 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.gmbal.impl ;

import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.timer.spi.ObjectRegistrationManager;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceRegistrationFine;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.annotation.InfoMethod;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceRegistration;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.DelayedObjectToString;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.DumpIgnore;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.ObjectUtility;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.func.UnaryFunction;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.Algorithms;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.func.UnaryPredicate;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.ClassAnalyzer;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.facet.FacetAccessorImpl;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.facet.FacetAccessor;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Pair;
import java.util.ResourceBundle ;
import java.util.Map ;
import java.util.HashMap ;
import java.util.WeakHashMap ;
import java.util.List ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import java.io.IOException ;
import java.io.Serializable;

import java.lang.annotation.Annotation ;

import java.lang.management.ManagementFactory ;

import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.management.MBeanServer ;
import javax.management.JMException ;
import javax.management.ObjectName ;
import javax.management.MBeanAttributeInfo;

import org.glassfish.gmbal.AMXMBeanInterface;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.AMXClient;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.GmbalMBean ;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedObject ;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.Description ;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.IncludeSubclass ;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.InheritedAttribute ;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.InheritedAttributes ;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.AMXMetadata;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedAttribute;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedObjectManager;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedData;

import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedClassAnalyzer;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedClassDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedFieldDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedMethodDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedType;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.TypeEvaluator;

import org.glassfish.external.amx.AMX;

import org.glassfish.external.statistics.AverageRangeStatistic ;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.BoundaryStatistic;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.BoundedRangeStatistic;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.CountStatistic;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.RangeStatistic;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.Statistic;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.TimeStatistic;
import org.glassfish.external.statistics.StringStatistic;

import static org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.Algorithms.* ;

/* Implementation notes:
 * XXX Test attribute change notification.
public class ManagedObjectManagerImpl implements ManagedObjectManagerInternal {

    // Used in MBeanSkeleton
    static class DefaultAMXMetadataHolder { }

    private static final AMXMetadata DEFAULT_AMX_METADATA =

    private static ObjectUtility myObjectUtil =
        new ObjectUtility(true, 0, 4)
            .useToString( EvaluatedType.class )
            .useToString( ManagedObjectManager.class ) ;

    private static final class StringComparator implements Serializable,
        Comparator<String> {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 8274851916877850245L;
        public int compare(String o1, String o2) {
            return - o1.compareTo( o2 ) ;
    } ;
    private static Comparator<String> REV_COMP = new StringComparator() ;

    // All finals should be initialized in this order in the private constructor
    private final String domain ;
    private final MBeanTree tree ;
    private final Map<EvaluatedClassDeclaration,MBeanSkeleton> skeletonMap ;
    private final Map<EvaluatedType,TypeConverter> typeConverterMap ;
    private final Map<AnnotatedElement, Map<Class, Annotation>> addedAnnotations ;
    private final MBeanSkeleton amxSkeleton ;
    private final Set<String> amxAttributeNames ;
    private final ObjectRegistrationManager orm ;

    // All non-finals should be initialized in this order in the init() method.
    private boolean rootCreated ;
    private ResourceBundle resourceBundle ;
    private MBeanServer server ;
    private ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel regDebugLevel ;
    private boolean runDebugFlag ;
    private boolean jmxRegistrationDebugFlag ;

    // Maintain the list of typePrefixes in reversed sorted order, so that
    // we strip the longest prefix first.
    private final SortedSet<String> typePrefixes = new TreeSet<String>(
        REV_COMP ) ;
    private boolean stripPackagePrefix = false ;

    private ManagedObjectManagerImpl( final String domain,
        final ObjectName rootParentName ) {

        this.domain = domain ;
        this.tree = new MBeanTree( this, domain, rootParentName, AMX.TYPE_KEY ) ;
        this.skeletonMap = 
            new WeakHashMap<EvaluatedClassDeclaration,MBeanSkeleton>() ;
        this.typeConverterMap = new WeakHashMap<EvaluatedType,TypeConverter>() ;
        this.addedAnnotations = 
            new HashMap<AnnotatedElement, Map<Class, Annotation>>() ;

        final EvaluatedClassDeclaration ecd =
                AMXMBeanInterface.class ) ;
        this.amxAttributeNames = new HashSet<String>() ;
        this.amxSkeleton = getSkeleton( ecd ) ;
        for (MBeanAttributeInfo mbi : amxSkeleton.getMBeanInfo().getAttributes()) {
            amxAttributeNames.add( mbi.getName() ) ;
	orm = new ObjectRegistrationManagerImpl( this ) ;

    @Description( "The Statistic model and its sub-models specify the data"
        + " models which are requried to be used to provide the performance data"
        + " described by the specific attributes in the Stats models" )
    @InheritedAttributes( {
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getName",
            description = "The name of this Statistic" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getUnit",
            description = "The unit of measurement for this Statistic" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getDescription",
            description = "A human-readable description of the Statistic" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getStartTime",
            description = "The time of the first measurement represented as a long" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getLastSampleTime",
            description = "The time of the first measurement represented as a long")
    } )
    public interface DummyStatistic { }

    @Description( "Specifies standard timing measurements")
    @InheritedAttributes( {
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getCount",
            description = "Number of times the operation was invoked since "
                 + "the beginning of this measurement"  ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getMaxTime",
            description = "The maximum amount of time taken to complete one invocation "
                + "of this operation since the beginning of this measurement" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getMinTime",
            description = "The minimum amount of time taken to complete one invocation "
                + "of this operation since the beginning of this measurement" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName="getTotalTime",
            description = "The total amount of time taken to complete every invocation "
                + "of this operation since the beginning of this measurement" )
    } )
    public interface DummyTimeStatistic extends DummyStatistic { }

    @Description( "Specifies standard measurements of the upper and lower "
        + "limits of the value of an attribute" )
    @InheritedAttributes( {
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getUpperBound",
            description = "The upper limit of the value of this attribute" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getLowerBound",
            description = "The lower limit of the value of this attribute" )
    } )
    public interface DummyBoundaryStatistic extends DummyStatistic {}

    @Description( "Specifies standard count measurements" )
    @InheritedAttributes( {
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getCount",
            description = "The count since the last reset" )
    } )
    public interface DummyCountStatistic {}

    @Description( "Specifies standard measurements of the lowest and highest values"
        + " an attribute has held as well as its current value" ) 
    @InheritedAttributes( {
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getHighWaterMark",
            description = "The highest value this attribute has held since"
                + " the beginninYg of the measurement" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getLowWaterMark",
            description = "The lowest value this attribute has held since"
                + " the beginninYg of the measurement" ),
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getCurrent",
            description = "The current value of this attribute" )
    } ) 
    public interface DummyRangeStatistic {}

    @Description( "Adds an average to the range statistic")
    @InheritedAttributes( {
        @InheritedAttribute( methodName = "getAverage",
            description = 
                "The average value of this attribute since its last reset")
    public interface DummyAverageRangeStatistic {}

    @Description( "Provides standard measurements of a range that has fixed limits" ) 
    public interface DummyBoundedRangeStatistic extends
        DummyBoundaryStatistic, DummyRangeStatistic {}

    @Description( "Custom statistic type whose value is a string")
    @InheritedAttributes( {
            description="Returns the String value of the statistic" )
    } )
    public interface DummyStringStatistic extends DummyStatistic { }

    List<Pair<Class,Class>> statsData = list(
        pair( (Class)DummyStringStatistic.class,
            (Class)StringStatistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyTimeStatistic.class,
            (Class)TimeStatistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyStatistic.class,
            (Class)Statistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyBoundaryStatistic.class,
            (Class)BoundaryStatistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyBoundedRangeStatistic.class,
            (Class)BoundedRangeStatistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyCountStatistic.class,
            (Class)CountStatistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyRangeStatistic.class,
            (Class)RangeStatistic.class ),

        pair( (Class)DummyAverageRangeStatistic.class,
            (Class)AverageRangeStatistic.class )
    ) ;

    private void addAnnotationIfNotNull( AnnotatedElement elemement,
        Annotation annotation ) {
        if (annotation != null) {
            addAnnotation(elemement, annotation);

    private void initializeStatisticsSupport() {
        for (Pair<Class,Class> pair : statsData) {
            Class dummy = pair.first() ;
            Class real = pair.second() ;
            addAnnotationIfNotNull( real, dummy.getAnnotation( ManagedData.class ) ) ;
            addAnnotationIfNotNull( real, dummy.getAnnotation( Description.class ) ) ;
            addAnnotationIfNotNull( real, dummy.getAnnotation( InheritedAttributes.class ) ) ;

    private void init() {
        this.server = AccessController.doPrivileged( 
            new PrivilegedAction<MBeanServer>() {
                public MBeanServer run() {
                    return ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer() ;
            } ) ;

        rootCreated = false ;
        resourceBundle = null ;
        regDebugLevel = ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel.NONE ;
        runDebugFlag = false ;
        jmxRegistrationDebugFlag = false ;

        tree.clear() ;
        skeletonMap.clear() ;
        typeConverterMap.clear() ;
        addedAnnotations.clear() ;

        initializeStatisticsSupport() ;
    public ManagedObjectManagerImpl( final String domain ) {
        this( domain, null ) ;
        init() ;

    public ManagedObjectManagerImpl( final ObjectName rootParentName ) {
        this( rootParentName.getDomain(), rootParentName ) ;
        init() ;

    public void close() throws IOException {
        // Can be called anytime
        init() ;

    private synchronized void checkRootNotCreated( String methodName ) {
        if (rootCreated) {
            throw Exceptions.self.createRootCalled(methodName) ;

    private synchronized void checkRootCreated( String methodName ) {
        if (!rootCreated) {
            throw Exceptions.self.createRootNotCalled(methodName) ;

    public synchronized void suspendJMXRegistration() {
        // Can be called anytime
        tree.suspendRegistration() ;

    public synchronized void resumeJMXRegistration() {
        // Can be called anytime

    public synchronized void stripPackagePrefix() {
        stripPackagePrefix = true ;

    public String toString( ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        return "ManagedObjectManagerImpl[domain=" + domain + "]" ;

    public synchronized ObjectName getRootParentName() {
        return tree.getRootParentName() ;

    @AMXMetadata( type="gmbal-root", isSingleton=true)
    @Description( "Dummy class used when no root is specified" ) 
    private static class Root {
        // No methods: will simply implement an AMXMBeanInterface container
        public String toString() {
            return "GmbalDefaultRoot" ;
    public synchronized GmbalMBean createRoot() {
        return createRoot( new Root() ) ;

    public synchronized GmbalMBean createRoot(Object root) {
        return createRoot( root, null ) ;

    public synchronized GmbalMBean createRoot(Object root, String name) {
        checkRootNotCreated( "createRoot" ) ;

        GmbalMBean result ;

        try {
            // Assume successful create, so that AMXMBeanInterface checks that
            // back through getRootParentName will succeed.
            rootCreated = true ;
            result = tree.setRoot( root, name ) ;
            if (result == null) {
                rootCreated = false ;
        } catch (RuntimeException exc) {
            rootCreated = false ;
            throw exc ;

        return result ;

    public synchronized Object getRoot() {
        // Can be called anytime.
        return tree.getRoot() ;

    private void message( String msg ) {}

    private void describe( String msg, Object data ) {}

    private synchronized MBeanSkeleton getSkeleton( EvaluatedClassDeclaration cls ) {
        // can be called anytime, otherwise we can't create the root itself!
            MBeanSkeleton result = skeletonMap.get( cls ) ;

            boolean newSkeleton = result == null ;
            if (newSkeleton) {
                message( "Skeleton not found" ) ;
                Pair<EvaluatedClassDeclaration,EvaluatedClassAnalyzer> pair = 
                    getClassAnalyzer( cls, ManagedObject.class ) ;
                EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca = pair.second() ;

                EvaluatedClassDeclaration annotatedClass = pair.first() ;
                describe( "Annotated class for skeleton", annotatedClass ) ;
                if (annotatedClass == null) {
                    throw Exceptions.self.managedObjectAnnotationNotFound(
                        cls.name() ) ;

                MBeanSkeleton skel = new MBeanSkeleton( cls, ca, this ) ;

                if (amxSkeleton == null) {
                    // Can't compose amxSkeleton with itself!
                    result = skel ;
                } else {
                    result = amxSkeleton.compose( skel ) ;

                skeletonMap.put( cls, result ) ;

            if (newSkeleton) {
                describe( "Skeleton",
                    new DelayedObjectToString( result, myObjectUtil ) ) ;
            return result ;

    public synchronized TypeConverter getTypeConverter( EvaluatedType type ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        TypeConverter result = null;
        boolean newTypeConverter = false ;
        result = typeConverterMap.get( type ) ;
        if (result == null) {
            message( "Creating new TypeConverter" ) ;

            // Store a TypeConverter impl that throws an exception when
            // acessed.  Used to detect recursive types.
            typeConverterMap.put( type,
                new TypeConverterImpl.TypeConverterPlaceHolderImpl( type ) ) ;

            result = TypeConverterImpl.makeTypeConverter( type, this ) ;

            // Replace recursion marker with the constructed implementation
            typeConverterMap.put( type, result ) ;
            newTypeConverter = true ;

        if (newTypeConverter) {
            describe( "result", myObjectUtil.objectToString( result ) ) ;
        return result ;

    private static Field getDeclaredField( final Class<?> cls,
        final String name )
        throws PrivilegedActionException, NoSuchFieldException {

        SecurityManager sman = System.getSecurityManager() ;
        if (sman == null) {
            return cls.getDeclaredField( name ) ;
        } else {
            return AccessController.doPrivileged(
                new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Field>() {
                    public Field run() throws Exception {
                        return cls.getDeclaredField( name ) ;
            ) ;

    private String getAMXTypeFromField( Class<?> cls, String fieldName ) {
        try {
            final Field fld = getDeclaredField(cls, fieldName);

            if (Modifier.isFinal(fld.getModifiers()) 
                && Modifier.isStatic(fld.getModifiers())
                && fld.getType().equals(String.class)) {

                AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Object>() {
                    public Object run() {
                        return null;

                return (String) fld.get(null);
            } else {
                return "";
        } catch (PrivilegedActionException ex) {
            return "" ;
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            return "" ;
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            return "" ;
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException ex) {
            return "" ;
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
            return "" ;

    private boolean goodResult( String str ) {
        return str!=null && str.length()>0 ;

    // XXX Needs Test for the AMX_TYPE case
    public synchronized String getTypeName( Class<?> cls, String fieldName,
        String nameFromAnnotation ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        String result = getAMXTypeFromField( cls, fieldName ) ;
        if (goodResult( result)) {
            return result ;

	// Next, check for annotations?
        if (goodResult( nameFromAnnotation)) {
            return nameFromAnnotation ;

        String className = cls.getName() ;

	// Next, check stripPrefixes
        for (String str : typePrefixes ) {
            if (className.startsWith( str ) ) {
                return className.substring( str.length() + 1 ) ;
        // The result is either the class name, or the class name without
	// package prefix (if any) if stripPackagePrefix has been set.
        if (stripPackagePrefix) {
            int lastDot = className.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ;
            if (lastDot == -1) {
                return className ;
            } else {
                return className.substring( lastDot + 1 ) ;
        } else {
            return className ;

    public synchronized boolean isManagedObject( Object obj ) {
        final EvaluatedClassDeclaration cdecl =
                obj.getClass() ) ;
        final ManagedObject mo = getFirstAnnotationOnClass( cdecl,
            ManagedObject.class ) ;

        return mo != null ;

    public synchronized MBeanImpl constructMBean( MBeanImpl parentEntity,
        Object obj, String name ) {

        // Can be called anytime
        MBeanImpl result = null ;
        String objName = name ;
        try {
            final Class<?> cls = obj.getClass() ;
            final EvaluatedClassDeclaration cdecl = 
                (EvaluatedClassDeclaration)TypeEvaluator.getEvaluatedType(cls) ;
            final MBeanSkeleton skel = getSkeleton( cdecl ) ;

            AMXMetadata amd = getFirstAnnotationOnClass( cdecl, AMXMetadata.class ) ;
            if (amd == null) {
                amd = getDefaultAMXMetadata() ;

            String type = skel.getType() ;
            describe( "Stripped type", type ) ;

            result = new MBeanImpl( skel, obj, server, type ) ;
            if (objName == null) {
                objName = skel.getNameValue( result ) ;
                if (objName == null) {
                    objName = "" ;

            if (objName.length() == 0) {
                if (!amd.isSingleton()) {
                    throw Exceptions.self.nonSingletonRequiresName( 
                        parentEntity, type ) ;
            } else {
                if (amd.isSingleton()) {
                    throw Exceptions.self.singletonCannotSpecifyName( 
                        parentEntity, type, name ) ;

            describe( "Name value", objName ) ;
            result.name( objName ) ;
        } catch (JMException exc) {
            throw Exceptions.self.errorInConstructingMBean( objName, exc ) ;
        return result ;
    public synchronized GmbalMBean register( final Object parent,
        final Object obj, final String name ) {

        if (obj instanceof String) {
            throw Exceptions.self.objStringWrongRegisterCall( (String)obj ) ;

        // Construct the MBean
        try {
            MBeanImpl parentEntity = tree.getParentEntity(parent) ;

            final MBeanImpl mb = constructMBean( parentEntity, obj, name ) ;
            return tree.register( parentEntity, obj, mb) ;
    	} catch (JMException exc) {
            throw Exceptions.self.exceptionInRegister(exc) ;
    public synchronized GmbalMBean register( final Object parent,
        final Object obj ) {

        return register( parent, obj, null ) ;

    public synchronized GmbalMBean registerAtRoot(Object obj, String name) {
        return register( tree.getRoot(), obj, name ) ;

    public synchronized GmbalMBean registerAtRoot(Object obj) {
        return register( tree.getRoot(), obj, null ) ;

    public synchronized void unregister( Object obj ) {

        try {
            tree.unregister( obj ) ;
        } catch (JMException exc) {
            throw Exceptions.self.exceptionInUnregister(exc) ;

    public synchronized ObjectName getObjectName( Object obj ) {

        if (obj instanceof ObjectName) {
            return (ObjectName)obj ;

        if (obj instanceof AMXClient) {
            return ((AMXClient)obj).objectName() ;

        ObjectName result = tree.getObjectName( obj ) ;
        return result ;

    public AMXClient getAMXClient(Object obj) {
        ObjectName oname = getObjectName( obj ) ;
        if (oname == null) {
            return null ;

        return new AMXClient( server, oname ) ;

    public synchronized Object getObject( ObjectName oname ) {
        Object result = tree.getObject( oname ) ;
        return result ;
    public synchronized FacetAccessor getFacetAccessor( Object obj ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        MBeanImpl mb = tree.getMBeanImpl( obj ) ;
        if (mb != null) {
            return tree.getFacetAccessor( obj ) ;
        } else {
            return new FacetAccessorImpl( obj ) ;
    public synchronized String getDomain() {
        // Can be called anytime
	return domain ;

    public synchronized void setMBeanServer( MBeanServer server ) {
	this.server = server ;

    public synchronized MBeanServer getMBeanServer() {
        // Can be called anytime
	return server ;

    public synchronized void setResourceBundle( ResourceBundle rb ) {
        this.resourceBundle = rb ;

    public synchronized ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() {
        // Can be called anytime
        return resourceBundle ;
    public synchronized String getDescription( EvaluatedDeclaration element ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        Description desc ;
        if (element instanceof EvaluatedClassDeclaration) {
            EvaluatedClassDeclaration ecd = (EvaluatedClassDeclaration)element;
            desc = getFirstAnnotationOnClass(ecd, Description.class ) ;
        } else {
            desc = getAnnotation( element.element(), Description.class ) ;

        String result = "" ;
        if (desc != null) {
            result = desc.value() ;

        if (result.length() == 0) {
            result = Exceptions.self.noDescriptionAvailable() ;
        } else {
            if (resourceBundle != null) {
                result = resourceBundle.getString( result ) ;

        return result ;

    public synchronized void addAnnotation( AnnotatedElement element,
        Annotation annotation ) {
        if (annotation == null) {
            throw Exceptions.self.cannotAddNullAnnotation( element ) ;

        Map<Class, Annotation> map = addedAnnotations.get( element ) ;
        if (map == null) {
            message( "Creating new Map<Class,Annotation>" ) ;

            map = new HashMap<Class, Annotation>() ;
            addedAnnotations.put( element, map ) ;

        Class<?> annotationType = annotation.annotationType() ;
        Annotation ann = map.get( annotationType ) ;
        if (ann != null) {
            message( "Duplicate annotation") ;

            throw Exceptions.self.duplicateAnnotation( element,
                annotation.getClass().getName()) ;

        map.put( annotationType, annotation ) ;

    public synchronized void addInheritedAnnotations( final Class<?> cls ) {

        // XXX Implement me!

    public <T extends Annotation> T getFirstAnnotationOnClass(
        final EvaluatedClassDeclaration element, final Class<T> type ) {

        EvaluatedClassAnalyzer eca = new EvaluatedClassAnalyzer( element ) ;
        List<EvaluatedClassDeclaration> ecds = eca.findClasses(
            forAnnotation(type, EvaluatedClassDeclaration.class) ) ;

        if (ecds.size() > 0) {
            return getAnnotation( ecds.get(0).element(), type ) ;
        }  else {
            return null ;

    private Map<AnnotatedElement,Map<Class,Annotation>> annotationCache =
        new WeakHashMap<AnnotatedElement,Map<Class,Annotation>>() ;

    private Map<Class,Annotation> getAllAnnotations( final Class cls ) {
        Map<Class,Annotation> result = annotationCache.get( cls ) ;

        if (result == null) {
            final Map<Class,Annotation> res =
                new HashMap<Class,Annotation>() ;

            ClassAnalyzer ca = ClassAnalyzer.getClassAnalyzer(cls) ;
            ca.findClasses( new UnaryPredicate<Class<?>>() {
                public boolean evaluate(Class arg) {
                    // First, put in declared annotations if not already present.
                    Annotation[] annots = arg.getDeclaredAnnotations() ;
                    for (Annotation anno : annots) {
                        putIfNotPresent( res, anno.annotationType(), anno ) ;

                    // Then, put in added annotations if not already present.
                    Map<Class,Annotation> emap = addedAnnotations.get( arg ) ;
                    if (emap != null) {
                        for (Map.Entry<Class,Annotation> entry : emap.entrySet()) {
                            putIfNotPresent( res, entry.getKey(),
                                entry.getValue()) ;

                    return true ; // evaluate everything
            }) ;

            annotationCache.put( cls, res ) ;
            result = res ;

        return result ;

    public synchronized <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation( 
        AnnotatedElement element, Class<T> type ) {

        // Can be called anytime
        if (element instanceof Class) {
            Class cls = (Class)element ;
            Map<Class,Annotation> annos = getAllAnnotations(cls) ;
            return (T)annos.get( type ) ;
        } else {
            T result = element.getAnnotation( type ) ;
            if (result == null) {
                message( "No annotation on element: trying addedAnnotations map" ) ;

                Map<Class, Annotation> map = addedAnnotations.get(
                    element );
                if (map != null) {
                    result = (T)map.get( type ) ;

            return result ;

    public synchronized Collection<Annotation> getAnnotations(
        AnnotatedElement elem ) {

        // Can be called anytime
        if (elem instanceof Class) {
            Class cls = (Class)elem ;

            return getAllAnnotations( cls ).values() ;
        } else if (elem instanceof Method) {
            return Arrays.asList( elem.getAnnotations() ) ;
        } else if (elem instanceof Field) {
            return Arrays.asList( elem.getAnnotations() ) ;
        } else {
            // error
            throw Exceptions.self.annotationsNotSupported( elem ) ;

    public synchronized Pair<EvaluatedClassDeclaration,EvaluatedClassAnalyzer>
        getClassAnalyzer( final EvaluatedClassDeclaration cls,
        final Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        final EvaluatedClassAnalyzer clsca = new EvaluatedClassAnalyzer( cls ) ;

        final EvaluatedClassDeclaration annotatedClass = Algorithms.getFirst(
            clsca.findClasses( forAnnotation( annotationClass,
                EvaluatedClassDeclaration.class ) ),
            new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    throw Exceptions.self.noAnnotationFound(
                        annotationClass.getName(), cls.name() ) ;
            } ) ;

        describe( "annotatedClass", annotatedClass ) ;

        final List<EvaluatedClassDeclaration> classes =
            new ArrayList<EvaluatedClassDeclaration>() ;
        classes.add( cls ) ;

        // XXX Should we construct a union of all @IncludeSubclass contents?
        final IncludeSubclass incsub = getFirstAnnotationOnClass(
            cls, IncludeSubclass.class ) ;
        if (incsub != null) {
            for (Class<?> klass : incsub.value()) {
                EvaluatedClassDeclaration ecd =
                    (EvaluatedClassDeclaration)TypeEvaluator.getEvaluatedType(klass) ;
                classes.add( ecd ) ;
                describe( "included subclass", klass ) ;

        EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca = new EvaluatedClassAnalyzer( classes ) ;

        return new Pair<EvaluatedClassDeclaration,
             EvaluatedClassAnalyzer>( annotatedClass, ca ) ;

    public synchronized List<InheritedAttribute> getInheritedAttributes( 
        final EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        final UnaryPredicate<EvaluatedClassDeclaration> pred = Algorithms.or(
            forAnnotation( InheritedAttribute.class,
                EvaluatedClassDeclaration.class ),
            forAnnotation( InheritedAttributes.class,
                EvaluatedClassDeclaration.class ) ) ;

        // Construct list of classes annotated with InheritedAttribute or
        // InheritedAttributes.
        final List<EvaluatedClassDeclaration> iaClasses =
            ca.findClasses( pred ) ;

        List<InheritedAttribute> isList = Algorithms.flatten( iaClasses,
            new UnaryFunction<EvaluatedClassDeclaration,List<InheritedAttribute>>() {
                public List<InheritedAttribute> evaluate( EvaluatedClassDeclaration cls ) {
                    final InheritedAttribute ia = getFirstAnnotationOnClass(cls,
                    final InheritedAttributes ias = getFirstAnnotationOnClass(cls,
                    if ((ia != null) && (ias != null)) {
                        throw Exceptions.self.badInheritedAttributeAnnotation(cls) ;

                    final List<InheritedAttribute> result =
                        new ArrayList<InheritedAttribute>() ;

                    if (ia != null) {
                        result.add( ia ) ;
                    } else if (ias != null) {
                        result.addAll( Arrays.asList( ias.value() )) ;

                    return result ;
        } ) ;

        return isList ;
    private class ADHolder implements UnaryPredicate<InheritedAttribute> {
        private final EvaluatedMethodDeclaration method ;
        private final ManagedObjectManagerInternal.AttributeDescriptorType adt ;
        private AttributeDescriptor content ;

        public ADHolder(  final EvaluatedMethodDeclaration method,
            ManagedObjectManagerInternal.AttributeDescriptorType adt ) {
            this.method = method ;
            this.adt = adt ;
        public boolean evaluate( InheritedAttribute ia ) {
            AttributeDescriptor ad = AttributeDescriptor.makeFromInherited( 
                ManagedObjectManagerImpl.this, method,
                ia.id(), ia.methodName(), ia.description(), adt ) ;
            boolean result = ad != null ;
            if (result) {
                content = ad ;
            return result ;

        public AttributeDescriptor content() {
            return content ;
    private AttributeDescriptor getAttributeDescriptorIfInherited( 
        final EvaluatedMethodDeclaration method, 
        final List<InheritedAttribute> ias,
        final ManagedObjectManagerInternal.AttributeDescriptorType adt ) {
        ADHolder adh = new ADHolder( method, adt ) ;
        Algorithms.find( ias, adh ) ;
        return adh.content() ;

    public synchronized <K,V> void putIfNotPresent( final Map<K,V> map,
        final K key, final V value ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        if (!map.containsKey( key )) {
            message( "Adding key, value to map" ) ;
            map.put( key, value ) ;
        } else {
            message( "Key,value already in map" ) ;

    // Only final fields of immutable type can be used as ManagedAttributes.
    static void checkFieldType( EvaluatedFieldDeclaration field ) {
        if (!Modifier.isFinal( field.modifiers() ) ||
            !field.fieldType().isImmutable()) {
            Exceptions.self.illegalAttributeField(field) ;

    // Returns a pair of maps defining all managed attributes in the ca.  The first map
    // is all setters, and the second is all getters.  Only the most derived version is present.
    public synchronized Pair<Map<String,AttributeDescriptor>,
            final EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca,
            final ManagedObjectManagerInternal.AttributeDescriptorType adt ) {
        // Can be called anytime
        // mm.enter( registrationDebug(), "getAttributes" ) ;

        try {
            final Map<String,AttributeDescriptor> getters = 
                new HashMap<String,AttributeDescriptor>() ; 
            final Map<String,AttributeDescriptor> setters = 
                new HashMap<String,AttributeDescriptor>() ; 
            final Pair<Map<String,AttributeDescriptor>,
                Map<String,AttributeDescriptor>> result =  
                    new Pair<Map<String,AttributeDescriptor>,
                        Map<String,AttributeDescriptor>>( getters, setters ) ;
            final List<InheritedAttribute> ias = getInheritedAttributes( ca ) ;

            ca.findFields( new UnaryPredicate<EvaluatedFieldDeclaration>() {
                public boolean evaluate( EvaluatedFieldDeclaration field ) {
                    ManagedAttribute ma = getAnnotation( field.element(),
                        ManagedAttribute.class ) ;
                    if (ma == null) {
                        return false ;
                    } else {
                        checkFieldType( field ) ;

                        Description desc = getAnnotation( field.element(),
                            Description.class ) ;
                        String description ;
                        if (desc == null) {
                            description = "No description available for "
                                + field.name() ;
                        } else {
                            description = desc.value() ;

                        AttributeDescriptor ad =
                                 ManagedObjectManagerImpl.this, field,
                                 ma.id(), description, adt ) ;

                        putIfNotPresent( getters, ad.id(), ad ) ;

                        return true ;
                } } ) ;

            ca.findMethods( new UnaryPredicate<EvaluatedMethodDeclaration>() {
                public boolean evaluate( EvaluatedMethodDeclaration method ) {
                    ManagedAttribute ma = getAnnotation( method.element(),
                        ManagedAttribute.class ) ;
                    AttributeDescriptor ad ;
                    if (ma == null) {
                        ad = getAttributeDescriptorIfInherited( method, ias,
                            adt ) ;
                    } else {
                        Description desc = getAnnotation( method.element(),
                            Description.class ) ;
                        String description ;
                        if (desc == null) {
                            description = "No description available for "
                                + method.name() ;
                        } else {
                            description = desc.value() ;

                        ad = AttributeDescriptor.makeFromAnnotated(
                            method, ma.id(), description, adt ) ;
                    if (ad != null) {
                        if (ad.atype()==AttributeDescriptor.AttributeType.GETTER) {
                            putIfNotPresent( getters, ad.id(), ad ) ;
                        } else {
                            putIfNotPresent( setters, ad.id(), ad ) ;
                    return false ;
                } } ) ;
            return result ;
        } finally {
	    // mm.exit( registrationDebug() ) ;

    public synchronized void setRegistrationDebug( 
        ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel level ) {
        // can be called anytime
        regDebugLevel = level ;

    public synchronized void setJMXRegistrationDebug(boolean flag) {
        jmxRegistrationDebugFlag = flag ;
    public synchronized void setRuntimeDebug( boolean flag ) {
        // can be called anytime
        runDebugFlag = flag ;

    public synchronized void setTypelibDebug( int level ) {
        // can be called anytime
    public synchronized String dumpSkeleton( Object obj ) {
        // can be called anytime
        MBeanImpl impl = tree.getMBeanImpl( obj ) ;
        if (impl == null) {
            return obj + " is not currently registered with mom " + this ;
        } else {
            MBeanSkeleton skel = impl.skeleton() ;
            String skelString = myObjectUtil.objectToString( skel ) ;
            return "Skeleton for MBean for object " + obj + ":\n"
                + skelString ;
    public synchronized boolean registrationDebug() {
        // can be called anytime
        return regDebugLevel == ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel.NORMAL 
            || regDebugLevel == ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel.FINE ;
    public synchronized boolean registrationFineDebug() {
        // can be called anytime
        return regDebugLevel == ManagedObjectManager.RegistrationDebugLevel.FINE ;
    public synchronized boolean runtimeDebug() {
        // can be called anytime
        return runDebugFlag ;

    public synchronized boolean jmxRegistrationDebug() {
        return jmxRegistrationDebugFlag ;
    public synchronized void stripPrefix( String... args ) {
        checkRootNotCreated("stripPrefix" ) ;
        for (String str : args) {
            typePrefixes.add( str ) ;
    public synchronized <T extends EvaluatedDeclaration> UnaryPredicate<T> forAnnotation(
        final Class<? extends Annotation> annotation,
        final Class<T> cls ) {
        // Can be called anytime

        return new UnaryPredicate<T>() {
            public boolean evaluate( T elem ) {
                return getAnnotation( elem.element(), annotation ) != null ;
        } ;

    public AMXMetadata getDefaultAMXMetadata() {
        return DEFAULT_AMX_METADATA ;

    public boolean isAMXAttributeName( String name ) {
        return amxAttributeNames.contains( name ) ;

    public void suppressDuplicateRootReport(boolean suppressReport) {
        tree.setSuppressDuplicateSetRootReport( suppressReport ) ;

    public ObjectRegistrationManager getObjectRegistrationManager() {
	return orm ;