package junit.framework;

import org.junit.internal.Throwables;

A TestFailure collects a failed test together with the caught exception.
See Also:
/** * A {@code TestFailure} collects a failed test together with * the caught exception. * * @see TestResult */
public class TestFailure { protected Test fFailedTest; protected Throwable fThrownException;
Constructs a TestFailure with the given test and exception.
/** * Constructs a TestFailure with the given test and exception. */
public TestFailure(Test failedTest, Throwable thrownException) { fFailedTest = failedTest; fThrownException = thrownException; }
Gets the failed test.
/** * Gets the failed test. */
public Test failedTest() { return fFailedTest; }
Gets the thrown exception.
/** * Gets the thrown exception. */
public Throwable thrownException() { return fThrownException; }
Returns a short description of the failure.
/** * Returns a short description of the failure. */
@Override public String toString() { return fFailedTest + ": " + fThrownException.getMessage(); }
Returns a String containing the stack trace of the error thrown by TestFailure.
/** * Returns a String containing the stack trace of the error * thrown by TestFailure. */
public String trace() { return Throwables.getStacktrace(thrownException()); }
Returns a String containing the message from the thrown exception.
/** * Returns a String containing the message from the thrown exception. */
public String exceptionMessage() { return thrownException().getMessage(); }
Returns true if the error is considered a failure (i.e. if it is an instance of AssertionFailedError), false otherwise.
/** * Returns {@code true} if the error is considered a failure * (i.e. if it is an instance of {@code AssertionFailedError}), * {@code false} otherwise. */
public boolean isFailure() { return thrownException() instanceof AssertionFailedError; } }