 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.avro.generic;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.util.AbstractList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

import org.apache.avro.AvroMissingFieldException;
import org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException;
import org.apache.avro.AvroTypeException;
import org.apache.avro.Conversion;
import org.apache.avro.Conversions;
import org.apache.avro.JsonProperties;
import org.apache.avro.LogicalType;
import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field;
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type;
import org.apache.avro.UnresolvedUnionException;
import org.apache.avro.io.BinaryData;
import org.apache.avro.io.BinaryDecoder;
import org.apache.avro.io.BinaryEncoder;
import org.apache.avro.io.DecoderFactory;
import org.apache.avro.io.EncoderFactory;
import org.apache.avro.io.DatumReader;
import org.apache.avro.io.DatumWriter;
import org.apache.avro.util.Utf8;
import org.apache.avro.util.internal.Accessor;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;

Utilities for generic Java data. See GenericRecordBuilder for a convenient way to build GenericRecord instances.
See Also:
/** * Utilities for generic Java data. See {@link GenericRecordBuilder} for a * convenient way to build {@link GenericRecord} instances. * * @see GenericRecordBuilder */
public class GenericData { private static final GenericData INSTANCE = new GenericData();
Used to specify the Java type for a string schema.
/** Used to specify the Java type for a string schema. */
public enum StringType { CharSequence, String, Utf8 }; public static final String STRING_PROP = "avro.java.string"; protected static final String STRING_TYPE_STRING = "String"; private final ClassLoader classLoader;
Set the Java type to be used when reading this schema. Meaningful only only string schemas and map schemas (for the keys).
/** * Set the Java type to be used when reading this schema. Meaningful only only * string schemas and map schemas (for the keys). */
public static void setStringType(Schema s, StringType stringType) { // Utf8 is the default and implements CharSequence, so we only need to add // a property when the type is String if (stringType == StringType.String) s.addProp(GenericData.STRING_PROP, GenericData.STRING_TYPE_STRING); }
Return the singleton instance.
/** Return the singleton instance. */
public static GenericData get() { return INSTANCE; }
For subclasses. Applications normally use get().
/** For subclasses. Applications normally use {@link GenericData#get()}. */
public GenericData() { this(null); }
For subclasses. GenericData does not use a ClassLoader.
/** For subclasses. GenericData does not use a ClassLoader. */
public GenericData(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.classLoader = (classLoader != null) ? classLoader : getClass().getClassLoader(); }
Return the class loader that's used (by subclasses).
/** Return the class loader that's used (by subclasses). */
public ClassLoader getClassLoader() { return classLoader; } private Map<String, Conversion<?>> conversions = new HashMap<>(); private Map<Class<?>, Map<String, Conversion<?>>> conversionsByClass = new IdentityHashMap<>(); public Collection<Conversion<?>> getConversions() { return conversions.values(); }
Registers the given conversion to be used when reading and writing with this data model.
  • conversion – a logical type Conversion.
/** * Registers the given conversion to be used when reading and writing with this * data model. * * @param conversion a logical type Conversion. */
public void addLogicalTypeConversion(Conversion<?> conversion) { conversions.put(conversion.getLogicalTypeName(), conversion); Class<?> type = conversion.getConvertedType(); if (conversionsByClass.containsKey(type)) { conversionsByClass.get(type).put(conversion.getLogicalTypeName(), conversion); } else { Map<String, Conversion<?>> conversions = new LinkedHashMap<>(); conversions.put(conversion.getLogicalTypeName(), conversion); conversionsByClass.put(type, conversions); } }
Returns the first conversion found for the given class.
  • datumClass – a Class
Returns:the first registered conversion for the class, or null
/** * Returns the first conversion found for the given class. * * @param datumClass a Class * @return the first registered conversion for the class, or null */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Conversion<T> getConversionByClass(Class<T> datumClass) { Map<String, Conversion<?>> conversions = conversionsByClass.get(datumClass); if (conversions != null) { return (Conversion<T>) conversions.values().iterator().next(); } return null; }
Returns the conversion for the given class and logical type.
  • datumClass – a Class
  • logicalType – a LogicalType
Returns:the conversion for the class and logical type, or null
/** * Returns the conversion for the given class and logical type. * * @param datumClass a Class * @param logicalType a LogicalType * @return the conversion for the class and logical type, or null */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Conversion<T> getConversionByClass(Class<T> datumClass, LogicalType logicalType) { Map<String, Conversion<?>> conversions = conversionsByClass.get(datumClass); if (conversions != null) { return (Conversion<T>) conversions.get(logicalType.getName()); } return null; }
Returns the Conversion for the given logical type.
  • logicalType – a logical type
Returns:the conversion for the logical type, or null
/** * Returns the Conversion for the given logical type. * * @param logicalType a logical type * @return the conversion for the logical type, or null */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Conversion<Object> getConversionFor(LogicalType logicalType) { if (logicalType == null) { return null; } return (Conversion<Object>) conversions.get(logicalType.getName()); }
Default implementation of GenericRecord. Note that this implementation does not fill in default values for fields if they are not specified; use GenericRecordBuilder in that case.
See Also:
/** * Default implementation of {@link GenericRecord}. Note that this * implementation does not fill in default values for fields if they are not * specified; use {@link GenericRecordBuilder} in that case. * * @see GenericRecordBuilder */
public static class Record implements GenericRecord, Comparable<Record> { private final Schema schema; private final Object[] values; public Record(Schema schema) { if (schema == null || !Type.RECORD.equals(schema.getType())) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a record schema: " + schema); this.schema = schema; this.values = new Object[schema.getFields().size()]; } public Record(Record other, boolean deepCopy) { schema = other.schema; values = new Object[schema.getFields().size()]; if (deepCopy) { for (int ii = 0; ii < values.length; ii++) { values[ii] = INSTANCE.deepCopy(schema.getFields().get(ii).schema(), other.values[ii]); } } else { System.arraycopy(other.values, 0, values, 0, other.values.length); } } @Override public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } @Override public void put(String key, Object value) { Schema.Field field = schema.getField(key); if (field == null) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not a valid schema field: " + key); values[field.pos()] = value; } @Override public void put(int i, Object v) { values[i] = v; } @Override public Object get(String key) { Field field = schema.getField(key); if (field == null) return null; return values[field.pos()]; } @Override public Object get(int i) { return values[i]; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; // identical object if (!(o instanceof Record)) return false; // not a record Record that = (Record) o; if (!this.schema.equals(that.schema)) return false; // not the same schema return GenericData.get().compare(this, that, schema, true) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return GenericData.get().hashCode(this, schema); } @Override public int compareTo(Record that) { return GenericData.get().compare(this, that, schema); } @Override public String toString() { return GenericData.get().toString(this); } }
Default implementation of an array.
/** Default implementation of an array. */
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") public static class Array<T> extends AbstractList<T> implements GenericArray<T>, Comparable<GenericArray<T>> { private static final Object[] EMPTY = new Object[0]; private final Schema schema; private int size; private Object[] elements = EMPTY; public Array(int capacity, Schema schema) { if (schema == null || !Type.ARRAY.equals(schema.getType())) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an array schema: " + schema); this.schema = schema; if (capacity != 0) elements = new Object[capacity]; } public Array(Schema schema, Collection<T> c) { if (schema == null || !Type.ARRAY.equals(schema.getType())) throw new AvroRuntimeException("Not an array schema: " + schema); this.schema = schema; if (c != null) { elements = new Object[c.size()]; addAll(c); } } @Override public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } @Override public int size() { return size; } @Override public void clear() { // Let GC do its work Arrays.fill(elements, 0, size, null); size = 0; } @Override public void reset() { size = 0; } @Override public void prune() { if (size < elements.length) { Arrays.fill(elements, size, elements.length, null); } } @Override public Iterator<T> iterator() { return new Iterator<T>() { private int position = 0; @Override public boolean hasNext() { return position < size; } @Override public T next() { return (T) elements[position++]; } @Override public void remove() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } }; } @Override public T get(int i) { if (i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + i + " out of bounds."); return (T) elements[i]; } @Override public void add(int location, T o) { if (location > size || location < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + location + " out of bounds."); } if (size == elements.length) { // Increase size by 1.5x + 1 final int newSize = size + (size >> 1) + 1; elements = Arrays.copyOf(elements, newSize); } System.arraycopy(elements, location, elements, location + 1, size - location); elements[location] = o; size++; } @Override public T set(int i, T o) { if (i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + i + " out of bounds."); T response = (T) elements[i]; elements[i] = o; return response; } @Override public T remove(int i) { if (i >= size) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index " + i + " out of bounds."); T result = (T) elements[i]; --size; System.arraycopy(elements, i + 1, elements, i, (size - i)); elements[size] = null; return result; } @Override public T peek() { return (size < elements.length) ? (T) elements[size] : null; } @Override public int compareTo(GenericArray<T> that) { return GenericData.get().compare(this, that, this.getSchema()); } @Override public void reverse() { int left = 0; int right = elements.length - 1; while (left < right) { Object tmp = elements[left]; elements[left] = elements[right]; elements[right] = tmp; left++; right--; } } }
Default implementation of GenericFixed.
/** Default implementation of {@link GenericFixed}. */
public static class Fixed implements GenericFixed, Comparable<Fixed> { private Schema schema; private byte[] bytes; public Fixed(Schema schema) { setSchema(schema); } public Fixed(Schema schema, byte[] bytes) { this.schema = schema; this.bytes = bytes; } protected Fixed() { } protected void setSchema(Schema schema) { this.schema = schema; this.bytes = new byte[schema.getFixedSize()]; } @Override public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } public void bytes(byte[] bytes) { this.bytes = bytes; } @Override public byte[] bytes() { return bytes; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; return o instanceof GenericFixed && Arrays.equals(bytes, ((GenericFixed) o).bytes()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return Arrays.hashCode(bytes); } @Override public String toString() { return Arrays.toString(bytes); } @Override public int compareTo(Fixed that) { return BinaryData.compareBytes(this.bytes, 0, this.bytes.length, that.bytes, 0, that.bytes.length); } }
Default implementation of GenericEnumSymbol.
/** Default implementation of {@link GenericEnumSymbol}. */
public static class EnumSymbol implements GenericEnumSymbol<EnumSymbol> { private Schema schema; private String symbol; public EnumSymbol(Schema schema, String symbol) { this.schema = schema; this.symbol = symbol; }
Maps existing Objects into an Avro enum by calling toString(), eg for Java Enums
/** * Maps existing Objects into an Avro enum by calling toString(), eg for Java * Enums */
public EnumSymbol(Schema schema, Object symbol) { this(schema, symbol.toString()); } @Override public Schema getSchema() { return schema; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) return true; return o instanceof GenericEnumSymbol && symbol.equals(o.toString()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return symbol.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return symbol; } @Override public int compareTo(EnumSymbol that) { return GenericData.get().compare(this, that, schema); } }
Returns a DatumReader for this kind of data.
/** Returns a {@link DatumReader} for this kind of data. */
public DatumReader createDatumReader(Schema schema) { return new GenericDatumReader(schema, schema, this); }
Returns a DatumReader for this kind of data.
/** Returns a {@link DatumReader} for this kind of data. */
public DatumReader createDatumReader(Schema writer, Schema reader) { return new GenericDatumReader(writer, reader, this); }
Returns a DatumWriter for this kind of data.
/** Returns a {@link DatumWriter} for this kind of data. */
public DatumWriter createDatumWriter(Schema schema) { return new GenericDatumWriter(schema, this); }
Returns true if a Java datum matches a schema.
/** Returns true if a Java datum matches a schema. */
public boolean validate(Schema schema, Object datum) { switch (schema.getType()) { case RECORD: if (!isRecord(datum)) return false; for (Field f : schema.getFields()) { if (!validate(f.schema(), getField(datum, f.name(), f.pos()))) return false; } return true; case ENUM: if (!isEnum(datum)) return false; return schema.getEnumSymbols().contains(datum.toString()); case ARRAY: if (!(isArray(datum))) return false; for (Object element : getArrayAsCollection(datum)) if (!validate(schema.getElementType(), element)) return false; return true; case MAP: if (!(isMap(datum))) return false; @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") Map<Object, Object> map = (Map<Object, Object>) datum; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) if (!validate(schema.getValueType(), entry.getValue())) return false; return true; case UNION: try { int i = resolveUnion(schema, datum); return validate(schema.getTypes().get(i), datum); } catch (UnresolvedUnionException e) { return false; } case FIXED: return datum instanceof GenericFixed && ((GenericFixed) datum).bytes().length == schema.getFixedSize(); case STRING: return isString(datum); case BYTES: return isBytes(datum); case INT: return isInteger(datum); case LONG: return isLong(datum); case FLOAT: return isFloat(datum); case DOUBLE: return isDouble(datum); case BOOLEAN: return isBoolean(datum); case NULL: return datum == null; default: return false; } }
Renders a Java datum as JSON.
/** Renders a Java datum as <a href="https://www.json.org/">JSON</a>. */
public String toString(Object datum) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); toString(datum, buffer, new IdentityHashMap<>(128)); return buffer.toString(); } private static final String TOSTRING_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_ERROR_TEXT = " \">>> CIRCULAR REFERENCE CANNOT BE PUT IN JSON STRING, ABORTING RECURSION <<<\" ";
Renders a Java datum as JSON.
/** Renders a Java datum as <a href="https://www.json.org/">JSON</a>. */
protected void toString(Object datum, StringBuilder buffer, IdentityHashMap<Object, Object> seenObjects) { if (isRecord(datum)) { if (seenObjects.containsKey(datum)) { buffer.append(TOSTRING_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_ERROR_TEXT); return; } seenObjects.put(datum, datum); buffer.append("{"); int count = 0; Schema schema = getRecordSchema(datum); for (Field f : schema.getFields()) { toString(f.name(), buffer, seenObjects); buffer.append(": "); toString(getField(datum, f.name(), f.pos()), buffer, seenObjects); if (++count < schema.getFields().size()) buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append("}"); seenObjects.remove(datum); } else if (isArray(datum)) { if (seenObjects.containsKey(datum)) { buffer.append(TOSTRING_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_ERROR_TEXT); return; } seenObjects.put(datum, datum); Collection<?> array = getArrayAsCollection(datum); buffer.append("["); long last = array.size() - 1; int i = 0; for (Object element : array) { toString(element, buffer, seenObjects); if (i++ < last) buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append("]"); seenObjects.remove(datum); } else if (isMap(datum)) { if (seenObjects.containsKey(datum)) { buffer.append(TOSTRING_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_ERROR_TEXT); return; } seenObjects.put(datum, datum); buffer.append("{"); int count = 0; @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") Map<Object, Object> map = (Map<Object, Object>) datum; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { buffer.append("\""); writeEscapedString(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), buffer); buffer.append("\": "); toString(entry.getValue(), buffer, seenObjects); if (++count < map.size()) buffer.append(", "); } buffer.append("}"); seenObjects.remove(datum); } else if (isString(datum) || isEnum(datum)) { buffer.append("\""); writeEscapedString(datum.toString(), buffer); buffer.append("\""); } else if (isBytes(datum)) { buffer.append("\""); ByteBuffer bytes = ((ByteBuffer) datum).duplicate(); writeEscapedString(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1.decode(bytes), buffer); buffer.append("\""); } else if (((datum instanceof Float) && // quote Nan & Infinity (((Float) datum).isInfinite() || ((Float) datum).isNaN())) || ((datum instanceof Double) && (((Double) datum).isInfinite() || ((Double) datum).isNaN()))) { buffer.append("\""); buffer.append(datum); buffer.append("\""); } else if (datum instanceof GenericData) { if (seenObjects.containsKey(datum)) { buffer.append(TOSTRING_CIRCULAR_REFERENCE_ERROR_TEXT); return; } seenObjects.put(datum, datum); toString(datum, buffer, seenObjects); seenObjects.remove(datum); } else { buffer.append(datum); } } /* Adapted from https://code.google.com/p/json-simple */ private void writeEscapedString(CharSequence string, StringBuilder builder) { for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { char ch = string.charAt(i); switch (ch) { case '"': builder.append("\\\""); break; case '\\': builder.append("\\\\"); break; case '\b': builder.append("\\b"); break; case '\f': builder.append("\\f"); break; case '\n': builder.append("\\n"); break; case '\r': builder.append("\\r"); break; case '\t': builder.append("\\t"); break; default: // Reference: https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode5.1.0/ if ((ch >= '\u0000' && ch <= '\u001F') || (ch >= '\u007F' && ch <= '\u009F') || (ch >= '\u2000' && ch <= '\u20FF')) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(ch); builder.append("\\u"); for (int j = 0; j < 4 - hex.length(); j++) builder.append('0'); builder.append(hex.toUpperCase()); } else { builder.append(ch); } } } }
Create a schema given an example datum.
/** Create a schema given an example datum. */
public Schema induce(Object datum) { if (isRecord(datum)) { return getRecordSchema(datum); } else if (isArray(datum)) { Schema elementType = null; for (Object element : getArrayAsCollection(datum)) { if (elementType == null) { elementType = induce(element); } else if (!elementType.equals(induce(element))) { throw new AvroTypeException("No mixed type arrays."); } } if (elementType == null) { throw new AvroTypeException("Empty array: " + datum); } return Schema.createArray(elementType); } else if (isMap(datum)) { @SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") Map<Object, Object> map = (Map<Object, Object>) datum; Schema value = null; for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { if (value == null) { value = induce(entry.getValue()); } else if (!value.equals(induce(entry.getValue()))) { throw new AvroTypeException("No mixed type map values."); } } if (value == null) { throw new AvroTypeException("Empty map: " + datum); } return Schema.createMap(value); } else if (datum instanceof GenericFixed) { return Schema.createFixed(null, null, null, ((GenericFixed) datum).bytes().length); } else if (isString(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.STRING); else if (isBytes(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.BYTES); else if (isInteger(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.INT); else if (isLong(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.LONG); else if (isFloat(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.FLOAT); else if (isDouble(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.DOUBLE); else if (isBoolean(datum)) return Schema.create(Type.BOOLEAN); else if (datum == null) return Schema.create(Type.NULL); else throw new AvroTypeException("Can't create schema for: " + datum); }
Called by GenericDatumReader.readRecord to set a record fields value to a record instance. The default implementation is for IndexedRecord.
/** * Called by {@link GenericDatumReader#readRecord} to set a record fields value * to a record instance. The default implementation is for * {@link IndexedRecord}. */
public void setField(Object record, String name, int position, Object o) { ((IndexedRecord) record).put(position, o); }
Called by GenericDatumReader.readRecord to retrieve a record field value from a reused instance. The default implementation is for IndexedRecord.
/** * Called by {@link GenericDatumReader#readRecord} to retrieve a record field * value from a reused instance. The default implementation is for * {@link IndexedRecord}. */
public Object getField(Object record, String name, int position) { return ((IndexedRecord) record).get(position); }
Produce state for repeated calls to getField(Object, String, int, Object) and setField(Object, String, int, Object, Object) on the same record.
/** * Produce state for repeated calls to * {@link #getField(Object,String,int,Object)} and * {@link #setField(Object,String,int,Object,Object)} on the same record. */
protected Object getRecordState(Object record, Schema schema) { return null; }
Version of setField that has state.
/** Version of {@link #setField} that has state. */
protected void setField(Object r, String n, int p, Object o, Object state) { setField(r, n, p, o); }
Version of getField that has state.
/** Version of {@link #getField} that has state. */
protected Object getField(Object record, String name, int pos, Object state) { return getField(record, name, pos); }
Return the index for a datum within a union. Implemented with Schema.getIndexNamed(String) and getSchemaName(Object).
/** * Return the index for a datum within a union. Implemented with * {@link Schema#getIndexNamed(String)} and {@link #getSchemaName(Object)}. */
public int resolveUnion(Schema union, Object datum) { // if there is a logical type that works, use it first // this allows logical type concrete classes to overlap with supported ones // for example, a conversion could return a map if (datum != null) { Map<String, Conversion<?>> conversions = conversionsByClass.get(datum.getClass()); if (conversions != null) { List<Schema> candidates = union.getTypes(); for (int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); i += 1) { LogicalType candidateType = candidates.get(i).getLogicalType(); if (candidateType != null) { Conversion<?> conversion = conversions.get(candidateType.getName()); if (conversion != null) { return i; } } } } } Integer i = union.getIndexNamed(getSchemaName(datum)); if (i != null) return i; throw new UnresolvedUnionException(union, datum); }
Return the schema full name for a datum. Called by resolveUnion(Schema, Object).
/** * Return the schema full name for a datum. Called by * {@link #resolveUnion(Schema,Object)}. */
protected String getSchemaName(Object datum) { if (datum == null || datum == JsonProperties.NULL_VALUE) return Type.NULL.getName(); if (isRecord(datum)) return getRecordSchema(datum).getFullName(); if (isEnum(datum)) return getEnumSchema(datum).getFullName(); if (isArray(datum)) return Type.ARRAY.getName(); if (isMap(datum)) return Type.MAP.getName(); if (isFixed(datum)) return getFixedSchema(datum).getFullName(); if (isString(datum)) return Type.STRING.getName(); if (isBytes(datum)) return Type.BYTES.getName(); if (isInteger(datum)) return Type.INT.getName(); if (isLong(datum)) return Type.LONG.getName(); if (isFloat(datum)) return Type.FLOAT.getName(); if (isDouble(datum)) return Type.DOUBLE.getName(); if (isBoolean(datum)) return Type.BOOLEAN.getName(); throw new AvroRuntimeException(String.format("Unknown datum type %s: %s", datum.getClass().getName(), datum)); }
Called by resolveUnion(Schema, Object). May be overridden for alternate data representations.
/** * Called by {@link #resolveUnion(Schema,Object)}. May be overridden for * alternate data representations. */
protected boolean instanceOf(Schema schema, Object datum) { switch (schema.getType()) { case RECORD: if (!isRecord(datum)) return false; return (schema.getFullName() == null) ? getRecordSchema(datum).getFullName() == null : schema.getFullName().equals(getRecordSchema(datum).getFullName()); case ENUM: if (!isEnum(datum)) return false; return schema.getFullName().equals(getEnumSchema(datum).getFullName()); case ARRAY: return isArray(datum); case MAP: return isMap(datum); case FIXED: if (!isFixed(datum)) return false; return schema.getFullName().equals(getFixedSchema(datum).getFullName()); case STRING: return isString(datum); case BYTES: return isBytes(datum); case INT: return isInteger(datum); case LONG: return isLong(datum); case FLOAT: return isFloat(datum); case DOUBLE: return isDouble(datum); case BOOLEAN: return isBoolean(datum); case NULL: return datum == null; default: throw new AvroRuntimeException("Unexpected type: " + schema); } }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isArray(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Collection; }
Called to access an array as a collection.
/** Called to access an array as a collection. */
protected Collection getArrayAsCollection(Object datum) { return (Collection) datum; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isRecord(Object datum) { return datum instanceof IndexedRecord; }
Called to obtain the schema of a record. By default calls {GenericContainer#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate record representations.
/** * Called to obtain the schema of a record. By default calls * {GenericContainer#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate record * representations. */
protected Schema getRecordSchema(Object record) { return ((GenericContainer) record).getSchema(); }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isEnum(Object datum) { return datum instanceof GenericEnumSymbol; }
Called to obtain the schema of a enum. By default calls {GenericContainer#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate enum representations.
/** * Called to obtain the schema of a enum. By default calls * {GenericContainer#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate enum * representations. */
protected Schema getEnumSchema(Object enu) { return ((GenericContainer) enu).getSchema(); }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isMap(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Map; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isFixed(Object datum) { return datum instanceof GenericFixed; }
Called to obtain the schema of a fixed. By default calls {GenericContainer#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate fixed representations.
/** * Called to obtain the schema of a fixed. By default calls * {GenericContainer#getSchema(). May be overridden for alternate fixed * representations. */
protected Schema getFixedSchema(Object fixed) { return ((GenericContainer) fixed).getSchema(); }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isString(Object datum) { return datum instanceof CharSequence; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isBytes(Object datum) { return datum instanceof ByteBuffer; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** * Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isInteger(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Integer; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** * Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isLong(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Long; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** * Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isFloat(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Float; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** * Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isDouble(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Double; }
Called by the default implementation of instanceOf.
/** * Called by the default implementation of {@link #instanceOf}. */
protected boolean isBoolean(Object datum) { return datum instanceof Boolean; }
Compute a hash code according to a schema, consistent with compare(Object, Object, Schema).
/** * Compute a hash code according to a schema, consistent with * {@link #compare(Object,Object,Schema)}. */
public int hashCode(Object o, Schema s) { if (o == null) return 0; // incomplete datum int hashCode = 1; switch (s.getType()) { case RECORD: for (Field f : s.getFields()) { if (f.order() == Field.Order.IGNORE) continue; hashCode = hashCodeAdd(hashCode, getField(o, f.name(), f.pos()), f.schema()); } return hashCode; case ARRAY: Collection<?> a = (Collection<?>) o; Schema elementType = s.getElementType(); for (Object e : a) hashCode = hashCodeAdd(hashCode, e, elementType); return hashCode; case UNION: return hashCode(o, s.getTypes().get(resolveUnion(s, o))); case ENUM: return s.getEnumOrdinal(o.toString()); case NULL: return 0; case STRING: return (o instanceof Utf8 ? o : new Utf8(o.toString())).hashCode(); default: return o.hashCode(); } }
Add the hash code for an object into an accumulated hash code.
/** Add the hash code for an object into an accumulated hash code. */
protected int hashCodeAdd(int hashCode, Object o, Schema s) { return 31 * hashCode + hashCode(o, s); }
Compare objects according to their schema. If equal, return zero. If greater-than, return 1, if less than return -1. Order is consistent with that of BinaryData.compare(byte[], int, byte[], int, Schema).
/** * Compare objects according to their schema. If equal, return zero. If * greater-than, return 1, if less than return -1. Order is consistent with that * of {@link BinaryData#compare(byte[], int, byte[], int, Schema)}. */
public int compare(Object o1, Object o2, Schema s) { return compare(o1, o2, s, false); }
Comparison implementation. When equals is true, only checks for equality, not for order.
/** * Comparison implementation. When equals is true, only checks for equality, not * for order. */
@SuppressWarnings(value = "unchecked") protected int compare(Object o1, Object o2, Schema s, boolean equals) { if (o1 == o2) return 0; switch (s.getType()) { case RECORD: for (Field f : s.getFields()) { if (f.order() == Field.Order.IGNORE) continue; // ignore this field int pos = f.pos(); String name = f.name(); int compare = compare(getField(o1, name, pos), getField(o2, name, pos), f.schema(), equals); if (compare != 0) // not equal return f.order() == Field.Order.DESCENDING ? -compare : compare; } return 0; case ENUM: return s.getEnumOrdinal(o1.toString()) - s.getEnumOrdinal(o2.toString()); case ARRAY: Collection a1 = (Collection) o1; Collection a2 = (Collection) o2; Iterator e1 = a1.iterator(); Iterator e2 = a2.iterator(); Schema elementType = s.getElementType(); while (e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) { int compare = compare(e1.next(), e2.next(), elementType, equals); if (compare != 0) return compare; } return e1.hasNext() ? 1 : (e2.hasNext() ? -1 : 0); case MAP: if (equals) return o1.equals(o2) ? 0 : 1; throw new AvroRuntimeException("Can't compare maps!"); case UNION: int i1 = resolveUnion(s, o1); int i2 = resolveUnion(s, o2); return (i1 == i2) ? compare(o1, o2, s.getTypes().get(i1), equals) : Integer.compare(i1, i2); case NULL: return 0; case STRING: Utf8 u1 = o1 instanceof Utf8 ? (Utf8) o1 : new Utf8(o1.toString()); Utf8 u2 = o2 instanceof Utf8 ? (Utf8) o2 : new Utf8(o2.toString()); return u1.compareTo(u2); default: return ((Comparable) o1).compareTo(o2); } } private final Map<Field, Object> defaultValueCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new WeakHashMap<>());
Gets the default value of the given field, if any.
  • field – the field whose default value should be retrieved.
Returns:the default value associated with the given field, or null if none is specified in the schema.
/** * Gets the default value of the given field, if any. * * @param field the field whose default value should be retrieved. * @return the default value associated with the given field, or null if none is * specified in the schema. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public Object getDefaultValue(Field field) { JsonNode json = Accessor.defaultValue(field); if (json == null) throw new AvroMissingFieldException("Field " + field + " not set and has no default value", field); if (json.isNull() && (field.schema().getType() == Type.NULL || (field.schema().getType() == Type.UNION && field.schema().getTypes().get(0).getType() == Type.NULL))) { return null; } // Check the cache Object defaultValue = defaultValueCache.get(field); // If not cached, get the default Java value by encoding the default JSON // value and then decoding it: if (defaultValue == null) try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); BinaryEncoder encoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(baos, null); Accessor.encode(encoder, field.schema(), json); encoder.flush(); BinaryDecoder decoder = DecoderFactory.get().binaryDecoder(baos.toByteArray(), null); defaultValue = createDatumReader(field.schema()).read(null, decoder); // this MAY result in two threads creating the same defaultValue // and calling put. The last thread will win. However, // that's not an issue. defaultValueCache.put(field, defaultValue); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AvroRuntimeException(e); } return defaultValue; } private static final Schema STRINGS = Schema.create(Type.STRING);
Makes a deep copy of a value given its schema.

Logical types are converted to raw types, copied, then converted back.

  • schema – the schema of the value to deep copy.
  • value – the value to deep copy.
Returns:a deep copy of the given value.
/** * Makes a deep copy of a value given its schema. * <P> * Logical types are converted to raw types, copied, then converted back. * * @param schema the schema of the value to deep copy. * @param value the value to deep copy. * @return a deep copy of the given value. */
@SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" }) public <T> T deepCopy(Schema schema, T value) { if (value == null) return null; LogicalType logicalType = schema.getLogicalType(); if (logicalType == null) // not a logical type -- use raw copy return (T) deepCopyRaw(schema, value); Conversion conversion = getConversionByClass(value.getClass(), logicalType); if (conversion == null) // no conversion defined -- try raw copy return (T) deepCopyRaw(schema, value); // logical type with conversion: convert to raw, copy, then convert back to // logical Object raw = Conversions.convertToRawType(value, schema, logicalType, conversion); Object copy = deepCopyRaw(schema, raw); // copy raw return (T) Conversions.convertToLogicalType(copy, schema, logicalType, conversion); } private Object deepCopyRaw(Schema schema, Object value) { if (value == null) { return null; } switch (schema.getType()) { case ARRAY: List<Object> arrayValue = (List) value; List<Object> arrayCopy = new GenericData.Array<>(arrayValue.size(), schema); for (Object obj : arrayValue) { arrayCopy.add(deepCopy(schema.getElementType(), obj)); } return arrayCopy; case BOOLEAN: return value; // immutable case BYTES: ByteBuffer byteBufferValue = (ByteBuffer) value; int start = byteBufferValue.position(); int length = byteBufferValue.limit() - start; byte[] bytesCopy = new byte[length]; byteBufferValue.get(bytesCopy, 0, length); byteBufferValue.position(start); return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytesCopy, 0, length); case DOUBLE: return value; // immutable case ENUM: return createEnum(value.toString(), schema); case FIXED: return createFixed(null, ((GenericFixed) value).bytes(), schema); case FLOAT: return value; // immutable case INT: return value; // immutable case LONG: return value; // immutable case MAP: Map<CharSequence, Object> mapValue = (Map) value; Map<CharSequence, Object> mapCopy = new HashMap<>(mapValue.size()); for (Map.Entry<CharSequence, Object> entry : mapValue.entrySet()) { mapCopy.put(deepCopy(STRINGS, entry.getKey()), deepCopy(schema.getValueType(), entry.getValue())); } return mapCopy; case NULL: return null; case RECORD: Object oldState = getRecordState(value, schema); Object newRecord = newRecord(null, schema); Object newState = getRecordState(newRecord, schema); for (Field f : schema.getFields()) { int pos = f.pos(); String name = f.name(); Object newValue = deepCopy(f.schema(), getField(value, name, pos, oldState)); setField(newRecord, name, pos, newValue, newState); } return newRecord; case STRING: // Strings are immutable if (value instanceof String) { return value; } // Some CharSequence subclasses are mutable, so we still need to make // a copy else if (value instanceof Utf8) { // Utf8 copy constructor is more efficient than converting // to string and then back to Utf8 return new Utf8((Utf8) value); } return new Utf8(value.toString()); case UNION: return deepCopy(schema.getTypes().get(resolveUnion(schema, value)), value); default: throw new AvroRuntimeException("Deep copy failed for schema \"" + schema + "\" and value \"" + value + "\""); } }
Called to create an fixed value. May be overridden for alternate fixed representations. By default, returns GenericFixed.
/** * Called to create an fixed value. May be overridden for alternate fixed * representations. By default, returns {@link GenericFixed}. */
public Object createFixed(Object old, Schema schema) { if ((old instanceof GenericFixed) && ((GenericFixed) old).bytes().length == schema.getFixedSize()) return old; return new GenericData.Fixed(schema); }
Called to create an fixed value. May be overridden for alternate fixed representations. By default, returns GenericFixed.
/** * Called to create an fixed value. May be overridden for alternate fixed * representations. By default, returns {@link GenericFixed}. */
public Object createFixed(Object old, byte[] bytes, Schema schema) { GenericFixed fixed = (GenericFixed) createFixed(old, schema); System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, fixed.bytes(), 0, schema.getFixedSize()); return fixed; }
Called to create an enum value. May be overridden for alternate enum representations. By default, returns a GenericEnumSymbol.
/** * Called to create an enum value. May be overridden for alternate enum * representations. By default, returns a GenericEnumSymbol. */
public Object createEnum(String symbol, Schema schema) { return new EnumSymbol(schema, symbol); }
Called to create new record instances. Subclasses may override to use a different record implementation. The returned instance must conform to the schema provided. If the old object contains fields not present in the schema, they should either be removed from the old object, or it should create a new instance that conforms to the schema. By default, this returns a Record.
/** * Called to create new record instances. Subclasses may override to use a * different record implementation. The returned instance must conform to the * schema provided. If the old object contains fields not present in the schema, * they should either be removed from the old object, or it should create a new * instance that conforms to the schema. By default, this returns a * {@link GenericData.Record}. */
public Object newRecord(Object old, Schema schema) { if (old instanceof IndexedRecord) { IndexedRecord record = (IndexedRecord) old; if (record.getSchema() == schema) return record; } return new GenericData.Record(schema); } }