/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
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package org.hsqldb;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.index.Index;
import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.navigator.RowIterator;
import org.hsqldb.persist.DataSpaceManager;
import org.hsqldb.persist.PersistentStore;
import org.hsqldb.rights.Grantee;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;
import org.hsqldb.types.Types;

The methods in this class perform alterations to the structure of an existing table which may result in a new Table object
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * The methods in this class perform alterations to the structure of an * existing table which may result in a new Table object * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.7.0 */
public class TableWorks { OrderedHashSet emptySet = new OrderedHashSet(); private Database database; private Table table; private Session session; public TableWorks(Session session, Table table) { this.database = table.database; this.table = table; this.session = session; } public Table getTable() { return table; } void checkCreateForeignKey(Table fkTable, Constraint c) { int[] cols = c.getRefColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { ColumnSchema column = fkTable.getColumn(cols[i]); if (column.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } } boolean check = c.hasTriggeredAction(); if (check) { for (int i = 0; i < c.core.refCols.length; i++) { ColumnSchema col = fkTable.getColumn(c.core.refCols[i]); if (col.isGenerated()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42524, col.getNameString()); } } } if (c.core.mainName == fkTable.getName()) { if (ArrayUtil.haveCommonElement(c.core.refCols, c.core.mainCols)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42527); } } // column defaults check = c.getUpdateAction() == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_DEFAULT || c.getDeleteAction() == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_DEFAULT; if (check) { for (int i = 0; i < c.core.refCols.length; i++) { ColumnSchema col = fkTable.getColumn(c.core.refCols[i]); Expression defExpr = col.getDefaultExpression(); if (defExpr == null) { String columnName = col.getName().statementName; throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42521, columnName); } } } check = c.core.updateAction == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_NULL || c.core.deleteAction == SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_NULL; if (check && !session.isProcessingScript()) { for (int i = 0; i < c.core.refCols.length; i++) { ColumnSchema col = fkTable.getColumn(c.core.refCols[i]); if (!col.isNullable() || col.isPrimaryKey()) { String columnName = col.getName().statementName; throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42520, columnName); } } } database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists(c.getName()); // duplicate name check for a new fkTable if (fkTable.getConstraint(c.getName().name) != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42504, c.getName().statementName); } // existing FK check if (fkTable.getFKConstraintForColumns( c.core.mainTable, c.core.mainCols, c.core.refCols) != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42528, c.getName().statementName); } if (c.core.mainTable.isTemp() != fkTable.isTemp()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42524, c.getName().statementName); } Constraint unique = c.core.mainTable.getUniqueConstraintForColumns(c.core.mainCols); if (unique == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42529, c.getMain().getName().statementName); } // check after UNIQUE check c.core.mainTable.checkReferentialColumnsMatch(c.core.mainCols, fkTable, c.core.refCols); ArrayUtil.reorderMaps(unique.getMainColumns(), c.getMainColumns(), c.getRefColumns()); boolean[] checkList = c.core.mainTable.getColumnCheckList(c.core.mainCols); Grantee grantee = session.getGrantee(); grantee.checkReferences(c.core.mainTable, checkList); }
Creates a foreign key on an existing table. Foreign keys are enforced by indexes on both the referencing (child) and referenced (main) tables.

Since version 1.7.2, a unique constraint on the referenced columns must exist. The non-unique index on the referencing table is now always created whether or not a PK or unique constraint index on the columns exist. Foreign keys on temp tables can reference other temp tables with the same rules above. Foreign keys on permanent tables cannot reference temp tables. Duplicate foreign keys are now disallowed.

  • c – the constraint object
/** * Creates a foreign key on an existing table. Foreign keys are enforced by * indexes on both the referencing (child) and referenced (main) tables. * * <p> Since version 1.7.2, a unique constraint on the referenced columns * must exist. The non-unique index on the referencing table is now always * created whether or not a PK or unique constraint index on the columns * exist. Foreign keys on temp tables can reference other temp tables with * the same rules above. Foreign keys on permanent tables cannot reference * temp tables. Duplicate foreign keys are now disallowed. * * @param c the constraint object */
void addForeignKey(Constraint c) { checkModifyTable(false); checkCreateForeignKey(table, c); Constraint uniqueConstraint = c.core.mainTable.getUniqueConstraintForColumns(c.core.mainCols); Index mainIndex = uniqueConstraint.getMainIndex(); boolean isForward = false; if (c.core.mainTable.getSchemaName() == table.getSchemaName()) { int offset = database.schemaManager.getTableIndex(table); if (offset != -1 && offset < database.schemaManager.getTableIndex( c.core.mainTable)) { isForward = true; } } else { isForward = true; } HsqlName mainName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("REF", c.getName().name, table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); HsqlName indexName = session.database.nameManager.newConstraintIndexName( table.getName(), c.getName(), session.database.sqlSysIndexNames); Index refIndex = table.createIndexStructure(indexName, c.core.refCols, null, null, false, false, true, isForward); c.core.uniqueName = uniqueConstraint.getName(); c.core.mainName = mainName; c.core.mainIndex = mainIndex; c.core.refTable = table; c.core.refName = c.getName(); c.core.refIndex = refIndex; c.isForward = isForward; if (!session.isProcessingScript()) { c.checkReferencedRows(session, table); } Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, c, refIndex, new int[0], 0, emptySet, emptySet); if (!session.isProcessingScript()) { moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); } database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(c); setNewTableInSchema(tn); Table mainTable = database.schemaManager.getUserTable( c.core.mainTable.getName().name, c.core.mainTable.getSchemaName().name); mainTable.addConstraint(new Constraint(mainName, c)); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tn); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(mainTable); table = tn; }
Checks if the attributes of the Column argument, c, are compatible with the operation of adding such a Column to the Table argument, table.
  • col – the Column to add to the Table, t
/** * Checks if the attributes of the Column argument, c, are compatible with * the operation of adding such a Column to the Table argument, table. * * @param col the Column to add to the Table, t */
void checkAddColumn(ColumnSchema col) { checkModifyTable(true); if (table.isText() && !table.isEmpty(session)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_S0521); } if (table.findColumn(col.getName().name) != -1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42504); } if (col.isPrimaryKey() && table.hasPrimaryKey()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42530); } if (col.isIdentity() && table.hasIdentityColumn()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42525); } if (!table.isEmpty(session) && !col.hasDefault() && (!col.isNullable() || col.isPrimaryKey()) && !col.isIdentity()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42531); } } void addColumn(ColumnSchema column, int colIndex, HsqlArrayList constraints) { Index index = null; Constraint mainConstraint = null; boolean addFK = false; boolean addUnique = false; boolean addCheck = false; checkAddColumn(column); Constraint c = (Constraint) constraints.get(0); if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { if (column.getDataType().isLobType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42534); } c.core.mainCols = new int[]{ colIndex }; database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists(c.getName()); if (table.hasPrimaryKey()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42530); } addUnique = true; } else { c = null; } Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, new ColumnSchema[]{ column }, c, null, new int[]{ colIndex }, 1, emptySet, emptySet); for (int i = 1; i < constraints.size(); i++) { c = (Constraint) constraints.get(i); switch (c.getConstraintType()) { case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE : { if (addUnique) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42522); } if (column.getDataType().isLobType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42534); } addUnique = true; c.core.mainCols = new int[]{ colIndex }; database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists( c.getName()); HsqlName indexName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("IDX", c.getName().name, table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); // create an autonamed index index = tn.createAndAddIndexStructure(session, indexName, c.getMainColumns(), null, null, true, true, false); c.core.mainTable = tn; c.core.mainIndex = index; tn.addConstraint(c); break; } case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY : { if (addFK) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42528); } addFK = true; c.core.refCols = new int[]{ colIndex }; c.core.mainTable = database.schemaManager.getUserTable( c.getMainTableName()); c.core.refTable = tn; c.core.refName = c.getName(); boolean isSelf = table == c.core.mainTable; if (isSelf) { c.core.mainTable = tn; } c.setColumnsIndexes(tn); checkCreateForeignKey(tn, c); Constraint uniqueConstraint = c.core.mainTable.getUniqueConstraintForColumns( c.core.mainCols); boolean isForward = c.core.mainTable.getSchemaName() != table.getSchemaName(); int offset = database.schemaManager.getTableIndex(table); if (!isSelf && offset < database.schemaManager.getTableIndex( c.core.mainTable)) { isForward = true; } HsqlName indexName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("IDX", c.getName().name, table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); index = tn.createAndAddIndexStructure(session, indexName, c.getRefColumns(), null, null, false, true, isForward); c.core.uniqueName = uniqueConstraint.getName(); c.core.mainName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("REF", c.core.refName.name, table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); c.core.mainIndex = uniqueConstraint.getMainIndex(); c.core.refIndex = index; c.isForward = isForward; tn.addConstraint(c); mainConstraint = new Constraint(c.core.mainName, c); break; } case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK : if (addCheck) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42528); } addCheck = true; c.prepareCheckConstraint(session, tn); tn.addConstraint(c); if (c.isNotNull()) { column.setNullable(false); tn.setColumnTypeVars(colIndex); if (!table.isEmpty(session) && !column.hasDefault()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42531); } } break; } } column.compile(session, tn); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{ colIndex }, 1); if (mainConstraint != null) { mainConstraint.getMain().addConstraint(mainConstraint); } registerConstraintNames(constraints); setNewTableInSchema(tn); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(column); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tn); tn.compile(session, null); TriggerDef[] triggers = table.getTriggers(); for (int i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) { if (triggers[i] instanceof TriggerDefSQL) { triggers[i].compile(session, null); } } table = tn; database.granteeManager.updateAddColumn(table.getName(), column.getName()); } void updateConstraints(OrderedHashSet tableSet, OrderedHashSet dropConstraints) { for (int i = 0; i < tableSet.size(); i++) { Table t = (Table) tableSet.get(i); updateConstraints(t, dropConstraints); } } void updateConstraints(Table t, OrderedHashSet dropConstraints) { for (int i = t.constraintList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Constraint c = t.constraintList[i]; if (dropConstraints.contains(c.getName())) { t.removeConstraint(i); continue; } if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY) { Table refT = database.schemaManager.getUserTable( c.core.refTable.getName()); c.core.refTable = refT; Table mainT = database.schemaManager.getUserTable( c.core.mainTable.getName()); Constraint mainC = mainT.getConstraint(c.getMainName().name); mainC.core = c.core; } else if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN) { Table mainT = database.schemaManager.getUserTable( c.core.mainTable.getName()); c.core.mainTable = mainT; Table refT = database.schemaManager.getUserTable( c.core.refTable.getName()); Constraint refC = refT.getConstraint(c.getRefName().name); refC.core = c.core; } } } OrderedHashSet dropConstraintsAndIndexes(OrderedHashSet tableSet, OrderedHashSet dropConstraintSet, OrderedHashSet dropIndexSet) { OrderedHashSet newSet = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < tableSet.size(); i++) { Table t = (Table) tableSet.get(i); TableWorks tw = new TableWorks(session, t); tw.dropConstraintsAndIndexes(dropConstraintSet, dropIndexSet); newSet.add(tw.getTable()); } return newSet; }
Drops a set of fk constraints, their indexes and other indexes in table. Uses sets of names which may contain names that are unrelated to this table.
/** * Drops a set of fk constraints, their indexes and other indexes in table. * Uses sets of names which may contain names that are unrelated to * this table. */
void dropConstraintsAndIndexes(OrderedHashSet dropConstraintSet, OrderedHashSet dropIndexSet) { Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, new int[0], 0, dropConstraintSet, dropIndexSet); if (tn.indexList.length == table.indexList.length) { database.persistentStoreCollection.removeStore(tn); return; } moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); table = tn; } void alterIndex(Index index, int[] columns) { PersistentStore store = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(table); int position = index.getPosition(); boolean[] modeFlags = new boolean[columns.length]; Type[] colTypes = new Type[columns.length]; ArrayUtil.projectRow(table.getColumnTypes(), columns, colTypes); Index newIndex = database.logger.newIndex(index.getName(), index.getPersistenceId(), table, columns, modeFlags, modeFlags, colTypes, false, false, false, false); newIndex.setPosition(position); table.getIndexList()[position] = newIndex; table.setBestRowIdentifiers(); Index[] indexes = store.getAccessorKeys(); indexes[position] = newIndex; store.reindex(session, newIndex); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); }
Because of the way indexes and column data are held in memory and on disk, it is necessary to recreate the table when an index is added to a non-empty cached table.

With empty tables, Index objects are simply added

With MEOMRY and TEXT tables, a new index is built up and nodes for earch row are interlinked (fredt@users)

  • col – int[]
  • name – HsqlName
  • unique – boolean
Returns:new index
/** * Because of the way indexes and column data are held in memory and on * disk, it is necessary to recreate the table when an index is added to a * non-empty cached table. * * <p> With empty tables, Index objects are simply added * * <p> With MEOMRY and TEXT tables, a new index is built up and nodes for * earch row are interlinked (fredt@users) * * @param col int[] * @param name HsqlName * @param unique boolean * @return new index */
Index addIndex(int[] col, HsqlName name, boolean unique) { Index newIndex; checkModifyTable(false); if (session.isProcessingScript() || table.isEmpty(session) || table.isIndexingMutable()) { newIndex = table.createIndex(session, name, col, null, null, unique, false, false); } else { newIndex = table.createIndexStructure(name, col, null, null, false, unique, false, false); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, newIndex, new int[0], 0, emptySet, emptySet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); table = tn; setNewTableInSchema(table); updateConstraints(table, emptySet); } database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(newIndex); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); return newIndex; } void addPrimaryKey(Constraint constraint) { checkModifyTable(true); if (table.hasPrimaryKey()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42532); } database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists( constraint.getName()); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, constraint, null, new int[0], 0, emptySet, emptySet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); table = tn; database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(constraint); setNewTableInSchema(table); updateConstraints(table, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); }
A unique constraint relies on a unique index on the table. It can cover a single column or multiple columns.

All constraint names are unique within the database. Duplicate constraints (more than one unique constraint on the same set of columns) are not allowed. (fredt@users)

  • cols – int[]
  • name – HsqlName
/** * A unique constraint relies on a unique index on the table. It can cover * a single column or multiple columns. * * <p> All constraint names are unique * within the database. Duplicate constraints (more than one unique * constraint on the same set of columns) are not allowed. (fredt@users) * * @param cols int[] * @param name HsqlName */
void addUniqueConstraint(int[] cols, HsqlName name) { for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(cols[i]); if (column.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } } checkModifyTable(false); database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists(name); if (table.getUniqueConstraintForColumns(cols) != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42522); } // create an autonamed index HsqlName indexname = database.nameManager.newAutoName("IDX", name.name, table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); Index index = table.createIndexStructure(indexname, cols, null, null, false, true, true, false); Constraint constraint = new Constraint(name, table, index, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, constraint, index, new int[0], 0, emptySet, emptySet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); table = tn; database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(constraint); setNewTableInSchema(table); updateConstraints(table, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); } void addUniqueConstraint(Constraint constraint) { int[] cols = constraint.getMainColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(cols[i]); if (column.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } } checkModifyTable(false); database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists( constraint.getName()); if (table.getUniqueConstraintForColumns(constraint.getMainColumns()) != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42522); } Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, constraint, constraint.getMainIndex(), new int[0], 0, emptySet, emptySet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); table = tn; database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(constraint); setNewTableInSchema(table); updateConstraints(table, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); } void addCheckConstraint(Constraint c) { checkModifyTable(false); database.schemaManager.checkSchemaObjectNotExists(c.getName()); c.prepareCheckConstraint(session, table); c.checkCheckConstraint(session, table); table.addConstraint(c); if (c.isNotNull()) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(c.notNullColumnIndex); column.setNullable(false); table.setColumnTypeVars(c.notNullColumnIndex); } database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(c); }
Because of the way indexes and column data are held in memory and on disk, it is necessary to recreate the table when an index is added to or removed from a non-empty table.

Originally, this method would break existing foreign keys as the table order in the DB was changed. The new table is now linked in place of the old table (fredt@users)

  • indexName – String
/** * Because of the way indexes and column data are held in memory and on * disk, it is necessary to recreate the table when an index is added to or * removed from a non-empty table. * * <p> Originally, this method would break existing foreign keys as the * table order in the DB was changed. The new table is now linked in place * of the old table (fredt@users) * * @param indexName String */
void dropIndex(String indexName) { Index index; checkModifyTable(false); index = table.getUserIndex(indexName); if (table.isIndexingMutable()) { table.dropIndex(session, index.getPosition()); } else { OrderedHashSet indexSet = new OrderedHashSet(); indexSet.add(table.getIndex(indexName).getName()); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, new int[0], 0, emptySet, indexSet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); setNewTableInSchema(tn); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); table = tn; } if (!index.isConstraint()) { database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObject(index.getName()); } database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); } void dropColumn(int colIndex, boolean cascade) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(colIndex); if (column.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } OrderedHashSet constraintNameSet = new OrderedHashSet(); OrderedHashSet dependentConstraints = table.getDependentConstraints(colIndex); OrderedHashSet cascadingConstraints = table.getContainingConstraints(colIndex); OrderedHashSet indexNameSet = table.getContainingIndexNames(colIndex); HsqlName columnName = column.getName(); OrderedHashSet referencingObjects = database.schemaManager.getReferencesTo(table.getName(), columnName); checkModifyTable(true); TriggerDef[] triggers = table.getTriggers(); for (int i = 0; i < triggers.length; i++) { TriggerDef trig = triggers[i]; if (trig instanceof TriggerDefSQL) { if (trig.hasOldTable() || trig.hasNewTable() || trig.hasOldRow() || trig.hasNewRow()) { throw Error.error( ErrorCode.X_42502, trig.getName().getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } } if (!cascade) { if (!cascadingConstraints.isEmpty()) { Constraint c = (Constraint) cascadingConstraints.get(0); HsqlName name = c.getName(); if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN) { name = c.getRefName(); } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42536, name.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } if (!referencingObjects.isEmpty()) { mainLoop: for (int i = 0; i < referencingObjects.size(); i++) { HsqlName name = (HsqlName) referencingObjects.get(i); if (name == columnName) { continue; } for (int j = 0; j < dependentConstraints.size(); j++) { Constraint c = (Constraint) dependentConstraints.get(j); if (c.getName() == name) { continue mainLoop; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42536, name.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } } dependentConstraints.addAll(cascadingConstraints); cascadingConstraints.clear(); OrderedHashSet tableSet = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < dependentConstraints.size(); i++) { Constraint c = (Constraint) dependentConstraints.get(i); if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY) { tableSet.add(c.getMain()); constraintNameSet.add(c.getMainName()); constraintNameSet.add(c.getRefName()); indexNameSet.add(c.getRefIndex().getName()); } if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN) { tableSet.add(c.getRef()); constraintNameSet.add(c.getMainName()); constraintNameSet.add(c.getRefName()); indexNameSet.add(c.getRefIndex().getName()); } constraintNameSet.add(c.getName()); } tableSet = dropConstraintsAndIndexes(tableSet, constraintNameSet, indexNameSet); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, new int[]{ colIndex }, -1, constraintNameSet, indexNameSet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{ colIndex }, -1); database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObjects(referencingObjects); database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObjects(constraintNameSet); database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObjects(indexNameSet); database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObject(columnName); setNewTableInSchema(tn); setNewTablesInSchema(tableSet); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); updateConstraints(tableSet, constraintNameSet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tableSet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tn); tn.compile(session, null); table = tn; } void registerConstraintNames(HsqlArrayList constraints) { for (int i = 0; i < constraints.size(); i++) { Constraint c = (Constraint) constraints.get(i); switch (c.getConstraintType()) { case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY : case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE : case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK : database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(c); } } } void dropConstraint(String name, boolean cascade) { Constraint constraint = table.getConstraint(name); if (constraint == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, name); } switch (constraint.getConstraintType()) { case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN : throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_28502); case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY : case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE : { checkModifyTable(false); OrderedHashSet dependentConstraints = table.getDependentConstraints(constraint); // throw if unique constraint is referenced by foreign key if (!cascade && !dependentConstraints.isEmpty()) { Constraint c = (Constraint) dependentConstraints.get(0); HsqlName constraintName = c.getName(); if (c.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.MAIN) { constraintName = c.getRefName(); } throw Error.error( ErrorCode.X_42533, constraintName.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } OrderedHashSet tableSet = new OrderedHashSet(); OrderedHashSet constraintNameSet = new OrderedHashSet(); OrderedHashSet indexNameSet = new OrderedHashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < dependentConstraints.size(); i++) { Constraint c = (Constraint) dependentConstraints.get(i); Table t = c.getMain(); if (t != table) { tableSet.add(t); } t = c.getRef(); if (t != table) { tableSet.add(t); } constraintNameSet.add(c.getMainName()); constraintNameSet.add(c.getRefName()); indexNameSet.add(c.getRefIndex().getName()); } constraintNameSet.add(constraint.getName()); if (constraint.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE) { indexNameSet.add(constraint.getMainIndex().getName()); } Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, new int[0], 0, constraintNameSet, indexNameSet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); tableSet = dropConstraintsAndIndexes(tableSet, constraintNameSet, indexNameSet); if (constraint.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { int[] cols = constraint.getMainColumns(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) { // todo - check if table arrays reflect the not-null correctly tn.getColumn(cols[i]).setPrimaryKey(false); tn.setColumnTypeVars(cols[i]); } } // database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObjects(constraintNameSet); setNewTableInSchema(tn); setNewTablesInSchema(tableSet); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); updateConstraints(tableSet, constraintNameSet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tableSet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tn); table = tn; // handle cascadingConstraints and cascadingTables break; } case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY : { checkModifyTable(false); OrderedHashSet constraints = new OrderedHashSet(); Table mainTable = constraint.getMain(); HsqlName mainName = constraint.getMainName(); constraints.add(mainName); constraints.add(constraint.getRefName()); OrderedHashSet indexes = new OrderedHashSet(); indexes.add(constraint.getRefIndex().getName()); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, new int[0], 0, constraints, indexes); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); // database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObject( constraint.getName()); setNewTableInSchema(tn); // if constraint references same table, nothing changes mainTable.removeConstraint(mainName.name); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); table = tn; break; } case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK : database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObject( constraint.getName()); if (constraint.isNotNull()) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(constraint.notNullColumnIndex); column.setNullable(false); table.setColumnTypeVars(constraint.notNullColumnIndex); } break; } }
Allows changing the type only.
  • oldCol – Column
  • newCol – Column
/** * Allows changing the type only. * * @param oldCol Column * @param newCol Column */
void retypeColumn(ColumnSchema oldCol, ColumnSchema newCol) { Type oldType = oldCol.getDataType(); Type newType = newCol.getDataType(); if (oldType.equals(newType) && oldCol.getIdentitySequence() == newCol.getIdentitySequence()) { return; } if (oldCol.isGenerated() || oldCol.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } checkModifyTable(true); if (!table.isEmpty(session) && oldType.typeCode != newType.typeCode) { boolean allowed = newCol.getDataType().canConvertFrom(oldCol.getDataType()); switch (oldType.typeCode) { case Types.OTHER : case Types.JAVA_OBJECT : allowed = false; break; } if (!allowed) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42561); } } int colIndex = table.getColumnIndex(oldCol.getName().name); // 0 if only metadata change is required ; 1 if only check is required ; -1 if data conversion is required int checkData = newType.canMoveFrom(oldType); if (newCol.isIdentity() && table.hasIdentityColumn() && table.identityColumn != colIndex) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42525); } if (checkData == 0) { if (newCol.isIdentity()) { if (!(oldCol.isIdentity() || !oldCol.isNullable() || oldCol.isPrimaryKey())) { checkData = 1; } } } if (checkData == 1) { checkConvertColDataType(oldCol, newCol); checkData = 0; } if (checkData == 0) { // size of some types may be increased // default expressions can change // identity can be added or removed oldCol.setType(newCol); oldCol.setDefaultExpression(newCol.getDefaultExpression()); oldCol.setIdentity(newCol.getIdentitySequence()); table.setColumnTypeVars(colIndex); table.resetDefaultsFlag(); return; } database.schemaManager.checkColumnIsReferenced(table.getName(), table.getColumn(colIndex).getName()); table.checkColumnInCheckConstraint(colIndex); table.checkColumnInFKConstraint(colIndex); checkConvertColDataType(oldCol, newCol); retypeColumn(newCol, colIndex); }
  • oldCol – Column
  • newCol – Column
/** * * @param oldCol Column * @param newCol Column */
void checkConvertColDataType(ColumnSchema oldCol, ColumnSchema newCol) { int colIndex = table.getColumnIndex(oldCol.getName().name); RowIterator it = table.rowIterator(session); while (it.next()) { Row row = it.getCurrentRow(); Object o = row.getData()[colIndex]; if (!newCol.isNullable() && o == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_23502); } newCol.getDataType().convertToType(session, o, oldCol.getDataType()); } }
  • column – Column
  • colIndex – int
/** * * @param column Column * @param colIndex int */
private void retypeColumn(ColumnSchema column, int colIndex) { Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, new ColumnSchema[]{ column }, null, null, new int[]{ colIndex }, 0, emptySet, emptySet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{ colIndex }, 0); setNewTableInSchema(tn); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); table = tn; }
performs the work for changing the nullability of a column
  • column – Column
  • nullable – boolean
/** * performs the work for changing the nullability of a column * * @param column Column * @param nullable boolean */
void setColNullability(ColumnSchema column, boolean nullable) { Constraint c = null; int colIndex = table.getColumnIndex(column.getName().name); if (column.isGenerated() || column.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } if (column.isNullable() == nullable) { return; } if (nullable) { if (column.isPrimaryKey()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42526); } table.checkColumnInFKConstraint( colIndex, SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_NULL); removeColumnNotNullConstraints(colIndex); } else { HsqlName constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); c = new Constraint(constName, null, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK); c.check = new ExpressionLogical(column); c.prepareCheckConstraint(session, table); c.checkCheckConstraint(session, table); column.setNullable(false); table.addConstraint(c); table.setColumnTypeVars(colIndex); database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(c); } }
performs the work for changing the default value of a column
  • colIndex – int
  • def – Expression
/** * performs the work for changing the default value of a column * * @param colIndex int * @param def Expression */
void setColDefaultExpression(int colIndex, Expression def) { if (def == null) { table.checkColumnInFKConstraint( colIndex, SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_DEFAULT); } ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(colIndex); if (column.isGenerated() || column.isSystemPeriod()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } column.setDefaultExpression(def); table.setColumnTypeVars(colIndex); }
Changes the type of a table
  • session – Session
  • newType – int
/** * Changes the type of a table * * @param session Session * @param newType int * @return boolean */
public boolean setTableType(Session session, int newType) { int currentType = table.getTableType(); if (currentType == newType) { return false; } switch (newType) { case TableBase.CACHED_TABLE : break; case TableBase.MEMORY_TABLE : break; default : return false; } Table tn; try { tn = table.moveDefinition(session, newType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, new int[0], 0, emptySet, emptySet); moveData(table, tn, new int[]{}, 0); } catch (HsqlException e) { return false; } setNewTableInSchema(tn); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); table = tn; database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(table); return true; } void addSystemPeriod(PeriodDefinition period) { if (table.systemPeriod != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A501); } int columnCount = table.getColumnCount(); int[] colIndex = new int[] { columnCount, columnCount + 1 }; ColumnSchema[] columns = new ColumnSchema[] { period.startColumn, period.endColumn }; checkAddColumn(period.startColumn); checkAddColumn(period.endColumn); Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, columns, null, null, colIndex, 2, emptySet, emptySet); tn.systemPeriod = period; // move data moveData(table, tn, colIndex, 2); setNewTableInSchema(tn); table = tn; database.granteeManager.updateAddColumn(table.getName(), period.startColumn.getName()); database.granteeManager.updateAddColumn(table.getName(), period.endColumn.getName()); } void dropSystemPeriod(boolean cascade) { if (table.systemPeriod == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A501); } // references in conditions and to the columns OrderedHashSet referencingObjects = database.schemaManager.getReferencesTo(table.getName(), table.systemPeriod.startColumn.getName()); OrderedHashSet endReferences = database.schemaManager.getReferencesTo(table.getName(), table.systemPeriod.startColumn.getName()); referencingObjects.addAll(endReferences); if (cascade) { if (!referencingObjects.isEmpty()) { HsqlName objectName = (HsqlName) referencingObjects.get(0); throw Error.error( ErrorCode.X_42502, objectName.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } else { if (!referencingObjects.isEmpty()) { HsqlName objectName = (HsqlName) referencingObjects.get(0); throw Error.error( ErrorCode.X_42502, objectName.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } int[] colIndex = new int[] { table.systemPeriodStartColumn, table.systemPeriodEndColumn }; Table tn = table.moveDefinition(session, table.tableType, ColumnSchema.emptyArray, null, null, colIndex, -2, emptySet, emptySet); tn.systemPeriod = null; moveData(table, tn, colIndex, -2); updateConstraints(tn, emptySet); database.schemaManager.recompileDependentObjects(tn); tn.compile(session, null); setNewTableInSchema(tn); table = tn; } void dropSystemVersioning(boolean cascade) { // references in range variable conditions OrderedHashSet referencingObjects = database.schemaManager.getReferencesTo(table.getName(), table.systemPeriod.getName()); if (cascade) { if (!referencingObjects.isEmpty()) { HsqlName objectName = (HsqlName) referencingObjects.get(0); throw Error.error( ErrorCode.X_42502, objectName.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } else { if (!referencingObjects.isEmpty()) { HsqlName objectName = (HsqlName) referencingObjects.get(0); throw Error.error( ErrorCode.X_42502, objectName.getSchemaQualifiedStatementName()); } } } void setNewTablesInSchema(OrderedHashSet tableSet) { for (int i = 0; i < tableSet.size(); i++) { Table t = (Table) tableSet.get(i); setNewTableInSchema(t); } } void setNewTableInSchema(Table newTable) { int i = database.schemaManager.getTableIndex(newTable); if (i != -1) { database.schemaManager.setTable(i, newTable); } } void removeColumnNotNullConstraints(int colIndex) { for (int i = table.constraintList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Constraint c = table.constraintList[i]; if (c.isNotNull()) { if (c.notNullColumnIndex == colIndex) { database.schemaManager.removeSchemaObject(c.getName()); } } } ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(colIndex); column.setNullable(true); table.setColumnTypeVars(colIndex); } private void checkModifyTable(boolean withContents) { if (session.getUser().isSystem()) { return; } if (session.isProcessingScript()) { return; } if (database.isFilesReadOnly() || table.isReadOnly()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.DATA_IS_READONLY); } if (table.isText() && table.isConnected()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_S0521); } } void moveData(Table oldTable, Table newTable, int[] colIndex, int adjust) { int tableType = oldTable.getTableType(); if (tableType == Table.TEMP_TABLE) { Session[] sessions = database.sessionManager.getAllSessions(); for (int i = 0; i < sessions.length; i++) { sessions[i].sessionData.persistentStoreCollection.moveData( oldTable, newTable, colIndex, adjust); } } else { PersistentStore oldStore = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(oldTable); boolean newSpaceID = false; if (newTable.isCached()) { newSpaceID = oldTable.getSpaceID() != DataSpaceManager.tableIdDefault; if (newSpaceID) { int tableSpaceID = database.logger.getCache().spaceManager .getNewTableSpaceID(); newTable.setSpaceID(tableSpaceID); } } PersistentStore newStore = database.persistentStoreCollection.getStore(newTable); try { newStore.moveData(session, oldStore, colIndex, adjust); } catch (HsqlException e) { database.persistentStoreCollection.removeStore(newTable); throw e; } database.persistentStoreCollection.removeStore(oldTable); } } }