/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
 * All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
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package org.hsqldb;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Locale;

import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.lib.ArrayUtil;
import org.hsqldb.lib.CharArrayWriter;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlByteArrayOutputStream;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedIntHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.java.JavaSystem;
import org.hsqldb.map.BitMap;
import org.hsqldb.map.ValuePool;
import org.hsqldb.types.BinaryData;
import org.hsqldb.types.BinaryType;
import org.hsqldb.types.BitType;
import org.hsqldb.types.CharacterType;
import org.hsqldb.types.DTIType;
import org.hsqldb.types.DateTimeType;
import org.hsqldb.types.IntervalMonthData;
import org.hsqldb.types.IntervalSecondData;
import org.hsqldb.types.IntervalType;
import org.hsqldb.types.NumberType;
import org.hsqldb.types.TimeData;
import org.hsqldb.types.TimestampData;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;
import org.hsqldb.types.Types;

Scans for SQL tokens.
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Scans for SQL tokens. * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.9.0 */
public class Scanner { /* <delimiter token> ::= <character string literal> | <date string> | <time string> | <timestamp string> | <interval string> | <delimited identifier> | <SQL special character> | <not equals operator> | <greater than or equals operator> | <less than or equals operator> | <concatenation operator> | <right arrow> | <left bracket trigraph> | <right bracket trigraph> | <double colon> | <double period> */ //J- static final char[] specials = new char[] { '"', '%', '&', '\'', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '\\', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '[', ']', '^', '_', '|', '{', '}' }; static final String[] multi = new String[] { "??(", "??)", "<>", ">=", "<=", "||", "->", "::", "..", "--", "/*", "*/", }; static final char[] whitespace = { // SQL extras 0x9, 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD, 0x20, 0x85, // U Zs 0x0020, 0x00A0, 0x1680, 0x180E, 0x2000, 0x2001, 0x2002, 0x2003, 0x2004, 0x2005, 0x2006, 0x2007, 0x2008, 0x2009, 0x200A, 0x202F, 0x205F, 0x3000, // U Zl 0x2028, // U Zp 0x2029, }; //J+ static final OrderedIntHashSet whiteSpaceSet = new OrderedIntHashSet(32); static { for (int i = 0; i < whitespace.length; i++) { whiteSpaceSet.add(whitespace[i]); } } // single token types String sqlString; int currentPosition; int tokenPosition; int limit; Token token = new Token(); boolean nullAndBooleanAsValue; boolean backtickQuoting; boolean hyphenInBinary; boolean charLiteral = true; // private boolean hasNonSpaceSeparator; private int eolPosition; private int lineNumber; private int eolCode; // private static final int maxPooledStringLength = ValuePool.getMaxStringLength(); // char[] charBuffer = new char[256]; CharArrayWriter charWriter = new CharArrayWriter(charBuffer); // byte[] byteBuffer = new byte[256]; HsqlByteArrayOutputStream byteOutputStream = new HsqlByteArrayOutputStream(byteBuffer); public Scanner() {} public Scanner(Session session, String sql) { reset(session, sql); } public void reset(Session session, String sql) { reset(sql); if (session != null) { backtickQuoting = session.database.sqlSyntaxMys; charLiteral = session.database.sqlCharLiteral; } } public void reset(String sql) { sqlString = sql; currentPosition = 0; tokenPosition = 0; limit = sqlString.length(); hasNonSpaceSeparator = false; eolPosition = -1; lineNumber = 1; token.reset(); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_STARTPARSE; } void resetState() { tokenPosition = currentPosition; token.reset(); } public void setNullAndBooleanAsValue() { nullAndBooleanAsValue = true; } public void scanNext() { if (currentPosition == limit) { resetState(); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_ENDPARSE; return; } if (scanSeparator()) { // token.isDelimiter = true; } if (currentPosition == limit) { resetState(); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_ENDPARSE; return; } boolean needsDelimiter = !token.isDelimiter; scanToken(); if (needsDelimiter && !token.isDelimiter) { // token.tokenType = Token.X_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; } if (token.isMalformed) { token.fullString = getPart(tokenPosition, currentPosition); } } public void scanEnd() { if (currentPosition == limit) { resetState(); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_ENDPARSE; } } public Token getToken() { return token; } public String getString() { return token.tokenString; } public int getTokenType() { return token.tokenType; } public Object getValue() { return token.tokenValue; } public Type getDataType() { return token.dataType; } public int getLineNumber() { return lineNumber; } int getTokenPosition() { return tokenPosition; } int getPosition() { return tokenPosition; } void position(int position) { currentPosition = tokenPosition = position; } String getPart(int start, int end) { return sqlString.substring(start, end); } private int charAt(int i) { if (i >= limit) { return -1; } return sqlString.charAt(i); } void scanBinaryString() { byteOutputStream.reset(byteBuffer); while (true) { scanBinaryStringPart(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } if (scanSeparator() && charAt(currentPosition) == '\'') { continue; } break; } token.tokenValue = new BinaryData(byteOutputStream.toByteArray(), false); byteOutputStream.reset(byteBuffer); }
returns hex value of a hex character, or 16 if not a hex character
/** * returns hex value of a hex character, or 16 if not a hex character */
static int getHexValue(int c) { if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { c -= '0'; } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { c -= ('a' - 10); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { c -= ('A' - 10); } else { c = -1; } return c; } public void scanUUIDStringWithQuote() { try { hyphenInBinary = true; scanBinaryStringWithQuote(); if (token.tokenValue instanceof BinaryData) { if (((BinaryData) token.tokenValue).length(null) != 16) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; } } } finally { hyphenInBinary = false; } } public void scanBinaryStringWithQuote() { resetState(); scanSeparator(); if (charAt(currentPosition) != '\'') { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } scanBinaryString(); } void scanBinaryStringPart() { boolean complete = false; boolean hi = true; byte b = 0; currentPosition++; for (; currentPosition < limit; currentPosition++) { int c = sqlString.charAt(currentPosition); // code to remove hyphens from UUID strings if (hyphenInBinary && c == '-') { continue; } if (c == ' ') { continue; } if (c == '\'') { complete = true; currentPosition++; break; } c = getHexValue(c); if (c == -1) { // bad character token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } if (hi) { b = (byte) (c << 4); hi = false; } else { b += (byte) c; byteOutputStream.writeByte(b); hi = true; } } if (!hi) { // odd nibbles token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } if (!complete) { // no end quote token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } } void scanBitString() { BitMap map = new BitMap(0, true); while (true) { scanBitStringPart(map); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } if (scanSeparator() && charAt(currentPosition) == '\'') { continue; } break; } token.tokenValue = BinaryData.getBitData(map.getBytes(), map.size()); } public void scanBitStringWithQuote() { resetState(); scanSeparator(); if (charAt(currentPosition) != '\'') { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BIT_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } scanBitString(); } void scanBitStringPart(BitMap map) { boolean complete = false; int bitIndex = map.size(); currentPosition++; for (; currentPosition < limit; currentPosition++) { char c = sqlString.charAt(currentPosition); if (c == ' ') { continue; } if (c == '\'') { complete = true; currentPosition++; break; } if (c == '0') { map.unset(bitIndex); bitIndex++; } else if (c == '1') { map.set(bitIndex); bitIndex++; } else { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BIT_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } } if (!complete) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BIT_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } map.setSize(bitIndex); } void convertUnicodeString(int escape) { charWriter.reset(charBuffer); int position = 0; for (;;) { int nextIndex = token.tokenString.indexOf(escape, position); if (nextIndex < 0) { nextIndex = token.tokenString.length(); } charWriter.write(token.tokenString, position, nextIndex - position); if (nextIndex == token.tokenString.length()) { break; } nextIndex++; if (nextIndex == token.tokenString.length()) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_UNICODE_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } if (token.tokenString.charAt(nextIndex) == escape) { charWriter.write(escape); nextIndex++; position = nextIndex; continue; } if (nextIndex > token.tokenString.length() - 4) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_UNICODE_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } int hexCount = 4; int hexIndex = 0; int hexValue = 0; if (token.tokenString.charAt(nextIndex) == '+') { nextIndex++; if (nextIndex > token.tokenString.length() - 6) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_UNICODE_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } hexIndex = 2; hexCount = 8; } position = nextIndex; for (; hexIndex < hexCount; hexIndex++) { int character = token.tokenString.charAt(position++); character = getHexValue(character); if (character == -1) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_UNICODE_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } hexValue |= character << ((hexCount - hexIndex - 1) * 4); } if (hexCount == 8) { charWriter.write(hexValue >>> 16); } charWriter.write(hexValue & (hexValue & 0xffff)); } token.tokenValue = charWriter.toString(); }
Only for identifiers that are part of known token sequences
/** * Only for identifiers that are part of known token sequences */
public boolean scanSpecialIdentifier(String identifier) { int length = identifier.length(); if (limit - currentPosition < length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { int character = identifier.charAt(i); if (character == sqlString.charAt(currentPosition + i)) { continue; } if (character == Character.toUpperCase(sqlString.charAt(currentPosition + i))) { continue; } return false; } currentPosition += length; return true; } private int scanEscapeDefinition() { int c = charAt(currentPosition); if (c == '\'') { currentPosition++; if (!scanWhitespace()) { c = charAt(currentPosition); if (getHexValue(c) == -1) { if (c != '+' && c != '\'' && c != '\"') { int escape = c; currentPosition++; c = charAt(currentPosition); if (c == '\'') { currentPosition++; return escape; } } } } } return -1; } private void scanUnicodeString() { int escape = '\\'; scanCharacterString(); scanSeparator(); int c = charAt(currentPosition); if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') { if (scanSpecialIdentifier(Tokens.T_UESCAPE)) { scanSeparator(); escape = scanEscapeDefinition(); if (escape == -1) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_UNICODE_ESCAPE; token.isMalformed = true; return; } } } convertUnicodeString(escape); } private boolean scanUnicodeIdentifier() { int escape = '\\'; scanStringPart('"'); if (token.isMalformed) { return false; } token.tokenString = charWriter.toString(); int c = charAt(currentPosition); if (c == 'u' || c == 'U') { if (scanSpecialIdentifier(Tokens.T_UESCAPE)) { scanSeparator(); escape = scanEscapeDefinition(); if (escape == -1) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_UNICODE_ESCAPE; token.isMalformed = true; return false; } } } convertUnicodeString(escape); return !token.isMalformed; } boolean shiftPrefixes() { if (token.namePrePrePrefix != null) { return false; } token.namePrePrePrefix = token.namePrePrefix; token.isDelimitedPrePrePrefix = token.isDelimitedPrePrefix; token.namePrePrefix = token.namePrefix; token.isDelimitedPrePrefix = token.isDelimitedPrefix; token.namePrefix = token.tokenString; token.isDelimitedPrefix = (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER); return true; } private void scanIdentifierChain() { int c = charAt(currentPosition); switch (c) { case '`' : if (backtickQuoting) { charWriter.reset(charBuffer); scanStringPart('`'); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } token.tokenType = Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER; token.tokenString = charWriter.toString(); token.isDelimiter = true; } break; case '"' : charWriter.reset(charBuffer); scanStringPart('"'); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } token.tokenType = Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER; token.tokenString = charWriter.toString(); token.isDelimiter = true; break; case 'u' : case 'U' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '&') { if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '"') { currentPosition += 3; boolean result = scanUnicodeIdentifier(); if (!result) { return; } token.tokenType = Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER; token.isDelimiter = false; break; } } // fall through default : boolean result = scanUndelimitedIdentifier(); if (!result) { return; } token.tokenType = Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER; token.isDelimiter = false; } boolean hasPreSpace = scanWhitespace(); c = charAt(currentPosition); if (c == '.') { if (hasPreSpace) { int cNext = charAt(currentPosition + 1); if (cNext >= '0' && cNext <= '9') { return; } } currentPosition++; scanWhitespace(); c = charAt(currentPosition); if (c == '*') { currentPosition++; shiftPrefixes(); token.tokenString = Tokens.T_ASTERISK; token.tokenType = Tokens.ASTERISK; } else { shiftPrefixes(); scanIdentifierChain(); } } } public boolean scanUndelimitedIdentifier() { if (currentPosition == limit) { return false; } char start = sqlString.charAt(currentPosition); boolean irregular = start == '_' || start == '$'; if (!irregular && !Character.isLetter(start)) { token.tokenString = Character.toString(start); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; token.isMalformed = true; return false; } int i = currentPosition + 1; for (; i < limit; i++) { char c = sqlString.charAt(i); if (c == '$') { irregular = true; continue; } if (c == '_' || Character.isLetterOrDigit(c)) { continue; } break; } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition, i).toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); currentPosition = i; if (nullAndBooleanAsValue) { int tokenLength = currentPosition - tokenPosition; if (tokenLength == 4 || tokenLength == 5) { switch (start) { case 'T' : case 't' : if (Tokens.T_TRUE.equals(token.tokenString)) { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_TRUE; token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; token.tokenValue = Boolean.TRUE; token.dataType = Type.SQL_BOOLEAN; return false; } break; case 'F' : case 'f' : if (Tokens.T_FALSE.equals(token.tokenString)) { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_FALSE; token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; token.tokenValue = Boolean.FALSE; token.dataType = Type.SQL_BOOLEAN; return false; } break; case 'N' : case 'n' : if (Tokens.T_NULL.equals(token.tokenString)) { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_NULL; token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; token.tokenValue = null; return false; } break; } } } if (irregular) { token.hasIrregularChar = true; } return true; } void scanNumber() { int c; boolean hasDigit = false; boolean hasPoint = false; int exponentIndex = -1; token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; token.dataType = Type.SQL_INTEGER; int tokenStart = currentPosition; for (; currentPosition < limit; currentPosition++) { boolean end = false; c = charAt(currentPosition); switch (c) { case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' : case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' : case '9' : hasDigit = true; break; case '.' : token.dataType = Type.SQL_NUMERIC; if (hasPoint || exponentIndex != -1) { token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(tokenStart, currentPosition + 1); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; return; } hasPoint = true; break; case 'E' : case 'e' : token.dataType = Type.SQL_DOUBLE; if (exponentIndex != -1 || !hasDigit) { token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(tokenStart, currentPosition + 1); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; return; } hasPoint = true; exponentIndex = currentPosition; break; case '-' : case '+' : if (exponentIndex != currentPosition - 1) { end = true; } break; case 'K' : case 'k' : case 'M' : case 'm' : case 'G' : case 'g' : case 'T' : case 't' : case 'P' : case 'p' : if (!hasDigit || hasPoint) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; return; } String s = Character.toString((char) c).toUpperCase( Locale.ENGLISH); token.lobMultiplierType = Tokens.getNonKeywordID(s, Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC); if (token.lobMultiplierType == Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; return; } try { token.tokenValue = ValuePool.getInt( Integer.parseInt( sqlString.substring( tokenStart, currentPosition))); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_LOB_SIZE; currentPosition++; token.fullString = getPart(tokenPosition, currentPosition); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; } return; default : end = true; break; } if (end) { break; } } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(tokenStart, currentPosition); switch (token.dataType.typeCode) { case Types.SQL_INTEGER : // fredt - -Integer.MIN_VALUE or -Long.MIN_VALUE are promoted // to a wider type. if (token.tokenString.length() < 20) { try { long longVal = Long.parseLong(token.tokenString); if (token.tokenString.length() < 11) { if (longVal <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) { token.tokenValue = ValuePool.getInt((int) longVal); return; } } token.dataType = Type.SQL_BIGINT; token.tokenValue = ValuePool.getLong(longVal); return; } catch (Exception e2) {} } token.dataType = Type.SQL_NUMERIC; // fall through case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : try { BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(token.tokenString); token.tokenValue = decimal; token.dataType = NumberType.getNumberType(Types.NUMERIC, JavaSystem.precision(decimal), decimal.scale()); } catch (Exception e2) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; return; } return; case Types.SQL_DOUBLE : try { double d = Double.parseDouble(token.tokenString); long l = Double.doubleToLongBits(d); token.tokenValue = ValuePool.getDouble(l); } catch (Exception e2) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_NUMERIC; token.isMalformed = true; return; } return; } } boolean scanSeparator() { boolean result = false; while (true) { boolean whiteSpace = scanWhitespace(); result |= whiteSpace; if (scanCommentAsInlineSeparator()) { result = true; hasNonSpaceSeparator = true; continue; } break; } // token.isDelimiter |= result; return result; } boolean scanCommentAsInlineSeparator() { int character = charAt(currentPosition); if (character == '-' && charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '-') { int pos = sqlString.indexOf('\r', currentPosition + 2); if (pos == -1) { pos = sqlString.indexOf('\n', currentPosition + 2); } else if (charAt(pos + 1) == '\n') { pos++; } if (pos == -1) { currentPosition = limit; } else { currentPosition = pos + 1; } return true; } else if (character == '/' && charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '*') { return skipBracketedComment(); } return false; } public boolean scanWhitespace() { boolean result = false; for (; currentPosition < limit; currentPosition++) { char c = sqlString.charAt(currentPosition); if (c == ' ') { result = true; continue; } if (whiteSpaceSet.contains(c)) { hasNonSpaceSeparator = true; result = true; setLineNumber(c); continue; } break; } return result; } private void setLineNumber(int c) { if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { if (currentPosition == eolPosition + 1) { if (c == '\n' && eolCode != c) { // } else { lineNumber++; } } else { lineNumber++; } eolPosition = currentPosition; eolCode = c; } } private static int countEndOfLines(String s) { int eolPos = -2; int eolCode = 0; int lineCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) { int c = s.charAt(i); if (c == '\r' || c == '\n') { if (i == eolPos + 1) { if (c == '\n' && eolCode != c) { // } else { lineCount++; } } else { lineCount++; } eolPos = i; eolCode = c; } } return lineCount; } void scanCharacterString() { charWriter.reset(charBuffer); while (true) { scanStringPart('\''); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } if (scanSeparator() && charAt(currentPosition) == '\'') { continue; } break; } token.tokenString = charWriter.toString(); token.tokenValue = token.tokenString; } public void scanStringPart(char quoteChar) { currentPosition++; for (;;) { int nextIndex = sqlString.indexOf(quoteChar, currentPosition); if (nextIndex < 0) { token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition, limit); token.tokenType = quoteChar == '\'' ? Tokens.X_MALFORMED_STRING : Tokens .X_MALFORMED_IDENTIFIER; token.isMalformed = true; return; } if (charAt(nextIndex + 1) == quoteChar) { nextIndex += 1; charWriter.write(sqlString, currentPosition, nextIndex - currentPosition); currentPosition = nextIndex + 1; continue; } else { charWriter.write(sqlString, currentPosition, nextIndex - currentPosition); currentPosition = nextIndex + 1; break; } } }
token [separator] , nondelimiter {delimiter | separator}
/** * token [separator] , nondelimiter {delimiter | separator} */
void scanToken() { int typeCode; int character = charAt(currentPosition); resetState(); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER; switch (character) { /* case '%' : case '^' : case '&' : case ':' : case '{' : case '}' : break; */ case '[' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_LEFTBRACKET; token.tokenType = Tokens.LEFTBRACKET; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case ']' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_RIGHTBRACKET; token.tokenType = Tokens.RIGHTBRACKET; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '(' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_OPENBRACKET; token.tokenType = Tokens.OPENBRACKET; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case ')' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_CLOSEBRACKET; token.tokenType = Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case ',' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_COMMA; token.tokenType = Tokens.COMMA; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '*' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_ASTERISK; token.tokenType = Tokens.ASTERISK; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '=' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_EQUALS_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.EQUALS_OP; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case ';' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_SEMICOLON; token.tokenType = Tokens.SEMICOLON; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '+' : token.tokenString = Tokens.T_PLUS_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.PLUS_OP; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case ':' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == ':') { currentPosition += 2; token.tokenString = Tokens.T_DOUBLE_COLON; token.tokenType = Tokens.COLON; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } else { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_COLON; token.tokenType = Tokens.COLON; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } case '?' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '?') { if (charAt(currentPosition + 2) == '(') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_LEFTBRACKET; token.tokenType = Tokens.LEFTBRACKET; currentPosition += 3; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } else if (charAt(currentPosition + 2) == ')') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_RIGHTBRACKET; token.tokenType = Tokens.RIGHTBRACKET; currentPosition += 3; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } } token.tokenString = Tokens.T_QUESTION; token.tokenType = Tokens.QUESTION; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '!' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '=') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_NOT_EQUALS; token.tokenType = Tokens.NOT_EQUALS; currentPosition += 2; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition, currentPosition + 2); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '<' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '>') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_NOT_EQUALS; token.tokenType = Tokens.NOT_EQUALS; currentPosition += 2; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '=') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_LESS_EQUALS; token.tokenType = Tokens.LESS_EQUALS; currentPosition += 2; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } token.tokenString = Tokens.T_LESS_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.LESS_OP; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '>' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '=') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_GREATER_EQUALS; token.tokenType = Tokens.GREATER_EQUALS; currentPosition += 2; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } token.tokenString = Tokens.T_GREATER_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.GREATER_OP; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '|' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '|') { token.tokenString = Tokens.T_CONCAT_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.CONCAT_OP; currentPosition += 2; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition, currentPosition + 2); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '/' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '/') { int pos = sqlString.indexOf('\r', currentPosition + 2); if (pos == -1) { pos = sqlString.indexOf('\n', currentPosition + 2); } if (pos == -1) { pos = limit; } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition + 2, pos); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_REMARK; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } else if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '*') { scanBracketedComment(); return; } token.tokenString = Tokens.T_DIVIDE_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.DIVIDE_OP; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '-' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '-') { int pos = sqlString.indexOf('\r', currentPosition + 2); if (pos == -1) { pos = sqlString.indexOf('\n', currentPosition + 2); } if (pos == -1) { pos = limit; } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition + 2, pos); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_REMARK; token.isDelimiter = true; return; } token.tokenString = Tokens.T_MINUS_OP; token.tokenType = Tokens.MINUS_OP; currentPosition++; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case '\"' : token.tokenType = Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER; break; case '`' : if (backtickQuoting) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER; } break; case '\'' : scanCharacterString(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } typeCode = charLiteral ? Types.SQL_CHAR : Types.SQL_VARCHAR; token.dataType = CharacterType.getCharacterType(typeCode, token.tokenString.length()); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; token.isDelimiter = true; return; case 'x' : case 'X' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '\'') { currentPosition++; scanBinaryString(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } token.dataType = BinaryType.getBinaryType( Types.SQL_VARBINARY, ((BinaryData) token.tokenValue).length(null)); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; return; } break; case 'b' : case 'B' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '\'') { currentPosition++; scanBitString(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } token.dataType = BitType.getBitType( Types.SQL_BIT, ((BinaryData) token.tokenValue).bitLength(null)); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; return; } break; case 'n' : case 'N' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '\'') { currentPosition++; scanCharacterString(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } typeCode = charLiteral ? Types.SQL_CHAR : Types.SQL_VARCHAR; token.dataType = CharacterType.getCharacterType(typeCode, token.tokenString.length()); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; return; } break; case 'u' : case 'U' : if (charAt(currentPosition + 1) == '&') { if (charAt(currentPosition + 2) == '\'') { currentPosition += 2; token.dataType = Type.SQL_CHAR; token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; scanUnicodeString(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } typeCode = charLiteral ? Types.SQL_CHAR : Types.SQL_VARCHAR; token.dataType = CharacterType.getCharacterType( typeCode, ((String) token.tokenValue).length()); return; } } break; case '_' : /** * @todo 1.9.0 - review following * identifier chain must not have catalog identifier * character set specification to be included in the token.dataType */ int startPosition = currentPosition; currentPosition++; scanIdentifierChain(); if (token.isMalformed) { return; } if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER) { /** @todo 1.9.0 - review message malformed character set identifier */ token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } scanSeparator(); if (charAt(currentPosition) == '\'') { if (token.namePrePrefix != null) { /** @todo 1.9.0 - review message malformed character set identifier */ token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; return; } token.charsetSchema = token.namePrefix; token.charsetName = token.tokenString; scanCharacterString(); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; token.dataType = CharacterType.getCharacterType( Types.SQL_CHAR, token.tokenString.length()); token.isDelimiter = true; return; } else { position(startPosition); resetState(); break; } case '.' : case '0' : case '1' : case '2' : case '3' : case '4' : case '5' : case '6' : case '7' : case '8' : case '9' : token.tokenType = Tokens.X_VALUE; scanNumber(); return; } scanIdentifierChain(); setIdentifierProperties(); } private boolean skipBracketedComment() { int pos = sqlString.indexOf("*/", currentPosition + 2); if (pos == -1) { token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition, currentPosition + 2); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_COMMENT; token.isMalformed = true; return false; } String comment = sqlString.substring(currentPosition + 2, pos); currentPosition = pos + 2; lineNumber += countEndOfLines(comment); return true; } private boolean scanBracketedComment() { int pos = sqlString.indexOf("*/", currentPosition + 2); if (pos == -1) { token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition, currentPosition + 2); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; token.isDelimiter = true; return false; } token.tokenString = sqlString.substring(currentPosition + 2, pos); token.tokenType = Tokens.X_REMARK; token.isDelimiter = true; lineNumber += countEndOfLines(token.tokenString); return true; } private void setIdentifierProperties() { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER) { token.isUndelimitedIdentifier = true; if (token.namePrefix == null) { token.tokenType = Tokens.getKeywordID(token.tokenString, Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER) { token.tokenType = Tokens.getNonKeywordID(token.tokenString, Tokens.X_IDENTIFIER); } else { token.isReservedIdentifier = true; token.isCoreReservedIdentifier = Tokens.isCoreKeyword(token.tokenType); } } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_DELIMITED_IDENTIFIER) { token.isDelimitedIdentifier = true; } } public boolean scanNull() { scanSeparator(); int character = charAt(currentPosition); if (character == 'N' || character == 'n') { if (scanSpecialIdentifier(Tokens.T_NULL)) { return true; } } return false; } // private void scanNext(int error) { scanNext(); if (token.isMalformed) { throw Error.error(error); } }
Reads the type part of the INTERVAL
/** * Reads the type part of the INTERVAL */
IntervalType scanIntervalType() { int precision = -1; int scale = -1; int startToken; int endToken; final int errorCode = ErrorCode.X_22006; startToken = endToken = token.tokenType; scanNext(errorCode); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { scanNext(errorCode); if (token.dataType == null || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_INTEGER) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } precision = ((Number) this.token.tokenValue).intValue(); scanNext(errorCode); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.COMMA) { if (startToken != Tokens.SECOND) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } scanNext(errorCode); if (token.dataType == null || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_INTEGER) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } scale = ((Number) token.tokenValue).intValue(); scanNext(errorCode); } if (token.tokenType != Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } scanNext(errorCode); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.TO) { scanNext(errorCode); endToken = token.tokenType; scanNext(errorCode); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { if (endToken != Tokens.SECOND || endToken == startToken) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } scanNext(errorCode); if (token.dataType == null || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_INTEGER) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } scale = ((Number) token.tokenValue).intValue(); scanNext(errorCode); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } scanNext(errorCode); } int startIndex = ArrayUtil.find(Tokens.SQL_INTERVAL_FIELD_CODES, startToken); int endIndex = ArrayUtil.find(Tokens.SQL_INTERVAL_FIELD_CODES, endToken); return IntervalType.getIntervalType(startIndex, endIndex, precision, scale); } private String intervalString; private int intervalPosition; private int intervalPrecision; private int fractionPrecision; Type dateTimeType; public TimestampData newDate(String s) { intervalPosition = 0; fractionPrecision = 0; dateTimeType = null; intervalString = s; scanDateParts(2); if (intervalPosition != s.length()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22007); } long seconds = HsqlDateTime.getDateSeconds(s); return new TimestampData(seconds); }
@todo1.9.0 - review the following - misses nano fractions - misses displacement - doesn't allow single digit components
/** * @todo 1.9.0 - review the following * - misses nano fractions * - misses displacement * - doesn't allow single digit components */
public TimestampData newTimestamp(String s) { long zoneSeconds = 0; long seconds; int fraction = 0; int endIndex = s.length(); boolean negate; boolean hasZone = false; intervalPosition = 0; fractionPrecision = 0; dateTimeType = null; intervalString = s; scanDateParts(5); if (intervalPosition == 10) { seconds = HsqlDateTime.getDateSeconds(s.substring(0, intervalPosition)); dateTimeType = Type.SQL_TIMESTAMP_NO_FRACTION; return new TimestampData(seconds, fraction, (int) zoneSeconds); } else { seconds = HsqlDateTime.getTimestampSeconds(s.substring(0, intervalPosition)); } int position; fraction = scanIntervalFraction(DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); position = intervalPosition; negate = scanIntervalSign(); if (negate || position != intervalPosition) { zoneSeconds = scanIntervalValue(Type.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE); hasZone = true; if (negate) { zoneSeconds = -zoneSeconds; } } if (zoneSeconds >= DTIType.yearToSecondFactors[2] || zoneSeconds > DTIType.timezoneSecondsLimit || -zoneSeconds > DTIType.timezoneSecondsLimit) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009); } if (intervalPosition != endIndex) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22007); } int type = hasZone ? Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE : Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP; dateTimeType = DateTimeType.getDateTimeType(type, fractionPrecision); if (hasZone) { seconds -= zoneSeconds; } if (seconds > DateTimeType.epochLimitSeconds) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22008); } return new TimestampData(seconds, fraction, (int) zoneSeconds); } void scanDateParts(int lastPart) { byte[] separators = DTIType.yearToSecondSeparators; int i = intervalPosition; final int firstPart = 0; int currentPart = firstPart; int currentDigits = 0; for (; currentPart <= lastPart; ) { boolean endOfPart = false; if (i == intervalString.length()) { if (currentPart == lastPart) { endOfPart = true; } else if (currentPart < 2) { // parts missing throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22007); } else { endOfPart = true; } } else { int character = intervalString.charAt(i); if (character >= '0' && character <= '9') { currentDigits++; i++; } else if (character == separators[currentPart]) { endOfPart = true; if (currentPart != lastPart) { i++; } } else if (currentPart == lastPart) { endOfPart = true; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22007); } } if (endOfPart) { if (currentPart == firstPart) { if (currentDigits < 4) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22007); } } else { if (currentDigits == 0 || currentDigits > 2) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22007); } } currentPart++; currentDigits = 0; if (i == intervalString.length()) { break; } } } intervalPosition = i; } public TimeData newTime(String s) { intervalPosition = 0; fractionPrecision = 0; dateTimeType = null; intervalString = s; long seconds = scanIntervalValue(Type.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_SECOND); int fraction = scanIntervalFraction(DTIType.maxFractionPrecision); long zoneSeconds = 0; int position = intervalPosition; boolean hasZone = false; boolean negate = scanIntervalSign(); if (position != intervalPosition) { zoneSeconds = scanIntervalValue(Type.SQL_INTERVAL_HOUR_TO_MINUTE); hasZone = true; } if (intervalPosition != s.length()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009); } if (seconds >= DTIType.yearToSecondFactors[2]) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22008); } if (zoneSeconds > DTIType.timezoneSecondsLimit) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009); } if (negate) { zoneSeconds = -zoneSeconds; } int type = hasZone ? Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE : Types.SQL_TIME; dateTimeType = DateTimeType.getDateTimeType(type, fractionPrecision); if (hasZone) { seconds -= zoneSeconds; } return new TimeData((int) seconds, fraction, (int) zoneSeconds); } public Object newInterval(String s, IntervalType type) { intervalPosition = 0; fractionPrecision = 0; intervalString = s; boolean negate = scanIntervalSign(); long units = scanIntervalValue(type); int fraction = 0; if (type.endIntervalType == Types.SQL_INTERVAL_SECOND) { fraction = scanIntervalFraction(type.scale); } if (intervalPosition != s.length()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22006); } if (negate) { units = -units; fraction = -fraction; } dateTimeType = type; if (type.defaultPrecision) { dateTimeType = IntervalType.getIntervalType(type.typeCode, type.startIntervalType, type.endIntervalType, intervalPrecision, fractionPrecision, false); } if (type.endPartIndex <= DTIType.INTERVAL_MONTH_INDEX) { return new IntervalMonthData(units); } else { return new IntervalSecondData(units, fraction); } } public long scanIntervalValue(IntervalType type) { byte[] separators = DTIType.yearToSecondSeparators; int[] factors = DTIType.yearToSecondFactors; int[] limits = DTIType.yearToSecondLimits; int firstPart = type.startPartIndex; int lastPart = type.endPartIndex; long totalValue = 0; long currentValue = 0; int i = intervalPosition; int currentPart = firstPart; int currentDigits = 0; for (; currentPart <= lastPart; ) { boolean endOfPart = false; if (i == intervalString.length()) { if (currentPart == lastPart) { endOfPart = true; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22006); } } else { int character = intervalString.charAt(i); if (character >= '0' && character <= '9') { int digit = character - '0'; currentValue *= 10; currentValue += digit; currentDigits++; i++; } else if (character == separators[currentPart]) { endOfPart = true; if (currentPart != lastPart) { i++; } } else if (currentPart == lastPart) { endOfPart = true; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22006); } } if (endOfPart) { if (currentPart == firstPart) { if (!type.defaultPrecision && currentDigits > type.precision) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22015); } if (currentDigits == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22006); } int factor = factors[currentPart]; totalValue += currentValue * factor; intervalPrecision = currentDigits; } else { if (currentValue >= limits[currentPart]) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22015); } if (currentDigits == 0 || currentDigits > 2) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22006); } totalValue += currentValue * factors[currentPart]; } currentPart++; currentValue = 0; currentDigits = 0; if (i == intervalString.length()) { break; } } } intervalPosition = i; return totalValue; } boolean scanIntervalSign() { boolean negate = false; if (intervalPosition == intervalString.length()) { return false; } if (intervalString.charAt(intervalPosition) == '-') { negate = true; intervalPosition++; } else if (intervalString.charAt(intervalPosition) == '+') { intervalPosition++; } return negate; } int scanIntervalFraction(int decimalPrecision) { if (intervalPosition == intervalString.length()) { return 0; } if (intervalString.charAt(intervalPosition) != '.') { return 0; } intervalPosition++; int currentValue = 0; int currentDigits = 0; for (; intervalPosition < intervalString.length(); ) { int character = intervalString.charAt(intervalPosition); if (character >= '0' && character <= '9') { int digit = character - '0'; currentValue *= 10; currentValue += digit; intervalPosition++; currentDigits++; if (currentDigits == DTIType.maxFractionPrecision) { break; } } else { break; } } fractionPrecision = currentDigits; currentValue = DTIType.normaliseFraction(currentValue, currentDigits, decimalPrecision); return currentValue; } void scanIntervalSpaces() { for (; intervalPosition < intervalString.length(); intervalPosition++) { if (intervalString.charAt(intervalPosition) != ' ') { break; } } } /* * synchronized methods for use with shared Scanner objects used for type * conversion */ public synchronized Number convertToNumber(String s, NumberType numberType) { Number number; boolean minus = false; Type type; reset(s); resetState(); scanWhitespace(); scanToken(); scanWhitespace(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PLUS_OP) { scanToken(); scanWhitespace(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS_OP) { minus = true; scanToken(); scanWhitespace(); } if (!hasNonSpaceSeparator && token.tokenType == Tokens.X_VALUE && token.tokenValue instanceof Number) { number = (Number) token.tokenValue; type = token.dataType; if (minus) { number = (Number) token.dataType.negate(number); } scanEnd(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_ENDPARSE) { number = (Number) numberType.convertToType(null, number, type); return number; } } throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22018); } public synchronized BinaryData convertToBinary(String s, boolean uuid) { boolean hi = true; byte b = 0; reset(s); resetState(); byteOutputStream.reset(byteBuffer); for (; currentPosition < limit; currentPosition++, hi = !hi) { int ch = sqlString.charAt(currentPosition); int c = getHexValue(ch); if (c == -1) { if (uuid && ch == '-' && hi) { hi = !hi; continue; } // bad character token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; break; } if (hi) { b = (byte) (c << 4); } else { b += (byte) c; byteOutputStream.writeByte(b); } } if (!hi) { // odd nibbles token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; } if (uuid && byteOutputStream.size() != 16) { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BINARY_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; } if (token.isMalformed) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22018); } BinaryData data = new BinaryData(byteOutputStream.toByteArray(), false); byteOutputStream.reset(byteBuffer); return data; } public synchronized BinaryData convertToBit(String s) { BitMap map = new BitMap(0, true); int bitIndex = 0; reset(s); resetState(); byteOutputStream.reset(byteBuffer); for (; currentPosition < limit; currentPosition++) { int c = sqlString.charAt(currentPosition); if (c == '0') { map.unset(bitIndex); bitIndex++; } else if (c == '1') { map.set(bitIndex); bitIndex++; } else { token.tokenType = Tokens.X_MALFORMED_BIT_STRING; token.isMalformed = true; throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22018); } } map.setSize(bitIndex); return BinaryData.getBitData(map.getBytes(), map.size()); } // should perform range checks etc. public synchronized Object convertToDatetimeInterval( SessionInterface session, String s, DTIType type) { Object value; IntervalType intervalType = null; int dateTimeToken = -1; int errorCode = type.isDateTimeType() ? ErrorCode.X_22007 : ErrorCode.X_22006; reset(s); resetState(); scanToken(); scanWhitespace(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.INTERVAL : case Tokens.DATE : case Tokens.TIME : case Tokens.TIMESTAMP : dateTimeToken = token.tokenType; scanToken(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_VALUE || !token.dataType.isCharacterType()) { // error datetime bad literal throw Error.error(errorCode); } s = token.tokenString; scanNext(ErrorCode.X_22007); if (type.isIntervalType()) { intervalType = scanIntervalType(); } if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_ENDPARSE) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } break; default : } switch (type.typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DATE : { if (dateTimeToken != -1 && dateTimeToken != Tokens.DATE) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } value = newDate(s); return type.convertToType(session, value, Type.SQL_DATE); } case Types.SQL_TIME : case Types.SQL_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE : { if (dateTimeToken != -1 && dateTimeToken != Tokens.TIME) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } Object o = newTime(s); return type.convertToType(session, o, dateTimeType); } case Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP : case Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE : { if (dateTimeToken != -1 && dateTimeToken != Tokens.TIMESTAMP) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } value = newTimestamp(s); return type.convertToType(session, value, dateTimeType); } default : if (dateTimeToken != -1 && dateTimeToken != Tokens.INTERVAL) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } if (type.isIntervalType()) { value = newInterval(s, (IntervalType) type); if (intervalType != null) { if (intervalType.startIntervalType != type .startIntervalType || intervalType .endIntervalType != type.endIntervalType) { throw Error.error(errorCode); } } return type.convertToType(session, value, dateTimeType); } throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Scanner"); } } }