the provider class name.

The provider class name which is set here must have a no-argument constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor.

  • providerClassNameEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the provider class name. * </p> * <p> * The provider class name which is set here must have a no-argument * constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor. * </p> * * @since 1.3 * * @param providerClassNameEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setProviderClassNameEnvName(final String providerClassNameEnvName) { this.providerClassNameEnvName = providerClassNameEnvName; if (providerClassNameEnvName == null) { super.setProvider(null); } else { this.providerClassNameSysPropertyName = null; final String providerClassName = System.getenv(providerClassNameEnvName); super.setProviderClassName(providerClassName); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the provider class name.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the provider class name. * * @since 1.3 * * @return the name of the property */
public String getProviderClassNameSysPropertyName() { return this.providerClassNameSysPropertyName; }

Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the provider class name.

The provider class name which is set here must have a no-argument constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor.

  • providerClassNameSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the provider class name. * </p> * <p> * The provider class name which is set here must have a no-argument * constructor, so that it can be instantiated and passed to the encryptor. * </p> * * @since 1.3 * * @param providerClassNameSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setProviderClassNameSysPropertyName(final String providerClassNameSysPropertyName) { this.providerClassNameSysPropertyName = providerClassNameSysPropertyName; if (providerClassNameSysPropertyName == null) { super.setProvider(null); } else { this.providerClassNameEnvName = null; final String providerClassName = System.getProperty(providerClassNameSysPropertyName); super.setProviderClassName(providerClassName); } }
Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been loaded as the value for the poolSize property.
Returns:the name of the variable
/** * Retrieve the name of the environment variable which value has been * loaded as the value for the poolSize * property. * * @since 1.7 * * @return the name of the variable */
public String getPoolSizeEnvName() { return this.poolSizeEnvName; }

Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to load the value for the poolSize property.

  • poolSizeEnvName – the name of the environment variable
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified environment variable to * load the value for the poolSize * property. * </p> * * @since 1.7 * * @param poolSizeEnvName the name of the environment variable */
public void setPoolSizeEnvName(final String poolSizeEnvName) { this.poolSizeEnvName = poolSizeEnvName; if (poolSizeEnvName == null) { super.setPoolSize((String)null); } else { this.poolSizeSysPropertyName = null; super.setPoolSize(System.getenv(poolSizeEnvName)); } }
Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been loaded as the value for the poolSize property.
Returns:the name of the property
/** * Retrieve the name of the JVM system property which value has been * loaded as the value for the poolSize * property. * * @since 1.7 * * @return the name of the property */
public String getPoolSizeSysPropertyName() { return this.poolSizeSysPropertyName; }

Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to load the value for the useLenientSaltSizeCheck property.

  • poolSizeSysPropertyName – the name of the property
/** * <p> * Set the config object to use the specified JVM system property to * load the value for the useLenientSaltSizeCheck * property. * </p> * * @since 1.7 * * @param poolSizeSysPropertyName the name of the property */
public void setPoolSizeSysPropertyName(final String poolSizeSysPropertyName) { this.poolSizeSysPropertyName = poolSizeSysPropertyName; if (poolSizeSysPropertyName == null) { super.setPoolSize((String)null); } else { this.poolSizeEnvName = null; super.setPoolSize(System.getProperty(poolSizeSysPropertyName)); } } public void setAlgorithm(final String algorithm) { this.algorithmEnvName = null; this.algorithmSysPropertyName = null; super.setAlgorithm(algorithm); } public void setKeyObtentionIterations(final Integer keyObtentionIterations) { this.keyObtentionIterationsEnvName = null; this.keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName = null; super.setKeyObtentionIterations(keyObtentionIterations); } public void setKeyObtentionIterations(final String keyObtentionIterations) { this.keyObtentionIterationsEnvName = null; this.keyObtentionIterationsSysPropertyName = null; super.setKeyObtentionIterations(keyObtentionIterations); } public void setPassword(final String password) { this.passwordEnvName = null; this.passwordSysPropertyName = null; super.setPassword(password); } public void setPasswordCharArray(final char[] password) { this.passwordEnvName = null; this.passwordSysPropertyName = null; super.setPasswordCharArray(password); } public void setSaltGenerator(final SaltGenerator saltGenerator) { this.saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; this.saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setSaltGenerator(saltGenerator); } public void setSaltGeneratorClassName(final String saltGeneratorClassName) { this.saltGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; this.saltGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setSaltGeneratorClassName(saltGeneratorClassName); } public void setIvGenerator(final IvGenerator ivGenerator) { this.ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; this.ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setIvGenerator(ivGenerator); } public void setIvGeneratorClassName(final String ivGeneratorClassName) { this.ivGeneratorClassNameEnvName = null; this.ivGeneratorClassNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setIvGeneratorClassName(ivGeneratorClassName); } public void setProviderName(final String providerName) { this.providerNameEnvName = null; this.providerNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setProviderName(providerName); } public void setProvider(final Provider provider) { this.providerClassNameEnvName = null; this.providerClassNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setProvider(provider); } public void setProviderClassName(final String providerClassName) { this.providerClassNameEnvName = null; this.providerClassNameSysPropertyName = null; super.setProviderClassName(providerClassName); } public void setPoolSize(final Integer poolSize) { this.poolSizeEnvName = null; this.poolSizeSysPropertyName = null; super.setPoolSize(poolSize); } public void setPoolSize(final String poolSize) { this.poolSizeEnvName = null; this.poolSizeSysPropertyName = null; super.setPoolSize(poolSize); } }