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package freemarker.core;

import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException;

import freemarker.cache.MruCacheStorage;
import freemarker.log.Logger;
import freemarker.template.TemplateModelException;
import freemarker.template.utility.StringUtil;

Helper for language features (like built-ins) that use regular expressions.
/** * Helper for language features (like built-ins) that use regular expressions. */
final class RegexpHelper { private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("freemarker.runtime"); private static volatile boolean flagWarningsEnabled = LOG.isWarnEnabled(); private static final int MAX_FLAG_WARNINGS_LOGGED = 25; private static final Object flagWarningsCntSync = new Object(); private static int flagWarningsCnt; private static final MruCacheStorage patternCache = new MruCacheStorage(50, 150); static private long intFlagToLong(int flag) { return flag & 0x0000FFFFL; } // Standard regular expression flags converted to long: static final long RE_FLAG_CASE_INSENSITIVE = intFlagToLong(Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); static final long RE_FLAG_MULTILINE = intFlagToLong(Pattern.MULTILINE); static final long RE_FLAG_COMMENTS = intFlagToLong(Pattern.COMMENTS); static final long RE_FLAG_DOTALL = intFlagToLong(Pattern.DOTALL); // FreeMarker-specific regular expression flags (using the higher 32 bits): static final long RE_FLAG_REGEXP = 0x100000000L; static final long RE_FLAG_FIRST_ONLY = 0x200000000L; // Can't be instantiated private RegexpHelper() { } static Pattern getPattern(String patternString, int flags) throws TemplateModelException { PatternCacheKey patternKey = new PatternCacheKey(patternString, flags); Pattern result; synchronized (patternCache) { result = (Pattern) patternCache.get(patternKey); } if (result != null) { return result; } try { result = Pattern.compile(patternString, flags); } catch (PatternSyntaxException e) { throw new _TemplateModelException(e, "Malformed regular expression: ", new _DelayedGetMessage(e)); } synchronized (patternCache) { patternCache.put(patternKey, result); } return result; }; private static class PatternCacheKey { private final String patternString; private final int flags; private final int hashCode; public PatternCacheKey(String patternString, int flags) { this.patternString = patternString; this.flags = flags; hashCode = patternString.hashCode() + 31 * flags; } @Override public boolean equals(Object that) { if (that instanceof PatternCacheKey) { PatternCacheKey thatPCK = (PatternCacheKey) that; return thatPCK.flags == flags && thatPCK.patternString.equals(patternString); } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return hashCode; } } static long parseFlagString(String flagString) { long flags = 0; for (int i = 0; i < flagString.length(); i++) { char c = flagString.charAt(i); switch (c) { case 'i': flags |= RE_FLAG_CASE_INSENSITIVE; break; case 'm': flags |= RE_FLAG_MULTILINE; break; case 'c': flags |= RE_FLAG_COMMENTS; break; case 's': flags |= RE_FLAG_DOTALL; break; case 'r': flags |= RE_FLAG_REGEXP; break; case 'f': flags |= RE_FLAG_FIRST_ONLY; break; default: if (flagWarningsEnabled) { RegexpHelper.logFlagWarning( "Unrecognized regular expression flag: " + StringUtil.jQuote(String.valueOf(c)) + "."); } } // switch } return flags; }
Logs flag warning for a limited number of times. This is used to prevent log flooding.
/** * Logs flag warning for a limited number of times. This is used to prevent * log flooding. */
static void logFlagWarning(String message) { if (!flagWarningsEnabled) return; int cnt; synchronized (flagWarningsCntSync) { cnt = flagWarningsCnt; if (cnt < MAX_FLAG_WARNINGS_LOGGED) { flagWarningsCnt++; } else { flagWarningsEnabled = false; return; } } message += " This will be an error in some later FreeMarker version!"; if (cnt + 1 == MAX_FLAG_WARNINGS_LOGGED) { message += " [Will not log more regular expression flag problems until restart!]"; } LOG.warn(message); } static void checkNonRegexpFlags(String biName, long flags) throws _TemplateModelException { checkOnlyHasNonRegexpFlags(biName, flags, false); } static void checkOnlyHasNonRegexpFlags(String biName, long flags, boolean strict) throws _TemplateModelException { if (!strict && !flagWarningsEnabled) return; String flag; if ((flags & RE_FLAG_MULTILINE) != 0) { flag = "m"; } else if ((flags & RE_FLAG_DOTALL) != 0) { flag = "s"; } else if ((flags & RE_FLAG_COMMENTS) != 0) { flag = "c"; } else { return; } final Object[] msg = { "?", biName ," doesn't support the \"", flag, "\" flag " + "without the \"r\" flag." }; if (strict) { throw new _TemplateModelException(msg); } else { // Suppress error for backward compatibility logFlagWarning(new _ErrorDescriptionBuilder(msg).toString()); } } }