 * Copyright (c) 2008, 2018 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
 * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0, which is available at
 * http://www.eclipse.org/org/documents/edl-v10.php.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

package org.glassfish.gmbal.impl;

import java.io.InvalidObjectException;
import java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.management.AttributeNotFoundException;
import javax.management.JMException;
import javax.management.MBeanException;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.openmbean.OpenType;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.GmbalException;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.impl.AttributeDescriptor.AttributeType;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedClassDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedFieldDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedMethodDeclaration;
import org.glassfish.gmbal.typelib.EvaluatedType;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Chain;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.ExceptionWrapper;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Log;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.LogLevel;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.Message;
import org.glassfish.pfl.basic.logex.WrapperGenerator;

Exception wrapper class. The logex WrapperGenerator uses this interface to generate an implementation which returns the appropriate exception, and generates a log report when the method is called. This is used for all implementation classes in this package. The exception IDs are allocated in blocks of EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS, which is a lot more than is needed, but we have 32 bits for IDs, and multiples of a suitably chosen EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS (like 100 here) are easy to read in error messages.
/** Exception wrapper class. The logex WrapperGenerator uses this interface * to generate an implementation which returns the appropriate exception, and * generates a log report when the method is called. This is used for all * implementation classes in this package. * * The exception IDs are allocated in blocks of EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS, which is * a lot more than is needed, but we have 32 bits for IDs, and multiples of * a suitably chosen EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS (like 100 here) are easy to read in * error messages. * * @author ken */
@ExceptionWrapper( idPrefix="GMBAL", resourceBundle = "org.glassfish.gmbal.logex.LogStrings" ) public interface Exceptions { static final Exceptions self = WrapperGenerator.makeWrapper( Exceptions.class ) ; // Allow 100 exceptions per class static final int EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS = 100 ; // AMXImpl static final int AMX_IMPL_START = 1 ; @Message( "Exception in getMeta" ) @Log( id = AMX_IMPL_START + 0 ) GmbalException excForGetMeta( @Chain MBeanException ex ) ; // AttributeDescriptor static final int ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START = AMX_IMPL_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "Required type is {0}" ) @Log( id=ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 0 ) GmbalException excForCheckType( AttributeType at ) ; @Message( "methodName and id must not both be null" ) @Log( id=ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException excForMakeFromInherited( ) ; @Message( "{0} is not a valid attribute method" ) @Log( id=ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException excForMakeFromAnnotated( EvaluatedDeclaration m ) ; @Message( "Unknown EvaluatedDeclaration type {0}") @Log( id=ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 4 ) IllegalArgumentException unknownDeclarationType( EvaluatedDeclaration decl ) ; @Message( "Attribute id {0} in method {1} in class {2} is illegal becase " + "it is a reserved Attribute id for AMX" ) @Log( id=ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 5 ) IllegalArgumentException duplicateAMXFieldName(String actualId, String methodName, String className ); // DescriptorIntrospector static final int DESCRIPTOR_INTROSPECTOR_START = ATTRIBUTE_DESCRIPTOR_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "@DescriptorFields must contain '=' : {0}" ) @Log( id=DESCRIPTOR_INTROSPECTOR_START + 0 ) IllegalArgumentException excForAddDescriptorFieldsToMap( String field ) ; @Log( id=DESCRIPTOR_INTROSPECTOR_START + 1 ) @Message( "Exception in addAnnotationFieldsToMap") UndeclaredThrowableException excForAddAnnotationFieldsToMap( @Chain Exception ex ) ; @Message( "Inconcistent values for descriptor field {0} from annotations: {1} :: {2}" ) @Log( id=DESCRIPTOR_INTROSPECTOR_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException excForAddToMap( String name, Object value, Object oldValue ) ; @Message( "Illegal type for annotation element using @DescriptorKey: {0}" ) @Log( id=DESCRIPTOR_INTROSPECTOR_START + 3 ) IllegalArgumentException excForAnnotationToField( String name ) ; // ImmutableDescriptor static final int IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START = DESCRIPTOR_INTROSPECTOR_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "Null Map" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 0 ) IllegalArgumentException nullMap() ; @Message( "Empty or null field name" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException badFieldName() ; @Message( "Duplicate field name: {0}" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException duplicateFieldName( String name ) ; @Message( "Bad names or values" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 3 ) InvalidObjectException excForReadResolveImmutableDescriptor() ; @Message( "Null array parameter") @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 4 ) IllegalArgumentException nullArrayParameter() ; @Message( "Different size arrays") @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 5 ) IllegalArgumentException differentSizeArrays() ; @Message( "Null fields parameter") @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 6 ) IllegalArgumentException nullFieldsParameter() ; @Message( "Missing = character: {0}") @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 7 ) IllegalArgumentException badFieldFormat( String field ) ; @Message( "Inconsistent values for descriptor field {0}: {1} :: {2}" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 8 ) IllegalArgumentException excForUnion( String name, Object oldValue, Object value ) ; @Message( "Null argument" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 9 ) IllegalArgumentException nullArgument() ; @Message( "Descriptor is read-only" ) @Log( id=IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + 10 ) UnsupportedOperationException unsupportedOperation() ; // MBeanImpl static final int MBEAN_IMPL_START = IMMUTABLE_DESCRIPTOR_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "Cannot set parent to {0}: this node already has a parent" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_IMPL_START + 0 ) IllegalArgumentException nodeAlreadyHasParent( MBeanImpl entity ) ; @Message( "Parent object {0} only allows subtypes {1}: " + " cannot add child {2} of type {3}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_IMPL_START + 1 ) public IllegalArgumentException invalidSubtypeOfParent(ObjectName oname, Set<String> subTypes, ObjectName objectName, String type); @Message( "Parent object {0} cannot contain more than one object" + " of type {1}: cannot add child {2}") @Log( id=MBEAN_IMPL_START + 2 ) public IllegalArgumentException childMustBeSingleton(ObjectName pname, String ctype, ObjectName cname); @Message( "tried to register MBean {0} that is already registered" ) @Log( id = MBEAN_IMPL_START + 3 ) void registerMBeanRegistered(ObjectName oname); @Message( "tried to unregister MBean {0} that is not registered" ) @Log( id = MBEAN_IMPL_START + 4 ) void unregisterMBeanNotRegistered(ObjectName oname); // @StackTrace @Message( "registering MBean {0}") @Log( id = MBEAN_IMPL_START + 5, level=LogLevel.INFO ) public void registeringMBean(ObjectName oname); // XXX Do we want to support StackTrace annotation? // @StackTrace @Message( "unregistering MBean {0}") @Log( id = MBEAN_IMPL_START + 6, level=LogLevel.INFO ) public void unregisteringMBean(ObjectName oname); @Message( "Got an unexpected exception from method {0}" ) @Log( id = MBEAN_IMPL_START + 7 ) public void unexpectedException( String method, @Chain Throwable exc ) ; // MBeanSkeleton static final int MBEAN_SKELETON_START = MBEAN_IMPL_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "At least one of getter and setter must not be null") @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 0 ) IllegalArgumentException notBothNull() ; @Message( "Getter and setter type must match") @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException typesMustMatch() ; @Message( "Methods {0} and {1} are both annotated " + "with @ObjectNameKey in class {2}") @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException duplicateObjectNameKeyAttributes( EvaluatedMethodDeclaration first, EvaluatedMethodDeclaration second, String className ) ; @Message( "ParameterNams annotation must have the same number " + "of arguments as the length of the method parameter list" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 3 ) IllegalArgumentException parameterNamesLengthBad() ; @Message( "Could not find attribute {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 4 ) AttributeNotFoundException couldNotFindAttribute( String name ) ; @Message( "Could not find writable attribute {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 5 ) AttributeNotFoundException couldNotFindWritableAttribute( String name ) ; @Message( "Could not find operation named {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 6 ) IllegalArgumentException couldNotFindOperation( String name ) ; @Message( "Could not find operation named {0} with signature {1}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 7 ) IllegalArgumentException couldNotFindOperationAndSignature( String name, List<String> signature) ; @Message( "Name of this ManagedObject") String nameOfManagedObject() ; @Message( "Error in setting attribute {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 8 ) void attributeSettingError( @Chain Exception ex, String name ) ; @Message( "Error in getting attribute {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 9 ) void attributeGettingError( @Chain Exception ex, String name ) ; @Message( "OpenDataException trying to create " + "OpenMBEanParameterInfoSupport for parameter {0} on method {1}" ) @Log( id = MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 10 ) IllegalStateException excInOpenParameterInfo( @Chain IllegalArgumentException exc, String paramName, EvaluatedMethodDeclaration meth ) ; @Message( "Exception on invoking annotation method {0}") @Log( id = MBEAN_SKELETON_START + 11, level=LogLevel.SEVERE ) public RuntimeException annotationMethodException(Method m, @Chain Exception exc); // MBeanTree static final int MBEAN_TREE_START = MBEAN_SKELETON_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "Root has already been set: cannot set it again" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 0 ) IllegalStateException rootAlreadySet() ; @Message( "Could not construct ObjectName for root" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException noRootObjectName( @Chain Exception ex ) ; @Message( "Could not register root with ObjectName {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException rootRegisterFail( @Chain Exception ex, ObjectName rootName); @Message( "Root has not been set" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 3 ) IllegalStateException rootNotSet() ; @Message( "rootParentName {0} is invalid: missing type or name" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 4 ) GmbalException invalidRootParentName( ObjectName oname ) ; @Message( "Entity {0} is not part of this EntityTree" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 5 ) IllegalArgumentException notPartOfThisTree( MBeanImpl mbi ) ; @Message( "Parent cannot be null" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 6 ) IllegalArgumentException parentCannotBeNull() ; @Message( "Parent object {0} not found" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 7 ) IllegalArgumentException parentNotFound( Object parent ) ; @Message( "Object {0} is already registered as {1}") @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 8 ) IllegalArgumentException objectAlreadyRegistered( Object obj, MBeanImpl oldMbi ) ; @Message( "Should not happen" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 9, level=LogLevel.FINE ) void shouldNotHappen( @Chain Exception ex ) ; @Message( "Object {0} not found") @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 10 ) IllegalArgumentException objectNotFound( Object obj ) ; @Message( "The ObjectName of the root parent MUST contain pp key") @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 11 ) IllegalArgumentException ppNullInRootParent() ; @Message( "The ObjectName of the root parent MUST contain pp key") @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 12 ) IllegalArgumentException typeNullInRootParent() ; @Message( "A MalformedObjectNameException occured on {0}" ) @Log( id=MBEAN_TREE_START + 13 ) IllegalArgumentException malformedObjectName( @Chain Exception exc, String str ) ; // ManagedObjectManagerImpl static final int MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START = MBEAN_TREE_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "obj argument is a String: {0} : was a call to " + "registerAtRoot intended here?" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 0 ) IllegalArgumentException objStringWrongRegisterCall( String str ) ; @Message( "Exception in register" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException exceptionInRegister( @Chain Exception ex ) ; @Message( "Exception in unregister" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException exceptionInUnregister( @Chain Exception ex ) ; @Message( "Cannot add annotation to element {0}: " + "an Annotation of type {1} is already present") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 3 ) IllegalArgumentException duplicateAnnotation( AnnotatedElement element, String name ) ; @Message( "Class {0} contains both the InheritedAttribute and " + "the InheritedAttributes annotations" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 4 ) IllegalArgumentException badInheritedAttributeAnnotation( EvaluatedClassDeclaration cls ) ; @Message( "Field {0} must be final and have an immutable type " + "to be used as an attribute" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 5 ) IllegalArgumentException illegalAttributeField( EvaluatedFieldDeclaration cls ) ; @Message( "No description available!" ) String noDescriptionAvailable() ; @Message( "Method {0} cannot be called before a successful createRoot call") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 6 ) IllegalStateException createRootNotCalled( String methodName ) ; @Message( "Method {0} cannot be called after a successful createRoot call") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 7 ) IllegalStateException createRootCalled( String methodName ) ; @Message( "Could not construct MBean {0}") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 8 ) public IllegalArgumentException errorInConstructingMBean(String objName, @Chain JMException exc); @Message( "Attempt made to register non-singleton object of type {1}" + " without a name as a child of {0}" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 9 ) public IllegalArgumentException nonSingletonRequiresName( MBeanImpl parentEntity, String type); @Message( "Attempt made to register singleton object of type {1}" + " with name {2} as a child of {0}") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 10 ) public IllegalArgumentException singletonCannotSpecifyName( MBeanImpl parentEntity, String type, String name); @Message( "No {0} annotation found on {1}" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 11 ) public IllegalArgumentException noAnnotationFound(String name, String cls ); @Message( "Cannot add null annotation to {0}" ) @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 12 ) public IllegalArgumentException cannotAddNullAnnotation(AnnotatedElement element); @Message( "ManagedObject annotation not found on class {0}") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 13 ) public IllegalArgumentException managedObjectAnnotationNotFound(String cname); @Message( "Cannot call getAnnotations on {0}") @Log( id=MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + 14 ) public IllegalArgumentException annotationsNotSupported(AnnotatedElement elem); // TypeConverterImpl static final int TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START = MANAGED_OBJECT_MANAGER_IMPL_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "Unsupported OpenType {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 0 ) IllegalArgumentException unsupportedOpenType( OpenType ot ) ; @Message( "{0} cannot be converted into a Java class") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 1 ) IllegalArgumentException cannotConvertToJavaType( EvaluatedType type ) ; @Message( "Management entity {0} is not an ObjectName") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 2 ) IllegalArgumentException entityNotObjectName( Object entity ) ; @Message( "Arrays of arrays not supported") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 3 ) IllegalArgumentException noArrayOfArray( @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "{0} is not a String" ) @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 4 ) IllegalArgumentException notAString( Object obj ) ; @Message( "There is no <init>(String) constructor " + "available to convert a String into a {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 5 ) UnsupportedOperationException noStringConstructor( Class cls ) ; @Message( "Error in converting from String to {0}" ) @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 6 ) IllegalArgumentException stringConversionError( Class cls, @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "Exception in makeCompositeType") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 7 ) IllegalArgumentException exceptionInMakeCompositeType( @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "Exception in handleManagedData") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 8 ) IllegalArgumentException exceptionInHandleManagedData( @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "Remove is not supported") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 9 ) UnsupportedOperationException removeNotSupported( ) ; @Message( "Recursive types are not supported: type is {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 10 ) UnsupportedOperationException recursiveTypesNotSupported( EvaluatedType et ) ; @Message( "OpenType exception in ArrayType construction caused by {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 11 ) IllegalArgumentException openTypeInArrayTypeException( OpenType ot, @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "Exception in makeMapTabularType") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 12 ) IllegalArgumentException exceptionInMakeMapTabularType( @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "row type for {0}") String rowTypeDescription( String mapType ) ; @Message( "Key of map {0}") String keyFieldDescription( String mapType ) ; @Message( "Value of map {0}") String valueFieldDescription( String mapType ) ; @Message( "Table:{0}") String tableName( String mapType ) ; @Message( "Table for map {0}") String tableDescription( String mapType ) ; @Message( "Exception in makeMapTabularData:toManagedEntity") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 13 ) IllegalArgumentException excInMakeMapTabularDataToManagedEntity( @Chain Exception exc ) ; @Message( "{0} must have at least 1 type argument") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 14 ) IllegalArgumentException paramTypeNeedsArgument( ParameterizedType type ) ; @Message( "Converting from OpenType {0} to Java type {1} is not supported") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 15 ) UnsupportedOperationException openToJavaNotSupported( OpenType otype, EvaluatedType javaType ) ; @Message( "iterator() method not found in subclass of Iterable {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 16 ) IllegalStateException iteratorNotFound( EvaluatedClassDeclaration cls ) ; @Message( "next() method not found in type {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 17 ) IllegalStateException nextNotFound( EvaluatedClassDeclaration cls ) ; @Message( "Could not set field {1} in CompositeData for type {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 18, level=LogLevel.FINE ) public void errorInConstructingOpenData(String name, String id, @Chain JMException ex); @Message( "No <init>(String) constructor available for class {0}") @Log( id=TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + 19, level=LogLevel.FINE ) void noStringConstructorAvailable( @Chain Exception exc, String name); // JMXRegistrationManager start static final int JMX_REGISTRATION_MANAGER_START = TYPE_CONVERTER_IMPL_START + EXCEPTIONS_PER_CLASS ; @Message( "JMX exception on registration of MBean {0}" ) @Log( id=JMX_REGISTRATION_MANAGER_START + 0 ) void deferredRegistrationException( @Chain JMException exc, MBeanImpl mbean ) ; }