/* Copyright (c) 2001-2019, The HSQL Development Group
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package org.hsqldb;

import org.hsqldb.HsqlNameManager.HsqlName;
import org.hsqldb.error.Error;
import org.hsqldb.error.ErrorCode;
import org.hsqldb.index.Index;
import org.hsqldb.lib.HsqlArrayList;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.lib.OrderedIntHashSet;
import org.hsqldb.types.BinaryData;
import org.hsqldb.types.Type;
import org.hsqldb.types.Types;

Parser for SQL table definition
Author:Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net)
/** * Parser for SQL table definition * * @author Fred Toussi (fredt@users dot sourceforge.net) * @version 2.5.0 * @since 1.9.0 */
public class ParserTable extends ParserDML { ParserTable(Session session, Scanner scanner) { super(session, scanner); } StatementSchema compileCreateTable(int type) { boolean ifNot = readIfNotExists(); HsqlName name = readNewSchemaObjectName(SchemaObject.TABLE, false); name.setSchemaIfNull(session.getCurrentSchemaHsqlName()); Table table; switch (type) { case TableBase.TEMP_TEXT_TABLE : case TableBase.TEXT_TABLE : { table = new TextTable(database, name, type); break; } default : { table = new Table(database, name, type); } } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.AS) { return compileCreateTableAsSubqueryDefinition(table); } return compileCreateTableBody(table, ifNot); } StatementSchema compileCreateTableBody(Table table, boolean ifNot) { HsqlArrayList tempConstraints = new HsqlArrayList(); HsqlArrayList tempIndexes = new HsqlArrayList(); boolean isTable = readTableContentsSource(table, tempConstraints, tempIndexes); if (!isTable) { return compileCreateTableAsSubqueryDefinition(table); } readTableVersioningClause(table); readTableOnCommitClause(table); if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { if (readIfThis(Tokens.COMMENT)) { readIfThis(Tokens.EQUALS_OP); String comment = readQuotedString(); table.getName().comment = comment; } } OrderedHashSet names = new OrderedHashSet(); names.add(database.getCatalogName()); for (int i = 0; i < tempConstraints.size(); i++) { Constraint c = (Constraint) tempConstraints.get(i); HsqlName name = c.getMainTableName(); if (name != null) { Table t = database.schemaManager.findUserTable(name.name, name.schema.name); if (t != null && !t.isTemp()) { names.add(table.getName()); } } } String sql = getLastPart(); Object[] args = new Object[] { table, tempConstraints, tempIndexes, null, Boolean.valueOf(ifNot) }; HsqlName[] writeLockNames = new HsqlName[names.size()]; names.toArray(writeLockNames); return new StatementSchema(sql, StatementTypes.CREATE_TABLE, args, null, writeLockNames); } boolean readTableContentsSource(Table table, HsqlArrayList tempConstraints, HsqlArrayList tempIndexes) { int position = getPosition(); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); Constraint c = new Constraint(null, null, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.TEMP); tempConstraints.add(c); boolean start = true; boolean startPart = true; boolean end = false; boolean hasRowStart = false; boolean hasRowEnd = false; while (!end) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.LIKE : { ColumnSchema[] likeColumns = readLikeTable(table); for (int i = 0; i < likeColumns.length; i++) { table.addColumn(likeColumns[i]); } start = false; startPart = false; break; } case Tokens.CONSTRAINT : case Tokens.PRIMARY : case Tokens.FOREIGN : case Tokens.UNIQUE : case Tokens.CHECK : if (!startPart) { throw unexpectedToken(); } readConstraint(table, tempConstraints); start = false; startPart = false; break; case Tokens.PERIOD : if (!startPart) { throw unexpectedToken(); } if (table.isTemp() || table.isText()) { throw unexpectedToken(); } readAndAddPeriod(table); start = false; startPart = false; break; case Tokens.COMMA : if (startPart) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); startPart = true; break; case Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET : read(); end = true; break; case Tokens.KEY : case Tokens.INDEX : if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { readIndex(table, tempIndexes); start = false; startPart = false; break; } default : if (!startPart) { throw unexpectedToken(); } checkIsSchemaObjectName(); HsqlName hsqlName = database.nameManager.newColumnHsqlName(table.getName(), token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier()); read(); ColumnSchema newcolumn = readColumnDefinitionOrNull(table, hsqlName, tempConstraints); if (newcolumn == null) { if (start) { rewind(position); return false; } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42000); } } table.addColumn(newcolumn); start = false; startPart = false; if (newcolumn.getSystemPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType .PERIOD_ROW_START) { if (hasRowStart) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42591); } hasRowStart = true; } else if (newcolumn.getSystemPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType .PERIOD_ROW_END) { if (hasRowEnd) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42591); } hasRowEnd = true; } } } if (table.getColumnCount() == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42591); } if (hasRowStart ^ hasRowEnd) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516); } if (hasRowStart && table.systemPeriod == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516); } setPeriodColumns(table, table.systemPeriod); setPeriodColumns(table, table.applicationPeriod); // not supported if (table.applicationPeriod != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A501, table.applicationPeriod.getName().name); } return true; }
check period columns have already been defined in table and have the supported data types
/** * check period columns have already been defined in table and have the * supported data types */
void setPeriodColumns(Table table, PeriodDefinition period) { if (period == null) { return; } OrderedHashSet set = period.columnNames; ColumnSchema startColumn = null; ColumnSchema endColumn = null; HsqlName name = period.getName(); int index = table.findColumn(name.name); if (index >= 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, name.name); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { String columnName = (String) set.get(i); index = table.findColumn(columnName); if (index < 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, columnName); } ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(index); Type type = column.getDataType(); switch (period.periodType) { case SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_SYSTEM : if (!type.isTimestampType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnName); } if (i == 0) { if (column.getSystemPeriodType() != SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType .PERIOD_ROW_START) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnName); } } else { if (column.getSystemPeriodType() != SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType .PERIOD_ROW_END) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnName); } } break; case SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_APPLICATION : if (!type.isDateOrTimestampType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnName); } break; } if (i == 0) { startColumn = column; } else { endColumn = column; if (!startColumn.getDataType().equals( endColumn.getDataType())) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnName); } } } period.startColumn = startColumn; period.endColumn = endColumn; }
check the system period name and column names do not exist
/** * check the system period name and column names do not exist */
void checkPeriodColumnsAdd(Table table, PeriodDefinition period) { if (period == null) { return; } OrderedHashSet set = period.columnNames; HsqlName name = period.getName(); int index = table.findColumn(name.name); if (index >= 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, name.name); } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { String columnName = (String) set.get(i); index = table.findColumn(columnName); if (index >= 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42504, columnName); } } } void readTableVersioningClause(Table table) { if (table.systemPeriod != null) { if (readIfThis(Tokens.WITH)) { readThis(Tokens.SYSTEM); readThis(Tokens.VERSIONING); table.isSystemVersioned = true; } } } void readTableOnCommitClause(Table table) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ON) { if (!table.isTemp()) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); readThis(Tokens.COMMIT); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DELETE) {} else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PRESERVE) { table.persistenceScope = TableBase.SCOPE_SESSION; } read(); readThis(Tokens.ROWS); } } private ColumnSchema[] readLikeTable(Table table) { read(); boolean generated = false; boolean identity = false; boolean defaults = false; Table likeTable = readTableName(); OrderedIntHashSet set = new OrderedIntHashSet(); while (true) { boolean including = token.tokenType == Tokens.INCLUDING; if (!including && token.tokenType != Tokens.EXCLUDING) { break; } read(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.GENERATED : if (!set.add(token.tokenType)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } generated = including; break; case Tokens.IDENTITY : if (!set.add(token.tokenType)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } identity = including; break; case Tokens.DEFAULTS : if (!set.add(token.tokenType)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } defaults = including; break; default : throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); } ColumnSchema[] columnList = new ColumnSchema[likeTable.getColumnCount()]; for (int i = 0; i < columnList.length; i++) { ColumnSchema column = likeTable.getColumn(i).duplicate(); HsqlName name = database.nameManager.newColumnSchemaHsqlName(table.getName(), column.getName()); column.setName(name); column.setPrimaryKey(false); if (identity) { if (column.isIdentity()) { column.setIdentity( column.getIdentitySequence().duplicate()); } } else { column.setIdentity(null); } if (!defaults) { column.setDefaultExpression(null); } if (!generated) { column.setGeneratingExpression(null); } columnList[i] = column; } return columnList; } StatementSchema compileCreateTableAsSubqueryDefinition(Table table) { HsqlName[] readName = null; boolean withData = true; HsqlName[] columnNames = null; Statement statement = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { columnNames = readColumnNames(table.getName()); } readThis(Tokens.AS); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); QueryExpression queryExpression = XreadQueryExpression(); queryExpression.setReturningResult(); queryExpression.resolve(session); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); readThis(Tokens.WITH); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NO) { read(); withData = false; } else if (table.getTableType() == TableBase.TEXT_TABLE) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_NO); } readThis(Tokens.DATA); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ON) { if (!table.isTemp()) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); readThis(Tokens.COMMIT); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DELETE) {} else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PRESERVE) { table.persistenceScope = TableBase.SCOPE_SESSION; } read(); readThis(Tokens.ROWS); } if (columnNames == null) { columnNames = queryExpression.getResultColumnNames(); } else { if (columnNames.length != queryExpression.getColumnCount()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42593); } } TableUtil.setColumnsInSchemaTable(table, columnNames, queryExpression.getColumnTypes()); table.createPrimaryKey(); if (table.isTemp() && table.hasLobColumn()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42534); } if (withData) { statement = new StatementQuery(session, queryExpression, compileContext); readName = statement.getTableNamesForRead(); } Object[] args = new Object[] { table, new HsqlArrayList(), null, statement, Boolean.FALSE }; String sql = getLastPart(); HsqlName[] writeLockNames = database.schemaManager.catalogNameArray; StatementSchema st = new StatementSchema(sql, StatementTypes.CREATE_TABLE, args, readName, writeLockNames); return st; }
Adds a list of temp constraints to a new table
/** * Adds a list of temp constraints to a new table */
static Table addTableConstraintDefinitions(Session session, Table table, HsqlArrayList tempConstraints, HsqlArrayList constraintList, boolean addToSchema) { Constraint c = (Constraint) tempConstraints.get(0); HsqlName indexName = session.database.nameManager.newConstraintIndexName( table.getName(), c.getName(), session.database.sqlSysIndexNames); c.setColumnsIndexes(table); table.createPrimaryKey(indexName, c.core.mainCols, true); if (c.core.mainCols != null) { Constraint newconstraint = new Constraint(c.getName(), table, table.getPrimaryIndex(), SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY); table.addConstraint(newconstraint); if (addToSchema) { session.database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(newconstraint); } } for (int i = 1; i < tempConstraints.size(); i++) { c = (Constraint) tempConstraints.get(i); switch (c.getConstraintType()) { case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE : { c.setColumnsIndexes(table); if (table.getUniqueConstraintForColumns(c.core.mainCols) != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42522); } // create an autonamed index indexName = session.database.nameManager.newConstraintIndexName( table.getName(), c.getName(), session.database.sqlSysIndexNames); Index index = table.createAndAddIndexStructure(session, indexName, c.core.mainCols, null, null, true, true, false); Constraint newconstraint = new Constraint(c.getName(), table, index, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE); table.addConstraint(newconstraint); if (addToSchema) { session.database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject( newconstraint); } break; } case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY : { addForeignKey(session, table, c, constraintList); break; } case SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK : { try { c.prepareCheckConstraint(session, table); } catch (HsqlException e) { if (session.isProcessingScript()) { break; } throw e; } table.addConstraint(c); if (c.isNotNull()) { ColumnSchema column = table.getColumn(c.notNullColumnIndex); column.setNullable(false); table.setColumnTypeVars(c.notNullColumnIndex); } if (addToSchema) { session.database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(c); } break; } } } return table; } static void addForeignKey(Session session, Table table, Constraint c, HsqlArrayList constraintList) { HsqlName mainTableName = c.getMainTableName(); if (mainTableName == table.getName()) { c.core.mainTable = table; } else { Table mainTable = session.database.schemaManager.findUserTable( mainTableName.name, mainTableName.schema.name); if (mainTable == null) { if (constraintList == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501, mainTableName.name); } constraintList.add(c); return; } c.core.mainTable = mainTable; } c.setColumnsIndexes(table); TableWorks tableWorks = new TableWorks(session, table); tableWorks.checkCreateForeignKey(table, c); Constraint uniqueConstraint = c.core.mainTable.getUniqueConstraintForColumns(c.core.mainCols); if (uniqueConstraint == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42523); } Index mainIndex = uniqueConstraint.getMainIndex(); boolean isForward = c.core.mainTable.getSchemaName() != table.getSchemaName(); int offset = session.database.schemaManager.getTableIndex(table); if (offset != -1 && offset < session.database.schemaManager.getTableIndex( c.core.mainTable)) { isForward = true; } HsqlName refIndexName = session.database.nameManager.newConstraintIndexName( table.getName(), c.getName(), session.database.sqlSysIndexNames); Index index = table.createAndAddIndexStructure(session, refIndexName, c.core.refCols, null, null, false, true, isForward); HsqlName mainName = session.database.nameManager.newAutoName("REF", c.getName().name, table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.INDEX); c.core.uniqueName = uniqueConstraint.getName(); c.core.mainName = mainName; c.core.mainIndex = mainIndex; c.core.refTable = table; c.core.refName = c.getName(); c.core.refIndex = index; c.isForward = isForward; table.addConstraint(c); c.core.mainTable.addConstraint(new Constraint(mainName, c)); session.database.schemaManager.addSchemaObject(c); } Constraint readFKReferences(Table refTable, HsqlName constraintName, OrderedHashSet refColSet) { HsqlName mainTableName; OrderedHashSet mainColSet = null; readThis(Tokens.REFERENCES); HsqlName schema; if (token.namePrefix == null) { schema = refTable.getSchemaName(); } else { schema = database.schemaManager.getSchemaHsqlName(token.namePrefix); } if (refTable.getSchemaName() == schema && refTable.getName().name.equals(token.tokenString)) { mainTableName = refTable.getName(); read(); } else { mainTableName = readFKTableName(schema); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { mainColSet = readColumnNames(false); } int matchType = OpTypes.MATCH_SIMPLE; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MATCH) { read(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.SIMPLE : read(); break; case Tokens.PARTIAL : throw unsupportedFeature(); case Tokens.FULL : read(); matchType = OpTypes.MATCH_FULL; break; default : throw unexpectedToken(); } } // -- In a while loop we parse a maximium of two // -- "ON" statements following the foreign key // -- definition this can be // -- ON [UPDATE|DELETE] [NO ACTION|RESTRICT|CASCADE|SET [NULL|DEFAULT]] int deleteAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.NO_ACTION; int updateAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.NO_ACTION; OrderedIntHashSet set = new OrderedIntHashSet(); while (token.tokenType == Tokens.ON) { read(); if (!set.add(token.tokenType)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.DELETE) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SET) { read(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.DEFAULT : { read(); deleteAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_DEFAULT; break; } case Tokens.NULL : read(); deleteAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_NULL; break; default : throw unexpectedToken(); } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CASCADE) { read(); deleteAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.CASCADE; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.RESTRICT) { read(); } else { readThis(Tokens.NO); readThis(Tokens.ACTION); } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.UPDATE) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SET) { read(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.DEFAULT : { read(); updateAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_DEFAULT; break; } case Tokens.NULL : read(); updateAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.SET_NULL; break; default : throw unexpectedToken(); } } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CASCADE) { read(); updateAction = SchemaObject.ReferentialAction.CASCADE; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.RESTRICT) { read(); } else { readThis(Tokens.NO); readThis(Tokens.ACTION); } } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } } if (readIfThis(Tokens.NOT)) { readThis(Tokens.DEFERRABLE); } if (constraintName == null) { constraintName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("FK", refTable.getSchemaName(), refTable.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } return new Constraint(constraintName, refTable.getName(), refColSet, mainTableName, mainColSet, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.FOREIGN_KEY, deleteAction, updateAction, matchType); } HsqlName readFKTableName(HsqlName schema) { HsqlName name; checkIsSchemaObjectName(); Table table = database.schemaManager.findUserTable(token.tokenString, schema.name); if (table == null) { name = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(schema, token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier(), SchemaObject.TABLE); } else { name = table.getName(); } read(); return name; }
Responsible for handling the creation of table columns during the process of executing CREATE TABLE or ADD COLUMN etc. statements.
  • table – this table
  • hsqlName – column name
  • constraintList – list of constraints
Returns:a Column object with indicated attributes
/** * Responsible for handling the creation of table columns during the process * of executing CREATE TABLE or ADD COLUMN etc. statements. * * @param table this table * @param hsqlName column name * @param constraintList list of constraints * @return a Column object with indicated attributes */
ColumnSchema readColumnDefinitionOrNull(Table table, HsqlName hsqlName, HsqlArrayList constraintList) { boolean isGenerated = false; boolean isIdentity = false; boolean isPKIdentity = false; boolean generatedAlways = false; Expression generateExpr = null; int sysPeriodType = SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_NONE; boolean isNullable = true; Expression defaultExpr = null; Type typeObject = null; NumberSequence sequence = null; switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.GENERATED : { read(); readThis(Tokens.ALWAYS); isGenerated = true; generatedAlways = true; // not yet supported - type determination required throw unexpectedToken(Tokens.T_GENERATED); } case Tokens.IDENTITY : { read(); isIdentity = true; isPKIdentity = true; typeObject = Type.SQL_INTEGER; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 0, 1, typeObject); break; } case Tokens.COMMA : { return null; } case Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET : { return null; } default : { if (token.isUndelimitedIdentifier) { if (Tokens.T_SERIAL.equals(token.tokenString)) { if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { read(); isIdentity = true; isPKIdentity = true; typeObject = Type.SQL_BIGINT; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 1, 1, typeObject); break; } else if (database.sqlSyntaxPgs) { read(); isIdentity = true; typeObject = Type.SQL_INTEGER; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 1, 1, typeObject); break; } } else if (Tokens.T_BIGSERIAL.equals(token.tokenString)) { if (database.sqlSyntaxPgs) { read(); isIdentity = true; isPKIdentity = true; typeObject = Type.SQL_BIGINT; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 1, 1, typeObject); break; } } } typeObject = readTypeDefinition(true, true); } } if (!isGenerated && !isIdentity) { if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.NULL : read(); break; case Tokens.NOT : read(); readThis(Tokens.NULL); isNullable = false; break; default : } } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.WITH : { if (database.sqlSyntaxDb2) { read(); } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } } // fall through case Tokens.DEFAULT : { read(); defaultExpr = readDefaultClause(typeObject); if (defaultExpr.opType == OpTypes.SEQUENCE) { if (database.sqlSyntaxPgs) { sequence = ((ExpressionColumn) defaultExpr).sequence; defaultExpr = null; isIdentity = true; } } break; } case Tokens.GENERATED : { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.BY) { read(); readThis(Tokens.DEFAULT); } else { readThis(Tokens.ALWAYS); generatedAlways = true; } readThis(Tokens.AS); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.IDENTITY : { read(); sequence = new NumberSequence(null, typeObject); sequence.setAlways(generatedAlways); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); readSequenceOptions(sequence, false, false, true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } isIdentity = true; break; } case Tokens.OPENBRACKET : { if (!generatedAlways) { throw unexpectedToken(Tokens.GENERATED); } isGenerated = true; read(); generateExpr = XreadValueExpression(); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); break; } case Tokens.SEQUENCE : { if (generatedAlways) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); if (token.namePrefix != null) { if (!token.namePrefix.equals( table.getSchemaName().name)) { throw unexpectedToken(token.namePrefix); } } sequence = database.schemaManager.getSequence( token.tokenString, table.getSchemaName().name, true); isIdentity = true; read(); break; } case Tokens.ROW : { if (!typeObject.isTimestampType()) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); if (readIfThis(Tokens.START)) { sysPeriodType = SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType .PERIOD_ROW_START; } else { readThis(Tokens.END); sysPeriodType = SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType .PERIOD_ROW_END; } // always with TIME_ZONE and microsecond precision if (typeObject.typeCode == Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP) { typeObject = Type.SQL_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE; } break; } } break; } case Tokens.IDENTITY : { read(); isIdentity = true; isPKIdentity = true; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 0, 1, typeObject); } break; } } if (!isGenerated && !isIdentity) { if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { if (token.isUndelimitedIdentifier && Tokens.T_AUTO_INCREMENT.equals(token.tokenString)) { read(); isIdentity = true; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 1, 1, typeObject); } } } ColumnSchema column = new ColumnSchema(hsqlName, typeObject, isNullable, false, defaultExpr); if (database.sqlSyntaxMys && typeObject.isDomainType() && typeObject.getName().name.equals("ENUM")) { typeObject.userTypeModifier = null; HsqlName constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, null, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK); constraintList.add(c); readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); Expression left = new ExpressionColumn(column); Expression right = super.XreadInValueListConstructor(1); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); ExpressionLogical in = new ExpressionLogical(OpTypes.IN, left, right); in.noOptimisation = true; c.check = in; } column.setGeneratingExpression(generateExpr); column.setSystemPeriodType(sysPeriodType); readColumnConstraints(table, column, constraintList); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.IDENTITY && !isIdentity) { read(); isIdentity = true; isPKIdentity = true; sequence = new NumberSequence(null, 0, 1, typeObject); } // non-standard GENERATED after constraints if (token.tokenType == Tokens.GENERATED && !isIdentity && !isGenerated) { read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.BY) { read(); readThis(Tokens.DEFAULT); } else { readThis(Tokens.ALWAYS); generatedAlways = true; } readThis(Tokens.AS); readThis(Tokens.IDENTITY); sequence = new NumberSequence(null, typeObject); sequence.setAlways(generatedAlways); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); readSequenceOptions(sequence, false, false, true); readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } isIdentity = true; } if (isIdentity) { column.setIdentity(sequence); } if (isPKIdentity && !column.isPrimaryKey()) { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); set.add(column.getName().name); HsqlName constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("PK", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, set, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY); c.setSimpleIdentityPK(); constraintList.set(0, c); column.setPrimaryKey(true); } if (database.sqlSyntaxPgs && token.tokenType == Tokens.DEFAULT && column.getDefaultExpression() == null && column.getIdentitySequence() == null) { read(); defaultExpr = readDefaultClause(typeObject); if (defaultExpr.opType == OpTypes.SEQUENCE) { sequence = ((ExpressionColumn) defaultExpr).sequence; defaultExpr = null; } column.setDefaultExpression(defaultExpr); column.setIdentity(sequence); } return column; }
Reads and adds a table period definition to the table
  • table – a table
/** * Reads and adds a table period definition to the table * * @param table a table */
void readAndAddPeriod(Table table) { PeriodDefinition period = readPeriod(table); if (period.getPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_SYSTEM) { table.systemPeriod = period; } else { table.applicationPeriod = period; } } PeriodDefinition readPeriod(Table table) { int periodType = SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_NONE; HsqlName periodName = null; readThis(Tokens.PERIOD); readThis(Tokens.FOR); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.SYSTEM_TIME) { periodType = SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_SYSTEM; periodName = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(table.getName().schema, token.tokenString, false, SchemaObject.PERIOD); read(); } else { periodType = SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_APPLICATION; // always use strict naming checkIsNonReservedIdentifier(); checkIsIrregularCharInIdentifier(); checkIsSimpleName(); periodName = database.nameManager.newHsqlName(table.getName().schema, token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier(), SchemaObject.PERIOD); read(); } periodName.parent = table.getName(); OrderedHashSet set = readColumnNames(false); if (set.size() != 2) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42593); } PeriodDefinition period = new PeriodDefinition(periodName, periodType, set); if (period.getPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_SYSTEM) { if (table.systemPeriod != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42581); // unexpected token (for now) } } else { if (table.applicationPeriod != null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42581); // unexpected token (for now) } } return period; }
Reads and adds a table constraint definition to the list
  • schemaObject – table or domain
  • constraintList – list of constraints
/** * Reads and adds a table constraint definition to the list * * @param schemaObject table or domain * @param constraintList list of constraints */
void readConstraint(SchemaObject schemaObject, HsqlArrayList constraintList) { HsqlName constName = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CONSTRAINT) { read(); constName = readNewDependentSchemaObjectName(schemaObject.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.PRIMARY : { if (schemaObject.getName().type != SchemaObject.TABLE) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_CHECK); } read(); readThis(Tokens.KEY); Constraint mainConst; mainConst = (Constraint) constraintList.get(0); if (mainConst.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { if (!mainConst.isSimpleIdentityPK) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42532); } } if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("PK", schemaObject.getSchemaName(), schemaObject.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } OrderedHashSet set = readColumnNames(false); Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, set, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY); constraintList.set(0, c); break; } case Tokens.UNIQUE : { if (schemaObject.getName().type != SchemaObject.TABLE) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_CHECK); } read(); if (database.sqlSyntaxMys) { if (!readIfThis(Tokens.INDEX)) { readIfThis(Tokens.KEY); } } OrderedHashSet set = readColumnNames(false); if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", schemaObject.getSchemaName(), schemaObject.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, set, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE); constraintList.add(c); break; } case Tokens.FOREIGN : { if (schemaObject.getName().type != SchemaObject.TABLE) { throw unexpectedTokenRequire(Tokens.T_CHECK); } read(); readThis(Tokens.KEY); OrderedHashSet set = readColumnNames(false); Constraint c = readFKReferences((Table) schemaObject, constName, set); constraintList.add(c); break; } case Tokens.CHECK : { read(); if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", schemaObject.getSchemaName(), schemaObject.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, null, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK); readCheckConstraintCondition(c); constraintList.add(c); break; } default : { if (constName != null) { throw unexpectedToken(); } } } }
Reads column constraints
/** * Reads column constraints */
void readColumnConstraints(Table table, ColumnSchema column, HsqlArrayList constraintList) { boolean end = false; boolean hasNotNullConstraint = false; boolean hasNullNoiseWord = false; boolean hasPrimaryKey = false; if (column.getDataType().isTimestampType()) { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.ON) { int position = getPosition(); FunctionSQL function; try { read(); readThis(Tokens.UPDATE); if (readIfThis(Tokens.CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)) { function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction( Tokens.T_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, compileContext); } else { readThis(Tokens.LOCALTIMESTAMP); function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(Tokens.T_LOCALTIMESTAMP, compileContext); } function.resolveTypes(session, null); column.setUpdateExpression(function); } catch (Exception e) { rewind(position); } } } while (true) { HsqlName constName = null; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CONSTRAINT) { read(); constName = readNewDependentSchemaObjectName(table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.PRIMARY : { if (hasNullNoiseWord || hasPrimaryKey) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); readThis(Tokens.KEY); Constraint existingConst = (Constraint) constraintList.get(0); if (existingConst.getConstraintType() == SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42532); } OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); set.add(column.getName().name); if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("PK", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } Constraint c = new Constraint( constName, set, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.PRIMARY_KEY); constraintList.set(0, c); column.setPrimaryKey(true); hasPrimaryKey = true; break; } case Tokens.UNIQUE : { read(); OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); set.add(column.getName().name); if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, set, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.UNIQUE); constraintList.add(c); break; } case Tokens.FOREIGN : { read(); readThis(Tokens.KEY); } // fall through case Tokens.REFERENCES : { OrderedHashSet set = new OrderedHashSet(); set.add(column.getName().name); Constraint c = readFKReferences(table, constName, set); constraintList.add(c); break; } case Tokens.CHECK : { read(); if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, null, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK); readCheckConstraintCondition(c); OrderedHashSet set = c.getCheckColumnExpressions(); for (int i = 0; i < set.size(); i++) { ExpressionColumn e = (ExpressionColumn) set.get(i); if (column.getName().name.equals(e.getColumnName())) { if (e.getSchemaName() != null && !e.getSchemaName().equals( table.getSchemaName().name)) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42505); } } else { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42501); } } constraintList.add(c); break; } case Tokens.NOT : { if (hasNotNullConstraint || hasNullNoiseWord) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); readThis(Tokens.NULL); if (constName == null) { constName = database.nameManager.newAutoName("CT", table.getSchemaName(), table.getName(), SchemaObject.CONSTRAINT); } Constraint c = new Constraint(constName, null, SchemaObject.ConstraintTypes.CHECK); c.check = new ExpressionLogical(column); constraintList.add(c); hasNotNullConstraint = true; break; } case Tokens.NULL : { if (hasNotNullConstraint || hasNullNoiseWord || hasPrimaryKey) { throw unexpectedToken(); } if (constName != null) { throw unexpectedToken(); } read(); hasNullNoiseWord = true; break; } default : end = true; break; } if (end) { break; } } }
Responsible for handling check constraints section of CREATE TABLE ...
  • c – check constraint
/** * Responsible for handling check constraints section of CREATE TABLE ... * * @param c check constraint */
void readCheckConstraintCondition(Constraint c) { readThis(Tokens.OPENBRACKET); startRecording(); isCheckOrTriggerCondition = true; Expression condition = XreadBooleanValueExpression(); isCheckOrTriggerCondition = false; readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); c.check = condition; }
Reads a DEFAULT clause expression.
/** * Reads a DEFAULT clause expression. */
/* for datetime, the default must have the same fields */ Expression readDefaultClause(Type dataType) { Expression e = null; boolean minus = false; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NULL) { read(); return new ExpressionValue(null, dataType); } if (dataType.isDateTimeType() || dataType.isIntervalType()) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.DATE : case Tokens.TIME : case Tokens.TIMESTAMP : case Tokens.INTERVAL : { e = readDateTimeIntervalLiteral(session); if (e.dataType.typeCode != dataType.typeCode) { // error message throw unexpectedToken(); } Object defaultValue = e.getValue(session, dataType); return new ExpressionValue(defaultValue, dataType); } case Tokens.X_VALUE : break; default : e = XreadDateTimeValueFunctionOrNull(); if (e == null) { break; } e = XreadModifier(e); break; } } else if (dataType.isNumberType()) { if (database.sqlSyntaxPgs && token.tokenType == Tokens.NEXTVAL) { return readNextvalFunction(); } if (database.sqlDoubleNaN && dataType.typeCode == Types.SQL_DOUBLE) { // special for NaN e = XreadNumericValueExpression(); } else { if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS_OP) { read(); minus = true; } } } else if (dataType.isCharacterType()) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.USER : case Tokens.CURRENT_USER : case Tokens.CURRENT_ROLE : case Tokens.SESSION_USER : case Tokens.SYSTEM_USER : case Tokens.CURRENT_CATALOG : case Tokens.CURRENT_SCHEMA : case Tokens.CURRENT_PATH : FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(token.tokenString, compileContext); e = readSQLFunction(function); break; default : } } else if (dataType.isBooleanType()) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TRUE : read(); return Expression.EXPR_TRUE; case Tokens.FALSE : read(); return Expression.EXPR_FALSE; } } else if (dataType.isBitType()) { switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.TRUE : read(); return new ExpressionValue(BinaryData.singleBitOne, dataType); case Tokens.FALSE : read(); return new ExpressionValue(BinaryData.singleBitZero, dataType); } } else if (dataType.isArrayType()) { e = readCollection(OpTypes.ARRAY); if (e.nodes.length > 0) { throw Error.parseError(ErrorCode.X_42562, null, scanner.getLineNumber()); } e.dataType = dataType; return e; } if (e != null) { e.resolveTypes(session, null); if (!dataType.canBeAssignedFrom(e.getDataType())) { throw Error.parseError(ErrorCode.X_42562, null, scanner.getLineNumber()); } return e; } boolean inParens = false; if ((database.sqlSyntaxMss || database.sqlSyntaxPgs) && token.tokenType == Tokens.OPENBRACKET) { read(); inParens = true; } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.X_VALUE) { Object value = token.tokenValue; Type valueType = token.dataType; Type convertType = dataType; if (dataType.typeCode == Types.SQL_CLOB) { convertType = Type.getType(Types.SQL_VARCHAR, null, database.collation, dataType.precision, 0); } else if (dataType.typeCode == Types.SQL_BLOB) { convertType = Type.getType(Types.SQL_VARBINARY, null, null, dataType.precision, 0); } if (minus) { value = valueType.negate(value); } value = convertType.convertToType(session, value, valueType); read(); if (inParens) { readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } return new ExpressionValue(value, convertType); } if (database.sqlSyntaxOra || database.sqlSyntaxPgs) { e = XreadSimpleValueExpressionPrimary(); if (e != null) { if (e.getType() == OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY) { TableDerived t = (TableDerived) e.getTable(); QuerySpecification qs = (QuerySpecification) t.getQueryExpression(); qs.setReturningResult(); } e.resolveColumnReferences(session, RangeGroup.emptyGroup, 0, RangeGroup.emptyArray, null, true); e.resolveTypes(session, null); if (e.getType() == OpTypes.ROW_SUBQUERY) { TableDerived t = (TableDerived) e.getTable(); QuerySpecification qs = (QuerySpecification) t.getQueryExpression(); Table d = qs.getRangeVariables()[0].getTable(); if (d != session.database.schemaManager.dualTable || qs.exprColumns.length != 1) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42565); } e = qs.exprColumns[0]; } if (inParens) { readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } return e; } } if (database.sqlSyntaxDb2) { Object value = null; switch (dataType.typeComparisonGroup) { case Types.SQL_VARCHAR : value = ""; break; case Types.SQL_VARBINARY : value = BinaryData.zeroLengthBinary; break; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC : value = Integer.valueOf(0); break; case Types.SQL_BOOLEAN : value = Boolean.FALSE; break; case Types.SQL_CLOB : value = ""; return new ExpressionValue(value, Type.SQL_VARCHAR_DEFAULT); case Types.SQL_BLOB : value = BinaryData.zeroLengthBinary; return new ExpressionValue(value, Type.SQL_VARBINARY_DEFAULT); case Types.TIME : { FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(Tokens.T_CURRENT_TIME, compileContext); function.resolveTypes(session, null); return function; } case Types.DATE : { FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(Tokens.T_CURRENT_DATE, compileContext); function.resolveTypes(session, null); return function; } case Types.TIMESTAMP : { FunctionSQL function = FunctionSQL.newSQLFunction(Tokens.T_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, compileContext); function.resolveTypes(session, null); return function; } } value = dataType.convertToDefaultType(session, value); return new ExpressionValue(value, dataType); } if (inParens) { readThis(Tokens.CLOSEBRACKET); } throw unexpectedToken(); }
A comma after START WITH is accepted for 1.8.x compatibility
/** * A comma after START WITH is accepted for 1.8.x compatibility */
void readSequenceOptions(NumberSequence sequence, boolean withType, boolean isAlter, boolean allowComma) { OrderedIntHashSet set = new OrderedIntHashSet(); while (true) { boolean end = false; if (set.contains(token.tokenType)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.AS : { if (withType) { set.add(token.tokenType); read(); Type type = readTypeDefinition(false, true); sequence.setDefaults(sequence.getName(), type); break; } throw unexpectedToken(); } case Tokens.START : { set.add(token.tokenType); read(); readThis(Tokens.WITH); long value = readBigint(); sequence.setStartValueNoCheck(value); if (allowComma) { readIfThis(Tokens.COMMA); } break; } case Tokens.RESTART : { if (!isAlter) { end = true; break; } set.add(token.tokenType); read(); if (readIfThis(Tokens.WITH)) { long value = readBigint(); sequence.setCurrentValueNoCheck(value); } else { sequence.setStartValueDefault(); } break; } case Tokens.INCREMENT : { set.add(token.tokenType); read(); readThis(Tokens.BY); long value = readBigint(); sequence.setIncrement(value); break; } case Tokens.NO : { read(); if (set.contains(token.tokenType)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MAXVALUE) { sequence.setDefaultMaxValue(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINVALUE) { sequence.setDefaultMinValue(); } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.CYCLE) { sequence.setCycle(false); } else { throw unexpectedToken(); } set.add(token.tokenType); read(); break; } case Tokens.MAXVALUE : { set.add(token.tokenType); read(); long value = readBigint(); sequence.setMaxValueNoCheck(value); break; } case Tokens.MINVALUE : { set.add(token.tokenType); read(); long value = readBigint(); sequence.setMinValueNoCheck(value); break; } case Tokens.CYCLE : { set.add(token.tokenType); read(); sequence.setCycle(true); break; } default : if ((database.sqlSyntaxOra || database.sqlSyntaxDb2) && isSimpleName()) { if (token.tokenString.equals("NOCACHE") || token.tokenString.equals("NOCYCLE") || token.tokenString.equals("NOMAXVALUE") || token.tokenString.equals("NOMINVALUE") || token.tokenString.equals("NOORDER") || token.tokenString.equals("ORDER")) { read(); break; } if (token.tokenString.equals("CACHE")) { read(); readBigint(); break; } } end = true; break; } if (end) { break; } } sequence.checkValues(); } private void readIndex(Table table, HsqlArrayList indexList) { HsqlName indexHsqlName; read(); indexHsqlName = readNewSchemaObjectName(SchemaObject.INDEX, true); HsqlName tableSchema = table.getSchemaName(); indexHsqlName.schema = tableSchema; indexHsqlName.parent = table.getName(); indexHsqlName.schema = table.getSchemaName(); if (readIfThis(Tokens.USING)) { if ("BTREE".equals(token.tokenString) || "HASH".equals(token.tokenString)) { read(); } } readThis(Tokens.ON); int[] indexColumns = readColumnList(table, true); Constraint c = new Constraint(indexHsqlName, table, indexColumns, SchemaObject.INDEX); indexList.add(c); } Boolean readIfNotExists() { Boolean ifNot = Boolean.FALSE; if (token.tokenType == Tokens.IF) { int position = getPosition(); read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.NOT) { read(); readThis(Tokens.EXISTS); ifNot = Boolean.TRUE; } else { rewind(position); ifNot = Boolean.FALSE; } } return ifNot; } StatementSchema compileAlterTableAddPeriod(Table table) { PeriodDefinition period = readPeriod(table); if (period.getPeriodType() == SchemaObject.PeriodType.PERIOD_SYSTEM) { checkPeriodColumnsAdd(table, period); } else { // application period not supported setPeriodColumns(table, period); throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A501); } readThis(Tokens.ADD); readIfThis(Tokens.COLUMN); String nameString = (String) period.columnNames.get(0); if (!token.tokenString.equals(nameString)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } HsqlArrayList list = new HsqlArrayList(); HsqlName hsqlName = database.nameManager.newColumnHsqlName(table.getName(), token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier()); read(); ColumnSchema columnStart = readColumnDefinitionOrNull(table, hsqlName, list); if (columnStart == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42000); } if (columnStart.getSystemPeriodType() != SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_START) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnStart.getNameString()); } readThis(Tokens.ADD); readIfThis(Tokens.COLUMN); checkIsSimpleName(); nameString = (String) period.columnNames.get(1); if (!token.tokenString.equals(nameString)) { throw unexpectedToken(); } hsqlName = database.nameManager.newColumnHsqlName(table.getName(), token.tokenString, isDelimitedIdentifier()); read(); ColumnSchema columnEnd = readColumnDefinitionOrNull(table, hsqlName, list); if (columnEnd == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42000); } if (columnEnd.getSystemPeriodType() != SchemaObject.PeriodSystemColumnType.PERIOD_ROW_END) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42516, columnEnd.getNameString()); } period.startColumn = columnStart; period.endColumn = columnEnd; String sql = getLastPart(); Object[] args = new Object[] { table, period }; HsqlName[] writeLockNames = database.schemaManager.getCatalogAndBaseTableNames( table.getName()); return new StatementSchema(sql, StatementTypes.ADD_TABLE_PERIOD, args, null, writeLockNames); } StatementSchema compileAlterTableDropPeriod(Table table) { if (readIfThis(Tokens.SYSTEM_TIME)) { // } else { // application period not supported throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0A501); } PeriodDefinition period = table.systemPeriod; if (period == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42517); } if (table.isSystemVersioned) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42518); } Boolean cascade = readIfThis(Tokens.CASCADE); String sql = getLastPart(); Object[] args = new Object[] { table, period, cascade }; HsqlName[] writeLockNames = database.schemaManager.getCatalogAndBaseTableNames( table.getName()); return new StatementSchema(sql, StatementTypes.DROP_TABLE_PERIOD, args, null, writeLockNames); } StatementSchema compileAlterTableAddVersioning(Table table) { PeriodDefinition period = table.systemPeriod; if (period == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42518); } String sql = getLastPart(); Object[] args = new Object[]{ table }; HsqlName[] writeLockNames = database.schemaManager.getCatalogAndBaseTableNames( table.getName()); return new StatementSchema(sql, StatementTypes.ADD_TABLE_SYSTEM_VERSIONING, args, null, writeLockNames); } StatementSchema compileAlterTableDropVersioning(Table table) { if (!table.isSystemVersioned) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42518); } Boolean cascade = readIfThis(Tokens.CASCADE); String sql = getLastPart(); Object[] args = new Object[] { table, cascade }; HsqlName[] writeLockNames = database.schemaManager.getCatalogAndBaseTableNames( table.getName()); return new StatementSchema(sql, StatementTypes.DROP_TABLE_SYSTEM_VERSIONING, args, null, writeLockNames); } }