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/* $Id: PDFPattern.java 1804125 2017-08-04 14:15:05Z ssteiner $ */

package org.apache.fop.pdf;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.List;

class representing a PDF Function. PDF Functions represent parameterized mathematical formulas and sampled representations with arbitrary resolution. Functions are used in two areas: device-dependent rasterization information for halftoning and transfer functions, and color specification for smooth shading (a PDF 1.3 feature). All PDF Functions have a FunctionType (0,2,3, or 4), a Domain, and a Range.
/** * class representing a PDF Function. * * PDF Functions represent parameterized mathematical formulas and sampled representations with * arbitrary resolution. Functions are used in two areas: device-dependent * rasterization information for halftoning and transfer * functions, and color specification for smooth shading (a PDF 1.3 feature). * * All PDF Functions have a FunctionType (0,2,3, or 4), a Domain, and a Range. */
public class PDFPattern extends PDFPathPaint {
The resources associated with this pattern
/** * The resources associated with this pattern */
protected PDFResources resources;
Either one (1) for tiling, or two (2) for shading.
/** * Either one (1) for tiling, or two (2) for shading. */
protected int patternType = 2; // Default
The name of the pattern such as "Pa1" or "Pattern1"
/** * The name of the pattern such as "Pa1" or "Pattern1" */
protected String patternName;
1 for colored pattern, 2 for uncolored
/** * 1 for colored pattern, 2 for uncolored */
protected int paintType = 2;
1 for constant spacing, 2 for no distortion, and 3 for fast rendering
/** * 1 for constant spacing, 2 for no distortion, and 3 for fast rendering */
protected int tilingType = 1;
List of Doubles representing the Bounding box rectangle
/** * List of Doubles representing the Bounding box rectangle */
protected List bBox;
Horizontal spacing
/** * Horizontal spacing */
protected double xStep = -1;
Vertical spacing
/** * Vertical spacing */
protected double yStep = -1;
The Shading object comprising the Type 2 pattern
/** * The Shading object comprising the Type 2 pattern */
protected PDFShading shading;
List of Integers represetning the Extended unique Identifier
/** * List of Integers represetning the Extended unique Identifier */
protected List xUID;
TODO use PDFGState String representing the extended Graphics state. Probably will never be used like this.
/** * TODO use PDFGState * String representing the extended Graphics state. * Probably will never be used like this. */
protected StringBuffer extGState;
List of Doubles representing the Transformation matrix.
/** * List of Doubles representing the Transformation matrix. */
protected List matrix;
The stream of a pattern
/** * The stream of a pattern */
protected StringBuffer patternDataStream;
Create a tiling pattern (type 1).
  • theResources – the resources associated with this pattern
  • thePatternType – the type of pattern, which is 1 for tiling.
  • thePaintType – 1 or 2, colored or uncolored.
  • theTilingType – 1, 2, or 3, constant spacing, no distortion, or faster tiling
  • theBBox – List of Doubles: The pattern cell bounding box
  • theXStep – horizontal spacing
  • theYStep – vertical spacing
  • theMatrix – Optional List of Doubles transformation matrix
  • theXUID – Optional vector of Integers that uniquely identify the pattern
  • thePatternDataStream – The stream of pattern data to be tiled.
/** * Create a tiling pattern (type 1). * * @param theResources the resources associated with this pattern * @param thePatternType the type of pattern, which is 1 for tiling. * @param thePaintType 1 or 2, colored or uncolored. * @param theTilingType 1, 2, or 3, constant spacing, no distortion, or faster tiling * @param theBBox List of Doubles: The pattern cell bounding box * @param theXStep horizontal spacing * @param theYStep vertical spacing * @param theMatrix Optional List of Doubles transformation matrix * @param theXUID Optional vector of Integers that uniquely identify the pattern * @param thePatternDataStream The stream of pattern data to be tiled. */
public PDFPattern(PDFResources theResources, int thePatternType, int thePaintType, int theTilingType, List theBBox, double theXStep, double theYStep, List theMatrix, List theXUID, StringBuffer thePatternDataStream) { super(); this.resources = theResources; // This next parameter is implicit to all constructors, and is // not directly passed. this.patternType = 1; // thePatternType; this.paintType = thePaintType; this.tilingType = theTilingType; this.bBox = theBBox; this.xStep = theXStep; this.yStep = theYStep; this.matrix = theMatrix; this.xUID = theXUID; this.patternDataStream = thePatternDataStream; }
Create a type 2 pattern (smooth shading)
  • thePatternType – the type of the pattern, which is 2, smooth shading
  • shading – the Shading object that comprises this pattern
  • theXUID – optional:the extended unique Identifier if used.
  • theExtGState – optional: the extended graphics state, if used.
  • theMatrix – Optional:List of Doubles that specify the matrix.
/** * Create a type 2 pattern (smooth shading) * * @param thePatternType the type of the pattern, which is 2, smooth shading * @param shading the Shading object that comprises this pattern * @param theXUID optional:the extended unique Identifier if used. * @param theExtGState optional: the extended graphics state, if used. * @param theMatrix Optional:List of Doubles that specify the matrix. */
public PDFPattern(int thePatternType, PDFShading shading, List theXUID, StringBuffer theExtGState, List theMatrix) { super(); this.patternType = 2; // thePatternType; this.shading = shading; this.xUID = theXUID; // this isn't really implemented, so it should always be null. // I just don't want to have to add a new parameter once it is implemented. this.extGState = theExtGState; // always null this.matrix = theMatrix; }
Get the name of the pattern
Returns:String representing the name of the pattern.
/** * Get the name of the pattern * * @return String representing the name of the pattern. */
public String getName() { return (this.patternName); }
Sets the name of the pattern.
  • name – the name of the pattern. Can be anything without spaces. "Pattern1" or "Pa1" are good examples.
/** * Sets the name of the pattern. * @param name the name of the pattern. Can be anything * without spaces. "Pattern1" or "Pa1" are good examples. */
public void setName(String name) { if (name.indexOf(" ") >= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Pattern name must not contain any spaces"); } this.patternName = name; }
Get the PDF command for setting to this pattern.
  • fillNotStroke – if true fill otherwise stroke
Returns:the PDF string for setting the pattern
/** * Get the PDF command for setting to this pattern. * * @param fillNotStroke if true fill otherwise stroke * @return the PDF string for setting the pattern */
public String getColorSpaceOut(boolean fillNotStroke) { if (fillNotStroke) { // fill but no stroke return ("/Pattern cs /" + this.getName() + " scn \n"); } else { // stroke (or border) return ("/Pattern CS /" + this.getName() + " SCN \n"); } }
represent as PDF. Whatever the FunctionType is, the correct representation spits out. The sets of required and optional attributes are different for each type, but if a required attribute's object was constructed as null, then no error is raised. Instead, the malformed PDF that was requested by the construction is dutifully output. This policy should be reviewed.
  • stream – the stream to write to
  • IOException – if there is an error writing to the stream
Returns:the PDF string.
/** * represent as PDF. Whatever the FunctionType is, the correct * representation spits out. The sets of required and optional * attributes are different for each type, but if a required * attribute's object was constructed as null, then no error * is raised. Instead, the malformed PDF that was requested * by the construction is dutifully output. * This policy should be reviewed. * * @param stream the stream to write to * @throws IOException if there is an error writing to the stream * @return the PDF string. */
public int output(OutputStream stream) throws IOException { int vectorSize = 0; int tempInt = 0; byte[] buffer; StringBuffer p = new StringBuffer(64); p.append("<< \n/Type /Pattern \n"); if (this.resources != null) { p.append("/Resources " + this.resources.referencePDF() + " \n"); } p.append("/PatternType " + this.patternType + " \n"); PDFStream pdfStream = null; StreamCache encodedStream = null; if (this.patternType == 1) { p.append("/PaintType " + this.paintType + " \n"); p.append("/TilingType " + this.tilingType + " \n"); if (this.bBox != null) { vectorSize = this.bBox.size(); p.append("/BBox [ "); for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) { p.append(PDFNumber.doubleOut((Double)this.bBox.get(tempInt))); p.append(" "); } p.append("] \n"); } p.append("/XStep " + PDFNumber.doubleOut(Double.valueOf(this.xStep)) + " \n"); p.append("/YStep " + PDFNumber.doubleOut(Double.valueOf(this.yStep)) + " \n"); if (this.matrix != null) { vectorSize = this.matrix.size(); p.append("/Matrix [ "); for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) { p.append(PDFNumber.doubleOut( (Double) this.matrix.get(tempInt), 8)); p.append(" "); } p.append("] \n"); } if (this.xUID != null) { vectorSize = this.xUID.size(); p.append("/XUID [ "); for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) { p.append((this.xUID.get(tempInt)) + " "); } p.append("] \n"); } // don't forget the length of the stream. if (this.patternDataStream != null) { pdfStream = new PDFStream(); pdfStream.setDocument(getDocumentSafely()); pdfStream.add(this.patternDataStream.toString()); pdfStream.setObjectNumber(getObjectNumber()); pdfStream.getFilterList().addDefaultFilters( getDocument().getFilterMap(), PDFFilterList.CONTENT_FILTER); getDocument().applyEncryption(pdfStream); encodedStream = pdfStream.encodeStream(); p.append(pdfStream.getFilterList().buildFilterDictEntries()); p.append("/Length " + encodedStream.getSize() + " \n"); } } else { // if (this.patternType ==2) // Smooth Shading... if (this.shading != null) { p.append("/Shading " + this.shading.referencePDF() + " \n"); } if (this.xUID != null) { vectorSize = this.xUID.size(); p.append("/XUID [ "); for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) { p.append((this.xUID.get(tempInt)) + " "); } p.append("] \n"); } if (this.extGState != null) { p.append("/ExtGState " + this.extGState + " \n"); } if (this.matrix != null) { vectorSize = this.matrix.size(); p.append("/Matrix [ "); for (tempInt = 0; tempInt < vectorSize; tempInt++) { p.append(PDFNumber.doubleOut( (Double) this.matrix.get(tempInt), 8)); p.append(" "); } p.append("] \n"); } } // end of if patterntype =1...else 2. p.append(">> \n"); buffer = encode(p.toString()); int length = buffer.length; stream.write(buffer); // stream representing the function if (pdfStream != null) { length += pdfStream.outputStreamData(encodedStream, stream); } patternDataStream = null; return length; }
Output PDF bytes, not used.
Returns:returns null
/** * Output PDF bytes, not used. * @return returns null */
public byte[] toPDF() { return null; }
/** {@inheritDoc} */
protected boolean contentEquals(PDFObject obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (obj == this) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof PDFPattern)) { return false; } PDFPattern patt = (PDFPattern)obj; if (patternType != patt.patternType) { return false; } if (paintType != patt.paintType) { return false; } if (tilingType != patt.tilingType) { return false; } if (xStep != patt.xStep) { return false; } if (yStep != patt.yStep) { return false; } if (bBox != null) { if (!bBox.equals(patt.bBox)) { return false; } } else if (patt.bBox != null) { return false; } if (bBox != null) { if (!bBox.equals(patt.bBox)) { return false; } } else if (patt.bBox != null) { return false; } if (xUID != null) { if (!xUID.equals(patt.xUID)) { return false; } } else if (patt.xUID != null) { return false; } if (extGState != null) { if (!extGState.equals(patt.extGState)) { return false; } } else if (patt.extGState != null) { return false; } if (matrix != null) { if (!matrix.equals(patt.matrix)) { return false; } } else if (patt.matrix != null) { return false; } if (resources != null) { if (!resources.equals(patt.resources)) { return false; } } else if (patt.resources != null) { return false; } if (shading != null) { if (!shading.equals(patt.shading)) { return false; } } else if (patt.shading != null) { return false; } if (patternDataStream != null) { if (!patternDataStream.equals(patt.patternDataStream)) { return false; } } else if (patt.patternDataStream != null) { return false; } return true; } }