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package org.apache.cassandra.db;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.IOError;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.google.common.collect.Iterables;
import com.google.common.collect.PeekingIterator;

import org.apache.cassandra.config.CFMetaData;
import org.apache.cassandra.db.rows.*;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.DataInputPlus;
import org.apache.cassandra.io.util.FileDataInput;
import org.apache.cassandra.net.MessagingService;

Helper class to deserialize Unfiltered object from disk efficiently. More precisely, this class is used by the low-level reader to ensure we don't do more work than necessary (i.e. we don't allocate/deserialize objects for things we don't care about).
/** * Helper class to deserialize Unfiltered object from disk efficiently. * * More precisely, this class is used by the low-level reader to ensure * we don't do more work than necessary (i.e. we don't allocate/deserialize * objects for things we don't care about). */
public abstract class UnfilteredDeserializer { protected final CFMetaData metadata; protected final DataInputPlus in; protected final SerializationHelper helper; protected UnfilteredDeserializer(CFMetaData metadata, DataInputPlus in, SerializationHelper helper) { this.metadata = metadata; this.in = in; this.helper = helper; } public static UnfilteredDeserializer create(CFMetaData metadata, DataInputPlus in, SerializationHeader header, SerializationHelper helper, DeletionTime partitionDeletion, boolean readAllAsDynamic) { if (helper.version >= MessagingService.VERSION_30) return new CurrentDeserializer(metadata, in, header, helper); else return new OldFormatDeserializer(metadata, in, helper, partitionDeletion, readAllAsDynamic); }
Whether or not there is more atom to read.
/** * Whether or not there is more atom to read. */
public abstract boolean hasNext() throws IOException;
Compare the provided bound to the next atom to read on disk. This will not read/deserialize the whole atom but only what is necessary for the comparison. Whenever we know what to do with this atom (read it or skip it), readNext or skipNext should be called.
/** * Compare the provided bound to the next atom to read on disk. * * This will not read/deserialize the whole atom but only what is necessary for the * comparison. Whenever we know what to do with this atom (read it or skip it), * readNext or skipNext should be called. */
public abstract int compareNextTo(ClusteringBound bound) throws IOException;
Returns whether the next atom is a row or not.
/** * Returns whether the next atom is a row or not. */
public abstract boolean nextIsRow() throws IOException;
Returns whether the next atom is the static row or not.
/** * Returns whether the next atom is the static row or not. */
public abstract boolean nextIsStatic() throws IOException;
Returns the next atom.
/** * Returns the next atom. */
public abstract Unfiltered readNext() throws IOException;
Clears any state in this deserializer.
/** * Clears any state in this deserializer. */
public abstract void clearState() throws IOException;
Skips the next atom.
/** * Skips the next atom. */
public abstract void skipNext() throws IOException;
For the legacy layout deserializer, we have to deal with the fact that a row can span multiple index blocks and that the call to hasNext() reads the next element upfront. We must take that into account when we check in AbstractSSTableIterator if we're past the end of an index block boundary as that check expect to account for only consumed data (that is, if hasNext has been called and made us cross an index boundary but neither readNext() or skipNext() as yet been called, we shouldn't consider the index block boundary crossed yet). TODO: we don't care about this for the current file format because a row can never span multiple index blocks (further, hasNext() only just basically read 2 bytes from disk in that case). So once we drop backward compatibility with pre-3.0 sstable, we should remove this.
/** * For the legacy layout deserializer, we have to deal with the fact that a row can span multiple index blocks and that * the call to hasNext() reads the next element upfront. We must take that into account when we check in AbstractSSTableIterator if * we're past the end of an index block boundary as that check expect to account for only consumed data (that is, if hasNext has * been called and made us cross an index boundary but neither readNext() or skipNext() as yet been called, we shouldn't consider * the index block boundary crossed yet). * * TODO: we don't care about this for the current file format because a row can never span multiple index blocks (further, hasNext() * only just basically read 2 bytes from disk in that case). So once we drop backward compatibility with pre-3.0 sstable, we should * remove this. */
public abstract long bytesReadForUnconsumedData(); private static class CurrentDeserializer extends UnfilteredDeserializer { private final ClusteringPrefix.Deserializer clusteringDeserializer; private final SerializationHeader header; private int nextFlags; private int nextExtendedFlags; private boolean isReady; private boolean isDone; private final Row.Builder builder; private CurrentDeserializer(CFMetaData metadata, DataInputPlus in, SerializationHeader header, SerializationHelper helper) { super(metadata, in, helper); this.header = header; this.clusteringDeserializer = new ClusteringPrefix.Deserializer(metadata.comparator, in, header); this.builder = BTreeRow.sortedBuilder(); } public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { if (isReady) return true; prepareNext(); return !isDone; } private void prepareNext() throws IOException { if (isDone) return; nextFlags = in.readUnsignedByte(); if (UnfilteredSerializer.isEndOfPartition(nextFlags)) { isDone = true; isReady = false; return; } nextExtendedFlags = UnfilteredSerializer.readExtendedFlags(in, nextFlags); clusteringDeserializer.prepare(nextFlags, nextExtendedFlags); isReady = true; } public int compareNextTo(ClusteringBound bound) throws IOException { if (!isReady) prepareNext(); assert !isDone; return clusteringDeserializer.compareNextTo(bound); } public boolean nextIsRow() throws IOException { if (!isReady) prepareNext(); return UnfilteredSerializer.kind(nextFlags) == Unfiltered.Kind.ROW; } public boolean nextIsStatic() throws IOException { // This exists only for the sake of the OldFormatDeserializer throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public Unfiltered readNext() throws IOException { isReady = false; if (UnfilteredSerializer.kind(nextFlags) == Unfiltered.Kind.RANGE_TOMBSTONE_MARKER) { ClusteringBoundOrBoundary bound = clusteringDeserializer.deserializeNextBound(); return UnfilteredSerializer.serializer.deserializeMarkerBody(in, header, bound); } else { builder.newRow(clusteringDeserializer.deserializeNextClustering()); return UnfilteredSerializer.serializer.deserializeRowBody(in, header, helper, nextFlags, nextExtendedFlags, builder); } } public void skipNext() throws IOException { isReady = false; clusteringDeserializer.skipNext(); if (UnfilteredSerializer.kind(nextFlags) == Unfiltered.Kind.RANGE_TOMBSTONE_MARKER) { UnfilteredSerializer.serializer.skipMarkerBody(in); } else { UnfilteredSerializer.serializer.skipRowBody(in); } } public void clearState() { isReady = false; isDone = false; } public long bytesReadForUnconsumedData() { // In theory, hasNext() does consume 2-3 bytes, but we don't care about this for the current file format so returning // 0 to mean "do nothing". return 0; } } public static class OldFormatDeserializer extends UnfilteredDeserializer { private final boolean readAllAsDynamic; private boolean skipStatic; // The next Unfiltered to return, computed by hasNext() private Unfiltered next; // Saved position in the input after the next Unfiltered that will be consumed private long nextConsumedPosition; // A temporary storage for an Unfiltered that isn't returned next but should be looked at just afterwards private Stash stash; private boolean couldBeStartOfPartition = true; // The Unfiltered as read from the old format input private final UnfilteredIterator iterator; // The position in the input after the last data consumption (readNext/skipNext). private long lastConsumedPosition; // Tracks the size of the last LegacyAtom read from disk, because this needs to be accounted // for when marking lastConsumedPosition after readNext/skipNext // Reading/skipping an Unfiltered consumes LegacyAtoms from the underlying legacy atom iterator // e.g. hasNext() -> iterator.hasNext() -> iterator.readRow() -> atoms.next() // The stop condition of the loop which groups legacy atoms into rows causes that AtomIterator // to read in the first atom which doesn't belong in the row. So by that point, our position // is actually past the end of the next Unfiltered. To compensate, we record the size of // the last LegacyAtom read and subtract it from the current position when we calculate lastConsumedPosition. // If we don't, then when reading an indexed block, we can over correct and may think that we've // exhausted the block before we actually have. private long bytesReadForNextAtom = 0L; private OldFormatDeserializer(CFMetaData metadata, DataInputPlus in, SerializationHelper helper, DeletionTime partitionDeletion, boolean readAllAsDynamic) { super(metadata, in, helper); this.iterator = new UnfilteredIterator(metadata, partitionDeletion, helper, this::readAtom); this.readAllAsDynamic = readAllAsDynamic; this.lastConsumedPosition = currentPosition(); } private LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom readAtom() { while (true) { try { long pos = currentPosition(); LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom = LegacyLayout.readLegacyAtom(metadata, in, readAllAsDynamic); bytesReadForNextAtom = currentPosition() - pos; return atom; } catch (UnknownColumnException e) { // This is ok, see LegacyLayout.readLegacyAtom() for why this only happens in case were we're ok // skipping the cell. We do want to catch this at this level however because when that happen, // we should *not* count the byte of that discarded cell as part of the bytes for the atom // we will eventually return, as doing so could throw the logic bytesReadForNextAtom participates in. } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOError(e); } } } public void setSkipStatic() { this.skipStatic = true; } private boolean isStatic(Unfiltered unfiltered) { return unfiltered.isRow() && ((Row)unfiltered).isStatic(); } public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { try { while (next == null) { if (null != stash) { next = stash.unfiltered; nextConsumedPosition = stash.consumedPosition; stash = null; } else { if (!iterator.hasNext()) return false; next = iterator.next(); nextConsumedPosition = currentPosition() - bytesReadForNextAtom; } /* * The sstable iterators assume that if there is one, the static row is the first thing this deserializer will return. * However, in the old format, a range tombstone with an empty start would sort before any static cell. So we should * detect that case and return the static parts first if necessary. */ if (couldBeStartOfPartition && next.isRangeTombstoneMarker() && next.clustering().size() == 0 && iterator.hasNext()) { Unfiltered unfiltered = iterator.next(); long consumedPosition = currentPosition() - bytesReadForNextAtom; stash = new Stash(unfiltered, consumedPosition); /* * reorder next and stash (see the comment above that explains why), but retain their positions * it's ok to do so since consumedPosition value is only used to determine if we have gone past * the end of the index ‘block’; since the edge case requires that the first value be the ‘bottom’ * RT bound (i.e. with no byte buffers), this has a small and well-defined size, and it must be * the case that both unfiltered are in the same index ‘block’ if we began at the beginning of it. * if we don't do this, however, we risk aborting early and not returning the BOTTOM rt bound, * if the static row is large enough to cross block boundaries. */ if (isStatic(unfiltered)) { stash.unfiltered = next; next = unfiltered; } } couldBeStartOfPartition = false; // When reading old tables, we sometimes want to skip static data (due to how staticly defined column of compact // tables are handled). if (skipStatic && isStatic(next)) next = null; } return true; } catch (IOError e) { if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof IOException) throw (IOException)e.getCause(); throw e; } } public int compareNextTo(ClusteringBound bound) throws IOException { if (!hasNext()) throw new IllegalStateException(); return metadata.comparator.compare(next.clustering(), bound); } public boolean nextIsRow() throws IOException { if (!hasNext()) throw new IllegalStateException(); return next.isRow(); } public boolean nextIsStatic() throws IOException { return nextIsRow() && ((Row)next).isStatic(); } private long currentPosition() { // We return a bogus value if the input is not file based, but check we never rely // on that value in that case in bytesReadForUnconsumedData return in instanceof FileDataInput ? ((FileDataInput)in).getFilePointer() : 0; } public Unfiltered readNext() throws IOException { if (!hasNext()) throw new IllegalStateException(); Unfiltered toReturn = next; next = null; lastConsumedPosition = nextConsumedPosition; return toReturn; } public void skipNext() throws IOException { readNext(); } // in case we had to reorder an empty RT bound with a static row, this won't be returning the precise unconsumed size, // that corresponds to the last returned Unfiltered, but use the natural order in the sstable instead public long bytesReadForUnconsumedData() { if (!(in instanceof FileDataInput)) throw new AssertionError(); return currentPosition() - lastConsumedPosition; } public void clearState() { next = null; stash = null; couldBeStartOfPartition = true; iterator.clearState(); lastConsumedPosition = currentPosition(); bytesReadForNextAtom = 0L; } private static final class Stash { private Unfiltered unfiltered; long consumedPosition; private Stash(Unfiltered unfiltered, long consumedPosition) { this.unfiltered = unfiltered; this.consumedPosition = consumedPosition; } } // Groups atoms from the input into proper Unfiltered. // Note: this could use guava AbstractIterator except that we want to be able to clear // the internal state of the iterator so it's cleaner to do it ourselves. @VisibleForTesting static class UnfilteredIterator implements PeekingIterator<Unfiltered> { private final AtomIterator atoms; private final LegacyLayout.CellGrouper grouper; private final TombstoneTracker tombstoneTracker; private final CFMetaData metadata; private final SerializationHelper helper; private Unfiltered next; UnfilteredIterator(CFMetaData metadata, DeletionTime partitionDeletion, SerializationHelper helper, Supplier<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> atomReader) { this.metadata = metadata; this.helper = helper; this.grouper = new LegacyLayout.CellGrouper(metadata, helper); this.tombstoneTracker = new TombstoneTracker(partitionDeletion); this.atoms = new AtomIterator(atomReader); } private boolean isRow(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom) { if (atom.isCell()) return true; LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone tombstone = atom.asRangeTombstone(); return tombstone.isCollectionTombstone() || tombstone.isRowDeletion(metadata); } public boolean hasNext() { // Note that we loop on next == null because TombstoneTracker.openNew() could return null below or the atom might be shadowed. while (next == null) { if (atoms.hasNext()) { // If there is a range tombstone to open strictly before the next row/RT, we need to return that open (or boundary) marker first. if (tombstoneTracker.hasOpeningMarkerBefore(atoms.peek())) { next = tombstoneTracker.popOpeningMarker(); } // If a range tombstone closes strictly before the next row/RT, we need to return that close (or boundary) marker first. else if (tombstoneTracker.hasClosingMarkerBefore(atoms.peek())) { next = tombstoneTracker.popClosingMarker(); } else { LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom = atoms.next(); if (tombstoneTracker.isShadowed(atom)) continue; if (isRow(atom)) next = readRow(atom); else tombstoneTracker.openNew(atom.asRangeTombstone()); } } else if (tombstoneTracker.hasOpenTombstones()) { next = tombstoneTracker.popMarker(); } else { return false; } } return true; } private Unfiltered readRow(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom first) { LegacyLayout.CellGrouper grouper = first.isStatic() ? LegacyLayout.CellGrouper.staticGrouper(metadata, helper) : this.grouper; grouper.reset(); grouper.addAtom(first); // As long as atoms are part of the same row, consume them. Note that the call to addAtom() uses // atoms.peek() so that the atom is only consumed (by next) if it's part of the row (addAtom returns true) while (atoms.hasNext() && grouper.addAtom(atoms.peek())) { atoms.next(); } return grouper.getRow(); } public Unfiltered next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); Unfiltered toReturn = next; next = null; return toReturn; } public Unfiltered peek() { if (!hasNext()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); return next; } public void clearState() { atoms.clearState(); tombstoneTracker.clearState(); next = null; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } // Wraps the input of the deserializer to provide an iterator (and skip shadowed atoms). // Note: this could use guava AbstractIterator except that we want to be able to clear // the internal state of the iterator so it's cleaner to do it ourselves. private static class AtomIterator implements PeekingIterator<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> { private final Supplier<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> atomReader; private boolean isDone; private LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom next; private AtomIterator(Supplier<LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom> atomReader) { this.atomReader = atomReader; } public boolean hasNext() { if (isDone) return false; if (next == null) { next = atomReader.get(); if (next == null) { isDone = true; return false; } } return true; } public LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom next() { if (!hasNext()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom toReturn = next; next = null; return toReturn; } public LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom peek() { if (!hasNext()) throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); return next; } public void clearState() { this.next = null; this.isDone = false; } public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }
Tracks which range tombstones are open when deserializing the old format.

This is a bit tricky because in the old of format we could have duplicated tombstones, overlapping ones, shadowed ones, etc.., but we should generate from that a "flat" output where at most one non-shadoowed range is open at any given time and without empty range.

One consequence of that is that we have to be careful to not generate markers too soon. For instance, we might get a range tombstone [1, 1]@3 followed by [1, 10]@5. So if we generate an opening marker on the first tombstone (so INCL_START(1)@3), we're screwed when we get to the 2nd range tombstone: we really should ignore the first tombstone in that that and generate INCL_START(1)@5 (assuming obviously we don't have one more range tombstone starting at 1 in the stream). This is why we have the hasOpeningMarkerBefore method: in practice, we remember when a marker should be opened, but only generate that opening marker when we're sure that we won't get anything shadowing that marker.

For closing marker, we also have a hasClosingMarkerBefore because in the old format the closing markers comes with the opening one, but we should generate them "in order" in the new format.

/** * Tracks which range tombstones are open when deserializing the old format. * <p> * This is a bit tricky because in the old of format we could have duplicated tombstones, overlapping ones, * shadowed ones, etc.., but we should generate from that a "flat" output where at most one non-shadoowed * range is open at any given time and without empty range. * <p> * One consequence of that is that we have to be careful to not generate markers too soon. For instance, * we might get a range tombstone [1, 1]@3 followed by [1, 10]@5. So if we generate an opening marker on * the first tombstone (so INCL_START(1)@3), we're screwed when we get to the 2nd range tombstone: we really * should ignore the first tombstone in that that and generate INCL_START(1)@5 (assuming obviously we don't * have one more range tombstone starting at 1 in the stream). This is why we have the * {@link #hasOpeningMarkerBefore} method: in practice, we remember when a marker should be opened, but only * generate that opening marker when we're sure that we won't get anything shadowing that marker. * <p> * For closing marker, we also have a {@link #hasClosingMarkerBefore} because in the old format the closing * markers comes with the opening one, but we should generate them "in order" in the new format. */
private class TombstoneTracker { private final DeletionTime partitionDeletion; // As explained in the javadoc, we need to wait to generate an opening marker until we're sure we have // seen anything that could shadow it. So this remember a marker that needs to be opened but hasn't // been yet. This is truly returned when hasOpeningMarkerBefore tells us it's safe to. private RangeTombstoneMarker openMarkerToReturn; // Open tombstones sorted by their closing bound (i.e. first tombstone is the first to close). // As we only track non-fully-shadowed ranges, the first range is necessarily the currently // open tombstone (the one with the higher timestamp). private final SortedSet<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> openTombstones; public TombstoneTracker(DeletionTime partitionDeletion) { this.partitionDeletion = partitionDeletion; this.openTombstones = new TreeSet<>((rt1, rt2) -> metadata.comparator.compare(rt1.stop.bound, rt2.stop.bound)); }
Checks if the provided atom is fully shadowed by the open tombstones of this tracker (or the partition deletion).
/** * Checks if the provided atom is fully shadowed by the open tombstones of this tracker (or the partition deletion). */
public boolean isShadowed(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom) { assert !hasClosingMarkerBefore(atom); long timestamp = atom.isCell() ? atom.asCell().timestamp : atom.asRangeTombstone().deletionTime.markedForDeleteAt(); if (partitionDeletion.deletes(timestamp)) return true; SortedSet<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> coveringTombstones = isRow(atom) ? openTombstones : openTombstones.tailSet(atom.asRangeTombstone()); return Iterables.any(coveringTombstones, tombstone -> tombstone.deletionTime.deletes(timestamp)); }
Whether there is an outstanding opening marker that should be returned before we process the provided row/RT.
/** * Whether there is an outstanding opening marker that should be returned before we process the provided row/RT. */
public boolean hasOpeningMarkerBefore(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom) { return openMarkerToReturn != null && metadata.comparator.compare(openMarkerToReturn.openBound(false), atom.clustering()) < 0; } public Unfiltered popOpeningMarker() { assert openMarkerToReturn != null; Unfiltered toReturn = openMarkerToReturn; openMarkerToReturn = null; return toReturn; }
Whether the currently open marker closes stricly before the provided row/RT.
/** * Whether the currently open marker closes stricly before the provided row/RT. */
public boolean hasClosingMarkerBefore(LegacyLayout.LegacyAtom atom) { return !openTombstones.isEmpty() && metadata.comparator.compare(openTombstones.first().stop.bound, atom.clustering()) < 0; }
Returns the unfiltered corresponding to closing the currently open marker (and update the tracker accordingly).
/** * Returns the unfiltered corresponding to closing the currently open marker (and update the tracker accordingly). */
public Unfiltered popClosingMarker() { assert !openTombstones.isEmpty(); Iterator<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> iter = openTombstones.iterator(); LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone first = iter.next(); iter.remove(); // If that was the last open tombstone, we just want to close it. Otherwise, we have a boundary with the // next tombstone if (!iter.hasNext()) return new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(first.stop.bound, first.deletionTime); LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone next = iter.next(); return RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker.makeBoundary(false, first.stop.bound, first.stop.bound.invert(), first.deletionTime, next.deletionTime); }
Pop whatever next marker needs to be popped. This should be called as many time as necessary (until hasOpenTombstones returns {@false}) when all atoms have been consumed to "empty" the tracker.
/** * Pop whatever next marker needs to be popped. This should be called as many time as necessary (until * {@link #hasOpenTombstones} returns {@false}) when all atoms have been consumed to "empty" the tracker. */
public Unfiltered popMarker() { assert hasOpenTombstones(); return openMarkerToReturn == null ? popClosingMarker() : popOpeningMarker(); }
Update the tracker given the provided newly open tombstone. This potentially update openMarkerToReturn to account for th new opening. Note that this method assumes that: + 1) the added tombstone is not fully shadowed: !isShadowed(tombstone). + 2) there is no marker to open that open strictly before this new tombstone: !hasOpeningMarkerBefore(tombstone). + 3) no opened tombstone closes before that tombstone: !hasClosingMarkerBefore(tombstone). + One can check that this is only called after the condition above have been checked in UnfilteredIterator.hasNext above.
/** * Update the tracker given the provided newly open tombstone. This potentially update openMarkerToReturn * to account for th new opening. * * Note that this method assumes that: + 1) the added tombstone is not fully shadowed: !isShadowed(tombstone). + 2) there is no marker to open that open strictly before this new tombstone: !hasOpeningMarkerBefore(tombstone). + 3) no opened tombstone closes before that tombstone: !hasClosingMarkerBefore(tombstone). + One can check that this is only called after the condition above have been checked in UnfilteredIterator.hasNext above. */
public void openNew(LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone tombstone) { if (openTombstones.isEmpty()) { // If we have an openMarkerToReturn, the corresponding RT must be in openTombstones (or we wouldn't know when to close it) assert openMarkerToReturn == null; openTombstones.add(tombstone); openMarkerToReturn = new RangeTombstoneBoundMarker(tombstone.start.bound, tombstone.deletionTime); return; } if (openMarkerToReturn != null) { // If the new opening supersedes the one we're about to return, we need to update the one to return. if (tombstone.deletionTime.supersedes(openMarkerToReturn.openDeletionTime(false))) openMarkerToReturn = openMarkerToReturn.withNewOpeningDeletionTime(false, tombstone.deletionTime); } else { // We have no openMarkerToReturn set yet so set it now if needs be. // Since openTombstones isn't empty, it means we have a currently ongoing deletion. And if the new tombstone // supersedes that ongoing deletion, we need to close the opening deletion and open with the new one. DeletionTime currentOpenDeletion = openTombstones.first().deletionTime; if (tombstone.deletionTime.supersedes(currentOpenDeletion)) openMarkerToReturn = RangeTombstoneBoundaryMarker.makeBoundary(false, tombstone.start.bound.invert(), tombstone.start.bound, currentOpenDeletion, tombstone.deletionTime); } // In all cases, we know !isShadowed(tombstone) so we need to add the tombstone (note however that we may not have set openMarkerToReturn if the // new tombstone doesn't supersedes the current deletion _but_ extend past the marker currently open) add(tombstone); }
Adds a new tombstone to openTombstones, removing anything that would be shadowed by this new tombstone.
/** * Adds a new tombstone to openTombstones, removing anything that would be shadowed by this new tombstone. */
private void add(LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone tombstone) { // First, remove existing tombstone that is shadowed by this tombstone. Iterator<LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone> iter = openTombstones.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { LegacyLayout.LegacyRangeTombstone existing = iter.next(); // openTombstones is ordered by stop bound and the new tombstone can't be shadowing anything that // stop after it. if (metadata.comparator.compare(tombstone.stop.bound, existing.stop.bound) < 0) break; // Note that we remove an existing tombstone even if it is equal to the new one because in that case, // either the existing strictly stops before the new one and we don't want it, or it stops exactly // like the new one but we're going to inconditionally add the new one anyway. if (!existing.deletionTime.supersedes(tombstone.deletionTime)) iter.remove(); } openTombstones.add(tombstone); } public boolean hasOpenTombstones() { return openMarkerToReturn != null || !openTombstones.isEmpty(); } public void clearState() { openMarkerToReturn = null; openTombstones.clear(); } } } } }