 * Copyright (c) 2017, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * The Universal Permissive License (UPL), Version 1.0
 * Subject to the condition set forth below, permission is hereby granted to any
 * person obtaining a copy of this software, associated documentation and/or
 * data (collectively the "Software"), free of charge and under any and all
 * copyright rights in the Software, and any and all patent rights owned or
 * freely licensable by each licensor hereunder covering either (i) the
 * unmodified Software as contributed to or provided by such licensor, or (ii)
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package org.graalvm.polyglot;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.time.ZoneId;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.time.zone.ZoneRules;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.graalvm.polyglot.HostAccess.TargetMappingPrecedence;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.impl.AbstractPolyglotImpl.AbstractValueImpl;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.proxy.Proxy;

Represents a polyglot value that can be accessed using a set of language agnostic operations. Polyglot values represent values from host or guest language. Polyglot values are bound to a context. If the context is closed then all value operations throw an IllegalStateException.

Polyglot values have one of the following type combinations:

In addition any value may have one or more of the following traits:
  • Array Elements: This value may contain array elements. The array indices always start with 0, also if the language uses a different style.
  • Members: This value may contain members. Members are structural elements of an object. For example, the members of a Java object are all public methods and fields. Members are accessible using getMember(String).
  • Executable: This value can be executed. This indicates that the value represents an element that can be executed. Guest language examples for executable elements are functions, methods, closures or promises.
  • Instantiable: This value can be instantiated. For example, Java classes are instantiable.

In addition to the language agnostic types, the language specific type can be accessed using getMetaObject(). The identity of value objects is unspecified and should not be relied upon. For example, multiple calls to getArrayElement(long) with the same index might return the same or different instances of Value. The equality of values is based on the identity of the value instance. All values return a human-readable string for debugging, formatted by the original language.

Polyglot values may be converted to host objects using as(Class<Object>). In addition values may be created from Java values using Context.asValue(Object).

Naive and aware dates and times

If a date or time value has a timezone then it is called aware, otherwise naive.

An aware time and date has sufficient knowledge of applicable algorithmic and political time adjustments, such as time zone and daylight saving time information, to locate itself relative to other aware objects. An aware object is used to represent a specific moment in time that is not open to interpretation.

A naive time and date does not contain enough information to unambiguously locate itself relative to other date/time objects. Whether a naive object represents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), local time, or time in some other timezone is purely up to the program, just like it is up to the program whether a particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive objects are easy to understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of reality.

See Also:
/** * Represents a polyglot value that can be accessed using a set of language agnostic operations. * Polyglot values represent values from {@link #isHostObject() host} or guest language. Polyglot * values are bound to a {@link Context context}. If the context is closed then all value operations * throw an {@link IllegalStateException}. * <p> * Polyglot values have one of the following type combinations: * <ul> * <li>{@link #isNull() Null}: This value represents a <code>null</code> like value. Certain * languages might use a different name or use multiple values to represent <code>null</code> like * values. * <li>{@link #isNumber() Number}: This value represents a floating or fixed point number. The * number value may be accessed as {@link #asByte() byte}, {@link #asShort() short} {@link #asInt() * int} {@link #asLong() long}, {@link #asFloat() float} or {@link #asDouble() double} value. * <li>{@link #isBoolean() Boolean}. This value represents a boolean value. The boolean value can be * accessed using {@link #asBoolean()}. * <li>{@link #isString() String}: This value represents a string value. The string value can be * accessed using {@link #asString()}. * <li>{@link #isDate() Date}, {@link #isTime() Time} or {@link #isTimeZone() Timezone}: This value * represents a date, time or timezone. Multiple types may return <code>true</code> at the same * time. * <li>{@link #isDuration() Duration}: This value represents a duration value. The duration value * can be accessed using {@link #asDuration()}. * <li>{@link #isHostObject() Host Object}: This value represents a value of the host language * (Java). The original Java value can be accessed using {@link #asHostObject()}. * <li>{@link #isProxyObject() Proxy Object}: This value represents a {@link Proxy proxy} value. * <li>{@link #isNativePointer() Native Pointer}: This value represents a native pointer. The native * pointer value can be accessed using {@link #asNativePointer()}. * <li>{@link #isException() Exception}: This value represents an exception object. The exception * can be thrown using {@link #throwException()}. * <li>{@link #isMetaObject() Meta-Object}: This value represents a metaobject. Access metaobject * operations using {@link #getMetaSimpleName()}, {@link #getMetaQualifiedName()} and * {@link #isMetaInstance(Object)}. * </ul> * In addition any value may have one or more of the following traits: * <ul> * <li>{@link #hasArrayElements() Array Elements}: This value may contain array elements. The array * indices always start with <code>0</code>, also if the language uses a different style. * <li>{@link #hasMembers() Members}: This value may contain members. Members are structural * elements of an object. For example, the members of a Java object are all public methods and * fields. Members are accessible using {@link #getMember(String)}. * <li>{@link #canExecute() Executable}: This value can be {@link #execute(Object...) executed}. * This indicates that the value represents an element that can be executed. Guest language examples * for executable elements are functions, methods, closures or promises. * <li>{@link #canInstantiate() Instantiable}: This value can be {@link #newInstance(Object...) * instantiated}. For example, Java classes are instantiable. * </ul> * <p> * In addition to the language agnostic types, the language specific type can be accessed using * {@link #getMetaObject()}. The identity of value objects is unspecified and should not be relied * upon. For example, multiple calls to {@link #getArrayElement(long)} with the same index might * return the same or different instances of {@link Value}. The {@link #equals(Object) equality} of * values is based on the identity of the value instance. All values return a human-readable * {@link #toString() string} for debugging, formatted by the original language. * <p> * Polyglot values may be converted to host objects using {@link #as(Class)}. In addition values may * be created from Java values using {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * <h3>Naive and aware dates and times</h3> * <p> * If a date or time value has a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} then it is called <i>aware</i>, * otherwise <i>naive</i>. * <p> * An aware time and date has sufficient knowledge of applicable algorithmic and political time * adjustments, such as time zone and daylight saving time information, to locate itself relative to * other aware objects. An aware object is used to represent a specific moment in time that is not * open to interpretation. * <p> * A naive time and date does not contain enough information to unambiguously locate itself relative * to other date/time objects. Whether a naive object represents Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), * local time, or time in some other timezone is purely up to the program, just like it is up to the * program whether a particular number represents metres, miles, or mass. Naive objects are easy to * understand and to work with, at the cost of ignoring some aspects of reality. * * @see Context * @see Engine * @see PolyglotException * @since 19.0 */
public final class Value { final Object receiver; final AbstractValueImpl impl; Value(AbstractValueImpl impl, Object value) { this.impl = impl; this.receiver = value; }
Returns the metaobject that is associated with this value or null if no metaobject is available. The metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals it's kind and it's features. Some information that a metaobject might define includes the base object's type, interface, class, methods, attributes, etc.

The returned value returns true for isMetaObject() and provides implementations for getMetaSimpleName(), getMetaQualifiedName(), and isMetaInstance(Object).

This method does not cause any observable side-effects.

See Also:
Since:19.0 revised in 20.1
/** * Returns the metaobject that is associated with this value or <code>null</code> if no * metaobject is available. The metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals it's * kind and it's features. Some information that a metaobject might define includes the base * object's type, interface, class, methods, attributes, etc. * <p> * The returned value returns <code>true</code> for {@link #isMetaObject()} and provides * implementations for {@link #getMetaSimpleName()}, {@link #getMetaQualifiedName()}, and * {@link #isMetaInstance(Object)}. * <p> * This method does not cause any observable side-effects. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @see #isMetaObject() * @since 19.0 revised in 20.1 */
public Value getMetaObject() { return impl.getMetaObject(receiver); }
Returns true if the value represents a metaobject. Metaobjects may be values that naturally occur in a language or they may be returned by getMetaObject(). A metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Returns false by default. Metaobjects are often also instantiable, but not necessarily.

Sample interpretations: In Java an instance of the type Class is a metaobject. In JavaScript any function instance is a metaobject. For example, the metaobject of a JavaScript class is the associated constructor function.

This method does not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then also getMetaQualifiedName(), getMetaSimpleName() and isMetaInstance(Object) must be implemented as well.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the value represents a metaobject. Metaobjects may be values * that naturally occur in a language or they may be returned by {@link #getMetaObject()}. A * metaobject represents a description of the object, reveals its kind and its features. Returns * <code>false</code> by default. Metaobjects are often also {@link #canInstantiate() * instantiable}, but not necessarily. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> In Java an instance of the type {@link Class} is a metaobject. * In JavaScript any function instance is a metaobject. For example, the metaobject of a * JavaScript class is the associated constructor function. * <p> * This method does not cause any observable side-effects. If this method is implemented then * also {@link #getMetaQualifiedName()}, {@link #getMetaSimpleName()} and * {@link #isMetaInstance(Object)} must be implemented as well. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @see #getMetaQualifiedName() * @see #getMetaSimpleName() * @see #isMetaInstance(Object) * @see #getMetaObject() * @since 20.1 */
public boolean isMetaObject() { return impl.isMetaObject(receiver); }
Returns the qualified name of a metaobject as String.

Sample interpretations: The qualified name of a Java class includes the package name and its class name. JavaScript does not have the notion of qualified name and therefore returns the simple name instead.

/** * Returns the qualified name of a metaobject as {@link #isString() String}. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> The qualified name of a Java class includes the package name * and its class name. JavaScript does not have the notion of qualified name and therefore * returns the {@link #getMetaSimpleName() simple name} instead. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject()} returns * <code>false</code> for the same value. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 20.1 */
public String getMetaQualifiedName() { return impl.getMetaQualifiedName(receiver); }
Returns the simple name of a metaobject as string.

Sample interpretations: The simple name of a Java class is the class name.

/** * Returns the simple name of a metaobject as {@link #isString() string}. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> The simple name of a Java class is the class name. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject()} returns * <code>false</code> for the same value. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 20.1 */
public String getMetaSimpleName() { return impl.getMetaSimpleName(receiver); }
Returns true if the given instance is an instance of this value, else false. The instance value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in Context.asValue(Object).

Sample interpretations: A Java object is an instance of its returned class.

  • instance – the instance object to check.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given instance is an instance of this value, else * <code>false</code>. The instance value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as * described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * <p> * <b>Sample interpretations:</b> A Java object is an instance of its returned * {@link Object#getClass() class}. * <p> * * @param instance the instance object to check. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if and only if {@link #isMetaObject()} returns * <code>false</code> for the same value. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 20.1 */
public boolean isMetaInstance(Object instance) { return impl.isMetaInstance(receiver, instance); }
Returns true if this polyglot value has array elements. In this case array elements can be accessed using getArrayElement(long), setArrayElement(long, Object), removeArrayElement(long) and the array size can be queried using getArraySize().
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this polyglot value has array elements. In this case array * elements can be accessed using {@link #getArrayElement(long)}, * {@link #setArrayElement(long, Object)}, {@link #removeArrayElement(long)} and the array size * can be queried using {@link #getArraySize()}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean hasArrayElements() { return impl.hasArrayElements(receiver); }
Returns the array element of a given index. Polyglot arrays start with index 0, independent of the guest language. The given array index must be greater or equal to 0.
/** * Returns the array element of a given index. Polyglot arrays start with index <code>0</code>, * independent of the guest language. The given array index must be greater or equal to 0. * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the array index does not exist. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any * {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or if the index exists but is not * readable. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public Value getArrayElement(long index) { return impl.getArrayElement(receiver, index); }
Sets the value at a given index. Polyglot arrays start with index 0, independent of the guest language. The array element value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in Context.asValue(Object).
/** * Sets the value at a given index. Polyglot arrays start with index <code>0</code>, independent * of the guest language. The array element value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as * described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the array index does not exist. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any * {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or if the index exists but is not * modifiable. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public void setArrayElement(long index, Object value) { impl.setArrayElement(receiver, index, value); }
Removes an array element at a given index. Returns true if the underlying array element could be removed, otherwise false.
/** * Removes an array element at a given index. Returns <code>true</code> if the underlying array * element could be removed, otherwise <code>false</code>. * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the array index does not exist. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any * {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or if the index exists but is not * removable. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean removeArrayElement(long index) { return impl.removeArrayElement(receiver, index); }
Returns the array size for values with array elements.
/** * Returns the array size for values with array elements. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any * {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements}. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public long getArraySize() { return impl.getArraySize(receiver); }
Returns true if this value generally supports containing members. To check whether a value has no members use getMemberKeys().isEmpty() instead. If polyglot value has members, it may also support getMember(String), putMember(String, Object) and removeMember(String).
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value generally supports containing members. To check * whether a value has <i>no</i> members use * <code>{@link #getMemberKeys() getMemberKeys()}.{@link Set#isEmpty() isEmpty()}</code> * instead. If polyglot value has members, it may also support {@link #getMember(String)}, * {@link #putMember(String, Object)} and {@link #removeMember(String)}. * * @see #hasMember(String) To check the existence of members. * @see #getMember(String) To read members. * @see #putMember(String, Object) To write members. * @see #removeMember(String) To remove a member. * @see #getMemberKeys() For a list of members. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean hasMembers() { return impl.hasMembers(receiver); }
Returns true if such a member exists for a given identifier. If the value has no members then hasMember(String) returns false.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if such a member exists for a given <code>identifier</code>. If the * value has no {@link #hasMembers() members} then {@link #hasMember(String)} returns * <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean hasMember(String identifier) { Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier"); return impl.hasMember(receiver, identifier); }
Returns the member with a given identifier or null if the member does not exist.
/** * Returns the member with a given <code>identifier</code> or <code>null</code> if the member * does not exist. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value {@link #hasMembers() has no members} or * the given identifier exists but is not readable. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null. * @since 19.0 */
public Value getMember(String identifier) { Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier"); return impl.getMember(receiver, identifier); }
Returns a set of all member keys. Calling Set.contains(Object) with a string key is equivalent to calling hasMember(String). Removing an element from the returned set is equivalent to calling removeMember(String). Adding an element to the set is equivalent to calling putMember(key, null). If the value does not support members then an empty unmodifiable set is returned. If the context gets closed while the returned set is still alive, then the set will throw an IllegalStateException if any methods except Object methods are invoked.
/** * Returns a set of all member keys. Calling {@link Set#contains(Object)} with a string key is * equivalent to calling {@link #hasMember(String)}. Removing an element from the returned set * is equivalent to calling {@link #removeMember(String)}. Adding an element to the set is * equivalent to calling {@linkplain #putMember(String, Object) putMember(key, null)}. If the * value does not support {@link #hasMembers() members} then an empty unmodifiable set is * returned. If the context gets closed while the returned set is still alive, then the set will * throw an {@link IllegalStateException} if any methods except Object methods are invoked. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public Set<String> getMemberKeys() { return impl.getMemberKeys(receiver); }
Sets the value of a member using an identifier. The member value is subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in Context.asValue(Object).
/** * Sets the value of a member using an identifier. The member value is subject to polyglot value * mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasMembers() * members}, the key does not exist and new members cannot be added, or the existing * member is not modifiable. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null. * @since 19.0 */
public void putMember(String identifier, Object value) { Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier"); impl.putMember(receiver, identifier, value); }
Removes a single member from the object. Returns true if the member was successfully removed, false if such a member does not exist.
/** * Removes a single member from the object. Returns <code>true</code> if the member was * successfully removed, <code>false</code> if such a member does not exist. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value does not have any {@link #hasMembers() * members} or if the key {@link #hasMember(String) exists} but cannot be removed. * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already {@link Context#close() closed}. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the identifier is null. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean removeMember(String identifier) { Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier"); return impl.removeMember(receiver, identifier); } // executable
Returns true if the value can be executed.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the value can be {@link #execute(Object...) executed}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #execute(Object...) * @since 19.0 */
public boolean canExecute() { return impl.canExecute(receiver); }
Executes this value if it can be executed and returns its result. If no result value is expected or needed use executeVoid(Object...) for better performance. All arguments are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in Context.asValue(Object).
See Also:
/** * Executes this value if it {@link #canExecute() can} be executed and returns its result. If no * result value is expected or needed use {@link #executeVoid(Object...)} for better * performance. All arguments are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in * {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a wrong number of arguments was provided or one of the * arguments was not applicable. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value cannot be executed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null. * @see #executeVoid(Object...) * @since 19.0 */
public Value execute(Object... arguments) { if (arguments.length == 0) { // specialized entry point for zero argument execute calls return impl.execute(receiver); } else { return impl.execute(receiver, arguments); } }
Executes this value if it can be executed. All arguments are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in Context.asValue(Object).
See Also:
/** * Executes this value if it {@link #canExecute() can} be executed. All arguments are subject to * polyglot value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a wrong number of arguments was provided or one of the * arguments was not applicable. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value cannot be executed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null. * @see #execute(Object...) * @since 19.0 */
public void executeVoid(Object... arguments) { if (arguments.length == 0) { // specialized entry point for zero argument execute calls impl.executeVoid(receiver); } else { impl.executeVoid(receiver, arguments); } }
Returns true if the value can be instantiated. This indicates that the newInstance(Object...) can be used with this value. If a value is instantiable it is often also a isMetaObject(), but this is not a requirement.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the value can be instantiated. This indicates that the * {@link #newInstance(Object...)} can be used with this value. If a value is instantiable it is * often also a {@link #isMetaObject()}, but this is not a requirement. * * @see #isMetaObject() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean canInstantiate() { return impl.canInstantiate(receiver); }
Instantiates this value if it can be instantiated. All arguments are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in Context.asValue(Object).
/** * Instantiates this value if it {@link #canInstantiate() can} be instantiated. All arguments * are subject to polyglot value mapping rules as described in {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if a wrong number of arguments was provided or one of the * arguments was not applicable. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value cannot be instantiated. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null. * @since 19.0 */
public Value newInstance(Object... arguments) { Objects.requireNonNull(arguments, "arguments"); return impl.newInstance(receiver, arguments); }
Returns true if the given member exists and can be invoked. Returns false if the member does not exist (hasMember(String) returns false), or is not invocable.
  • identifier – the member identifier
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the given member exists and can be invoked. Returns * <code>false</code> if the member does not exist ({@link #hasMember(String)} returns * <code>false</code>), or is not invocable. * * @param identifier the member identifier * @throws IllegalStateException if the context is already closed. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred. * @see #getMemberKeys() For a list of members. * @see #invokeMember(String, Object...) * @since 19.0 */
public boolean canInvokeMember(String identifier) { Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier"); return impl.canInvoke(identifier, receiver); }
Invokes the given member of this value. Unlike execute(Object...), this is an object oriented execution of a member of an object. To test whether invocation is supported, call canInvokeMember(String). When object oriented semantics are not supported, use getMember(String).execute(Object...) instead.
  • identifier – the member identifier to invoke
  • arguments – the invocation arguments
See Also:
/** * Invokes the given member of this value. Unlike {@link #execute(Object...)}, this is an object * oriented execution of a member of an object. To test whether invocation is supported, call * {@link #canInvokeMember(String)}. When object oriented semantics are not supported, use * <code>{@link #getMember(String)}.{@link #execute(Object...) execute(Object...)}</code> * instead. * * @param identifier the member identifier to invoke * @param arguments the invocation arguments * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this member cannot be invoked. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during invocation. * @throws NullPointerException if the arguments array is null. * @see #canInvokeMember(String) * @since 19.0 */
public Value invokeMember(String identifier, Object... arguments) { Objects.requireNonNull(identifier, "identifier"); if (arguments.length == 0) { // specialized entry point for zero argument invoke calls return impl.invoke(receiver, identifier); } else { return impl.invoke(receiver, identifier, arguments); } }
Returns true if this value represents a string.
  • PolyglotException – if a guest language error occurred during execution.
  • IllegalStateException – if the underlying context was closed.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a string. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isString() { return impl.isString(receiver); }
Returns the String value if this value is a string. This method returns null if this value represents a null value.
/** * Returns the {@link String} value if this value {@link #isString() is} a string. This method * returns <code>null</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNull() null} value. * * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted to string. * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if this value does not represent a string. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @since 19.0 */
public String asString() { return impl.asString(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number and the value fits in int, else false.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value * fits in <code>int</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asInt() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean fitsInInt() { return impl.fitsInInt(receiver); }
Returns an int representation of this value if it is number and the value fits.
/** * Returns an <code>int</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number} * and the value {@link #fitsInInt() fits}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public int asInt() { return impl.asInt(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a boolean value.
  • PolyglotException – if a guest language error occurred during execution.
  • IllegalStateException – if the underlying context was closed.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a boolean value. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asBoolean() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isBoolean() { return impl.isBoolean(receiver); }
Returns a boolean representation of this value if it is boolean.
/** * Returns a <code>boolean</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isBoolean() * boolean}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null} * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean asBoolean() { return impl.asBoolean(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number, else false. The number value may be accessed as byte, short int long, float or double value.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number}, else * <code>false</code>. The number value may be accessed as {@link #asByte() byte}, * {@link #asShort() short} {@link #asInt() int} {@link #asLong() long}, {@link #asFloat() * float} or {@link #asDouble() double} value. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isNumber() { return impl.isNumber(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number and the value fits in long, else false.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value * fits in <code>long</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asLong() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean fitsInLong() { return impl.fitsInLong(receiver); }
Returns a long representation of this value if it is number and the value fits.
/** * Returns a <code>long</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number} * and the value {@link #fitsInLong() fits}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted to long. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public long asLong() { return impl.asLong(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number and the value fits in double, else false.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value * fits in <code>double</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asDouble() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean fitsInDouble() { return impl.fitsInDouble(receiver); }
Returns a double representation of this value if it is number and the value fits.
/** * Returns a <code>double</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() * number} and the value {@link #fitsInDouble() fits}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public double asDouble() { return impl.asDouble(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number and the value fits in float, else false.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value * fits in <code>float</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asFloat() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean fitsInFloat() { return impl.fitsInFloat(receiver); }
Returns a float representation of this value if it is number and the value fits.
/** * Returns a <code>float</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number} * and the value {@link #fitsInFloat() fits}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public float asFloat() { return impl.asFloat(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number and the value fits in byte, else false.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value * fits in <code>byte</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asByte() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean fitsInByte() { return impl.fitsInByte(receiver); }
Returns a byte representation of this value if it is number and the value fits.
/** * Returns a <code>byte</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number} * and the value {@link #fitsInByte() fits}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public byte asByte() { return impl.asByte(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a number and the value fits in short, else false.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link #isNumber() number} and the value * fits in <code>short</code>, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @see #asShort() * @since 19.0 */
public boolean fitsInShort() { return impl.fitsInShort(receiver); }
Returns a short representation of this value if it is number and the value fits.
/** * Returns a <code>short</code> representation of this value if it is {@link #isNumber() number} * and the value {@link #fitsInShort() fits}. * * @throws NullPointerException if this value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * @throws ClassCastException if this value could not be converted. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public short asShort() { return impl.asShort(receiver); }
Returns true if this value is a null like.
  • PolyglotException – if a guest language error occurred during execution.
  • IllegalStateException – if the underlying context was closed.
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value is a <code>null</code> like. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isNull() { return impl.isNull(receiver); }
Returns true if this value is a native pointer. The value of the pointer can be accessed using asNativePointer().
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value is a native pointer. The value of the pointer can be * accessed using {@link #asNativePointer()}. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isNativePointer() { return impl.isNativePointer(receiver); }
Returns the value of the pointer as long value.
  • UnsupportedOperationException – if the value is not a pointer.
  • PolyglotException – if a guest language error occurred during execution.
  • IllegalStateException – if the underlying context was closed.
/** * Returns the value of the pointer as <code>long</code> value. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value is not a pointer. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public long asNativePointer() { return impl.asNativePointer(receiver); }
Returns true if the value originated form the host language Java. In such a case the value can be accessed using asHostObject().
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if the value originated form the host language Java. In such a case * the value can be accessed using {@link #asHostObject()}. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isHostObject() { return impl.isHostObject(receiver); }
Returns the original Java host language object.
/** * Returns the original Java host language object. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if {@link #isHostObject()} is <code>false</code>. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T asHostObject() { return (T) impl.asHostObject(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents a Proxy. The proxy instance can be unboxed using asProxyObject().
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents a {@link Proxy}. The proxy instance can be * unboxed using {@link #asProxyObject()}. * * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
public boolean isProxyObject() { return impl.isProxyObject(receiver); }
Returns the unboxed instance of the Proxy. Proxies are not automatically boxed to host objects on host language call boundaries (Java methods).
/** * Returns the unboxed instance of the {@link Proxy}. Proxies are not automatically boxed to * {@link #isHostObject() host objects} on host language call boundaries (Java methods). * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if a value is not a proxy object. * @throws PolyglotException if a guest language error occurred during execution. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context was closed. * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T extends Proxy> T asProxyObject() { return (T) impl.asProxyObject(receiver); }
Maps a polyglot value to a value with a given Java target type.

Target type mapping

The following target types are supported and interpreted in the following order:

A ClassCastException is thrown for other unsupported target types.

JavaScript Usage Examples:

Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.ALL).build();
assert context.eval("js", "undefined").as(Object.class) == null;
assert context.eval("js", "'foobar'").as(String.class).equals("foobar");
assert context.eval("js", "42").as(Integer.class) == 42;
assert context.eval("js", "({foo:'bar'})").as(Map.class).get("foo").equals("bar");
assert context.eval("js", "[42]").as(List.class).get(0).equals(42);
assert ((Map<String, Object>)context.eval("js", "[{foo:'bar'}]").as(List.class).get(0)).get("foo").equals("bar");
@FunctionalInterface interface IntFunction { int foo(int value); }
assert context.eval("js", "(function(a){return a})").as(IntFunction.class).foo(42).asInt() == 42;
@FunctionalInterface interface StringListFunction { int foo(List<String> value); }
assert context.eval("js", "(function(a){return a.length})")
              .as(StringListFunction.class).foo(new String[]{"42"}).asInt() == 1;
public abstract class AbstractClass { public AbstractClass() {} int foo(int value); }
assert context.eval("js", "({foo: function(a){return a}})")
              .as(AbstractClass.class).foo(42).asInt() == 42;

Object target type mapping

Object target mapping is useful to map polyglot values to its closest corresponding standard JDK type. The following rules apply when Object is used as a target type:

  1. If the value represents null then null is returned.
  2. If the value is a host object then the value is coerced to host object value.
  3. If the value is a string then the value is coerced to String or Character.
  4. If the value is a boolean then the value is coerced to Boolean.
  5. If the value is a number then the value is coerced to Number. The specific sub type of the Number is not specified. Users need to be prepared for any Number subclass including BigInteger or BigDecimal. It is recommended to cast to Number and then convert to a Java primitive like with Number.longValue().
  6. If the value has members then the result value will implement Map. If this value has members then all members are accessible using String keys. The size of the returned Map is equal to the count of all members. The returned value may also implement Function if the value can be executed or instantiated.
  7. If the value has array elements and it has an array size that is smaller or equal than Integer.MAX_VALUE then the result value will implement List. Every array element of the value maps to one list element. The size of the returned list maps to the array size of the value. The returned value may also implement Function if the value can be executed or instantiated.
  8. If the value can be executed or instantiated then the result value implements Function. By default the argument of the function will be used as single argument to the function when executed. If a value of type Object[] is provided then the function will be executed with those arguments. The returned function may also implement Map if the value has array elements or members.
  9. If none of the above rules apply then this Value instance is returned.
Returned host objects, String, Number, Boolean and null values have unlimited lifetime. Other values will throw an IllegalStateException for any operation if their originating context was closed.

If a Map element is modified, a List element is modified or a Function argument is provided then these values are interpreted according to the host to polyglot value mapping rules.

JavaScript Usage Examples:

Context context = Context.create();
assert context.eval("js", "undefined").as(Object.class) == null;
assert context.eval("js", "'foobar'").as(Object.class) instanceof String;
assert context.eval("js", "42").as(Object.class) instanceof Number;
assert context.eval("js", "[]").as(Object.class) instanceof Map;
assert context.eval("js", "{}").as(Object.class) instanceof Map;
assert ((Map<Object, Object>) context.eval("js", "[{}]").as(Object.class)).get(0) instanceof Map;
assert context.eval("js", "(function(){})").as(Object.class) instanceof Function;

Object Identity

If polyglot values are mapped as Java primitives such as Boolean, null, String, Character or Number, then the identity of the polyglot value is not preserved. All other results can be converted back to a polyglot value using Context.asValue(Object). Mapping Example using JavaScript: This example first creates a new JavaScript object and maps it to a Map. Using the Context.asValue(Object) it is possible to recreate the polyglot value from the Java map. The JavaScript object identity is preserved in the process.

Context context = Context.create();
Map<Object, Object> javaMap = context.eval("js", "{}").as(Map.class);
Value polyglotValue = context.asValue(javaMap);
  • targetType – the target Java type to map
See Also:
/** * Maps a polyglot value to a value with a given Java target type. * * <h3>Target type mapping</h3> * <p> * The following target types are supported and interpreted in the following order: * <ul> * <li>Custom * {@link HostAccess.Builder#targetTypeMapping(Class, Class, java.util.function.Predicate, Function) * target type mappings} specified in the {@link HostAccess} configuration with precedence * {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#HIGHEST} or {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#HIGH}. These custom * target type mappings may override all the type mappings below. This allows for customization * if one of the below type mappings is not suitable. * <li><code>{@link Value}.class</code> is always supported and returns this instance. * <li>If the value represents a {@link #isHostObject() host object} then all classes * implemented or extended by the host object can be used as target type. * <li><code>{@link String}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isString() * string}. * <li><code>{@link Character}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isString() * string} of length one or if a number can be safely be converted to a character. * <li><code>{@link Number}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isNumber() * number}. {@link Byte}, {@link Short}, {@link Integer}, {@link Long}, {@link Float} and * {@link Double} are allowed if they fit without conversion. If a conversion is necessary then * a {@link ClassCastException} is thrown. Primitive class literals throw a * {@link NullPointerException} if the value represents {@link #isNull() null}. * <li><code>{@link Boolean}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isBoolean() * boolean}. Primitive {@link Boolean boolean.class} literal is also supported. The primitive * class literal throws a {@link NullPointerException} if the value represents {@link #isNull() * null}. * <li><code>{@link LocalDate}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isDate() * date}</li> * <li><code>{@link LocalTime}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isTime() * time}</li> * <li><code>{@link LocalDateTime}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isDate() * date} and {@link #isTime() time}.</li> * <li><code>{@link Instant}.class</code> is supported if the value is an {@link #isInstant() * instant}.</li> * <li><code>{@link ZonedDateTime}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isDate() * date}, {@link #isTime() time} and {@link #isTimeZone() timezone}.</li> * <li><code>{@link ZoneId}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isTimeZone() * timezone}.</li> * <li><code>{@link Duration}.class</code> is supported if the value is a {@link #isDuration() * duration}.</li> * <li><code>{@link PolyglotException}.class</code> is supported if the value is an * {@link #isException() exception object}.</li> * <li>Any Java type in the type hierarchy of a {@link #isHostObject() host object}. * <li>Custom * {@link HostAccess.Builder#targetTypeMapping(Class, Class, java.util.function.Predicate, Function) * target type mappings} specified in the {@link HostAccess} configuration with precedence * {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#LOW}. * <li><code>{@link Object}.class</code> is always supported. See section Object mapping rules. * <li><code>{@link Map}.class</code> is supported if the value has {@link #hasMembers() * members} or {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements}. The returned map can be safely cast * to Map<Object, Object>. The key type in such a case is either {@link String} or {@link Long}. * It is recommended to use {@link #as(TypeLiteral) type literals} to specify the expected * collection component types. With type literals the value type can be restricted, for example * to <code>Map<String, String></code>. If the raw <code>{@link Map}.class</code> or an Object * component type is used, then the return types of the the list are subject to Object target * type mapping rules recursively. * <li><code>{@link List}.class</code> is supported if the value has {@link #hasArrayElements() * array elements} and it has an {@link Value#getArraySize() array size} that is smaller or * equal than {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE}. The returned list can be safely cast to * <code>List&lt;Object&gt;</code>. It is recommended to use {@link #as(TypeLiteral) type * literals} to specify the expected component type. With type literals the value type can be * restricted to any supported target type, for example to <code>List&lt;Integer&gt;</code>. If * the raw <code>{@link List}.class</code> or an Object component type is used, then the return * types of the the list are recursively subject to Object target type mapping rules. * <li>Any Java array type of a supported target type. The values of the value will be eagerly * coerced and copied into a new instance of the provided array type. This means that changes in * returned array will not be reflected in the original value. Since conversion to a Java array * might be an expensive operation it is recommended to use the `List` or `Collection` target * type if possible. * <li>Any {@link FunctionalInterface functional} interface if the value can be * {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated} and the interface * type is {@link HostAccess implementable}. Note that {@link FunctionalInterface} are * implementable by default in with the {@link HostAccess#EXPLICIT explicit} host access policy. * In case a value can be executed and instantiated then the returned implementation of the * interface will be {@link #execute(Object...) executed}. The coercion to the parameter types * of functional interface method is converted using the semantics of {@link #as(Class)}. If a * standard functional interface like {@link Function} is used, it is recommended to use * {@link #as(TypeLiteral) type literals} to specify the expected generic method parameter and * return type. * <li>Any interface if the value {@link #hasMembers() has members} and the interface type is * {@link HostAccess.Implementable implementable}. Each interface method maps to one * {@link #getMember(String) member} of the value. Whenever a method of the interface is * executed a member with the method or field name must exist otherwise an * {@link UnsupportedOperationException} is thrown when the method is executed. If one of the * parameters or the return value cannot be mapped to the target type a * {@link ClassCastException} or a {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * <li>JVM only: Any abstract class with an accessible default constructor if the value * {@link #hasMembers() has members} and the class is {@link HostAccess.Implementable * implementable}. Each interface method maps to one {@link #getMember(String) member} of the * value. Whenever an abstract method of the class is executed a member with the method or field * name must exist otherwise an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} is thrown when the method * is executed. If one of the parameters or the return value cannot be mapped to the target type * a {@link ClassCastException} or a {@link NullPointerException} is thrown. * <li>Custom * {@link HostAccess.Builder#targetTypeMapping(Class, Class, java.util.function.Predicate, Function) * target type mappings} specified in the {@link HostAccess} configuration with precedence * {@link TargetMappingPrecedence#LOWEST}. * </ul> * A {@link ClassCastException} is thrown for other unsupported target types. * <p> * <b>JavaScript Usage Examples:</b> * * <pre> * Context context = Context.newBuilder().allowHostAccess(HostAccess.ALL).build(); * assert context.eval("js", "undefined").as(Object.class) == null; * assert context.eval("js", "'foobar'").as(String.class).equals("foobar"); * assert context.eval("js", "42").as(Integer.class) == 42; * assert context.eval("js", "({foo:'bar'})").as(Map.class).get("foo").equals("bar"); * assert context.eval("js", "[42]").as(List.class).get(0).equals(42); * assert ((Map&lt;String, Object>)context.eval("js", "[{foo:'bar'}]").as(List.class).get(0)).get("foo").equals("bar"); * * &#64;FunctionalInterface interface IntFunction { int foo(int value); } * assert context.eval("js", "(function(a){return a})").as(IntFunction.class).foo(42).asInt() == 42; * * &#64;FunctionalInterface interface StringListFunction { int foo(List&lt;String&gt; value); } * assert context.eval("js", "(function(a){return a.length})") * .as(StringListFunction.class).foo(new String[]{"42"}).asInt() == 1; * * public abstract class AbstractClass { public AbstractClass() {} int foo(int value); } * assert context.eval("js", "({foo: function(a){return a}})") * .as(AbstractClass.class).foo(42).asInt() == 42; * </pre> * * <h3>Object target type mapping</h3> * <p> * Object target mapping is useful to map polyglot values to its closest corresponding standard * JDK type. * * The following rules apply when <code>Object</code> is used as a target type: * <ol> * <li>If the value represents {@link #isNull() null} then <code>null</code> is returned. * <li>If the value is a {@link #isHostObject() host object} then the value is coerced to * {@link #asHostObject() host object value}. * <li>If the value is a {@link #isString() string} then the value is coerced to {@link String} * or {@link Character}. * <li>If the value is a {@link #isBoolean() boolean} then the value is coerced to * {@link Boolean}. * <li>If the value is a {@link #isNumber() number} then the value is coerced to {@link Number}. * The specific sub type of the {@link Number} is not specified. Users need to be prepared for * any Number subclass including {@link BigInteger} or {@link BigDecimal}. It is recommended to * cast to {@link Number} and then convert to a Java primitive like with * {@link Number#longValue()}. * <li>If the value {@link #hasMembers() has members} then the result value will implement * {@link Map}. If this value {@link #hasMembers() has members} then all members are accessible * using {@link String} keys. The {@link Map#size() size} of the returned {@link Map} is equal * to the count of all members. The returned value may also implement {@link Function} if the * value can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}. * <li>If the value has {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} and it has an * {@link Value#getArraySize() array size} that is smaller or equal than * {@link Integer#MAX_VALUE} then the result value will implement {@link List}. Every array * element of the value maps to one list element. The size of the returned list maps to the * array size of the value. The returned value may also implement {@link Function} if the value * can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() instantiated}. * <li>If the value can be {@link #canExecute() executed} or {@link #canInstantiate() * instantiated} then the result value implements {@link Function Function}. By default the * argument of the function will be used as single argument to the function when executed. If a * value of type {@link Object Object[]} is provided then the function will be executed with * those arguments. The returned function may also implement {@link Map} if the value has * {@link #hasArrayElements() array elements} or {@link #hasMembers() members}. * <li>If none of the above rules apply then this {@link Value} instance is returned. * </ol> * Returned {@link #isHostObject() host objects}, {@link String}, {@link Number}, * {@link Boolean} and <code>null</code> values have unlimited lifetime. Other values will throw * an {@link IllegalStateException} for any operation if their originating {@link Context * context} was closed. * <p> * If a {@link Map} element is modified, a {@link List} element is modified or a * {@link Function} argument is provided then these values are interpreted according to the * {@link Context#asValue(Object) host to polyglot value mapping rules}. * <p> * <b>JavaScript Usage Examples:</b> * * <pre> * Context context = Context.create(); * assert context.eval("js", "undefined").as(Object.class) == null; * assert context.eval("js", "'foobar'").as(Object.class) instanceof String; * assert context.eval("js", "42").as(Object.class) instanceof Number; * assert context.eval("js", "[]").as(Object.class) instanceof Map; * assert context.eval("js", "{}").as(Object.class) instanceof Map; * assert ((Map&lt;Object, Object>) context.eval("js", "[{}]").as(Object.class)).get(0) instanceof Map; * assert context.eval("js", "(function(){})").as(Object.class) instanceof Function; * </pre> * * <h3>Object Identity</h3> * <p> * If polyglot values are mapped as Java primitives such as {@link Boolean}, <code>null</code>, * {@link String}, {@link Character} or {@link Number}, then the identity of the polyglot value * is not preserved. All other results can be converted back to a {@link Value polyglot value} * using {@link Context#asValue(Object)}. * * <b>Mapping Example using JavaScript:</b> This example first creates a new JavaScript object * and maps it to a {@link Map}. Using the {@link Context#asValue(Object)} it is possible to * recreate the {@link Value polyglot value} from the Java map. The JavaScript object identity * is preserved in the process. * * <pre> * Context context = Context.create(); * Map&lt;Object, Object> javaMap = context.eval("js", "{}").as(Map.class); * Value polyglotValue = context.asValue(javaMap); * </pre> * * @see #as(TypeLiteral) to map to generic type signatures. * @param targetType the target Java type to map * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @since 19.0 */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T as(Class<T> targetType) throws ClassCastException, IllegalStateException, PolyglotException { Objects.requireNonNull(targetType, "targetType"); if (targetType == Value.class) { return (T) this; } return impl.as(receiver, targetType); }
Maps a polyglot value to a given Java target type literal. For usage instructions see TypeLiteral.

Usage example:

static final TypeLiteral<List<String>> STRING_LIST = new TypeLiteral<List<String>>() {
public static void main(String[] args) {
    Context context = Context.create();
    List<String> javaList = context.eval("js", "['foo', 'bar', 'bazz']").as(STRING_LIST);
    assert javaList.get(0).equals("foo");
See Also:
/** * Maps a polyglot value to a given Java target type literal. For usage instructions see * {@link TypeLiteral}. * <p> * Usage example: * * <pre> * static final TypeLiteral&lt;List&lt;String>> STRING_LIST = new TypeLiteral&lt;List&lt;String>>() { * }; * * public static void main(String[] args) { * Context context = Context.create(); * List&lt;String> javaList = context.eval("js", "['foo', 'bar', 'bazz']").as(STRING_LIST); * assert javaList.get(0).equals("foo"); * } * </pre> * * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @see #as(Class) * @since 19.0 */
public <T> T as(TypeLiteral<T> targetType) { Objects.requireNonNull(targetType, "targetType"); return impl.as(receiver, targetType); }
Converts this value to a human readable string. Each language may have special formating conventions - even primitive values may not follow the traditional Java formating rules. The format of the returned string is intended to be interpreted by humans not machines and should therefore not be relied upon by machines. By default this value class name and its identity hash code is used as string representation.
/** * Converts this value to a human readable string. Each language may have special formating * conventions - even primitive values may not follow the traditional Java formating rules. The * format of the returned string is intended to be interpreted by humans not machines and should * therefore not be relied upon by machines. By default this value class name and its * {@link System#identityHashCode(Object) identity hash code} is used as string representation. * * @since 19.0 */
@Override public String toString() { return impl.toString(receiver); }
Returns the declared source location of the value.
Returns:the SourceSection or null if unknown
/** * Returns the declared source location of the value. * * @return the {@link SourceSection} or null if unknown * @since 19.0 */
public SourceSection getSourceLocation() { return impl.getSourceLocation(receiver); }
Returns true if this object represents a date, else false. If this value is also a timezone then the date is aware, otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a date, else <code>false</code>. If this * value is also a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} then the date is aware, otherwise it is naive. * * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #asDate() * @since 19.2.0 */
public boolean isDate() { return impl.isDate(receiver); }
Returns this value as date if this object represents a date. The returned date is either aware if the value has a timezone otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
/** * Returns this value as date if this object represents a {@link #isDate() date}. The returned * date is either aware if the value has a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} otherwise it is naive. * * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #isDate() * @since 19.2.0 */
public LocalDate asDate() { return impl.asDate(receiver); }
Returns true if this object represents a time, else false. If the value is also a timezone then the time is aware, otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a time, else <code>false</code>. If the * value is also a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} then the time is aware, otherwise it is naive. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #asTime() * @since 19.2.0 */
public boolean isTime() { return impl.isTime(receiver); }
Returns this value as time if this object represents a time. The returned time is either aware if the value has a timezone otherwise it is naive.
See Also:
/** * Returns this value as time if this object represents a {@link #isTime() time}. The returned * time is either aware if the value has a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone} otherwise it is naive. * * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #isTime() * @since 19.2.0 */
public LocalTime asTime() { return impl.asTime(receiver); }
Returns true if this value represents an instant. If a value is an instant then it is also a date, time and timezone. This method is short-hand for:
v.isDate() && v.isTime() && v.isTimeZone() 
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this value represents an instant. If a value is an instant then * it is also a {@link #isDate() date}, {@link #isTime() time} and {@link #isTimeZone() * timezone}. * * This method is short-hand for: * * <pre> * v.{@linkplain #isDate() isDate}() && v.{@link #isTime() isTime}() && v.{@link #isTimeZone() isTimeZone}() * </pre> * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #isDate() * @see #isTime() * @see #isInstant() * @see #asInstant() * @since 19.2.0 */
public boolean isInstant() { return isDate() && isTime() && isTimeZone(); }
Returns this value as instant if this object represents an instant. If a value is an instant then it is also a date, time and timezone. Using this method may be more efficient than reconstructing the timestamp from the date, time and timezone data.

The following assertion always holds if isInstant() returns true:

ZoneId zone = getTimeZone(receiver);
LocalDate date = getDate(receiver);
LocalTime time = getTime(receiver);
assert ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zone).toInstant().equals(getInstant(receiver));
See Also:
/** * Returns this value as instant if this object represents an {@link #isInstant() instant}. If a * value is an instant then it is also a {@link #isDate() date}, {@link #isTime() time} and * {@link #isTimeZone() timezone}. Using this method may be more efficient than reconstructing * the timestamp from the date, time and timezone data. * <p> * The following assertion always holds if {@link #isInstant()} returns <code>true</code>: * * <pre> * ZoneId zone = getTimeZone(receiver); * LocalDate date = getDate(receiver); * LocalTime time = getTime(receiver); * assert ZonedDateTime.of(date, time, zone).toInstant().equals(getInstant(receiver)); * </pre> * * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #isDate() * @see #isTime() * @see #isTimeZone() * @since 19.2.0 */
public Instant asInstant() { return impl.asInstant(receiver); }
Returns true if this object represents a timezone, else false. The interpretation of timezone objects may vary:
  • If isDate() and isTime() return true, then the returned date or time information is aware of this timezone.
  • If isDate() and isTime() returns false, then it represents just timezone information.
Objects with only date information must not have timezone information attached and objects with only time information must have either none, or fixed zone only. If this rule is violated then an AssertionError is thrown if assertions are enabled.

If this method is implemented then also asTimeZone() must be implemented.

See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a timezone, else <code>false</code>. The * interpretation of timezone objects may vary: * <ul> * <li>If {@link #isDate()} and {@link #isTime()} return <code>true</code>, then the returned * date or time information is aware of this timezone. * <li>If {@link #isDate()} and {@link #isTime()} returns <code>false</code>, then it represents * just timezone information. * </ul> * Objects with only date information must not have timezone information attached and objects * with only time information must have either none, or {@link ZoneRules#isFixedOffset() fixed * zone} only. If this rule is violated then an {@link AssertionError} is thrown if assertions * are enabled. * <p> * If this method is implemented then also {@link #asTimeZone()} must be implemented. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #asTimeZone() * @see #asInstant() * @since 19.2.0 */
public boolean isTimeZone() { return impl.isTimeZone(receiver); }
Returns this value as timestamp if this object represents a timezone.
See Also:
/** * Returns this value as timestamp if this object represents a {@link #isTimeZone() timezone}. * * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @see #isTimeZone() * @since 19.2.0 */
public ZoneId asTimeZone() { return impl.asTimeZone(receiver); }
Returns true if this object represents a duration, else false.
  • IllegalStateException – if the underlying context is already closed.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents a duration, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see Duration * @see #asDuration() * @since 19.2.0 */
public boolean isDuration() { return impl.isDuration(receiver); }
Returns this value as duration if this object represents a duration.
See Also:
/** * Returns this value as duration if this object represents a {@link #isDuration() duration}. * * @throws ClassCastException if polyglot value could not be mapped to the target type. * @throws PolyglotException if the conversion triggered a guest language error. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @throws NullPointerException if the target type is null. * @see #isDuration() * @since 19.2.0 */
public Duration asDuration() { return impl.asDuration(receiver); }
Returns true if this object represents an exception, else false.
  • IllegalStateException – if the underlying context is already closed.
See Also:
/** * Returns <code>true</code> if this object represents an exception, else <code>false</code>. * * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #throwException() * @since 19.3 */
public boolean isException() { return impl.isException(receiver); }
Throws this value if this object represents an exception.
See Also:
/** * Throws this value if this object represents an {@link #isException() exception}. * * @throws UnsupportedOperationException if the value is not an exception. * @throws IllegalStateException if the underlying context is already closed. * @see #isException() * @since 19.3 */
public RuntimeException throwException() { return impl.throwException(receiver); }
Returns the context this value was created with. The returned context may be null if the value was created using asValue(Object) and no current context was entered at the time.

The returned context can not be used to enter , leave or close the context or engine. Invoking such methods will cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown. This ensures that only the creator of a context is allowed to enter, leave or close a context and that a context is not closed while it is still active.

/** * Returns the context this value was created with. The returned context may be * <code>null</code> if the value was created using {@link Value#asValue(Object)} and no current * context was {@link Context#enter() entered} at the time. * <p> * The returned context can <b>not</b> be used to {@link Context#enter() enter} , * {@link Context#leave() leave} or {@link Context#close() close} the context or * {@link Context#getEngine() engine}. Invoking such methods will cause an * {@link IllegalStateException} to be thrown. This ensures that only the * {@link Context#create(String...) creator} of a context is allowed to enter, leave or close a * context and that a context is not closed while it is still active. * * @since 19.3.0 */
public Context getContext() { return impl.getContext(); }
Compares the identity of the underlying polyglot objects. This method does not do any structural comparisons. {@inheritDoc}
/** * Compares the identity of the underlying polyglot objects. This method does not do any * structural comparisons. * * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 20.1 */
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (!(obj instanceof Value)) { return false; } return impl.equalsImpl(receiver, ((Value) obj).receiver); }
Returns the identity hash code of the underlying object. This method does not compute the hash code depending on the contents of the value. {@inheritDoc}
/** * Returns the identity hash code of the underlying object. This method does not compute the * hash code depending on the contents of the value. * * {@inheritDoc} * * @since 20.1 */
@Override public int hashCode() { return impl.hashCodeImpl(receiver); }
Converts a Java host value to a polyglot value. Returns a value for any host or guest value. If there is a context available use Context.asValue(Object) for efficiency instead. The value is bound the current context when created. If there is no context available when the value was constructed then Values constructed with this method may return null for getContext().
  • o – the object to convert
See Also:
/** * Converts a Java host value to a polyglot value. Returns a value for any host or guest value. * If there is a context available use {@link Context#asValue(Object)} for efficiency instead. * The value is bound the {@link Context#getCurrent() current} context when created. If there is * no context available when the value was constructed then Values constructed with this method * may return <code>null</code> for {@link #getContext()}. * * @param o the object to convert * @throws IllegalStateException if no context is currently entered. * @see Context#asValue(Object) Conversion rules. * @since 19.0 */
public static Value asValue(Object o) { if (o instanceof Value) { return (Value) o; } return Engine.getImpl().asValue(o); } }