 * Copyright (c) 2007, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.gmbal.impl;

import org.glassfish.gmbal.AMXMetadata;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission;

import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.Permission;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import javax.management.Attribute;
import javax.management.AttributeList;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.InvalidAttributeValueException;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.ReflectionException;
import javax.management.MBeanParameterInfo;

import javax.management.NotificationBroadcasterSupport;
import javax.management.AttributeChangeNotification;

import org.glassfish.gmbal.NameValue;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ManagedOperation;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.ParameterNames;

import javax.management.Descriptor;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanAttributeInfo;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanInfoSupport;
import javax.management.modelmbean.ModelMBeanOperationInfo;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceRegistration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceRegistrationFine;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.trace.TraceRuntime;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedClassAnalyzer;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedClassDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedFieldDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedMethodDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedType;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.DumpIgnore;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.algorithm.DumpToString;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.contain.Pair;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.facet.FacetAccessor;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.func.BinaryFunction;
import org.glassfish.pfl.tf.spi.annotation.InfoMethod;

public class MBeanSkeleton {
    private static Descriptor DEFAULT_AMX_DESCRIPTOR =
        DescriptorIntrospector.descriptorForElement( null,
            ManagedObjectManagerImpl.DefaultAMXMetadataHolder.class ) ;

    public interface Operation
	extends BinaryFunction<FacetAccessor, List<Object>, Object> {

    private AMXMetadata mbeanType;
    private final String type;
    private Descriptor descriptor;
    private final AtomicLong sequenceNumber;
    private final ManagedObjectManagerInternal mom;
    private final Map<String, AttributeDescriptor> setters;
    private final Map<String, AttributeDescriptor> getters;
    private AttributeDescriptor nameAttributeDescriptor;
    private final Map<String, Map<List<String>, Operation>> operations;
    private final List<ModelMBeanAttributeInfo> mbeanAttributeInfoList;
    private final List<ModelMBeanOperationInfo> mbeanOperationInfoList;
    private final ModelMBeanInfoSupport mbInfo;

    private <K, L, V> void addToCompoundMap(
	Map<K, Map<L, V>> source, Map<K, Map<L, V>> dest) {

	for (Map.Entry<K, Map<L, V>> entry : source.entrySet()) {
	    Map<L, V> dmap = dest.get(entry.getKey());
	    if (dmap == null) {
		dmap = new HashMap<L, V>();
		dest.put(entry.getKey(), dmap);

    public MBeanSkeleton(final EvaluatedClassDeclaration annotatedClass,
	final EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca,
	final ManagedObjectManagerInternal mom) {

        boolean isDefaultAMXMetadata = false ;
	mbeanType = mom.getFirstAnnotationOnClass(annotatedClass, AMXMetadata.class);
	if (mbeanType == null) {
            isDefaultAMXMetadata = true ;
	    mbeanType = mom.getDefaultAMXMetadata() ;

	type = mom.getTypeName(annotatedClass.cls(), "AMX_TYPE",

	Descriptor ldesc = DescriptorIntrospector.descriptorForElement( mom,
	    annotatedClass.cls() ) ;

        if (isDefaultAMXMetadata) {
            // We didn't have an @AMXMetadata annotation on annotatedClass,
            // so we need to construct a new Descriptor that contains the
            // default AMXMetadata values, as well as any other values that
            // may be present from other metadata annotations.
            ldesc = DescriptorUtility.union( DEFAULT_AMX_DESCRIPTOR, ldesc ) ;

        // Now fix up the descriptor so that the ModelMBean code won't
        // complain.
        descriptor = makeValidDescriptor( ldesc, DescriptorType.mbean, type);

	sequenceNumber = new AtomicLong();

	this.mom = mom;

	setters = new HashMap<String, AttributeDescriptor>();
	getters = new HashMap<String, AttributeDescriptor>();
	operations = new HashMap<String, Map<List<String>, Operation>>();
	mbeanAttributeInfoList = new ArrayList<ModelMBeanAttributeInfo>();
	mbeanOperationInfoList = new ArrayList<ModelMBeanOperationInfo>();


	mbInfo = makeMbInfo(mom.getDescription(annotatedClass));

    // In case of conflicts, always prefer second over first.
    private MBeanSkeleton(MBeanSkeleton first, MBeanSkeleton second) {
	mbeanType = second.mbeanType;

	type = second.type;

	descriptor = DescriptorUtility.union(first.descriptor,

	sequenceNumber = new AtomicLong();

	mom = second.mom;

	setters = new HashMap<String, AttributeDescriptor>();

	getters = new HashMap<String, AttributeDescriptor>();

	nameAttributeDescriptor = second.nameAttributeDescriptor;

	operations = new HashMap<String, Map<List<String>, Operation>>();
	addToCompoundMap(first.operations, operations);
	addToCompoundMap(second.operations, operations);

	mbeanAttributeInfoList = new ArrayList<ModelMBeanAttributeInfo>();

	mbeanOperationInfoList = new ArrayList<ModelMBeanOperationInfo>();

	// This must go last, because it depends on some of the
	// preceding initializations.
	mbInfo = makeMbInfo(second.mbInfo.getDescription());

    private ModelMBeanInfoSupport makeMbInfo(String description) {
	ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[] attrInfos = mbeanAttributeInfoList.toArray(
	    new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo[mbeanAttributeInfoList.size()]);
	ModelMBeanOperationInfo[] operInfos = mbeanOperationInfoList.toArray(
	    new ModelMBeanOperationInfo[mbeanOperationInfoList.size()]);

	return new ModelMBeanInfoSupport( type, description, attrInfos, null, 
	    operInfos, null, descriptor);

Create a new MBeanSkeleton that is the composition of this one and skel. Note that, if this and skel contain the same attribute, the version from skel will appear in the composition.
/** Create a new MBeanSkeleton that is the composition of this one * and skel. Note that, if this and skel contain the same attribute, * the version from skel will appear in the composition. */
public MBeanSkeleton compose(MBeanSkeleton skel) { return new MBeanSkeleton(this, skel); } private enum DescriptorType { mbean, attribute, operation } // Create a valid descriptor so that ModelMBinfoSupport won't throw // an exception. Descriptor makeValidDescriptor(Descriptor desc, DescriptorType dtype, String dname) { Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String[] names = desc.getFieldNames(); Object[] values = desc.getFieldValues((String[]) null); for (int ctr = 0; ctr < names.length; ctr++) { map.put(names[ctr], values[ctr]); } map.put("descriptorType", dtype.toString()); if (dtype == DescriptorType.operation) { map.put("role", "operation"); map.put("targetType", "ObjectReference"); } else if (dtype == DescriptorType.mbean) { map.put("persistPolicy", "never"); map.put("log", "F"); map.put("visibility", "1"); } map.put("name", dname); map.put("displayName", dname); return DescriptorUtility.makeDescriptor(map); } @Override public String toString() { return "DynamicMBeanSkeleton[type" + type + "]"; } @InfoMethod private void descriptorContents( String name, String description, Descriptor desc ) {} @InfoMethod private void attributeInfoContents( ModelMBeanAttributeInfo info ) {} // This method should only be called when getter.id.equals( setter.id ) @TraceRegistrationFine private void processAttribute(AttributeDescriptor getter, AttributeDescriptor setter) { if ((setter == null) && (getter == null)) { throw Exceptions.self.notBothNull(); } if ((setter != null) && (getter != null) && !setter.type().equals(getter.type())) { throw Exceptions.self.typesMustMatch(); } AttributeDescriptor nonNullDescriptor = (getter != null) ? getter : setter; String name = nonNullDescriptor.id(); String description = nonNullDescriptor.description(); Descriptor desc = DescriptorUtility.EMPTY_DESCRIPTOR; if (getter != null) { desc = DescriptorUtility.union(desc, DescriptorIntrospector.descriptorForElement( mom, getter.accessible())); } if (setter != null) { desc = DescriptorUtility.union(desc, DescriptorIntrospector.descriptorForElement( mom, setter.accessible())); } desc = makeValidDescriptor(desc, DescriptorType.attribute, name); descriptorContents( name, description, desc ) ; TypeConverter tc = mom.getTypeConverter(nonNullDescriptor.type()); ModelMBeanAttributeInfo ainfo = new ModelMBeanAttributeInfo(name, tc.getManagedType().getClassName(), description, getter != null, setter != null, false, desc); attributeInfoContents(ainfo); mbeanAttributeInfoList.add(ainfo); } @InfoMethod private void attributes( Pair<Map<String, AttributeDescriptor>, Map<String, AttributeDescriptor>> amap ) {} @InfoMethod private void setterNames( String msg, Set<String> names ) {} @TraceRegistrationFine private void analyzeAttributes(EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca) { Pair<Map<String, AttributeDescriptor>, Map<String, AttributeDescriptor>> amap = mom.getAttributes(ca, ManagedObjectManagerInternal.AttributeDescriptorType.MBEAN_ATTR); getters.putAll(amap.first()); setters.putAll(amap.second()); attributes( amap ) ; final Set<String> setterNames = new HashSet<String>(setters.keySet()); setterNames( "before removing getters", setterNames ) ; for (String str : getters.keySet()) { processAttribute(getters.get(str), setters.get(str)); setterNames.remove(str); } setterNames( "after removing getters", setterNames ) ; // Handle setters without getters for (String str : setterNames) { processAttribute(null, setters.get(str)); } } @InfoMethod private void annotatedMethod( EvaluatedMethodDeclaration annotatedMethod ) {} @TraceRegistrationFine private void analyzeObjectNameKeys(EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca) { final List<EvaluatedFieldDeclaration> annotatedFields = ca.findFields(mom.forAnnotation(NameValue.class, EvaluatedFieldDeclaration.class)); final List<EvaluatedMethodDeclaration> annotatedMethods = ca.findMethods(mom.forAnnotation(NameValue.class, EvaluatedMethodDeclaration.class)); if ((annotatedMethods.size() == 0) && (annotatedFields.size() == 0)) { return; } // If there are two methods with @NameValue in the same // class, we have an error. EvaluatedMethodDeclaration annotatedMethod = annotatedMethods.get(0); if (annotatedMethods.size() > 1) { EvaluatedMethodDeclaration second = annotatedMethods.get(1); if (annotatedMethod.containingClass().equals( second.containingClass())) { throw Exceptions.self.duplicateObjectNameKeyAttributes( annotatedMethod, second, annotatedMethod.containingClass().name()); } } annotatedMethod(annotatedMethod); nameAttributeDescriptor = AttributeDescriptor.makeFromAnnotated( mom, annotatedMethod, "NameValue", Exceptions.self.nameOfManagedObject(), ManagedObjectManagerInternal.AttributeDescriptorType.MBEAN_ATTR); } private static final Permission accessControlPermission = new ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks"); @InfoMethod private void describe( String msg, Object data ) { } @TraceRegistrationFine private Pair<Operation, ModelMBeanOperationInfo> makeOperation( final EvaluatedMethodDeclaration m) { AccessController.doPrivileged( new PrivilegedAction<Method>() { public Method run() { m.method().setAccessible(true); return m.method(); } } ) ; final String desc = mom.getDescription(m); final EvaluatedType rtype = m.returnType(); final TypeConverter rtc = rtype == null ? null : mom.getTypeConverter( rtype); final List<EvaluatedType> atypes = m.parameterTypes(); final List<TypeConverter> atcs = new ArrayList<TypeConverter>(); final ManagedOperation mo = mom.getAnnotation(m.element(), ManagedOperation.class); Descriptor modelDescriptor = makeValidDescriptor( DescriptorIntrospector.descriptorForElement(mom, m.element()), DescriptorType.operation, m.name()); for (EvaluatedType ltype : atypes) { atcs.add(mom.getTypeConverter(ltype)); } describe( "desc", desc ) ; describe( "rtype", rtype ); describe( "rtc", rtc ); describe( "atcs", atcs ); describe( "atypes", atypes ); describe( "descriptor", descriptor ); final Operation oper = new Operation() { @TraceRuntime public Object evaluate(FacetAccessor target, List<Object> args) { Object[] margs = new Object[args.size()]; Iterator<Object> argsIterator = args.iterator(); Iterator<TypeConverter> tcIterator = atcs.iterator(); int ctr = 0; while (argsIterator.hasNext() && tcIterator.hasNext()) { final Object arg = argsIterator.next(); final TypeConverter tc = tcIterator.next(); margs[ctr++] = tc.fromManagedEntity(arg); } describe( "margs before invoke", margs ) ; Object result = target.invoke(m.method(), margs); describe( "result after invoke", result ) ; if (rtc == null) { return null; } else { return rtc.toManagedEntity(result); } } }; final ParameterNames pna = mom.getAnnotation( m.element(), ParameterNames.class); describe( "pna", pna ) ; if (pna != null && pna.value().length != atcs.size()) { throw Exceptions.self.parameterNamesLengthBad(); } final MBeanParameterInfo[] paramInfo = new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport[atcs.size()]; int ctr = 0; for (TypeConverter tc : atcs) { String name = ""; try { name = (pna == null) ? "arg" + ctr : pna.value()[ctr]; paramInfo[ctr] = new OpenMBeanParameterInfoSupport( name, Exceptions.self.noDescriptionAvailable(), tc.getManagedType()); ctr++; } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { Exceptions.self.excInOpenParameterInfo(ex, name, m); } } final ModelMBeanOperationInfo operInfo = new ModelMBeanOperationInfo(m.name(), desc, paramInfo, rtc.getManagedType().getClassName(), mo.impact().ordinal(), modelDescriptor); describe( "operInfo", operInfo ) ; return new Pair<Operation, ModelMBeanOperationInfo>(oper, operInfo); } @TraceRegistrationFine private void analyzeOperations(EvaluatedClassAnalyzer ca) { // Scan for all methods annotation with @ManagedOperation, // including inherited methods. final List<EvaluatedMethodDeclaration> ops = ca.findMethods(mom.forAnnotation( ManagedOperation.class, EvaluatedMethodDeclaration.class)); for (EvaluatedMethodDeclaration m : ops) { final Pair<Operation, ModelMBeanOperationInfo> data = makeOperation(m); final ModelMBeanOperationInfo info = data.second(); final List<String> dataTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MBeanParameterInfo pi : info.getSignature()) { // Replace recursion marker with the constructed implementation dataTypes.add(pi.getType()); } Map<List<String>, Operation> map = operations.get(m.name()); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<List<String>, Operation>(); operations.put(m.name(), map); } // Note that the first occurrence of any method will be the most // derived, so if there is already an entry, don't overwrite it. mom.putIfNotPresent(map, dataTypes, data.first()); mbeanOperationInfoList.add(info); } } // The rest of the methods are used in the DynamicMBeanImpl code. public String getType() { return type; } public AMXMetadata getMBeanType() { return mbeanType; } @TraceRuntime public Object getAttribute(FacetAccessor fa, String name) throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { AttributeDescriptor getter = getters.get(name); if (getter == null) { throw Exceptions.self.couldNotFindAttribute(name); } Object result = getter.get(fa); return result; } @TraceRuntime public void setAttribute(final NotificationBroadcasterSupport emitter, final FacetAccessor fa, final Attribute attribute) throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException, MBeanException, ReflectionException { final String name = attribute.getName(); final Object value = attribute.getValue(); final AttributeDescriptor getter = getters.get(name); final Object oldValue = (getter == null) ? null : getter.get(fa); describe( "oldValue", oldValue ) ; final AttributeDescriptor setter = setters.get(name); if (setter == null) { throw Exceptions.self.couldNotFindWritableAttribute(name); } setter.set(fa, value ) ; AttributeChangeNotification notification = new AttributeChangeNotification(emitter, sequenceNumber.incrementAndGet(), System.currentTimeMillis(), "Changed attribute " + name, name, setter.tc().getManagedType().getClassName(), oldValue, value); describe( "sending notification", notification ) ; emitter.sendNotification(notification); } @TraceRuntime public AttributeList getAttributes(FacetAccessor fa, String[] attributes) { AttributeList result = new AttributeList(); for (String str : attributes) { Object value = null; try { value = getAttribute(fa, str); } catch (JMException ex) { Exceptions.self.attributeGettingError(ex, str); } // If value == null, we had a problem in trying to fetch it, // so just ignore that attribute. Returning null simply leads to // a blank entry in jconsole. Do not let an error in fetching // one attribute prevent fetching the others. if (value != null) { Attribute attr = new Attribute(str, value); result.add(attr); } } return result; } @TraceRuntime public AttributeList setAttributes( final NotificationBroadcasterSupport emitter, final FacetAccessor fa, final AttributeList attributes) { AttributeList result = new AttributeList(); for (Object elem : attributes) { Attribute attr = (Attribute) elem; try { setAttribute(emitter, fa, attr); result.add(attr); } catch (JMException ex) { Exceptions.self.attributeSettingError(ex, attr.getName()); } } return result; } @TraceRuntime public Object invoke(FacetAccessor fa, String actionName, Object params[], String sig[]) throws MBeanException, ReflectionException { final List<String> signature = Arrays.asList(sig); final List<Object> parameters = Arrays.asList(params); final Map<List<String>, Operation> opMap = operations.get( actionName); if (opMap == null) { throw Exceptions.self.couldNotFindOperation(actionName); } final Operation op = opMap.get(signature); if (op == null) { throw Exceptions.self.couldNotFindOperationAndSignature( actionName, signature); } Object result = op.evaluate(fa, parameters); return result; } @InfoMethod private void nameAttributeDescriptorIsNull() {} @TraceRuntime public String getNameValue(final FacetAccessor fa) throws MBeanException, ReflectionException { String value = null; if (nameAttributeDescriptor == null) { nameAttributeDescriptorIsNull() ; } else { value = nameAttributeDescriptor.get(fa).toString(); } return value; } public ModelMBeanInfoSupport getMBeanInfo() { return mbInfo; } public ManagedObjectManagerInternal mom() { return mom; } }